Topic started by daisy (@ on Tue Jun 12 05:21:28 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
He is the 1st M.D to recieve such an award-what do you think is the reason?I think it is because of the impact he created in both north,south India and abroad...
What do u think guys....
- Old responses
- From: Fan of ARR (@
on: Wed Jun 27 11:52:53 EDT 2001
And 100 times better as a music director, before some stupidly smart Alec says something
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Wed Jun 27 12:12:12 EDT 2001
"as far as HFM contribution goes"
so you inherently agree that ARR is better in HFM. this ironically does mean that he lags way behind in TFM? FYI, I did not add anything here..:-)
- From: Trend (@
on: Wed Jun 27 12:17:05 EDT 2001
Great Logic!
If I make a statement "you are better than me in Algebra".Does that mean I'm better than you in Trigonometry,Geometry and everything else?
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Wed Jun 27 12:20:14 EDT 2001
That is the same question I've posed above (with a question mark). What do you feel??
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Wed Jun 27 12:23:14 EDT 2001
meanwhile, i am little twisted with 10, 100,1000 times better kinda statements..I would be happy if somebody comes up with an explantion for the quoted numbers...
- From: Trend (@
on: Wed Jun 27 12:28:57 EDT 2001
If I'm right,Fan of ARR's whole vision was HFM and nothing else while making the statement.If you are curious about the whole implication w.r.to TFM,let's see what fan of ARR has more to add.
- From: S T S (@
on: Thu Jun 28 22:19:42 EDT 2001
Explanations? Here?? :-)
- From: S T S (@
on: Thu Jun 28 22:23:02 EDT 2001
I remember this Thiruvilaiyaadal dialog by Naagesh. Enakku kelvi ketkatthaan theriyum. Bathil solla theriyaathu...
Similarly, people can make statements. No one expects them to justify :-)
- From: Whatever (@
on: Thu Jun 28 23:36:11 EDT 2001
musicfan :
That your collection of IR's music beats ARR's by hundreds comes as no surprise. ARR does not have that many, anyway. Secondly, if your name is a reflection of your taste, all the more reason to keep the ARR numbers low.
If I can post like Trend, I can delude myself that I am smart.
- From: Trend (@
on: Fri Jun 29 15:27:04 EDT 2001
Delusion is a wonderful way to lead a irresponsible but enjoyable life.-)
- From: Kaushalya (@
on: Fri Jun 29 17:37:27 EDT 2001
Trend, I am impressed by your command of English. You are really smart. Wow!
- From: Bharath (@
on: Fri Jun 29 18:41:58 EDT 2001
the question to be asked wud be
"why IR did not get Padmashree"
is he bigger than that award? is it irrelevant?
the question is if at all they decided to give padmishri to a MD why was it ARR and why not IR?
Considering the fact that the northies arent all that tamil friendly.. (they ignored sivaji for dadha sahab phalke and gave it to dilip kumar..when all DK did was copy sivaji).
To what extent wud u go to give ridiculous analysis of why ARR got it? well! in 1992 All of the world said that ARR wud'nt last. Now its a decade. The only thing I want to know is after 10 years from now if ARR still persists on dissapointing u and continue to be successful...will u give up? or will u still live in the past???
//"And his high profile albums and popularity has got him the Award..more than his music. "//
and where do u think high profile and popularity comes from? DOes ARR have a good face? why do people have to neccesarily like him???
Another ridiculous posting is...
//"No southindian director was given entry to northindia. "//
care to elaborate on reasons as to why?
sadma and ek thu jekeliye were good opportunities?
coming to that no one wonders why IR "recycled" his tamil songs? when ARR is critisised for doing so
//"You see, if IR was younger by 10 years or more "//
its as stupid as saying If ARR was born 10 years b4 he wud have cut short IR's career.
- From: RealSlimShady (@
on: Sat Jun 30 03:02:59 EDT 2001
ARR very much deserved the award...he not only broke the one-man dominance in tamil, but also created a first in which a MD became popular all over india with his first movie.
