Topic started by cosmician (@ on Tue Mar 26 01:26:00 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All,
Apologise for this sudden and unusual thread.
We have regular contributors and silent watchers in these forums, some new, some have been there since inception of the forums. Today we have a lot of new faces and there will be more.
I am just curious to know about which year/month did you join in the discussions here..
..I still remember chancing upon newtfmpage in Jan 2001 and sparking off a war in the 'IR's latest' thread unknowingly without realizing the ongoing IR-ARR fans blood feud ! A few of the DFers who were around (and are still)around were : kiru (the audiologist), bharath (a new generation fan), swami (sangeetha vidwan and once Bharath's nemesis!), common friend (a balanced fan), ambleen, eden(who got hurt when I said that he was still stuck in the 70s!), Karthik S (the music dealer who can make out a fake from an original!)...and a lot more interesting people that I have not mentioned !
Could you guys/gals tell us when and how you joined the discussions here and also narrate any funny incidents or discussions that had happened ?
- Old responses
- From: rajaG (@
on: Mon Apr 1 09:49:54 EST 2002
Thanks for your kind words!
- From: Bharath (@
on: Mon Apr 1 11:03:51 EST 2002
guys in all the days in tfm forum land i never got to know what NOM was..
can anyone tell me what NOM stands for..
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Mon Apr 1 11:18:48 EST 2002
Nostalgic recollections are possible only among insiders. I was recollecting the good and the bad highlights and the e-mail dispute I recollected did come under the bad. I could've cleaned it up here, but in the interest of sharing behind-the-scenes tales with friends at a reunion, I left it in.
Don't you recall racy incidents when in the midst of friends? I guess it doesn't matter. If it offended your sensibilities, I'm truly sorry. In a microcosm, my original post, your response, Srinath's defense, your reply to that and my post now all seem reflective of the whole DF cycle.
This thread indeed feels like a reunion. I'm warmed by all the recollections and how much it meant to so many of you.
- From: AVR (@
on: Mon Apr 1 11:44:47 EST 2002
i repeat my intention was not to hurt you...maybe i just hit a nerve :-) sorry!
as i said, i a new member here. so nice to know u!
- From: Naaz (@
on: Mon Apr 1 12:08:44 EST 2002
No Offence Meant ( apparently) - that's NOM for you, Bharath.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Mon Apr 1 12:42:56 EST 2002
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Apr 1 13:17:46 EST 2002
Srinath..you once 'bass should be felt not heard' still I did not listen to you :) and tried to setup a system where I can hear it. It has been a costly exercise but now I am discovering the hidden facet of many songs..and yes I have stopped hearing them but feeling much better :)
(arun_uk thanks for the compliment and prabhudas isn't it nice to go back to listening our fav music when we are outside the country ? I had the same experience like you. Same goes for food, I guess)
- From: isaiosai (@
on: Mon Apr 1 15:09:16 EST 2002
To start with, I would like to thank the team behind the website for conceiving and coming up with this excellent newtfmpage.com DF - the best FM DF on the web.
I came across this site during mid-2000 when I was searching for songs of IR. Earlier while in India, I had heard many songs of almost all other MDs and singers of Telugu and Hindi, besides quite some oldies in Tamil (because of my parents and grandparents) including a few of IR's, to which I had rare and limited access. I began to understand music, IR's music in specific, in non-technical terms.
My work place here was somewhat similar to that of sabesan's :-), and so, from the links given in this site I started listening to the hidden treasures of songs that I could have never ever imagined gaining access to - from sites of Jitender, Balaji, STS and many other prominent ones that I fail to recollect. Rex's site was down by then (which had some rare and great collection:-() and others too started removing the songs and bgms. So, besides my office mail and personal mail windows, and visiting raaja.com, newtfmpage.com would be the other window:-)
I would frequent only the IR's new albums and ARR's new releases threads to start with, and was content being a silent watcher. I spent quite some time going thru the vast knowledge base in the archives and began to understand/appreciate many things about technical aspects of music/songs, spirit of discussions, decent sense of humour (quite musical at times i.e., in musical terms), power of words, levels of understanding and tolerance among many other things, besides trying to understand the very person from the posts to the best of my abilities. I could see a genuine sense of goodness, honesty, decency and frankness in the df. I was also surprised and very glad to note that many conversed in Tamil (in English:)) freely, that I had not anticipated (maybe, my ignorance:(). It made me feel quite proud and gave an unusual feeling of comfort. Probably because, to my pleasant surprise, I was exposed to a large Tamil music loving community (including non-Tamilians). Over a period of time, I came to know by name, most of the prominent old timers and the existing dfers.
My first post was in the thread that Bharath had started on Indian and Western sounding music. I like IR and MR...the r&ds that they do, the risk they take and how they try to be different. Also, my job involves some risk. Probably inspired by these, for the sake of being a little different and fully being aware of my very limited musical knowledge and capabilities in discussions when compared to all other jAmbavAns, I took the risk of comparing IR and MR (a MD with a Director), brought in a little of spiritual/devotional/religious and culture element, and yet, tried to relate it to the topic on hand. That remains to be my longest post.
