Topic started by SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu) on Fri Aug 28 13:44:52 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Guys & gals, I have already put this stuff in one of the therads. But, owing to the poor response, I am starting it as a topic. I am sure if some of us get together, we can sponsor an album of say, IR's great BGM pieces or something like that. I really miss listening to them. I am sure we could raise the funds over a period of time.
Interested people, please respond in this thread. We will have to plan out the details also.
- Old responses
- From: Kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Tue Sep 15 16:53:07 EDT 1998
Ok..took sometime off from work to go to this studio here in Kitchener, Canada. The guy played the Nothing but Wind CD on his system (Tannoy speakers + Hafler amp). He thought it was well balanced and everything. The hiss he thinks is from reel to reel tapes. If he has to mix it exactly like the way it is on the CD from the analog tapes he thinks it should take him an hour to get one piece (there are 5 in NBW). He charges $50 per hour.
Then I played Mouna ragam. In one song, he thought the vocal were distorted (so remixing is not gonna help) but he is not sure.
Actually, the guy was a little overwhelmed by the music. He mentioned about some better studios but still he wants to remaster atleast one CD for us.
Anyways, I went to this guy mainly to get a professional opinion on these CDs (both Oriental records). Looks like we can get NBW and HTNI remastered with very good quality. We may not do it in this studio (Kitchener is a small town but Canada as such has a very robust music industry) but atleast we know what our guys were doing with the recording.
Now two important things that need to get done -
1) specifics of recording medium of the original tracks (like say, NBW, HTNI etc)
2) Copyright. This is a big bummer. I dont know how we can get the copyrights back from Oriental Records. I am not sure whether they have an exclusive right to making CDs or not. If it is not exclusive then geting the copyright from the original owners may not be a big deal.
3) What are IRs plans with his new studio ? He is probably contemplating exactly like what we are thinking of. We have to make sure we do not conflict his interests/plans. Best thing would be to find a common ground and co-work with him. We could probably float a 'IR Music Appreciation Society' or something like that will co-produce these things with him.
(now I have to get back to work)
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@
on: Wed Sep 16 10:09:12 EDT 1998
I had approached Oriental Records a little while ago for getting license to produce CD's with our combination. They have a similar agreement with Pyramid. They are not averse to the idea. But I did not pursue it further, owing to different reasons. I had also spoken to EMI (RPG), USA. They had no interest in doing this.
- From: suresh (@ bowerbird.qut.edu.au)
on: Thu Sep 17 08:11:58 EDT 1998
hi kaushik, kiruba et al..
i've just started working on a dedicated website for this project that I have fancily called "The Ilaiyaraaja Collective".
The URL for the site is
Among several pages under construction, I've put in a sort of framework for a business plan. Look this up at
I think if we develop this in detail, it would be handy for sponsorships etc. Please send me your comments on this, as well as any other detail (starting from the project name itself), ASAP. I'm open to all your suggestions; it's still at a fairly early stage so you can feel free to ask me for any modifications/ additions.
See you soon..
- From: SR Kaushik (@ ntws211.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Thu Sep 17 21:09:11 EDT 1998
Suresh, I cannot but admire your enthusiasm in this project. I have been to the URLs you have indicated and I was very impressed. I'm sure if all of us continue in the same vein, we will go a long way.
- From: A Fan (@ chcgb112-39.splitrock.net)
on: Thu Sep 17 23:25:39 EDT 1998
Amazing, Sir. I feel I can contribute a $500, if not more, shortly. Let us all meet. I will be in Chennai in the third week and whole of January. If any of you guys are going to be there, let us get introduced and pursue with others in the US upon return. I can bring in my contribution into the treasury.
BTW, the write-up is cent percent top quality. I have not read an apt intro like that in my life.
- From: venus (@ 27.los-angeles-05.ca.dial-access.att.net)
on: Fri Sep 18 15:57:39 EDT 1998
(My reponse to Suresh's page on IRC)
Hi Suresh,
Excellent mission statement . Thanks on the behalf of everybody interested in this venture.
1.You can provide the information about the number of people who have signed up so far. And there should be some facility for thenew members
which will update the list on-line. This will be helpful and no need for any manual intervention.
2.I could not see any copyright issue , which is very important .
3.The plan to approach IR through right source and during that phase we should be very clear about our financial plans and we should emphasis that we are not profit oriented group and we need to have proper proof that the idea germinated only through the DF.
