Topic started by tigger (@ on Wed Nov 21 15:45:39 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
top ten reasons why IR is better than ARR:
1. Raja's music is like a 5-course meal but he prepares it like fast food. Rahman's music is like fast food but he prepares it like a 5-course meal.
2. Raja's music is like Coke - the real thing. Take it or leave it - but think of tinkering around with it to make it more palatable and fans would be horrified (people familiar with New Coke's disastrous introduction in 1985 and it's subsequent withdrawal will understand better what I mean). Rahman's music is like Pepsi, definitely the choice of a new generation, but coke fans will never really understand what it is that people like about Pepsi - ughh!.
3. Raja can compose a tune at the drop of a hat, but the song is so unique and the various sounds blend so well that you feel as if God intended the song to be that way and there is no way you will accept it any way else. Rahman takes ages to give that right 'impromptu' touch to his songs - and changing most of his tunes (very few of his songs are pretty good and therefore fit the do-not-change criteria) will not cause me to lose much sleep.
4. Raja's music is like a perfect wife - nice to be with, comfy, goes above and beyond to take care of your needs, and usually exceeds expectations. Rahman's music is like a typical wife, when she's good, she's great(kannodu kaanbathallaam), but when she's in one of her moods, she can be terrible and you feel like yelling "shut the **** up" (minsaara kanna - jeez, shut the **** up!)
5. Raja's music pulls at your heartstrings, Rahman's makes you want to shake an arm and a leg but doesn't quite reach your heart.
6. Raja's music is so unique, ARR is repetitive for the most part.
OK, #6 was lame, but I wanted to write atleast 6 points.
- Old responses
- From: cosmician (@
on: Fri Nov 30 12:43:40 EST 2001
Or Sam..how about "Hey Rasathi Rasathi" by IR...I am not sure about the film but it had fantastic voice harmonies...
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Fri Nov 30 13:22:48 EST 2001
YOur long written posting, though a bit informative, does have a point when it ends up saying IMHO..Remember, I am totally unbothered about what you say about the MDs ..but mathematically your logic has less validity and strength to prove a point.
Let's assume IR has given about 4000 songs (in x years) and ARR has given about 400 songs (in y years). The numbers are not exact but all of us know that this is a decent approximation. Of them, assuming IR has given 50% crap songs (flexing too much, which wud reduce his total just near to 2000. On the other hand, ARR assumed not to have any craps (:-))), which would put his number unchanged at 400. How many varieties of compositions are there?.definitely, i do not have any idea on that..but for our calculations only their presence plays a crucial role and not the numbers...hence I go for choosing 100 varieties of compositions on my free will. Each song should fit somewhere in 100. In that case, IR has at an average given 20 songs in each compositin whereas, that number is simply 4 in ARR's. Is it logical to compare 20 with 4? Out of 20, my question is have we heard all..This 20 wud be having sub-variations of its own and out of which only 5 wud be hit and popular to us, what we would have mostly heard of..Just taking that 5 and compare with 4 is not a fair calculation as 15 on one side have been left just becoz of our ignorance..In your posting I just see about 5 of IR's songs fitting assumed one for each variation..What I am saying is that both number-wise and comparison-wise your argument has a big hole..However since you have mentioned IMHO, the posting has been taken as an informative one (because of other contents) with not much seriousness....:-)) no offence..All the above IMHO..
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Fri Nov 30 13:29:55 EST 2001
Hey Rasathi Rasathi is from En Uyir Thozhan
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri Nov 30 13:41:13 EST 2001
neutral_fan, cool it man.
It's amusing to see you get worked up over my personal opinions. Well, even if you call me a kiddo, you have just proved I'm a kiddo who can get you so worked up. So what does tat make u?
IR fans can condemn ARR music left and right but when an ARR fan does just tat, IR fans can't take it.
Well let me got through what I just said:
1)IR songs are boring...yes to me they are. This is a PO (personal opinion), and therefore u can't deny it even if u wanted.
2) ARR songs sound better. Again, ditto.
3) ARR songs sound good when u screech ur stereo. This means his mixing is immaculate. The practical application is when u attend public functions where u play songs which boom from loudspeakers, u can tell the difference. But if music is not abt sound, then how do u listen to it, "neutral" fan? Through ur nose? :-)
4)ARR interludes are nicer. Yes, again my PO. But wait, tat's not all. When i had an IR fave, I used to record songs from the radio and leave out the interludes. I'll never do tat for a ARR song. And for all u may rave and rant neutral fan, tat is again my PO. U can't help it.
5) What I said abt the chorus is abt the voices sounding high-pitched. If u have listened to enuf IR songs, u can't deny it.
6) My sixth point was wit regards to ARR's and IR's voices. I'll repeat again. ARR sounds cool, IR sounds like an old man weeping. This is abt their voices. Period. Again my PO. It's up to everyone to determine which voice sounds good to them.
7)In IR's albums the same guys sings in all or most of the songs.Take Chinna Thambi for example. There were I think 5 songs (could be wrong). Out of which 4 had male singers. SPB sings 3 out of the 4. In ARR's songs, there's more variety of voices.
