Topic started by Vijay Venkatram J (@ on Mon Nov 11 11:08:23 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear Friends,
Let us vote for 'Adi Rakkamma' from THALAPATHI as our choice for the World's Top Ten Songs poll conducted by BBC!
I am suggesting this song because if in case the BBC people listen to the nominated songs, they will feel knocked out on hearing our Maestro's 150 Vioins' Strings Ensemble!
Let us all do it at:
Yours Always Musically,
Maestro Ilaiyaraaja Fans Club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilaiyaraaja
RaajaNGAHM at http://www.raajangahm.com/members.html
- Old responses
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 24 11:46:25 EST 2002
"Naan sense (@"
maybe u shud lick ur own as(h)s
While the Irish were busy propping up their own song, wat were the Indians doing? Busy bickering over IR vs ARR. It hurt them to vote for their own nationalist ballad, bcos it was not by their fav MD. In fact they rejoiced and started a thread here to celebrate the fact tat it wasnt the "version" they thought it wud be after it lost out to the Irish national ballad.
Admist the mania here, the Irish (& others) thought tat there were more than one hindu national ballads, bcos they cudn't fathom tat one of them had nothing nationalist. Maybe some ppl r still living in the ape ages, they remain blind to the obvious. I hoped tat the Irish posts will be eye-openers, but how can u make the blind see?
"this shows the contempt those people still hold for anything that is superior than them"
why can't they, when our own ppl have some much contempt for each other?
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 24 11:51:53 EST 2002
peeps, I was told we shudnt pretend to sound balanced when we are not, bcos everyone is biased (some called LLD said tis), so where is all tis 'I didnt expect this from u' is coming from?
and btw, when did I say "whatever IR produced for the last 25 years is rubbish and crap?"
And why were u not as upset when many regulars here called & r still calling ARR's music "synthetic", or r u jus another one of those "biased" ppl?
- From: naanu sensu neenu bubunsu (@
on: Tue Dec 24 11:57:09 EST 2002
India is 4 times larger than irehland. we can afford to have diverse opinions and that is what the coutnry is all about. this is not freedom struggle, this is win a competition field the best of diversity. why should all vote for IR or just ARR, why can't it be a few more others like RDB, MSV. i am saying that there whole thing was rigged by the BBC - remember this is a way to satisfy a crsoos section of audiences, revealing trends is onlay a secondary objective. BBC is not operating by simple straightforward themes, media is a weapon to manipulate, curry favor, appease, excite or depress audiences. I am sure Rakkamma is no.1 there and Vande Mataram (i don't know who all really voted for a patriotic theme in a fun poll like this) may have been second, to say Dil Pak is no.3 is taking things beyond some sense. IR has got one big fan base of Indians all over the world u means to say that we could not beat any of the other songs? firt, u talk to BBC and then u and OISG come and talk in a calm way and then u tell me if i am talking as u mentioned in the following passage:
OISG, why shud we respond to some PIM (peyer Illatha Mundam) who doesnt have the guts to post wit his own handle? He is jus another brainless & cowardly HCIRF. Apparently tis is wat happens when u feed ur brains wit rubbish for a quarter century.
wake up, man. why are we anxious? People out of ignorance will say banshee calling or gemini calling etc... why does that mean an Irish song when fully heard is no less banshee' mother calling or banshee' (B)witch calling?
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:01:32 EST 2002
"I am sure Rakkamma is no.1 there and Vande Mataram (i don't know who all really voted for a patriotic theme in a fun poll like this) may have been second"
Thanks, tat sums it all up. :)
BBC-the vote riggers.
And ur first line in the previous post revealed alot abt the correlation I was speaking of earlier.
- From: peeps (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:06:48 EST 2002
So, U understood that being biased to one MD is claiming the other MD as rubbish and crap?ha ha..
I say that I am biased in the sense that i love IR's music.That doesnt mean that whenever i get an opportunity i shud bash all other MD's.
Nice that you have taken LLD's words seriously,but be a ARR biased person.Talk about his music..oh..sorry.If u spend most of your time in IR fans mistake kandupidikkum troup..then where is the time for talking his music? Dont be a anti-IR.
I agree ther are many people here making PA's(most of them are not regulars).I have been a victim sometimes.But, Sorry i am not into preaching everyone to stop doing that.But when you(a regular DFer who preaches a lot..want me post your preachings about how a DFer shud behave?) went to that low level of claiming a era as rubbish i cudnt resist myself dear WhyNot..:-)
And WN,if u say u didnt mean IR's music in the below sentence then please be clear what u mean by rubbish..wud love to know really..:-)
- From: peeps (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:09:00 EST 2002
forgot to add the famous sentence of WhyNot...:-)
"Apparently tis is wat happens when u feed ur brains wit rubbish for a quarter century"
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:14:13 EST 2002
"went to that low level of claiming a era as rubbish i cudnt resist myself dear WhyNot..:-)
And WN,if u say u didnt mean IR's music in the below sentence then please be clear what u mean by rubbish..wud love to know really..:-)"
Keep guessing dear peeps. I'm wondering wat the rubbish is myself, wud really love to know too, but I can't quite figure it out.
But the posts following mine and to follow mine will give me some clues I'm sure.
- From: peeps (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:21:34 EST 2002
For the first time I cud agree with WN and that too only with a small part of the sentence..
"rubbish is myself"
- From: peeps (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:21:53 EST 2002
for yaaro,
This is what i got when searching for the word synthetic - not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially..
This may help yaaro to explain why he claimed ARR's VM as synthetic..vaanga yaaro..:-)
- From: sabesan (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:22:03 EST 2002
may this thread REST IN PEACE :-).....