Did IR deserve the award?...I am sure he did
But I am very happy for TFM that atleast ARR got the padmashri
- From: Aditya (@ proxy3.roalok1.mi.home.com)
on: Sat Jul 7 21:19:47 EDT 2001
ARR has amazed me with a most creative composition in Nayak - Listen to "Tu Atcha Lagtha Hai"...I think this shows how far can he go to compose...Made me to think a while...from where does it come to mind...
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sun Jul 8 08:59:50 EDT 2001
>>>I think this shows how far can he go to compose...Made me to think a while...from where does it come to mind...
Nesamaava ..illa kalaiyareengala.
Where can I download the songs (MP3/RA)
- From: rsubra (@
on: Wed Jul 11 03:04:29 EDT 2001
I think everybody here have forgotten about the outstanding work of ARR in Vandhemataram which has crossed state,country and international borders. That is the ONLY reason may be for Padmashri
- From: just got sick of it (@ fw-ext.ascend.com)
on: Wed Jul 11 19:53:05 EDT 2001
All hindi hits crosses the state borders, so everyone deserves a padmashri. BTW, VM didnt realy cross any contry border.
You know this song Lata sang and Nehru cried during indo-china war?.
Did that composer got a award for it?. You wont even know who it was!.
How about the song mile sur mera tumara, it tours around different langauges and kinds of music all around india. How many awards did that one get?
VM, was a good song. Just dont hype it after years. Just the time and the way it was repeatedly aired makes it appear like it was great.
- From: mahsesh (@
on: Thu Jul 12 00:32:45 EDT 2001
arr knows hindi. due to all india image he got it.
- From: peeps (@ test6.cbsinc.com)
on: Thu Jul 12 03:30:38 EDT 2001
onnum puriyaliyey..konjam explain pannunga..pleazzz..
- From: LV (@
on: Fri Jul 13 02:40:16 EDT 2001
mr "got sick of it"
Yeah, that composer was C Ramchandra and the lyricist was Pradeep, and the song was "ae mere wattan ke logon"
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Fri Jul 13 13:07:31 EDT 2001
just got sick of it :
Actuall I got sick of you. If you don't know who the MD or singer was, then it doesn't mean that the whole world is unaware of it. The world is not just you. Atleast LV and I live in it.
- From: LV (@
on: Sun Jul 15 02:17:29 EDT 2001
mr "got sick":
Nobody denies the greatness of other patriotic songs, but how does that undermine ARRs Vande Mataram???
- From: kk (@ fw-ext.ascend.com)
on: Sun Jul 15 15:19:16 EDT 2001
I was addressing the guy who posted just before me. We all know you are encyclopedia in these matters.
How may common people knew it? that the question. I too knew it, but I know it or I dont, it doesnt matter.
I was just trying to say that there were many worthy partriotic songs time to time. VM is not that great to ignore, all the previous efforts and giving it a award.
You want to what undermines it? its a very ordinary songs.
- From: kk (@ fw-ext.ascend.com)
on: Sun Jul 15 15:23:56 EDT 2001
Take the songs in kappalotiya thamizhan.
Can you tell me by any way VM is better than those songs, musicaly?
I know you know good facts. why dont you educate people like rsubra, who gives in hype and goes to an extend saying just that song needs an award?.
Why are getting at me?
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Jul 16 07:33:20 EDT 2001
>>>Take the songs in kappalotiya thamizhan.
Can you tell me by any way VM is better than those songs, musicaly?
What do you want to say? do you mean to say that Kamal should not be given NA , because SG was not given any in his time. I still hold SG a better actor than Kamal. But, it never pained me when kamal, got 3 in number a SG just 1 as supporting actor, that too in his 60's. (Of course DSP award has been bestowed upon SG just 3 four years before)
- From: LV (@
on: Mon Jul 16 09:08:54 EDT 2001
mr KK:
Yes, almost every common man knows the details of 'aye mere wattan ke logon' understand!!
also, merely ur saying that ARRs VM is ordinary does not make it so. U people know how to HYPE a pathetic score like Hey raam and trash a lovely album like ARRs VM. Also have u heard the Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan song in this album by ARR?
