Topic started by cosmician (@ on Tue Mar 26 01:26:00 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All,
Apologise for this sudden and unusual thread.
We have regular contributors and silent watchers in these forums, some new, some have been there since inception of the forums. Today we have a lot of new faces and there will be more.
I am just curious to know about which year/month did you join in the discussions here..
..I still remember chancing upon newtfmpage in Jan 2001 and sparking off a war in the 'IR's latest' thread unknowingly without realizing the ongoing IR-ARR fans blood feud ! A few of the DFers who were around (and are still)around were : kiru (the audiologist), bharath (a new generation fan), swami (sangeetha vidwan and once Bharath's nemesis!), common friend (a balanced fan), ambleen, eden(who got hurt when I said that he was still stuck in the 70s!), Karthik S (the music dealer who can make out a fake from an original!)...and a lot more interesting people that I have not mentioned !
Could you guys/gals tell us when and how you joined the discussions here and also narrate any funny incidents or discussions that had happened ?
- Old responses
- From: rajaG (@
on: Sat Mar 30 12:14:36 EST 2002
Srinath: APA :-)
- From: arun_uk (@
on: Sat Mar 30 13:51:10 EST 2002
Good work cosmician!
I first visited this forum in Jan 1999 & have been a silent witness for a large part of the time spent here. "Addicted to TFM page" will be an understatement on my part & I shall have to check with my 'better-half' for a suitable description for she has been the 'real' silent witness to my visitings to the TFM pages.
I don't see many of the past Dfers nowadays. It's nice to see people like Kiru & Sabesan still around in these forums. I remember Sabesan aptly defending my first ever post in this forum after someone objected to my quoting Cho Ramasamy as saying something on the lines of .." After 20 years(ie. the IR era) I am listening to good music only now(advent of ARR)"--Remember Sabesan?? And with his clear and considerate comments Kiru has struck me as a finely balanced person all the way through. In the past even amidst arguements it was very informative to watch posts from kiru, srinath, srikanth & co.
More recently my 'intrusions' into the forum has won me a good friend in Yaaro & we have had a couple of telephone conversations. I was pleased to know that we belong to the same city in Tamilnadu. If you think he is just a small-time HCIRF you need to listen to him over the phone. After one conversation I found myself browsing through my entire collection of audio to look if I have a particular song which he told me had breathtaking orchestration. The song was " unnai kaanum neram nenjam…" from " Unnai naan sandhithen". Eventually I got it from a friend(of course made him browse his entire collection. ) & after listening to it wondered how it escaped my attention.
Naaz… Always liked to read through his posts. I am amazed by his knowledge & control of English plus his thought provoking comments.
I enjoy the humour that creeps in now & then into this 'democratic' forum although I despise anyone using vulgarity in their posts.
Thanks to the creators of the TFM page.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Sat Mar 30 14:20:29 EST 2002
wow Arun_uk - tks..... yes, i do remember the discussion, but sorry, i forgot with whom it was.....
- From: s0 (@
on: Sat Mar 30 17:33:34 EST 2002
hey, I don't have that song "unnai kaanum neram"!! engey theduven, paatta enge theduven?
- From: Naaz (@
on: Sat Mar 30 17:37:09 EST 2002
I think you can listen to it on www.musicindiaonline.com - click tamil and enter the film name, s0. I hope it works! Good Luck! (end digression)
- From: s0 (@
on: Sat Mar 30 18:10:36 EST 2002
thanks, Naaz. Its a VJ song!!great.
sorry for the digression.
- From: AVR (@
on: Sat Mar 30 20:39:54 EST 2002
I am sorry for having insulted Udhaya who may be a veteran...but nevertheless Udhaya's initial statement that caused the flame itself was stupid. And above all the glorification of abuses...i dont see much reasoning in Udhaya's statements that I pasted a few pages back. I dont mean to say that thats always the case, just that such things shouldnt be put on a high pedestal.
Anyways, nice to know many more guys here, as i am a new member here - a fan of Ilayaraja, Vani, PS, SJ, MSV, KVM and above all ARR. :-)
- From: magix (@
on: Sat Mar 30 22:09:11 EST 2002
u too?
- From: Srinath (@
on: Sun Mar 31 00:46:05 EST 2002
Another thing that painfully dawned on me was that it’s hard to read people’s intention when posting. My posts never benefited from smilies, so there were times that a sarcastic comment I made did more damage than was necessary. I most of all learned the power of the word from the DF and use it judiciously these days.
Udhaya, apparently you haven't learned a thing :-)
- From: KITKAT @ canada (@
on: Sun Mar 31 12:18:45 EST 2002
Met Srik this weekend. Great to see him.
- From: KITKAT (@
on: Sun Mar 31 12:21:40 EST 2002
Hear more of you at Srik's Studio. (Though I had heard some already at mp3.com) Was a grat experiance. Way to go RajaG!!
HEard from somebody that Ravi Sundaram also is in Pittsburg. But did not try to meet him due to lack of time. Next time for sure.
- From: KITKAT (@
on: Sun Mar 31 12:21:48 EST 2002
Heard more of you at Srik's Studio. (Though I had heard some already at mp3.com) Was a grat experiance. Way to go RajaG!!
HEard from somebody that Ravi Sundaram also is in Pittsburg. But did not try to meet him due to lack of time. Next time for sure.
