Topic started by Vijay Venkatram J (@ on Mon Nov 11 11:08:23 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear Friends,
Let us vote for 'Adi Rakkamma' from THALAPATHI as our choice for the World's Top Ten Songs poll conducted by BBC!
I am suggesting this song because if in case the BBC people listen to the nominated songs, they will feel knocked out on hearing our Maestro's 150 Vioins' Strings Ensemble!
Let us all do it at:
Yours Always Musically,
Maestro Ilaiyaraaja Fans Club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilaiyaraaja
RaajaNGAHM at http://www.raajangahm.com/members.html
- Old responses
- From: John (@
on: Sat Dec 7 07:05:13 EST 2002
Dear friends, what is this? The voting has been entirely upset. I don't think it has been because of original votes. Ofcourse as a Citizen of India I admit Vandemataram at No.1 but when just the music is considered, Rakkamma kaiya thattu must be No.1 But the result is daunting. What happened to u all my dear IR Fanatics? Come on man. We should not leave our fellow down
- From: DJ (@
on: Sat Dec 7 10:00:49 EST 2002
Let's try this out folks. If you want to keep out the paki song from winning and still want an indian song to the 1st, vote for both RKT and VM when you try to vote. This would not split the vote and thereby increase the votes in both the songs. By doing this, you are doing a favour to your favourite music director as well as your country. what do you think?
- From: multinamatheyan (@
on: Sat Dec 7 13:48:45 EST 2002
I feel sorry for all the ARR fans who voted for the cliff richards song earlier in the poll, just to eclipse RKT.
arumayaana voote wasttu panniteengaleeda. VM'ku pootiruntha ippo 95% VM
vaazhha jananayagam. Now you know how JJ got to be CM!
on: Sat Dec 7 14:48:20 EST 2002
- From: Palani Kumar (@
on: Sat Dec 7 15:08:58 EST 2002
Cool down please ...
Regardless of the result, Rakkamma is the news now, and it will be. Better to give positive side of (our Indian song, specifically a Tamil film song) rakkamma and the team who involved in this song (Ilaiyaraja, Rajinikanth, SPBalasubramaniam, Maniratnam ...) to the world. I beleive, Well wishers of Tamil Film Music can understand.
Think of our Tamil film song in BBC. This is good chance to show the world about Tamil Film Music.
- From: Kum_Laden (@
on: Sat Dec 7 15:27:52 EST 2002
Its good chance to show that only u guys has no velai vetti to vote for some locao song repititively just to become first.. Enkum Oolal.
- From: Sam (@
on: Sat Dec 7 17:52:28 EST 2002
Rigging,cheating. The World is laughing at the ethical standards of Taamil people. LOL.
- From: Rakkamma veettukku polama? (@
on: Sat Dec 7 18:49:44 EST 2002
I think we should close this thread ;--)
- From: curses (@
on: Sat Dec 7 20:50:59 EST 2002
veetukku ponama??
Kai thattunga auto varum!
- From: KumLaden (@
on: Sat Dec 7 23:50:31 EST 2002
Veetuku pona Raakappa torture panuvaaru.
- From: OISG (@
on: Sun Dec 8 02:51:05 EST 2002
Ethical standards ...oh!god!
What have the Tamil people done?
I expected this as the Big Mooses & DUHs from the North voted for Amitabh as the actor of the century.In our efforts to push the tamil song we have breached the same code of conduct which the Laloos breached sometime back.Atleast they do not have any shame and would again vote for Aruna Irani or Bindu for the actress of the century and Laloo Prasad for the politician/Statesman of the century;we tamils should not do this mistake again.
- From: hehehe. (@
on: Sun Dec 8 05:45:23 EST 2002
what mistake are you talking about on the parts of tamils?
voting for a tamil song?It is in senteces like this your true hate for IR stands revealed.
If hindi chaps can vote for a hindi song and pakis can vote for a pakistani song what is your problem in tamils voting for a tamil song ,which evoked a standing ovation from the members of orchestra when it was RECORDED IN BOMBAY?
I am sure you must be very happy now that a tamil song is out of contention for the most popular song.true tamil!
incidentally,one site where you would have expected the maximum gloating stands out-precisely because it is absolutely silent about this-the yahoo group.
It is almot 2 days since VM came to top with furious multiple votings by ARR fans and once it has reached the top they almost seem ashamed of the fact now.serves them right.not A SINGLE posting about bbc poll over the past 2 days!
- From: OISG (@
on: Sun Dec 8 06:03:51 EST 2002
Mr/Miss/Mrs Hehe!Kashtakalam!
