Topic started by bb (@ on Tue Feb 20 03:21:22 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi! We've made a major addition to newtfmpage, and that is a big song bank. Dhool features thousands of songs for your listening pleasure. This site is a part of the newtfmpage.com - swara.com group. Together with newtfmpage, we wish to make this the best place to listen to tamil film songs online and know about tamil film music. Our collection includes old, new, famous, rare and unheard of songs. We are still fine tuning and fixing the database errors, so please bear with us. We value your feedback, and this will help us build the site better. Please post your comments below or mail to comments@newtfmpage.com.
This work was done by us (bb and RR) with MS and swara.com ravi.
- Old responses
- From: rk (@
on: Wed Apr 23 07:05:26 EDT 2003
hero for the movie aravalli is eeswar and heroine is mainavathi.other actors include g.varaletchumi and karunanithi (appeared in song chinna kutti nattana.one more great song is anbe enthan munnale.
- From: OISG (@
on: Wed Apr 23 07:27:49 EDT 2003
Eeswar ,is he TE Srinivasan s(the cricketer )father?
- From: :) (@
on: Wed Apr 23 08:55:46 EDT 2003
This is one of my mother's favourite songs. Thanks BB
- From: bb (@
on: Thu Apr 24 01:12:47 EDT 2003
Song of the Day: kaalamidhu kaalamidhu from Chithi.
- A classic from Kannadasan and MSV. The song is an ideal lullaby that runs for more than 6 minutes. P.Suseela is at her best here. I like her measured rendition, and the way her thamizh is perfect. The way she sings "eNNiraNdu vayadhu vandhaal kaNNurakkam illaiyadi" is just scintillating. Her variations on "naalu vayadhaana pinnE" are also very good.
- Lyrics in our Pazhaiya Paadal Pakkam page: http://www.newtfmpage.com/ppp/kaalamidhu.html
I've copied the lyrics here, in TSCu_Inaimathi.
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P.S: One of the best ¾¡Ä¡ðÎ songs of all times. An
ideal song for mothers to induce sleep in babies.
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- I've always wondered how MSV and Kannadasan composed the first stanza. The lyrics says "maaRum, kanni manam maaRum", and the music also reflects the change, a mood of apprehension and expectation. What a wonderful way to combine the lyrics and the tune!! The first lines are also very telling, praising the carefree life of a child, as Kannadasan says, "kaalam idhaith thavaRa vittaal thookkam illai magaLE". So, sleep well, my child, since this is the only time when you will get to sleep with nothing to worry about. As you get older, there will be more stress in your life, and more demands from you. You will be torn apart on love, and lose sleep over your child. You will get sleep only in your old age, when your hands and eyes fail you.
- A great discussion on Kannadasan's piLLai paadalgaL happened in this thread: http://www.newtfmpage.com/forum/14114.2349.14:00:38.html
- Thaalaattu songs in TFM: http://www.newtfmpage.com/forum/28973.22158.07.50.05.html , http://www.newtfmpage.com/forum/13527.5991.15:42:00.html
- Kalai posted this list of melancholic lullabies:
1. ChinnanChiru KanMalar (PathiBakthi) ( Waiting for her missing husband and consoling her child wiyh a lullaby)
2. Kaalamithu Kaalamithu (Chithi) ( Experessing the sorrows of a normal women in the lullaby)
3. Malarnthum malaraatha ( PaasaMalar) ( It may not come under P.Susheela solos. My all time Favourite.)
4. Annamitta kaigalukku (Iru Malargal)
5. PoonChittu Kannangal (ThulaBaaram)
6. Kaagitha oodam (Marakka Mudiyuma ?)
( song written by Kalaignar )
7. Kannana Poo Magane (Thanner Thanner ) ( she sings it for 5minutes continiously. No music between pallavi and saranam. A song could have been awarded. She brought the emotions properly)
8. Poo Mugham Sivakka (Amma)
( A good song.music Shankar-Ganesh)
9. Thoori Thoori (Thenral sudum) ( Kavignar Vaali's First song was sung By PS (Karpagam) . When he completed his 30 years of cinema, the same day This song was recorded and with his recommendation PS gotthe opportunity to sing the song. Song by kids in memory of their mother.)
10. Arumbarumba (ChinnaThaayi) ( A lullaby with a advice for her grown daughter )
- From: bb (@
on: Thu Apr 24 01:19:04 EDT 2003
correction: melancholic lullabies of PS.
- From: vijay (@
on: Thu Apr 24 01:39:25 EDT 2003
PS's voice is definitely adorable in this song. Great choice.
bb, if you have "Pazhamudhircholayile thozhi" by PS, please make it SOTD some day. Thats another song where PS excels.
