Topic started by tigger (@ on Wed Nov 21 15:45:39 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
top ten reasons why IR is better than ARR:
1. Raja's music is like a 5-course meal but he prepares it like fast food. Rahman's music is like fast food but he prepares it like a 5-course meal.
2. Raja's music is like Coke - the real thing. Take it or leave it - but think of tinkering around with it to make it more palatable and fans would be horrified (people familiar with New Coke's disastrous introduction in 1985 and it's subsequent withdrawal will understand better what I mean). Rahman's music is like Pepsi, definitely the choice of a new generation, but coke fans will never really understand what it is that people like about Pepsi - ughh!.
3. Raja can compose a tune at the drop of a hat, but the song is so unique and the various sounds blend so well that you feel as if God intended the song to be that way and there is no way you will accept it any way else. Rahman takes ages to give that right 'impromptu' touch to his songs - and changing most of his tunes (very few of his songs are pretty good and therefore fit the do-not-change criteria) will not cause me to lose much sleep.
4. Raja's music is like a perfect wife - nice to be with, comfy, goes above and beyond to take care of your needs, and usually exceeds expectations. Rahman's music is like a typical wife, when she's good, she's great(kannodu kaanbathallaam), but when she's in one of her moods, she can be terrible and you feel like yelling "shut the **** up" (minsaara kanna - jeez, shut the **** up!)
5. Raja's music pulls at your heartstrings, Rahman's makes you want to shake an arm and a leg but doesn't quite reach your heart.
6. Raja's music is so unique, ARR is repetitive for the most part.
OK, #6 was lame, but I wanted to write atleast 6 points.
- Old responses
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Nov 27 07:27:05 EST 2001
"naan naaiya vida kevalamaanavan"
Naai Kevalamanadhunnu yaar sonnathu...
- From: tigger (@
on: Tue Nov 27 13:20:57 EST 2001
No jalra, fliflo and the like, please refrain from posting drivel on this thread please! :)
Whynot, I don’t know why you take such offence when I describe a perfect wife. Is there any thing wrong in yearning for one? Just because she has all the qualities I describe does that mean she has no life of her own? That’s the reason I said perfect wife, a kind of a super-wife. Hope you are not one of those bra-burning feminists. :)
Here’s my #7:
IR’s period was at a time when there was not much fan-fare. People listened to his music and appreciated it, but media, communications etc. were not as advanced as it is today. So his achievements and praises he receieved from others did not get much publicity, plus he had no one, or did not want anyone to promote his music. ARR’s era is different. He is the right guy at the right time and so is making hay. He is popular, he creates good music, he earns a phenomenal amount for it. Period. What irks me is the way people loosely use the term genius when talking about him. genius?! IMO the only authentic genius to come out of the Tamil movie industry is IR. ARR’s achievements from a purely musical (not popularity) perspective reminds me of what Sir Isaac Newton once said of his own achievements.
I feel like a little child playing on the sea-shore, picking up here and there a curious shell or a pretty pebble while the boundless ocean of truth lies undiscovered before me. (No points for guessing who the ocean is here!)
- From: tigger (@
on: Tue Nov 27 13:36:38 EST 2001
fliflo, sorry, I misread your posting...
- From: brinda (@
on: Tue Nov 27 14:01:44 EST 2001
You pt. #7 could work both ways. Nowadays, with the advancement of media and more exposure people of TV, people seem to be more interested in the song picturisation rather than the song. During IR's time that wasnt there. There have been so many ARR songs totally ignored for the simple reason that they werent well picturised. A gem of a song like "En Swase Katre" was removed from subsequent screeings of the film as the people wanted a fast and well shot song. Not one where Arvind Swamy dances like a moron.
IR is also the right guy at the right time. We all know what has happened to IR after ARR's entry. If ARR had been born earlier, IR would have been totally overshadowed by ARR much earlier than it actually happened. So, thank IR's luck for having been born earlier.
This basically shows there are two sides to any coin.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Tue Nov 27 14:28:08 EST 2001
//If ARR had been born earlier, IR would have been totally overshadowed by ARR much earlier than it actually happened//.-Brindha, do you writes jokes for vikatan?nice one!i fully agree-if ARRhad been born earlier, he would have overshadowed not only IR, but also G Ramanadhan, MKT and a host of others including MSV,TR, KVM etc...
- From: Pelavandhaan (@
on: Tue Nov 27 14:32:20 EST 2001
Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ BOooooooooooooooommm..Pchhhhhh.
Konja neram amidhiyaa yellorum sindhichi, pozhappa paappomaa.
My two cents: I strongly support Khokoi! T.Rajender is the best Music Director any music industry has ever produced in the history of the universe.
- From: Trend (@
on: Tue Nov 27 14:36:41 EST 2001
Sometimes jokes in vikatan contains hidden truth and makes people think, right?