My post was a response to Sam who says
"Rigging,cheating. The World is laughing at the ethical standards of Taamil people" in this thread and
"Tamil is a rough crude language spoken by jungle people. Hindi is sweet language. Hindi singers make even taamil sound sweet. Thats why directors prefer Hindi singers. Udit and Sadhna so sweet" in another thread.
En Nilai aarambathilirunthu ondre than.Entha poll samacharame oru madathanamana excercise.So far it has proved to be a fight between programmers in ARR group and Programmers in IR group to vote for the "SPAM of the century" than pick a "SONG of the century".Both the parties did not expect Pak intruders...!
- From: WN (@
on: Sun Dec 8 06:51:49 EST 2002
"one site where you would have expected the maximum gloating stands out-precisely because it is absolutely silent about this-the yahoo group."
hehehe, so were u busy rummaging thro the YG looking for gloating? jus like u to do something like tat. :)
- From: indian (@
on: Sun Dec 8 06:57:34 EST 2002
to hehehe.
>>>> incidentally,one site where you would have expected the maximum gloating stands out-precisely because it is absolutely silent about this-the yahoo group.
It is almot 2 days since VM came to top with furious multiple votings by ARR fans and once it has reached the top they almost seem ashamed of the fact now.serves them right.not A SINGLE posting about bbc poll over the past 2 days! >>>>>
but then why you looking at just two days?
look the archives from the very beginning of this poll.
from the very beginning of this poll, barring a handful of people, nobody else was really interested in this poll. check the full message archives from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arrahmanfans/ and you will find that infact there are only very few messages regarding this poll. And most people very not too excited about such polls which are utter useless, and which serve ONLY IN INCREASING THE BBC WEBSITE'S HIT RATE.
its really a disgrace to this country to see the people voting and voting , licking the english man's feet to get their certifications.
shame shame shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- From: hehehe... (@
on: Sun Dec 8 07:43:44 EST 2002
sorry for misunderstanding you!I think that was a kneejerk response.
This poll has not been as fair it should have been- mainly because what was a local war between ARR fans and IR fans spilled over into the bbc website.
all the top three songs cannot be called the most popular songs on the planet-all of us know and agree with that.IR fans were trying to prove a point,and they succeeded.
I think this will be last time bbc will be conducting any poll of this sorts which are meaningless.
- From: what a sheer waste of time (@
on: Sun Dec 8 12:24:23 EST 2002
Folks, a real poll can start only after this poll. BBC has found a lot of songs voted and select 10 of them and then put up a poll. Ask people to register their names, email addresses and also other poll verification information. This way they get one vote per voter. Is BBC doing that? No, it is just a fun thing at the outset they have mentioned it, so why take this seriously. If IR wins, even though this crude poll doesn't mean much, in India it will only help the record companies like pyramid, hmv and others. By now, BBC has enough info about IR for them to know that Beatles has 35 song nominated because they have only 35 songs! BBC may sell the pol info to a producer and they may make an offer to IR or the record companies. Anyway, as far as IR fans are concerned the fun has saturated. Either IR fans say, let us quit this and stop multiple positings (because this crude poll without verification validation confirmation is not a real poll) or continue to fight and win the fight. That is if you guys have time for it. Rahman and Pak fans seem to have time. I personally feel this poll has turned out be a joke after all. Must be also a promo toll for ALW since he had the queen's visit.
By the way, if you have the time think about voting for the sond DIl DIL DIl Manadhil form Mella thirandadu Kadavu!!!
- From: Concerned citizen (@
on: Sun Dec 8 16:34:44 EST 2002
Dear friends,
We are sure, all of us have heard the news about the brutal killing of
former Karnataka Minister Mr. H.Nagappa by the forest brigand Veerapan. We
think it is high time the Indian government took definitive action to curb
this menace plaguing the nation.
We urge you to express your concerns to the Prime minister's office (PMO)
and/or the Karnataka/Tamilnadu governments by voicing your views on the law
and order situation in their respective websites. The following are the
links to the "Voice your Opinion" page of the PMO and the Tamilnadu CMO.
1. PMO: http://pmindia.nic.in/writetous.htm
2. TN CMO: cmcell@tn.gov.in
3. Karnataka CMO website seems to be down at this time.
I really don't know how to start a new thread. There is another reason for posting this message in this thread. We all made a tamil song popular in this world. Can we not make this a big issue in India so that some action is taken immediately. So please post your concerns on this issue at the PMO website and forward it to all your friends. If somebody can help and start a thios message on a new thread avangalukku kodi punniyam.
Very sorry for the DIGRESSION.
Concerned citizen
- From: peyarilladha mundan (@
on: Sun Dec 8 17:48:21 EST 2002
the bbc polls.....
and the IRfans-ARRfans war......
shame to all who are in this forum!!!!!
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