Topic started by SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu) on Fri Aug 28 13:44:52 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Guys & gals, I have already put this stuff in one of the therads. But, owing to the poor response, I am starting it as a topic. I am sure if some of us get together, we can sponsor an album of say, IR's great BGM pieces or something like that. I really miss listening to them. I am sure we could raise the funds over a period of time.
Interested people, please respond in this thread. We will have to plan out the details also.
- Old responses
- From: Srikanth (@ slip-32-101-16-126.il.us.ibm.net)
on: Tue Sep 8 21:20:00 EDT 1998
I am ready to join this project - re-master his Raja scores. But obtaining the master tracks is not easy. We can re-perform them, but we need good musicians to play the score (we have to get the score sheets). No one other than Raja can help us. He has to give the master tracks, There are various formats he used -> 8 track tapes. 16 track Tapes, later he began to record on Digital Audio TapesS (DATS) So we need a good hardware setup to do this - re-mastering is not a easy task.
We can approach Prasad labs or Media artists Madras. A good feasibility has to done! before hand, We need to plan the songs that are to be re-mastered. Cost will be high we need minumum of $15,000 to $20,000 atleast to something worth while.It is not a easy task, but I am ready to take the white water raft ride.
I will try contacting KR this weekend!, let me see what I can do. Keep ur finger crossed!...
- From: A fan (@ chcgb207-19.splitrock.net)
on: Tue Sep 8 22:14:06 EDT 1998
Mr. Srikanth
Seegerima podunga. Excellent. Project estimate
is very undernourished. cost may be more than a few hundred thousand dollars for copyrights,technicians, travel, equipment, hours on the job I will saying not less than two years
- From: SR Kaushik (@ ntws227.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Tue Sep 8 22:14:37 EDT 1998
Hi everyone, I have already written this but am repeating it - finance is not a problem if we get together. Even if we have to finance say 1 lakh dollars, if there are 25 of us, it comes to $4000 per guy & that's very practical indeed. That's the main reason I started the topic in newtfmpage. Maybe realising this amount may not be immediately possible for all of us (esp for PIGS - Poor Indian Graduate Students like me) but it should work out in 2-3 years. So it need not be dismissed as far fetched. I hope that my explanation encourages others to participate, esp Costly Project (hey, what's your name?);
Of course, Suresh & Kiruba suggested something about floating a company. Since I don't know much finance, I can't comment on that, but even with that option, money is not going to be problem provided there are sufficient of us.
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Wed Sep 9 11:38:48 EDT 1998
Thanks for jumping in. I know remastering is not a n easy job. But very very feasible technically. I bought a HariPrasad Chaurasia CD in ADD done by Recording engineers in India. It is very good. So I am hopeful we can do this in India itself if the American companies charge us too much.
Re: finance. I look at it this way. My friend recently spent $10000 on a music system. (PG spent $3000) But if I do not have enough/good material to listen to what is the point. If the CDs have bad recording then $10000 or $20000 is not going to make a difference. So I consider this investment as part of my music system.
Re: Graduate students finances - Its very simple dont do PhD :-) :-) seriously you guys can invest slowly. We will work it out.
I will be going to India end of Sept. I would like to do some work re: this there. So lets work hard on this. I am reading this thread everyday in the morning at work !!!
- From: Srinivas (@ scproxy2.sc.intel.com)
on: Wed Sep 9 15:27:44 EDT 1998
Thanks for your support! Keep us posted about your meeting with KR. I have great admiration and respect for KR. It will be nice if we can get him to contribute some pieces!
- From: A Fan (@ chcgb107-40.splitrock.net)
on: Wed Sep 9 18:32:30 EDT 1998
Maybe the two richest young Indians from South who recently sold their internet compny, Junglee for over 700 crore rupees may be the final search as far as sponsors concerned. Any of us know, Anand Rajaraman and Venky Harinarayan?
- From: JR (@ faraday.bfsec.bt.co.uk)
on: Thu Sep 10 07:45:59 EDT 1998
Pillayar chuzhi
I agree with the mission statement as an IR fan.
Priorities 1 and 2 :But where is the market for this? If the market doesn't exist and we have to create a market that is going to involve tremenendous marketing and not to say a lot of money.
Even if we do that, will we not be catering to a niche market ?Think.
A better thing to do would be to look at the idea of remastering his old songs as the first step .
This has got an instant market.( What is it's size ?) As Suresh said ( that is a good posting ) nostalgia in itself has got great commercial value.
step 2 .We have to look into the cost factor. Someone with a knowledge of this industry can make a rough calculation ( Hope srikanth can help here ) After doing this we have to see how many pieces we have to sell to break even.
The above is a very rough plan. Once we get the size of the market and cost factor , we have to see whether we have to float a company or get someone interested. When there is a market business men do get interested.
Depending on the success of this venture , we can do proceeed to do the following.
- Instrumentation of IR's songs.
