Topic started by Choochan (@ on Mon Apr 5 10:48:56 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
...Gemini Studios, which paid Chopra over Rs 1 crore for the remake rights with 20 per cent of the profit and script veto powers, will launch the Tamil version with Kamal Haasan on May 15. "I was seeing a clean good family entertainer in Hindi after such a long time and I felt we should not miss a chance to remake it," explains Manohar Prasad of Gemini who is now negotiating for a remake in Kannada and a Malayalam version starring Mohanlal....
INDIA TODAY 12th April 2004
- Old responses
- From: Kannan (@
on: Sat Aug 21 15:33:10 EDT 2004
Come on 'r' & 'Jacky'...grow up! Did I say that Madura is a quality film. It was mentioned in that piece of comment only in the context of business competition.
Also, did I talk of Arul and Peralagan....Vikram & Surya were mentioned because they are the present hot stars who had given the tamil cinema (which was on the sick bed due to all sorts of problems....VCDs, Serials...etc.) a new lease of hope and renewed confidence (Mind you it wasn't our then super stars and established stars). Again....that was mentioned in the context of competition. Did I ever claim that Arul was a hit.
Like Kamal, you guys are losing the plot completely....this is about Kamal...and lets keep it that way. Guys, facts sometime hurt....but you have to face them and address them....you will ignore them at your peril!
Kumar.....good point. But, to be fair to Kamal....he has made the right calls....to Gowtham and Bala...;-) But...he need not do this like Rajni. That is trying to work with the directors who had given hits with Vikram, Surya and Vijay. Kamal himself is a creator...who has a lot to offer. He just have to evolve.....shed his ego....and start working on mature and solid scripts, Also, he shouldn't try to be 'different' or adopt 'sophisticated' themes just for the sake of it! More importantly, try and be natural! He should condider directing others....and things like that. He was never known for his 'commercial' and 'box-office' value (read latest box-office report - with no competition - he sill couldn't manage 100% collection even in the 1st week for VR MBBS out side of Madras - even in cities like Coimbatore).....and will never be. But, that is fine.....because that is not what we expect from Kamal. In an attempt to compete with Vikram, Sura and Vijay commercially.....he is losing the plot completely!
- From: Kannan (@
on: Sat Aug 21 16:02:34 EDT 2004
You are inconsistant in your arguments. I can see that you got excited and annoyed after reading my comment....and it may be a result f that.
- Kamal has better physique than Sarath?!? Give me a break!!! Sarath & Sathyaraj are the best built actors in tamil cinema....ksut have a look at them friend!
- Why are you talking about ARUL and timing? If any, unlike Virumandi and MBBS, ARUL was released with all other big movies like Gilli, Ethiri, Peralagan during Tamil New Year. Arul was not a great a success....I agree with that completely...that is why I am wondering why you mentioned that!!!
- Why are you comparing some one like Kamal whohad been there for so longwith relative new comers. Vikram (since his 'second' coming) and Surya ave only been around for the last 3-4 years. But let me play your game for the sake of it....lets look at the recent period (3 to 4 years is a good enough period):
When did last Kamal give a genuine hit? Even Virumandi was an average movie......if not for it....Kamal would have had a string of 8 to 10 flops. But look at Vikram since Sethu.....Sethu, Dil, Kasi, Pitamagan, Gemini, Saamy, Dhool. If this is not consistency....what is? (I hate to do this....that is comparing people and movies...but you got me into it;-))
By the way....I am not a Vikram or Surya fan....and more importantly, don't hate Kamal. I admire all of them Rajni, Kamal, Vikram, Surya, Sathy, Vijay....for who they are. It is just that like Prabu (after the Kushbu affair) in the past and Rajni lately (with his confused 'state')....Kamal is also staring to lose the plot completely (albeit in different ways).....and that disappoints me. Simply because....while I am excited about and look forward to Vikram, Surya and Vijay....we don't have to lose Kamal!
- From: Jacky (@
on: Sat Aug 21 17:43:47 EDT 2004
I will respect Kamal as long as he doesn't do a Sivaji, play a second fiddle to Rajni (in his early days) in Viuduthalai getting some nice chest kicks.
- From: Kannan (@
on: Sat Aug 21 19:17:09 EDT 2004
Jacky....as I said ...grow up! You are amusing! What has this conversation got to do with Sivaji. You are talking irrelevant matters.
By the way, there is nothing wrong with getting kicks from anyone...as long as its acting. Sivaji even did movies with Vijay and other unknown stars. So what? He is Sivaji...at the end of the day!
