Topic started by Vijay Venkatram J (@ on Mon Nov 11 11:08:23 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear Friends,
Let us vote for 'Adi Rakkamma' from THALAPATHI as our choice for the World's Top Ten Songs poll conducted by BBC!
I am suggesting this song because if in case the BBC people listen to the nominated songs, they will feel knocked out on hearing our Maestro's 150 Vioins' Strings Ensemble!
Let us all do it at:
Yours Always Musically,
Maestro Ilaiyaraaja Fans Club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilaiyaraaja
RaajaNGAHM at http://www.raajangahm.com/members.html
- Old responses
- From: PIM (@
on: Wed Dec 25 07:42:18 EST 2002
sorry for hurting your sentiments. I didn't think that mundachi was any worse than mundam , though that is no justification (i thought they represented the gender versions, correct my ignorance).
- From: C~P (@
on: Wed Dec 25 09:55:09 EST 2002
>>you refuse to see my point-singing VM as a pop song is synthetic<<
well that is what u have been sayin all along....reason??
well is it that accordin to u any version of a song,other than the original,is synthetic?? .... if dats the case mayb we can start discussing abt top10 albums! ;) ... jus kiddin!
- From: WN (@
on: Thu Dec 26 02:32:06 EST 2002
PIM (@
Since ur pretty relentless, I'll humour u wit a response.
"Why do i do this when my better sense tells me not to?"
bcos u dont have better sense.
"Just because one attacks WN, he or she doesn't naturally become a HCIRF!! It is an attack on the attitude. In fact I am an ARRFAN as well."
Of course u r an ARRFan, and jus bcos one attacks OISG, AY & WN doesnt mean the person is a HCIRF either. But for the reason u r PIM and the ISPs u use r usually used to post large numbers of HCIRF, Anti-ARR & PIM posts, similar to the one abv yours, u may just as well be a HCIRF, if not a mere self-professed Mundam.
"WN is stuck up or in other words stuck in the second stage of freudian developmental maturity...The score on cordiality in her posts is also zero. They are more abrasive and provocative hence rubbing people on the wrong side... There should be a limit to ones self-righteousness."
and wat other new discoveries do u have in store? If my posts r abrasive, uncordial, 'stuck up', it is bcos it is precisely meant to be such. And tis treatment is reserved for a selected few who r in dire need of "provocation" of their deep-seated neurosis. Probably the reason why the "provoked" wud term them self-righteousness.
Does it make u feel so wrong? And why isnt it surprising u ascribe to Freud's theories. And why do some get rubbed the wrong whenever they read any info tat contradicts their fantasy of how things shud be, and make personal attacks bcos of an inability to rationalise?
"The knowledge of musical technicality in her(lets assume it is a she) posts is zero. It is only mouthing and playing with words. Empty vessel makes the most noise (heard that?)
Don't just clothe your stupidity with intelligent play of words... There is no point is chanting ARRs name like a bajjan. Educate us with your knowledgeof his music.. for example how are Ma Tuje Salaam, Ye Ye yennachu, Konjam Nilavu, pudhu vellai mazhai different in there conception, technicality and presentation. maybe we could then enjoy reading your posts."
Ah, u thirst to be educated wit knowledge of music? Why dont u then go to the relevant threads and read the relevant posts by UV, reposted posts by Swapnil Mistry, etc?
Or did u expect me to pepper my posts wit some irrelavant "musical technicality", as part of a mindless self-validating process? Did I ever announce tat I was on a mission to musically educate a largely indifferent & bigoted mob and hope to get a response any diff from wat followed Sam's post in this thread: http://www.newtfmpage.com/forum/5582.01.57.09.html
And if u thirst for musical knowledge why r u in a thread called "Vote 'Adi Rakkamma' for World's Top Ten for BBC! Click here!" making personal attacks on a special few whose only 'crime' was thinking differently from the mob?
And talking abt technicality where this thread is concerned,
a few qns for u.
1. Do u believe BBC Polls wud have introduced IR to westerners and made a difference in his career as some ppl claimed ealrier?
2. Do u think everyone here shud have voted for RKT?
3. Do u think BBC rigged the polls to make ANOA 1st?
4. Do u believe tat in fact, RKT shud have topped the chart as claimed by someone recently?
5. Do u think tat if BBC had verified the emails it had received, any of the top 4 songs (which BBC claimed were voted for in an organised manner) wud have still remained in the top 10, let alone the top 4?
Here r some basic matters which I, among others (who have also been chosen for continuous personal attacks in this thread from the start) have been discussing. And wat was ur contribution to the discussion? Or shud I even waste my time asking tat qn. Or do u believe tat discussing such issues in tis thread wud be jus an " intelligent play of words"? Or r u unable to post anything relevant to the topic of any thread? For my part, I do my best to post relevantly to the thread and follow the flow of thoughts tat develop as the discussion moves on. Tis works fine until a bunch of PIMs & certain HCIRFs hijack the discussion, make PAs, digress, and do everything possible to stop anyone sane from continuing. Nor do I initiate the PAs.