- The BGM
We have also got to meet IR and tell him what we want and get his opinion. This can be a parallel activity .
I personally would love to have his old songs in good quality CD. I am also ready to be a partner in this venture. But at the same time a note of caution.
- It is not just the money we put in, It is also the time we spend on this project that has also got to be costed.
- This is going to take time.
If there is an outside chance that we break even , i will consider our efforts well spent.
- Instrumentation of IR's songs.
- From: JR (@ faraday.bfsec.bt.co.uk)
on: Thu Sep 10 08:44:56 EDT 1998
sorry about the formatting of the posting.
- From: IRfan (@ gw4.awo.com)
on: Thu Sep 10 10:36:32 EDT 1998
Guys, My two cents to the discussion. I really appreciate that you are all making a great effort to make IR's music universal. I would like to say just one thing. I am also a great IR fan like you all. But, think about the orphans, homeless children and destitutes in India. IR by God's Blessings is one of the richest men in TN. If he wishes, he can popularize his music Internationally without much efforts. I do not know why so many fans with there minimal savings(in some cases) should sponsor an album for a rich person. IMO, if even 1% of the total money spent on this sponsporship is spent for one of our poor children, it will give them food and shelter for a year. Many children in our country do not have a future think about. Please, have this in mind also and I request you all to make the same efforts to support many children who deserve to have a good future.
Here are a few more URLs for your reference. Kindly visit them and feel free to mail a check to those charities that are working for our children in need...
http://www.indiacharitynet.com/ (for a list of charity groups.)
http://dworkin.wustl.edu/~hari/uk/ (udhavum karangaL)
- From: Deepu (@ pc109.renewal-iis.com)
on: Thu Sep 10 11:40:11 EDT 1998
Nice thought "IRFan". We can shoot for two things with our goal. "Ore kallule 2 maanga". We can release this album and let the profit go for the homeless children. This way we will IR and IR fans will earn place in everybody's hearts. IR's music can be made popular and at the same time the homeless children will benefit from this. Michael Jackson did something similar. eg: "We are the World" song etc.
Any comments???
- From: Swapna (@ spider-tj031.proxy.aol.com)
on: Thu Sep 10 11:55:34 EDT 1998
Good idea! We can decide whether we want all the profits or a % to go to charity as the Mission evolves.
For now, we should focus on the feasibility of this project and getting industry contacts. Lets not lose our enthu.
IR Rasigai Swapna.
- From: IRfan (@ gw4.awo.com)
on: Thu Sep 10 12:10:07 EDT 1998
Deepu & Swapna:
Thanks for the support. Yes. Deepu's point holds water. It is sure a good idea. IR is a philanthropist and he would be too glad to accept this proposal. What say you all?
- From: SR Kaushik (@ sol11.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Thu Sep 10 12:18:43 EDT 1998
Deepu : That is a nice idea. I am willing to support it.
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Thu Sep 10 22:36:54 EDT 1998
is the latest technology the CD technology? is there a better way of remastering it???can anyone put technical fundaes on this??
- From: SR Kaushik (@ nova4.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Sat Sep 12 20:23:36 EDT 1998
Srikanth, Could you please tell us whether you talked to KR and if so, what happened?
Can anyone knowledgeable enough in music (Srikanth, Srinath, etc) give us an estimate of how much this venture is going to cost?
I am also awaiting responses from Rajaraman and JRamanan - I hope you join in.
Meanwhile why don't guys give their opinions about the Mission statement and priorities? Please don't be passive participants.
- From: A Fan (@ chcgb105-22.splitrock.net)
on: Sat Sep 12 21:40:00 EDT 1998
As fans we should say thanks to IR. Don't we put a lot of money in our favorite temples. I propose, even if IR is richer than Goddess Sarswathi, we should collect somethig like Two crore rupees from worldwide and then approach IR with project. If I made in my career say a 10 milion dollars I will keep a million (that is enough for me) and then approach as a banner producer and do this projet alone. But we have to work together as fans.
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Sun Sep 13 18:40:05 EDT 1998
Hi Everybody,
I really appreciate our folks' interest in charity work et al. Yes, we can contribute our profit to such things. But first we have to get this project off the ground. The only way we can get this off the ground is by people committing some investment on their part. I think $2000 - $4000 should not be a big amount for most working people in the US. Think of it as buying stock in a company. You are investing in a project which will provide you musical enjoyment whenever you get nostalgic about your younger days.
Kaushik has written up a list of people interested in this. Please email him or me and tell me what you can contribute, what you would like to be done. Ultimately, certain decisions will be made based on business/marketing reasons (with the help of technical people like, Srikant). Ofcourse, we will stick by our mission statement closely. (otherwise we cannot distinguish us from the rest of profit motivated crowd churning out CDs with even the amplifier hum !!)
Feel free to email to ask about the current state of the project.
Can you get me more specifics on the recording medium used by IR ? ( other than 8 track , 16 track) I will be talking to some studio guys here in Canada very soon.
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