Finally abit about u neutral fan, the moment someone else has a different opinion from yours, u conclude that the person must be "stupids ", "kiddo", "kid", and must have a "nursery school child mentality "
Now if u read my posting above. No where did I personally condemn u, or call u names. I think u r entitled to your opinions and if u think IR is better than ARR, so be it. Bcos ur personal opinions don't matter to me.
Now, don't I sound alot more mentally and emotionally mature than u, neutral fan?
- From: Trend (@
on: Fri Nov 30 13:41:34 EST 2001
He was just talking about vocal harmony.And he clearly said it was in his humble opinion.Don't feel insecure(just a friendly advice:-) ).
Your statistical analysis(I'm weak in Maths and hence I didn't understand how your analysis analyzes in terms of vocal harmaony)validates and proves your claim!
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Fri Nov 30 13:47:31 EST 2001
Trend..I clearly..very clearly..mentioned mathematically...:-))) Thanks for your friendly advice man....but insecure...mmm...of what??
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri Nov 30 13:48:13 EST 2001
Karthik S, I was sharing my opinions. I'm not trying to second guess the nature of ARR's songs or indulging in technical analysis like a smart arse. So wat u say doesn't apply to me.
- From: tigger (@
on: Fri Nov 30 14:28:18 EST 2001
"...I prefer ARR interludes. They are exciting pieces in themselevs rather than a patchwork till the song starts again...."
WhyNot, I would like to know what the hell u have been smoking when you typed this line. One of the main things I admire in IR's music is the interlude. There are literally 100s of IR's songs where I can recognize the song if you play me just a few seconds of the interlude. ARR's interludes have no such distinctive feature. I can understand your other points but not this one.
yaaro, I chose the topic title 'tongue-in-cheek'. I know there have been numerous discussions about this.
"...If ARR had been born earlier, IR would have been totally overshadowed by ARR much earlier than it actually happened..."
Brinda, Again I repeat ARR's timing was impeccable and, with his talent, played a huge role in his success. if he had arrived earlier, IMO he would have just been a marginal player in the film industry, highly praised in Madras music circles, but not known outside it.
"...The reason I feel IR is not exactly no.1 at the present moment...."
WhyNot, I am beginning to like you here :) you dont have to be so diplomatic. This thread was never about who is number 1. ARR is the undisputed #1 in TFM as far as popularity, earnings, visibility etc. goes. People say MSV was first, IR was next, it's now ARR's turn. Why make a big fuss about IR having lost #1 status. That's what pisses me off, saying IR is just part of a continuum, he's not special. My point is HE IS SPECIAL. He is possessed of a gift that gave us the type of music that transcends everything that MSV has produced or ARR can hope to produce (from what I have seen so far).
- From: Trend (@
on: Fri Nov 30 14:59:51 EST 2001
"type of music that transcends everything that MSV has produced "
Could you explain something on this to validate your point?
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri Nov 30 15:28:55 EST 2001
>>rahmans music is like a air conditioner----cools u artificially
raaja'a music is like the breeze of nature -----brings happiness and peace which is not short lived<<
ARR's music is like a/c. It can be altered to suit the needs of the user/listener. It will be there when u need it.
IR's music is like natural breeze. It comes infrequently and only during a certain season. Once the season is over, forget it.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Fri Nov 30 16:24:42 EST 2001
"type of music that transcends everything that MSV has produced "
Could you explain something on this to validate your point?//
trend, you surprised me there-I would have expected you to question the second statement!
- From: Trend (@
on: Fri Nov 30 16:37:00 EST 2001
If I question the second first, then the impression is I took the first for granted.So, first things first..I guess :)
- From: KS (@
on: Fri Nov 30 16:39:03 EST 2001
* ...question the second statement! *
that will be the second question in a few seconds after the first has been answered convincingly..yeppothaan nadakkumo:)
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sat Dec 1 11:23:51 EST 2001
>>>Once the season is over, forget it.
Good sense of humour.
- From: tigger (@
on: Sun Dec 2 13:29:25 EST 2001
trend, I knew I was going out on a limb when I made that statement. I'll reply to that once I have some more time to marshall my thoughts. In the meantime WhyNot left his flank exposed, so I am going to KO him right now.
...ARR's music is like a/c. It can be altered to suit the needs of the user/listener. It will be there when u need it.
IR's music is like natural breeze. It comes infrequently and only during a certain season. Once the season is over, forget it....
ARR's music is like an AC, right. Artificial, man-made, definitely more seductive than fresh air, but how long do you think the ac will last? 10 years, 15 years? once it's over you dump it and buy a better one.
natural breeze is straight from the Gods. sure it is quirky, not always dependable (when u are dealing with a genius it comes with the territory), but when it does get it's act together there is nothing that you can do on this sweet earth to match it, and it is going to be around years and years after your ac ends up on the rubbish dump.
- From: music lover (@
on: Sun Dec 2 17:33:07 EST 2001
All these coments are nonsense.......
this is my humble personal opinion.
u guys jus enjoy music........and fit for nothing to coment (dont have tat maturity or understand of music) about music..
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