Considering the fact that I am supposedly an introvert (never having participated in debates etc.), I could not believe my long post. I was expecting to be thumped by all and sundry but was pleasantly surprised to see few CLAPs and appreciation in Tamil from Kupps (gem of a noble person, pun intended:)) as the first response. The fact that my post made sense to one had exceeded my expectations:-). And to my surprise, kiru (the audioligist), Bharath (the fearless) and few others saw some sense too and expressed the same. However, it was not long before I got what I had originally expected, from none other than Udhaya (the best lyricist we have here), the person whom I feared the most (going by the archives):-). Many unexpected, interesting and thought-provoking ideas were exchanged in due course in that thread (at least, that's what i thought), including some insipid and avoidable digressions. I surprised myself when I almost defined culture:-) The sorry thing was that it was not really too music oriented (was non-technical), probably, bcos of my limited (lack of?) musical knowledge which ended up bugging the more musically (technically) serious Srikanth (our famous MD in the making). I felt so, although Srikanth (and others) did not say anything to me directly. IR pOla appidi strict-A irundha kashtam baa, especially with newcomers and musically challenged like me:)
What mattered to me most was that I got an opportunity to interact and was able to discuss with most of the outstanding and regular dfers. Edho oru santhosham! I still remember those few words of understanding and appreciation that cosmcian (the ever good intended) gave and the closing words of always "anbudan" Mahabs. Many such significant and silly happenings/observations remain as sweet memories. It remains to be the only thread in which I have ever participated actively.
The first and only thread that I started was about IR's sumaaru/mediocre songs with links. There were too many arguments going on during that time. So, to be a little different, I started this thread which did not offer much scope for discussions and also did not talk high of IR. I also thought it could be used to bring to light some lesser known good songs. I realised very soon that it would flop due to 3 reasons ? restricted to IR music lovers, not much scope for discussions and sumaaru/mediocre kept dfers away. I contributed as and when possible until I got affected by layoffs at work this Jan end. Anyway, I enjoyed the lonely ride and hope at least a few would have benefited from the links provided therein. Just last week (being a little different again) I related a top TFM personality to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita, certainly not to glorify the person, but bcos I could see some real sense in it. By doing so I do risk being branded as cult or whatever and keeping many a people away...but that is fine with me.
I have always tried to avoid getting into arguments ignoring many a things, but have succumbed a couple of times or so, with reason (as I saw it), with a couple of dfers who are difficult to reason out with and convince, by normal standards. However, I hope to exercise better self-control and surprise myself:-)
Understanding IR's music and his positive traits have influenced my life a great deal very positively. This, and this tfm df, have only helped me understand and appreciate better the works of many other great MDs like GR, MSV, KVM and ARR, and other singers and lyricists too.
There have been some very informative threads like the Kannadhasan vs Vairamuthu symposium, a request to amateur composers, Raga of song and many other titbits. Many a dfers names come to mind - Sathya Keerthi, Kanchana, rjay, Swamiji, SL, hihi:-), Mr. Observer, OISG, Ramki, rajaG (a down to earth person), cp, pg, bones, Srinath, NOV, MS, suresh (for his spontaneity and clarity of expression with the right pick of words), hari, STS, NagaS (truly always), yaaro, eden, vel, sabesan, CommonFriend and many others that I have missed here, with whom I have or have not interacted. I personally like the sense of humour of Kupps and rajaG and envy their comfort level in using/manipulating Tamil words while sounding humorous. And of course, those funny ones like the more recent translation of a Tamil song to English by peeps :) and other one liners. A special word of appreciation to all the Telugu, Hindi and other non-Tamil tfm dfers for your sheer enthusiasm.
What to say, I have learnt a lot from many a people here who have inspired me in various ways. I must also confess that following our current FM trend, I have also done c&p of phrases "power of words" (Udhaya's) and "that is the price one pays" (probably rjay's or hihi:-)'s). btw, "what to say" here is Srikanth's and "that" is rajaG's:) Srikanth, rajaG and Udhaya's creative collaboration resulting in "KuLir thendral kAtrilE" is gem of a melody. I wish these 5 and all other jAmbavAns the very best in their future endeavors.
About the current state of df and future: Let's say that this tfm df is like a musical haven, if not heaven. What are the 2 most important things that make a difference and matter to us? The first is the tone and spirit of discussion. The second is eeeeeeee. yes, eeeeeeeeeeee-nu ashidu vEzhinjindhu iLikkira illaya. andha eeeeeee. Meaning, frequent and unwanted scarcasm. If not avoided, this should be lessened:) Also, ridiculing the celebrities should be limited to the least. I really liked the spirit of dicussions that Sathya Keerthi and co. exhibited. If we can maintain anything close to that, this df will be a much better place. This can certainly happen if the regular dfers are more judicious.
All credit for everything good about this df should go to all the useful contributors, especially, the jAmbavAns. Today, we are fortunate to have some of them amidst us. Let us learn from them as much as we can and participate in healthy and productive discussions, in our own competent way, ignoring all those threads and comments that deserve to be ignored.
And just in case, any of u felt I was self-trumpeting here, let me tell u that it was not intended to be so. Think it to be like IR's PAl NilAp PAdhai. Bcos, unless and until I share with you certain things I have experienced you are never going to know about it. So, u can take it that way.
I'm sorry for such a long post, taking advantage of this technology (for u can't stop me, can u?) I had to do this bcos, if and when we meet, u would anyway not give me this much time:) Good news is no more BIGG posts from me.
It's nice to be with you all. EdhuvAvdhu thappu irundha mannichchikangO. naNdri. vaNakkam.
isai-Al ungaL,
a BIGG disclaimer: Read the above at your own risk. In case u find any of the above content sensible, emotional, humorous or even arrogant and bugging, then it was certainly not intended, purely coincidental, and you are solely to be held responsible.
thanks for this thread. I also thought ur other thread about sharing the albums currently heard by dfers to be a well intended one.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Mon Apr 1 17:03:26 EST 2002
Thanks for the flattering words, but there are several other lyricists among us that you may not know of: bb, Ramki, and a whole bunch of people who participated in the "Paadal Ezhutha VaarungaL" thread.
One correction about the "Kulir Thendral Kaatrilae" this was done by RajaG and some other collaborators outside of DF. Great as that song is, no one else in the DF had anything to do with that song but RajaG.
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