- From: OISG (@
on: Thu Apr 24 03:06:04 EDT 2003
PS "balancing act?".Chitthi was a good movie too.I liked Sandhippoma (PBS-LRE) which had Cycle bell opening music.
KSG -MSV(TKR) ventures produced great songs in
Kai kodotha Deivam
Like PS Lullabies the dance songs of PS like
Pazahmudhir cholayile (Kuzhanthayum deivamum)
Mannavan vandandi(thiruvarut chelvar)
Azahgan muruganidam(Panja varnakili)
Mariathirunthey paarkukm(thillana)
Ther kondu vanthavan (EnakkuL oruvan)
can be considered.
I checked up for Eswar -alias Tirumalai Echambadi Eswaran is indeed TE s dad and he was the hero of Pavalakodi as well.But last word /confirmation required from saravanan.
- From: Lollu Party (@
on: Thu Apr 24 03:15:15 EDT 2003
Great song! PS-aa kokkaa?
Another lovely melancholic lullaby is
Kannan varuvaan kathai solluvaan
Vanna vanna thottil katti thaalaattuvaan
Kuzhal eduppaan paattisaippan
Valampuri sangeduthu paaloottuvaan
- From: raj (@
on: Thu Apr 24 03:24:20 EDT 2003
Very Nice Song by PS ..
i think KSG himself Wrote this Song..
commanding Work by PS which can be used to Train other singers...
- From: sk (@
on: Thu Apr 24 04:14:32 EDT 2003
It seems the hero of Aravalli was one PS Govindan, who is also the hero in aayiram thalai vaangiya aboorva chinthamani. It seems G Varalakshmi comes as the heroine Mynavathy's mother. I also hear that R Parthasarathy, who was the assistant to GR, may have actually been the one who composed (or call it setup) the song 'chinnapeNNAnapOdhilE' under orders from TR Sundaram!
- From: sk (@
on: Thu Apr 24 04:39:57 EDT 2003
More PS lullabies:
anbil malarndha nalrOjA (KKKD)
vaaraayO vaaraayO (engaL selvi)
kaNNE rAjA kavalai vENdAm (Bhagyalakshmi)
naan padum paattilE (Bhavani)
Each one is a beauty!
- From: Cinema Virumbi (@
on: Thu Apr 24 05:27:52 EDT 2003
'Chiththi' dared to break the 'maaRRaanthaai' image and project Padmini as an embodiment of affection and sacrifice. Radhika once mentioned that this film gave a break to her father MR Radha (perhaps after a few flops)and this is also a reason for her making the epoch making 'chiththi' serial, with the same name and a similar theme!
- From: sk (@
on: Thu Apr 24 06:19:01 EDT 2003
There is another PS lullaby in the same movie (Chiththi) for an interesting situation; most people do not even know that such a song exists. Kannadhasan, MSV and PS continue their excellent work in that song too. The movie situation is as follows.
It is night time, around 10 pm. Padmini (who, as CV said, has married MRR and come as a 'chiththi' for MRR's kids) is trying to put the little kids (particularly the tiny baby girl) to sleep and starts the lullaby...
sanginaal paal koduththaal sandhana vaay nOgumendru
thangaththaal sangu seydhu tharuvaargaL ungaL ayyA
But, ayyA (MRR), who cares a damn for the kids, is in a different mood.. and wants Padmini to come upstairs immediately to satisfy his needs.. and is giving loud whispers from there. Padmini continues the lullaby while also conveying the situation (Kannadhasan scores here)...
malai mEl pasu mEya, magizhamaNi Osaiyida
magizhamaNi OsaiyilE en magaLE nee kaNNuRangu
MRR continues his loud whispers from whispers, almost commanding Padmini to come upstairs. But the little baby girl is still only half asleep and Padmini continues the lullaby..
thangamagaL thoongalaiyE, en thaalaattum mudiyalaiyE
angirukkum avasaraththil indha amudhamugam theriyalaiyaa
(She chides MRR in the last line.)
thaalElO thaalElO..
Now the baby also has gone to sleep. A pleasant flute music.. Padmini gets up to go upstairs.
Let me get hold of the VCD, encode it and make this song available in the PS club today.
- From: Saravanan (@
on: Thu Apr 24 12:22:31 EDT 2003
The ‘mother’ of all Tamil film lullabies—Thanks, bb!
Chithi was a great film and Padmini was wonderful in the title role.
She is the eldest in the family, and her younger brother Muthuraman is studying.
She loves Gemini Ganesh, who goes abroad for a while. In the meantime, considering the family’s precarious financial position, she sacrifices her love and marries the rich widower MR Radha.