- From: kk (@ fw-ext.ascend.com)
on: Wed Jul 18 10:14:26 EDT 2001
Mr. LV,
I asked 5 NI guys in my compnay, know one knows who is the composer for the song, atleast they cant even make remote guess. All these people have stacks of hindi film songs. YOu want me to beleive every knows about these songs?. They know which song it is and who sang it, but not the composer.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Thu Jul 19 07:45:26 EDT 2001
>>>I asked 5 NI guys in my compnay, know one knows who is the composer for the song, atleast they cant even make remote guess
You have got the best sample population to make a statistics about 100 million people. BTW did you in any way study in ISI (Indian Statistical Institute). I accept your survey. Keep it up.
- From: LV (@
on: Thu Jul 19 07:57:45 EDT 2001
There are very few patriotic songs as famous as 'aye mere wattan ke logon'
And suppose it was NOT famous. How the hell does that undermine ARRs Vandemataram.
If u do not like this album, u need not listen to it. Stop slandering it like this, for HEAVEN'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!
Again have u heard the Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan song from the same album?
- From: LV (@
on: Thu Jul 19 07:59:42 EDT 2001
Yes, I agree with CF. Yes, ur statistical skills are as abysmal as ur common sense!!!
- From: Kupps (@ atlwebproxy1.core.hp.com)
on: Thu Jul 19 09:44:43 EDT 2001
kk was not undermining vandematharam in his posting. he was refuting to the point posted by rsubra.
I think everybody here have forgotten about the outstanding work of ARR in Vandhemataram which has crossed state,country and international borders. That is the ONLY reason may be for Padmashri -- This was rsubra's point
All hindi hits crosses the state borders, so everyone deserves a padmashri. BTW, VM didnt realy cross any contry border.
You know this song Lata sang and Nehru cried during indo-china war?.
Did that composer got a award for it?. You wont even know who it was!.
How about the song mile sur mera tumara, it tours around different langauges and kinds of music all around india. How many awards did that one get?
VM, was a good song. Just dont hype it after years. Just the time and the way it was repeatedly aired makes it appear like it was great. -- this is kk's reply.
From there it turned out to be a counter of non-exisiting "anti-vandematharam".
the following is the counter 1 from CF
just got sick of it :
Actuall I got sick of you. If you don't know who the MD or singer was, then it doesn't mean that the whole world is unaware of it. The world is not just you. Atleast LV and I live in it.
CF/LV the intension of kk was not to say that the MD of that song is an unknown guy. the intension was -- it is a gem of a song that cut across borders; not just state borders but also made politician's emotion suppressing attitude and made even Nehru to weep. It is such a gem; So, rsubra, that MD, as per your logic should have got padmashri or whatever it is and the irony is most of the people don't even know/remember who the composer was. Hence the consideration is not just your album crossed borders. It might be something else.
counter 2 from LV:
mr "got sick":
Nobody denies the greatness of other patriotic songs, but how does that undermine ARRs Vande Mataram???
tell me LV where in his posting did kk undermine ARR's vandemaatharam?
mr KK:
Yes, almost every common man knows the details of 'aye mere wattan ke logon' understand!!
also, merely ur saying that ARRs VM is ordinary does not make it so. U people know how to HYPE a pathetic score like Hey raam and trash a lovely album like ARRs VM. Also have u heard the Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan song in this album by ARR?
LV, when are you going to drop your notion that if it is "kk" (or) "srinath" etc whatever he says is "anti-ARR". Please read...even kk has some brain, he is not a blockhead like me as you think him of. he wrote his reply to "rsubra" in a reverse way.
And finally you know what you have brought this unnecessary fight to? totally out of topic and a heaps of waste digressions in the form of counters and counter to counters(ie. receiving counters).
CF, in this thread, it applies to you too.
i hope you both won't take my posting wrongly.
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