Otherwise I am impressed by your effort. I am happy that somebody has taken the first step. I have already signed up for this project.
Please pardon me if I have mentioned something which is already in the page
(I might have misssed).
A Music lover
- From: venus (@ 27.los-angeles-05.ca.dial-access.att.net)
on: Fri Sep 18 15:59:39 EDT 1998
Sorry gus a correction....
1.You can provide the information about the number of people who have signed up so far. And there should be some facility for the new members to signup, which will update the list on-line. This will be helpful and no need for any manual intervention.
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Fri Sep 18 20:07:14 EDT 1998
Great initiative. I will communicate with you regarding the business plan.
Right now, I am going to get an idea on the number of hits web sites with Tamil music are getting.
I also would like to know how many hits newtfmpage.com and discussion forums are getting. I am going to estimate the Internet-bound Tamil listener population from this. We probably have to multiply this by a factor (between 5-10??) to assess the number of people who can buy CDs.
Looks like in India a good movie sells around 100 thousand units (cassettes + CDs). So I guess these remastered CDs (and I think we have to do tapes probably on better quality ones) will sell a good percentage of this.
Since these are old hits/instrumentals etc we need a good marketing campaign. We have to allocate funds for this. We have to get IR to do a concert(S) in India and abroad to promote these albums. TV appearances should also be planned. Considering IR is media shy this could be a non-trivial task.
I will be contacting all the Tamil Manrams in the USA/Canada to estimate the size of the NorthAmerican Tamil population. The Tamil Manrams can also help us in popularising the albums by organsing concerts with local artistes/enthusiasts. Almost all Tamil Manrams have a bunch of enthusiasts who can decently perform these songs.
So Suresh, please update the docs with these marketing plans. You are better at writing than me :-)
More later.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Fri Sep 18 23:40:22 EDT 1998
Guys(esp Suresh), Srinivas gave me an excellent suggestion. We can advertise the URL provided by Suresh by asking Ravi to highlight it in some more conspicuous place, so that more people join this project. In fact, if possible, we can give links to it from every site about TF music.
Ravi, (if you are reading this) it would be great if you could do this.
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Sat Sep 19 02:20:44 EDT 1998
to get a good idea of how IR's BGMs are, take a look at the rajapaarvai BGMs put up by Anand.
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Sat Sep 19 11:28:45 EDT 1998
SRK: Do send me mail if you want my imm. attention on anything. I do not read all the threads every day, but do manage to catch up on all activity within a week. :-).
- From: sree (@ mymble.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Sat Sep 19 14:45:38 EDT 1998
Hi Everybody:
I was held up with some work , and that is the reason for this hibernation.I was suprised to go over this thread.I also was discussing similar things with my friends when i was in India.
I could see that you are in Canada.I am in Montreal, if you need any help regarding the project let me know.
Congrats for kicking off such a project.I have no words to appreciate your effort.
Congrats for acting very quick and making a web page for this project.
I think you can be of great help when it comes to the technicalities of recording , ... so on.
Hope this effort comes out successfully.
- From: sree (@ mymble.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Sat Sep 19 14:49:18 EDT 1998
Anand Mahadevan:
Thanks for hosting the GURU songs and the BGM ,Theme piece from Rajaparvai.I was watching "Idayam " movie yesterday .The title piece and BGM was very good.If you get a chance to record them , it would be nice.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Mon Sep 21 17:25:15 EDT 1998
I don't know why there hasn't been much response here for the last 2 days(20th and 21st). This is the nth time I am saying this - if anyone has any comments on the Mission st. or priorities, please speak up.
As for Srikanth's meeting with KR, it seems KR was not at home when he went, he has asked for KR's email id. Also, Srikanth will be busy for a few days with his own album. Maybe we may have to wait till then to hear his response.(He told me all this by email). I will email him some time and find out the status.
- From: R.Ravi (@ 225.birmingham-16-17rs.al.dial-access.att.net)
on: Tue Sep 22 01:01:32 EDT 1998
Man its been a long time sionce i came here and WOW !!! what a development.I am moved to tears by the effort of all u guys.I am just overwhelmed by the concept and couldnt say more except to be of help if needed.What more can a IR fan ask for from whom i learned the nuance of film music and music in general.This concept is a tribute to the man whos music could bring about so many people together out of their profession to devote time to.COngrats and hope it becomes a reality.My best and sincere wishes .-------From a man who still relishes " Annakili " songs.
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