- From: Prabhudas (@
on: Sun Mar 31 15:28:56 EST 2002
Nice thread for a change. I have been an irregularly regular or sometimes regularly irregular participant in the TFMDF since 1997, originally with my original name due to some comments and posts by some people on my original name, started posting in the name "prabhudas".
Tamil speaking, born and brought up in karnataka, HCIRF, with love towards good music by ARR and other good MDs. It really took few years to force myself to become a fan of ARR ( one of those typical traits of HCIRFs).
I did infact ask Gopal Prasad ( The great IR fan, who concieved Raajangham), thro' a personal communication long ago (1997-1998) about having a gettogether among all the TFMDF members/or all HCIRFs, the practicallity of the idea was/is still a big issue. I don't see lot of old timers in the DF anymore except a few. I enjoyed the five year participation in this forum thoroughly.
As some body mentioned Madras or B'Lore could be a great choice for some kind of gathering, we can plan this for 2004 or 2005, so every interested TFMDF member can plan sloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwly with all their personal/family committments simultaneously organised. We have seen , people who are well established in the music field participating in this forum, may be they can take some initiative , I can request my ex room mate
(who is another HCIRF, who has only heard about this forum, not an active member, but just finished scoring music for two movies) with his contacts to help organize this also.
Prabhudas aka Pinchi srinivasan
- From: peeps (@
on: Mon Apr 1 00:08:12 EST 2002
ok..all TFMDF'er's in chennai..lets meet in merina beach near kannagi silai(he he !!) on april 14th..tamil new year..evening..ok'ungravanga ellam kai thukunga paarpoom....
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:09:59 EST 2002
Just curious....
How many female DFers are there here?
There r some gals who pop in and out irregularly usually supporting any Vijay movies, or something similar.
There was someone called anjali who used to make funny one-liners. There was foul-mouthed kavitha, who's not been around for many months now. There was a good ARR Fan Ekam Satyam. After she started a thread about ARR being too good for Indians, she was bullied, bashed, had her motives questioned and I've yet to see her again in the forum. We also have Gowri now. There were a few others who post occasionally.
I'm curious to know if there r regular DFers here whom everyone assumes is a guy, but is actually female. I never mentioned I was 'she' initially as I thought it was irrelevant, but when tigger made a sexist statement in the Brand New Topic thread, I burst out in protest and have since then seen no point in remaining 'genderless'. I used to assume Common Friend, Twilight Zone, Bharath etc were females, but it doesnt seem to be the case. I still imagine AVR & Naaz r women, but then again, I cud be wrong. Since it seems the trend these days for dual avatars to reveal they r one and the same (rajaG, ravana etc), I was wondering if female DFers here can identify themselves as well.
Hope I'm not wrong in asking this. :-)
btw, no April fool's pranks please.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:15:53 EST 2002
I forgot to add...
There are some long service DFers like IR, and a few others, usually in the ragas thread, and there was Indhu who remain mysteriously evasive (Naaz, r u listening?), and a few more whom I forget now.
- From: peeps (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:18:50 EST 2002
Nalla kaaryam senjeenga..I will be eagerly waiting for the responses..hi hi !!
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:24:44 EST 2002
whynot - I am male. I had thought Naaz was a lady because there are Hindi movie/tv serial actresses my that name. But he is also male. How did you come to the conclusion that we are ladies?
- From: avr (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:25:16 EST 2002
read "my that name" as "by that name"
- From: Naaz (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:51:20 EST 2002
WhyNot - Indhu can be reached at indybc@hotmail.com
She moved out of our home early this year into student residences at the univ. Now she is packing her bags to leave for Mumbai early next month! Drop her a line if you choose.
Man am I, BTW.
- From: Prabhu (@
on: Mon Apr 1 07:01:05 EST 2002
Hi guys,
Though I grew up in TN for some 22 years of my life, I grew in a non tamil environment, without learning tamil as a subject for the major part of my schooling, and without any interest for tfm. I left TN some 2 years back.
However, for the past one year I came to realise the greatness of tfm - the the Ds, MDs, the PBSs, etc. only through THIS site!! I used to recollect old tunes of the 80s that my classmates used to hum, discover the lyrics here, get the mp3 and listen to it for hours. This has been only due to newtfmpage!! It really kindled the love of music, art and tamil bakthi in me!
I am a cricket statistician and the depth of filmi knowledge unleashed by guys like Udhaya(Jimmy Connors of tfm?), Nithin(Bjorn Borg??), Sathiyavageeswaran(the memory-Hercules?),Baskar, Kanchana, NOV, pg, Vishwa, Srikant(other names inadvertently left out!) got me impressed(both by their repertoire and their GRE-honed style of writing!). I was a silent observer
for a year and really enjoyed the lengthy debates - great vocabulary(you dont see much of it in India other than in the south), philosophical insights, etc. Indeed it was the best and most knowledgeable forum I have ever come across on the web.
keep up the Greaaaaaaaat work guys!!! Long live your Isaibhakti! Kumbudurengo!
Your fellow music-addict,
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Apr 1 07:10:18 EST 2002
Naaz, thanks. I remember Indhu saying she'll be returning to Mumbai in April.
avr, NOM. I always thought tat way, I'm not sure why.
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