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 24 12:30:01 EST 2002
And your understanding shows wat a deep grasp u have. In fact if I were to learn from peeps,
"From: peeps (@ on: Tue Dec 24 12:21:34 EST 2002
For the first time I cud agree .."rubbish is myself""
U r every educative peeps
btw, dont repeat the same trick again. :)
"This is what i got when searching for the word synthetic - not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially..
This may help yaaro to explain why he claimed ARR's VM as synthetic"
Nice try, but it doesn't. I'll explain to Yaaro when he returns, if he decides to follow ur advise.
- From: karthik (@
on: Tue Dec 24 13:41:38 EST 2002
trying really really hard to prove you are smart...but at the end, u look stupid...
next time when r u infront of mirror, see there is bold letter written in ur forehead..."STUPID"...
- From: kk (@
on: Tue Dec 24 14:29:44 EST 2002
Did BBC veryfy the emailid by sending a mail to each voter or just any email id is taken?
- From: yaaro (@
on: Tue Dec 24 14:41:19 EST 2002
I have already done the explanation-If u havethe time u r welcome to go back ad find it out for yoiurself.The version played by BBC was the original version-the ones which ARR fans thought they were voting for is the synthetic version-maa tuje salam with a vandehtheeee mattharrrram....
If the voting was for the original version then why did they vote for a tune by another artiste?just because it is in aan album by ARR and it mentions various artistes you cannot wiggle away without an explanation.
even though the west is tolerant,I dont think anyone will go overboard to praise a modern pop version of star spangled banner or god save the queen as better than original-this is somethingthat is possible only in India-by the way do u consider yourself an Indian?
And what is your problenm when I say RKT is the only non-nationalistic song in top 5 when that is the truth?
- From: naansense (@
on: Tue Dec 24 14:49:31 EST 2002
karthik ;-)
kk, BBC did no such thing.
- From: Aalavandhan (@
on: Tue Dec 24 21:57:16 EST 2002
Guess that word is what karthik (@ when he looks at the mirror.
Yaaro, sorry to say this, your slip is showing.
Be careful, lest it gets embarrasing. :)
- From: WN (@
on: Wed Dec 25 03:52:04 EST 2002
Aalavandhan, karthik is the Arivaali who tried telling AY tat 'yeh dil deewana hai' was inspired from Inji Idupazhaga. :)
yaaro, u still havnt answered my qn, it's a simple straightforward one: wat do u find so synthetic abt MTS?? U have gone beating abt the bush, digessed, asked diff qns, went back to the same old points which I have already answered umpteen times, and done everything but answer the qn.
I wonder wat is so scary abt answering a simple qn. Can I safely assume u have no idea?
Let's take tis discussion back to where it belongs.
kk, BBC did not send me any verification email, so I assume they didnt. But considering they received almost 150000 votes, it wud be too time-consuming to verify votes & if they had, I'm sure many of the top 10 songs wudn't be in the top 10, including the top 4 songs.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Wed Dec 25 07:30:07 EST 2002
you refuse to see my point-singing VM as a pop song is synthetic.many people tried to give classical western pieces a modern touch-they sound so horrible.I have never listened to one after hearing a horrible treatment of the 5 th symphony.
make up your mind as to the no 2 song is by ARR or by someone else-THEN put in your next posting.
ou will beleive what you want to beleive-that applies to all of us.
// I'm sure many of the top 10 songs wudn't be in the top 10, including the top 4 songs.//-why top 4 songs-all top nine songs will not be there.You are so furious that you accept a nepali song can be in the world's top 10,then you will beleive anything.queen's song is a regular favorite in all these polls-that and beleive can qualify for being in the top 10.I am realistic-RKT may not qualify for being in the top 10-but neither does classical VM-it definitely does not deserve to be in the top 2 spot.Saying this does not make me an unpatriotic Indian.The poll is about top 10 popualr songs-not about top 10 songs with a nationalistic fervour.
Give me a break-that was a song representative of a bygone era when things were far different-to claim that the song is the most popular Indian song ,well,as I said -If you want to believe in something desperately,you will believe anything.
8 out of the top 10 songs are there because of multiple votings- probably except cher and bohemian rhapasody.
The lyrics for RKT is crap-the only plus point is the glorious way the song has been conceived BY IR.
- From: PIM (@
on: Wed Dec 25 07:38:54 EST 2002
Why do i do this when my better sense tells me not to?
Just because one attacks WN, he or she doesn't naturally become a HCIRF!! It is an attack on the attitude. In fact I am an ARRFAN as well. The reasons for the attack are,
WN is stuck up or in other words stuck in the second stage of freudian developmental maturity.
The knowledge of musical technicality in her(lets assume it is a she) posts is zero. It is only mouthing and playing with words. Empty vessel makes the most noise (heard that?)
The score on cordiality in her posts is also zero. They are more abrasive and provocative hence rubbing people on the wrong side... There should be a limit to ones self-righteousness.
There are numerous anti-irr and anti-arr postings which are best ignored, but she and few others add fuel to them and maintain such behaviour. I hold both of them in the same light. By pointing fingers at them it doesn't make one holier (including me).
Don't just clothe your stupidity with intelligent play of words. There is no point is chanting ARRs name like a bajjan. Educate us with your knowledgeof his music.. for example how are Ma Tuje Salaam, Ye Ye yennachu, Konjam Nilavu, pudhu vellai mazhai different in there conception, technicality and presentation. maybe we could then enjoy reading your posts.
ARR is humility personified. Learn a few things from your Idol. You are going to continue with your behaviour which i am very sure. As i said you are yet to cross the second stage. maybe one day.....
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