MRR is a sex-fiend, who literally bedded his first wife to death- she has left behind a brood of children of all ages, ranging from Nagesh and Vijayasri(?) to an infant—It is such a household that Padmini enters. Though at first, everyone (including the Patti Sundaribai) eyes her with suspicion, she wins over the entire family with her love and care.
‘Kaalamidhu kaalamidhu’ is such a lovely song- as bb says, it advises the infant not to make a fuss and go to sleep, for when the child grows up, at each later stage of life, there would emerge a hindrance to sleep. We know this truth now- when it is too late—and as for the infant, she is surely too young to understand this truth- so it will not be of any use to her as well! But that does not lessen the beauty of the lyrics in any way- and KSG had filmed the song so well-
The short thogayara gives a wonderful indication of the philosophical flight that the song is going to take off on- ‘Pennaaga pirandhavarkku kannurakkam irandu murai, pirappil oru thookkam, irappil oru thookkam, ippodhu vittu vittaal eppodhum thookkamillai, en ariya kannmaniye kannurangu, kannurangu---’
PS justifies the trust placed in her by MSV, as usual- hark at the awesome way her voice dives deep and immediately soars high in ‘Naangu vayathaanappinney--’. KSG brought to life each stage that Kannadasan talks of ( for there were people of all ages in the house!)- in ‘Eerezhu mozhigaludan poraadachollumadi- theeradha thollayadi’- a girl burning the midnight oil is shown ( I am particularly sympathetic to this stage- CA padikkumbothu the number of nights I had to do this- I don’t wish that to my worst enemy- appappa torture!)
Then the tempo changes- for at the next stage- life has some delicious moments- youth- can love be far behind?! –
Kanni manam maarum—
Kannan mugam thedum—
Yekkam varum pothu—
Thookkam enbadhedhu—
Here KSG brings into focus the love that the eldest daughter of MR Radha (Vijayasri)_ harobours for Muthuraman—Kannadasan’s words foretell that MRR will oppose the match- and Vijayasri’s face mirrors the fear in the lines’ Thaan ninaitha kaadhalanai sera varum pothu, thandhai adhai maruthuvittaal kannurakkam edhu’
Even in the ending lines, where Kannadasan touches upon old age- Sundaribai, who was earlier enjoying the song, is now seen nodding off to sleep- ‘kai nadungi kann maraindhu kaalam vandhu thedum, kaanaadha thookkam ellam thaanaaga serum---’
An exemplary song- where the song and the scene come together in perfect sync—
Chithi had some other amazing songs as well—
‘Thanneer suduvathenna, saramsaramaai paaivathenna’ (TMS-PS) where GG and Padmini are shown having a great time bathing in the lake (listen to PS in Ammamma yekkam enna- class!)
‘Sandhippoma indru sandhippoma, thanimayim nammai patri sindhippoma’- a thoroughly enjoyable duet by PBS-LRE. (Muthu-Vijayasri) In songs like this, one understands the reason why MSV had a soft corner for LRE- her ‘Ethirkaalam inbamayamaaga, indru ilamaiyum inimaiyum thunaiyaaga, endrum kanivaaga, konjam thunivaaga--’ has such scintillating moments. PBS too was the right choice.
And when things don’t work out right for the lovers-Muthu is sent out after MRR discovers their affair- how beautifully MSV adapts the same ‘Sandhippomma’ for the sad situation- Kannadasan’s lines ending in questions seemed romantic for the happy version- now the same questions reflect the probable failure of their love- and the same humming that sounded so dreamy in the happy version, now sounds so poignant—
Seergazhi Govindarajan’s ‘Cycle vandi meley, pasum thanga nira bommaippoley’ for Kuladeivam Rajagopal is a breezy teasing song- I remember reading somewhere that this song alone was written by Udumalai Narayana Kavi, all other songs being by Kannadasan. But I am not sure about this, as MSV had not worked much with UNK, and it seems all the more improbable in 1966.
‘Ingey deivam paadhi mirugam paadhi manithanaandhada--’- a very unusual song- for Nagesh and co- Nagesh, who hates his father for his weakness, leaves the house and is a cab driver- this song is a satire on society as a whole- MSV chooses the Qawali style (harmonium and all),- ALR sings for Nagesh and the surprise element here is TA Mothi, who sings for Nagesh’s sidekick- Mothi, who was perhaps the only tfm singer at that time who was trained in Hindustani classical , makes this song truly memorable- the alaaps he gives in this song are spellbinding- the kind never heard before, and never heard since in tfm.
sk- Thanks for that really rare treat!
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