Now...come back to the topic.....you seems to have run out of ideas and steam! ;-)
- From: Jacky (@
on: Sat Aug 21 21:01:09 EDT 2004
"Jacky....as I said ...grow up! You are amusing! What has this conversation got to do with Sivaji. You are talking irrelevant matters. "
Its got equal relevance to your improvement tips For Kamal :)
"By the way, there is nothing wrong with getting kicks from anyone...as long as its acting. Sivaji even did movies with Vijay and other unknown stars. So what? He is Sivaji...at the end of the day! "
So what? He is Kamal, ups and downs are a part of every actors career :)
"Now...come back to the topic.....you seems to have run out of ideas and steam! ;-) "
Yes the topic is you don't have anything against Kamal but you just enjoy spreading ill fated news :)
Plz carry on your mission :)
- From: Comments (@
on: Sat Aug 21 22:44:10 EDT 2004
"create a bit of controversy with the title or anything and try sneak in a release when there is no competition."
- Fertile imagination!
Are you saying that Kamal knew that Chandiyar and VR MBBS were controversial when he named them? I doubt the average public would have associated special relevance to the titles until Krishnaswamy and the Doctors association tried to create a controversy and gain some publicity. Maybe those guys are secretly working for Kamal, right? :-))
Are you saying that Kamal should release his movies only when a "star" like Vikram or Vijay or Surya releases his movies? Releasing movies on/around Pongal, Diwali, Tamil New Year, Independence day etc., has been in vogue for a long time. That's when most big stars release their movies. "Sneaking in" is when you release movies at odd times. Virumandi was supposed to come out for Diwali. It got delayed and was released for Pongal. When VR MBBS was started they announced that it will be released in August and that's what happened. Can you give some examples of when Kamal sneaked in his movies, say in the last 10 years? Let's see how many you can come up with.
Do you want to rethink whether you hate Kamal or not? :-))
- From: ravi (@
on: Sat Aug 21 23:06:45 EDT 2004
Is this kannan is a same DUDE from Australia??
- From: Kannan (@
on: Sun Aug 22 00:59:16 EDT 2004
Lets talk Anniyan, Chennaiyil Oru Malaikaalam and Madura (even though it is an out and out masala flick) for a change. They are not only the most expected (yes....even more than Jaggubhai!)movies but also the 'happening' films. ;-)
- From: 1 (@
on: Sun Aug 22 03:39:13 EDT 2004
Read this article about Vasoolraja MBBS
- From: Kannan (@
on: Sun Aug 22 04:59:40 EDT 2004
1, are you refering to the comment in that review about Kamal copying Sivaji? Well, thats fine....because who doesn't? Kamal would be the first to accept that yes he did....and he would proudly do so! In fact, that will in no way take the credit away from Kamal for doing that scene.
- From: Cinefan (@
on: Mon Aug 23 06:39:30 EDT 2004
The 'BITS'section,2nd news item says Kamal is teaming up with Sridevi again.It may be true or it might me one of those many rumours which float around.
KG might be a short form for some word don't know yet.The latest is that Ramesh Arvind will play the lead in the Kannada version and of course Kamal will play the same role in Tamil.So like 'Yuva'&'AE',it will be the same script,same director,same production company&even same location but different cast.
Kamal-bala film might happen next year or it might be just a rumour.As of now only KG&a film with Gautham with Harris as MD is confirmed.
You have said Kamal looks overweight&lethargic-plz read the latest issue of 'Kumudam'.In the review for the movie they have a section called 'Behind the scenes'.It says Saran's brief for Kamal was to put on weight with a paunch for the role.So he stopped exercising to get that look.Anyway i think you are the 'Kannan from Sydney'who went beserk when Virumaani was released,the guy who will rubbish Kamal come what may.why am i even responding to you???guess i can't control myself.
- From: Cinefan (@
on: Mon Aug 23 07:23:20 EDT 2004
This article says the movie has opened to a tremendous response not just in TN but also Australia,US&Malaysia.
We had someone quoting Sify that the movie has started weakly in cities like Coimbatore,Madurai,Kerala&is a flop everywhere except Sathyam theatre!!!!
Now who is right?
- From: Kumar (@
on: Mon Aug 23 13:45:07 EDT 2004
The film opened well and then started sagging after a few days. This is what Sify is saying. newstodaynet only talks about the good opening. So there is no contradiction between the two.
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