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Nov 27 15:07:10 EST 2001
ok tigger, tho u r entitled to yearn for your non-existent kanavu kanni, I was pretty seething mad to read ur description. I'm no bra-burning feminist, and I don't believe in feminism for mere rhetoric, but for serious stuff like equal opportunities and action against domestic violence. Unfortunately the pattern is, victimised women who miss out on careers and education, and submit to domestic violence are women who are culturally brought up to believe they are meant to be doing precisely the things u described. Well, i'm sure u are no wife-abuser and have no evil intentions, so let's leave it. No offences.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Tue Nov 27 18:35:05 EST 2001
//with the advancement of media and more exposure people of TV, people seem to be more interested in the song picturisation rather than the song. During IR's time that wasnt there//
how old are you brindha?we were interested in the way songs were picturised-beleive me-esp after maniratnam came to scene-he had nine of his movies with IR-6 with arr-i liked those a lot better than the ones he made with a view to satisfying both northies and south-I personally did not like them too much!
If IR had not been there-ARR will not be there.he is just the next step in musical evolution in tfm.I sometimes wish you chaps who write such rubbish could go back in time to see what IR was like when he was in his peak.
- From: To yaaro (@
on: Tue Nov 27 22:12:09 EST 2001
"If IR had not been there-ARR will not be there.he is just the next step in musical evolution in tfm."
yaaro, for once i think i whole heartedly agree with u. Though i respect ur wcm tastes and opinions, i really didnt agree with ur opinions 100%. But now i do.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Nov 27 23:21:45 EST 2001
I don't think there's any qn of ARR overshadowing IR. If IR had been born later, he might have just used more modern eqpt that could have given him the same edge as ARR. Right now, if the kind of hits tat made IR famous were to be released at present, they would be topping the charts too. The reason I feel IR is not exactly no.1 at the present moment, is his own music rather than ARR or anyone else 'overshadowing' him.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Tue Nov 27 23:44:12 EST 2001
Just to add, tho ur #7 has some valid points tigger, there were also several advantages in IR's days.
1. Due to the media's lack of advancement in IR's days, most people in TN did not really get to listen to much other than tfm. There was no MTV or SS or other cable channels to catch other kinds of music.
2. Due to tech advancements being far away, the danger of downloadable mp3s on the net or pirated vcds/cds were absent. So ppl had to buy the cassette if they wanted to listen to the songs in a good quality medium. Hence, sales records untarnished.
3. No high tech eqpt. So if someone wasn't experienced with musical instruments at all levels, they couldn't make an entry into tfm md. Tat would have kept many aspiring mds from the competition for IR. Whereas ARR has those kinds of competition too.
4. No TV channels for entertainment: Hence IR's concerts were much valued. IR's concerts were such a big affair those days. One would never get to watch the MD or the stars on TV. So everyone went to the concerts. The result? An added revenue source for IR and his team. And, the spread of his popularity far and wide.
One can keep going on for both sides of the coin, as Brinda pointed out.
- From: Prashanth (@
on: Wed Nov 28 00:38:15 EST 2001
If ARR had been born earlier, IR would have been totally overshadowed by ARR much earlier than it actually happened. So, thank IR's luck for having been born earlier.
Hey, Brinda, hold on for a moment!!! Plz. read ur stmts again, how ridiculous and nonsensical they are.
Some sense cud be attributed if
ARR was born and brought up somewhere out of this Universe (Mars, Venus), and was suddenly launched onto the EARTH with Roja or (alright, whatever he was doing earlier, jingles etc.) and took the world by storm, honestly ignorant of Raaja's music, melody and for that matter, anything abt Indian Film Music, or atleast TaFM.
The technical reasoning well furnished as #7 by
tigger (@ on: Tue Nov 27 13:20:57 EST 2001
Now, enlightened ???
- From: trigger (@
on: Wed Nov 28 01:07:56 EST 2001
no jalra engappa poyitta ????
- From: pardhu (@
on: Wed Nov 28 01:42:36 EST 2001
IR is isainyaani. He is a musical genius. Rahman
is a technical genius. Ofcoarse each one has a little
share of the others' subject.
- From: Prashanth (@
on: Wed Nov 28 01:50:58 EST 2001
quite reasonably well, Pardhu
- From: Trend (@
on: Wed Nov 28 09:50:53 EST 2001
"If IR had not been there-ARR will not be there.he is just the next step in musical evolution in tfm."
If this is true in ARR's case, couldn't this be true in Ir's case too?If ARR is (n+1)th step then IR is nth step, right?
- From: Jag (@
on: Wed Nov 28 10:49:54 EST 2001
Pardhu ,
Are you the same pardhu who maintains the music cornor on telugucinema.com. If so, hey why did you stop on that section and now most of the old links don't work. I really admire your job , I think it takes a lot of effort to to do something like that. I wish I could do that, but I don't have the resources to do it.
I don't know why people keep saying Arr is more techno, IR was years ahead of his time . Even a folk song by him had complex but melodious rythms. And till now(and before) no one has been able to master the concept of multiple melodies. The music is so perfect, it is absolutely unbelievable. Anyone should just listen to (m)any of his albums in telugu (abhinandana, rudranetra, nirnayam, sankeerthana for different genres), bgm's too, its way too advanced and superb than the mediocre music we get nowadays.
Even as a kid when I did not know about IR, I knew that this music is different, a different kind of beat for his. How many MD's are able to do that nowadays?
People who have not seen IR's movies or listened to his songs should not pass idle comments on his music.
I have my own ARR favorites too (roja, gentleman,
pudhiya mugam, thiruda thiruda, duet, kaadhalan, taal, rangeela), but he is dishing out nonsense nowadays. I surely look forward to something with lot of strings and beats which made these albums really good.
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