"There are numerous anti-irr and anti-arr postings which are best ignored, but she and few others add fuel to them and maintain such behaviour. I hold both of them in the same light. By pointing fingers at them it doesn't make one holier (including me)."
And wud u term Yaaro's anti-ARR posts in the "World's Top ten revealed!!!" as some of those which are best ignored? Or wud u term ur own PIM posts as best ignored?
Well, I think ignoring Yaaro's posts have gone on long-enuf. After long ignoring his posts in the BD threads, an old timer finally invited Yaaro to discuss the BD songs in detail. naturally, yaaro fled the thread soon after and fortunately the anti-arr tirades subsided temperorily. Perhaps he needs some attention now.
But why are you so anxious to stand in the way?
"ARR is humility personified. Learn a few things from your Idol. You are going to continue with your behaviour which i am very sure. As i said you are yet to cross the second stage. maybe one day....."
Nice try, but wat did u hope I wud do? Start treating PA making PIMs like u wit cordiality, stop posting my opinions in tis forum, cease asking rational questions to anti-ARR posters and give up on repeating these qns when they evade them? Or did u hope we wud stop sharing the latest info on ARR's releases (again, something which rubs many here on the wrong side for some strange reason).
In the meantime, why dont u try pracitising making more relevant posts and avoiding personal attacks, or will tat be too much to ask of a self-confessed Mundam?
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Thu Dec 26 03:50:57 EST 2002
I think you better don't be like what I am now. I have made it a principle not to make any PA. But I suffered because of that and I am suffering. You better give a big jolt for even a little push. That's the way you need to treat some who simly refuse to understand the obvious...well I still am wondering how come IR's song not even in the first three...(well after that does it matter where it is in the race) when so many of them openly rigged.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Thu Dec 26 05:39:34 EST 2002
//Well, I think ignoring Yaaro's posts have gone on long-enuf. After long ignoring his posts in the BD threads, an old timer finally invited Yaaro to discuss the BD songs in detail. naturally, yaaro fled the thread soon after and fortunately the anti-arr tirades subsided temperorily. Perhaps he needs some attention now. //-WN,you have me quaking in my boots now.
what is there to discuss in BD when 60 pc was recycled heaven ?You are beginning to sound amusing nowadays!Thanks for brightening my day.good to see all the patriotism in ARR fans who seem to think classical vande mataram is the most popular song on the planet.I am sure coffee houses in brazil,tea shops in ceylon,bars in carribean are all blaring out vande mataram and evryone is dancing to the tune of our VM!(I was just taking off OISG in case you have forgotten)
Jai hind!!
- From: OISG (@
on: Thu Dec 26 05:51:09 EST 2002
Where do i enter may i ask, Yaaro?
I just quoted some absolute optmist's statment earlier in this thread that "it would be great to see IR s CD in the international CD shop shelfs"..
I posted saying if the song from Rwanda reaches No.1 will the stores in Chennai source Rwanda music in CDs...
This happened before the pro-ARR(VM) riggers outsmarted pro-IR(RKT) riggers!Long before the IRish..oops! riggers from Ireland outgunned both.
- From: Prabhu (@
on: Thu Dec 26 10:46:56 EST 2002
chill, chill, chill! *hands over a free coke to all in this DF and runs out*
- From: Prabhu (@
on: Thu Dec 26 11:16:06 EST 2002
Addressing another issue, yaar(not are yaar!), do you still believe it was a fair and free poll? Any kid who followed the poll from the beginning(many of them did, going by the posts on this thread!) could make out that into the 2nd/3rd week, one voting pattern had emerged - any song that was placed 2nd or 3rd came out on top the following week thanks to the fury of its fans, a fact that surely wouldnt have escaped the BBC. They'd not expected such a response and not surprisingly halted the voting midway. And it was also clear that it was the patriotic angle that kept the votes pouring in, and all those backing the top 5 songs were determined to see their choice through, come the 21st.
Of course, not wanting to lose their credibility should unknown songs take the top slots, they fudged and brought in that Irish number. You really think a handful of Irishmen could accomplish more in a week than what a few thousand fanatics did over a month?? think about that!
Just reminded of an old incident...on 22/6/83 when 66-1 outsiders India reached the 83 world cup semifinal against runner-ups and hosts England, a tabloid screamed before the game "England in world cup final"! India smacked Eng in the semis and marched in to win the cup. Just look, Aus thrashing Eng in 2 days in the Ashes and the Eng comms praising their players sky-high! Since when have the BBC or the English press stood for objective reporting? If it was still a fair poll, hats off to the BBC. If not, I'll eat my hat off.
The only other explanation I can think off is the Irish, the land of saints and snakes, brought in Saint Patrick, pachapaambus, mazhaipaambus and Santa Claus to bulk vote for them! No wonder Santa had a "thiruttu muzhi" this xmas.
- From: Sam (@
on: Thu Dec 26 11:22:05 EST 2002
Isn't the song "Rakkamma" from Rwanda?
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