Topic started by tigger (@ on Wed Nov 21 15:45:39 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
top ten reasons why IR is better than ARR:
1. Raja's music is like a 5-course meal but he prepares it like fast food. Rahman's music is like fast food but he prepares it like a 5-course meal.
2. Raja's music is like Coke - the real thing. Take it or leave it - but think of tinkering around with it to make it more palatable and fans would be horrified (people familiar with New Coke's disastrous introduction in 1985 and it's subsequent withdrawal will understand better what I mean). Rahman's music is like Pepsi, definitely the choice of a new generation, but coke fans will never really understand what it is that people like about Pepsi - ughh!.
3. Raja can compose a tune at the drop of a hat, but the song is so unique and the various sounds blend so well that you feel as if God intended the song to be that way and there is no way you will accept it any way else. Rahman takes ages to give that right 'impromptu' touch to his songs - and changing most of his tunes (very few of his songs are pretty good and therefore fit the do-not-change criteria) will not cause me to lose much sleep.
4. Raja's music is like a perfect wife - nice to be with, comfy, goes above and beyond to take care of your needs, and usually exceeds expectations. Rahman's music is like a typical wife, when she's good, she's great(kannodu kaanbathallaam), but when she's in one of her moods, she can be terrible and you feel like yelling "shut the **** up" (minsaara kanna - jeez, shut the **** up!)
5. Raja's music pulls at your heartstrings, Rahman's makes you want to shake an arm and a leg but doesn't quite reach your heart.
6. Raja's music is so unique, ARR is repetitive for the most part.
OK, #6 was lame, but I wanted to write atleast 6 points.
- Old responses
- From: F (@
on: Wed Nov 28 12:30:39 EST 2001
- From: F (@
on: Wed Nov 28 12:31:58 EST 2001
- From: yaaro (@
on: Thu Nov 29 09:05:49 EST 2001
tigger-you may think yours is a brand new topic-it is a continuation of this topic started by an ARR fan.that was literally kozhai adi sandai!
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri Nov 30 04:39:28 EST 2001
I'll share why I prefer ARR these days to IR:
1) IR songs are boring
2) ARR songs sound better
3) ARR songs sound good not matter how loud u screech ur stereo whereas IR songs start to sound bad when the volume is too high
4) I prefer ARR interludes. They are exciting pieces in themselevs rather than a patchwork till the song starts again.
5) I prefer the chorus in ARR songs. They sound good and these days, u can even find the main singer in the chorus whereas IR songs more often have these high pitched voices shrieking 'lalilalilalila' which spoil the entire song.
6) If ARR sings, he sounds really cool and outlandish, if IR sings, it better be for a funeral like 'Thenpaandi Cheemayila'
7) In ARR's albums, it's anyone's guess who's singing next. In IR's albums the days when the same duo sings every song are not far away.
- From: neutral_fan (@
on: Fri Nov 30 05:27:41 EST 2001
I'll share why I prefer IR anytime days to ARR( Your very first statement shows ARR might be a temporary phenomenon,...anyways)
1) ARR songs are presently 'snoring' in music stores...
2) IR songs do not merely "sound" better, but "feel" better...they do not grow dull but they grow better...
3) .."//ARR songs sound good not matter how loud u screech ur stereo whereas IR songs start to sound bad when the volume is too high"//..(that was a typical nursery school child mentality saying.."gee..i like that sound"...this point of yours does not even merit a retaliation from me..)
4)..//I prefer ARR interludes. They are exciting pieces in themselevs rather than a patchwork till the song starts again..// (yes because he is totally incapable of thinking & conceiving a song in totality...he can only move in bits & pieces...In my dear maestro's case, the whole song is approached holistically..no need to create bits & pieces that can be pathetically joined together to merely 'sound' good later..got it kid?)
5)..//I prefer the chorus in ARR songs. They sound good and these days, u can even find the main singer in the chorus whereas IR songs more often have these high pitched voices shrieking 'lalilalilalila' which spoil the entire song..//(know your basics before you argue kiddo...chorus got a shot in the arm only after raja entered the tamil music field...boy, sometimes i really do feel whether i should take the effort & time to answer stupids like you..have you heard thamthana thamthana from puthiya vaarpugal...that will teach you what harmonic chorus means...)
6) If ARR sings, he sounds really cool and outlandish, if IR sings, it better be for a funeral like 'Thenpaandi Cheemayila'..(there u go again kid..."he sounds",...what is your definition of good song, is it good sounds?...going by your definition you would say Suresh Peters is a good singer too...thats real pathetic child...rehman & suresh peters scream like rats caught in a lorry tyre...my goodness me)
7)..//"In ARR's albums, it's anyone's guess who's singing next. In IR's albums the days when the same duo sings every song are not far away.."//(enna matchi...quarter adichittu vandhu post panniniya?...like your strange definition of music,even your last posting made absolutely no sense)
:-) if you are tired by now, go and listen to the nursery rhyms 'love check one.love check two..." from PP, while i listen to the 'so called' funeral song of 'thenpaandi seemayile'...yes, it is the funeral occasion of a kid called WHYNOT :-)
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Fri Nov 30 06:41:41 EST 2001
Looks like Whynot knows much more about ARR's songs and how ARR composes than ARR himself. Similarly, N'eu'tral Fan seems to know more ("In my dear maestro's case, the whole song is approached holistically"!!) than his dear maestro himself. I think its time ARR and IR stopped composing and started a war of words here in this forum. No prizes for guessing where Whynot and N'eu'tral fan will be!
- From: neutral_fan (@
on: Fri Nov 30 06:43:49 EST 2001
- From: male_chauvinist (@
on: Fri Nov 30 06:52:36 EST 2001
whynot sounds like an immature girl while neutral fan sounds like a not-so-immature girl...but both are women anyway (judgement based on their posts, i.e. kozhai adi sandai...)
- From: neutral_fan (@
on: Fri Nov 30 07:05:32 EST 2001
annachi male_chauvinist...enna naina ippadi confirmed'a solra? Unakku eppadi theriyum? Anyway,it is irrelevant to the topic...so, forget it... I am waiting for that "brain damaged" WHYNOT to respond....[or atleast that ara vaekkattu paya (half baked idiot) who calls himself "no jalra" can respond...that would be even better)...
idhu kozhai adi sandai illa kolaikara sandai...wait and watch...oru kai pathirlaam....
- From: RealDeal (@
on: Fri Nov 30 07:39:02 EST 2001
I agree with Whynot atleast in that that ARR is a better singer than IR.
IR should have stopped with making music. Those romantic numbers IR sang would have sounded way better if it was SPB.
- From: TamilMan (@
on: Fri Nov 30 08:02:57 EST 2001
why Rahman is better than raja.
rahman gives a very rich blend of music with different combination along with technology than raja.
rahman is giving repetitive music is nonsence. actually people who do not have patience to listen and they always wanted to be heared once like raja.
- From: dinesh (@
on: Fri Nov 30 08:16:19 EST 2001
rahmans music is like a air conditioner----cools u artificially
raaja'a music is like the breeze of nature -----brings happiness and peace which is not short lived
- From: dinesh (@
on: Fri Nov 30 08:16:26 EST 2001
rahmans music is like a air conditioner----cools u artificially
raaja'a music is like the breeze of nature -----brings happiness and peace which is not short lived
- From: Pras (@
on: Fri Nov 30 09:06:40 EST 2001
Sorry guy, I feel that there is more pleasure on listening to a song by Raaja than by Rahman, i can't accept this !!
- From: Sam (@
on: Fri Nov 30 11:56:13 EST 2001
When it comes to vocal harmony, I feel rahman's compositions stand better in comparision to raja's. Of course raja did some good vocal harmony, but i feel that rahman did a better job in that. Of course every body has their own strong points. I am still waiting for a "rakkamma" type of violin intro from Rahman.
From Raja's compositions, "Adi athaadi" comes to my mind first, thats beautiful harmonising. Another song is "Andaalalo Mahodayam" from a telugu movie. There its not exactly harmonising, but he uses the chorus to bring in a dreamy effect. And in the song "pudhu maapilaiku" from "abborva sagodharargal", the chorus style is very similiar to the doo-wop and rock n roll styles that were famous in the 60's and 70's. These are some examples from raja's compositions. There are others which I cant remember now, yea "april may" from Idhayam is one.
From rahman's compositions, the first one that comes to my mind is "smiyai smiyai"from "kandukonden kandukonden". Thats almost accapella kind of song. If only the instruments were not used, it wud be 100% accapella composition. We even have a base voice giving the bass and rhythm in that song. Then there's "raasathi" from "thiruda thiruda", where rahman shows how he can use voices. He shows even without the violins and flutes, themes and couter themes can be introduced. That song is one of my faves. Also, from the same movie, the song "kannum kannum" has beautiful soul and R&B type of humming. Also, it seems to me that rahman harmonises his tunes to the maximum extent. Now a days, I hear harmony in most of his songs, even for his classical based compositions also. Two examples would be the malayalam chorus in "Jiya jale" from "Dil se", and a more recent one would be "Adhisayam thirumanam" from PP. Even PP's tilte song has that style towrds the end of the song, but i feel that adhisayam thirumanam is better. Now before u brush them off as gimmicks, try composing them or atleast try singing them the way they are performed. Also, rahman accents his phrases by having one singer singing the tune in one octave, and the other singer singing in the next octave. One example would be the song "Kannodu Kaanbathelaam" from Jeans. In the second verse, Nithyasri sings in one octave, and the other singer sings the same tune in another octave. Thats kinda cool. U can accent ur tune by having a bass guitar or a cello play the same tune when the singer is singing, but its different when u use a bass voice. Even Karthick raja did that in the song "Desingu Raja". And many choruses and interludes by Rahman has good harmony, like Dil se title song. There are lot more examples, but again i cant remember evrything. If someone comes up with anything, please post them here. I think that its mostly Raja and rahman who used voice harmony to a good extent and effect. Of course the new crop of MDs are also doing this, which is a good thing.
SO before u brush off anything as a nursery song or something else, please please care to pay attention to the details in the song. Love check has got a good number of percussion instruments going into it, even the irish kind of tapping in the end. Its tough to get so many drums into one composition. ALso Thenpandi cheemayile is a soulful tune. Listen to the bass, bells and the flute when the music begins. Please dont brush off anything that comes from these two MD's especially, there's always something to learn in their compositions.
All the above in my own opinion.
- From: Trend (@
on: Fri Nov 30 12:32:39 EST 2001
That was a good and informative posting.Could you write about "Tham thana thaalam varum" from Pudhiya Vaarpughal.Thanks.
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