Topic started by SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu) on Fri Aug 28 13:44:52 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Guys & gals, I have already put this stuff in one of the therads. But, owing to the poor response, I am starting it as a topic. I am sure if some of us get together, we can sponsor an album of say, IR's great BGM pieces or something like that. I really miss listening to them. I am sure we could raise the funds over a period of time.
Interested people, please respond in this thread. We will have to plan out the details also.
- Old responses
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Mon Dec 21 10:16:20 EST 1998
It indeed has a foto of raja on its cover,but I don't remember the name of the album :-((
It has iLamayenum poongAtru .I donno about sendhoorappoovE.
What u have said might be true.In any case, we shudn't be running short of money either :-)))
I cudn't reply to ur mail since there is some problem with my mail a/c since this afternoon.
Please try mailing that limca's editor.
Sorry for digressing a bit, guys.
- From: Anand (@ freedum.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Mon Dec 21 10:21:27 EST 1998
Just want to get a heads up on where we stand on the album planning stage.
My take on this would be to get a few sample movie score from various production companies.Since most of the BGM pieces do'nt have more than 2 mins playing time, we might need to do some cut and paste.
Somebody in chennai needs to shop around.Looks like IR does'nt have an archive.
We have this on project on air for quite sometime.we need to move on.
Anand Mahadevan
- From: kiruba (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Mon Dec 21 20:52:32 EST 1998
Just talked to a guy by name Rae in Oriental Records.
He is very averse to selling the copyrights to the music. (He says his boss turned down even big labels like HMV etc on this matter) But he is willing to let somebody else remaster the CDs at our preferred studio. Also, he wants to be in control of the CD production because he needs to know how many CDs are being sold.
He even offered to send me a new 'Nothing But Wind' CD (which he says will have a better quality than the first production run). He says every production is done on better and better equipment etc.
I convinced him that there is scope for more improvement in the quality. He is supposed to fax me the title of movies for which they hold copyrights. They do not have the tapes for the BGM score (this we knew already).
So finally I said we are willing to work with him etc blah blah (all that American politenss everything etc) but we want the stuff mastered at a studio of our choice from the very originals.
I will have to fax him soon a summary of our objective and also he wants an estimate on the number we can sell.
I also reiterated that this is a labor of love and that we are in not business to compete with them. This is just a one-off project we are doing because we are fans of IlayaRaja.
He claims to have known IlayaRaja for the last 10 years. He says he is a genius but has no market now. (I think this statement will help us convince these people to work with us on this project). And people are looking for only his older works and for most purposes they have it.
Now I want to come up with a write up that we can fax to these guys. So help me guys on this write up. Suresh, Kaushik et. al ??
- From: suresh (@ bowerbird.qut.edu.au)
on: Wed Dec 23 00:30:09 EST 1998
Hi Kiruba:
Good to be back on this. I'm rushing against a deadline, will write something over the weekend & will keep u posted.
- From: muthax (@ user-38ld81d.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Wed Dec 23 02:20:49 EST 1998
Suresh i just visited your page. A very good site.
I would like you to add the song Manitha Manitha in the list of prelude/interlude
That piece itself can be made into a great symphony by IR.
- From: suresh (@ bowerbird.qut.edu.au)
on: Wed Dec 23 02:33:28 EST 1998
Thanks Muthax. Will add ur suggestion, soon.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ cras17p4.navix.net)
on: Wed Dec 23 02:44:12 EST 1998
Shankar: I went thru the BGM thread. I think most pieces mentioned there are covered in our list (in Suresh's web page). And I think we have enough pieces to work on. We have to move on to the next stage.
Anand: I think we must talk to Raaja to help make the short pieces full fledged. I think 4-5 minutes is the ideal time for any piece. Is your cousin interested in the project? If so, it would be great if he could talk to Raaja about this in more detail. If this is too much to ask, try and ask him to find out the email address of KR, and we'll write to KR.
Kiruba: I think you can get the material from Suresh's page. It neatly summarises our mission statement, and the list of pieces we want in our compilation. About how successful we expect this to be, I have no idea. As you said, its purely a labor of love.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ cras17p4.navix.net)
on: Wed Dec 23 02:45:54 EST 1998
Also, I wanted to add this: What I mean by songs is instrumental versions of them which are played by better instrumentalists. I hope we are all agreed on this.
- From: Anand Mahadevan (@ freedum.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Wed Dec 23 10:23:35 EST 1998
It will be a far cry to get raja or KR involved.It has to be done from our end.I somehow do'nt subscribe to instrumental version of songs.BGMs would itself be too hot to handle and all we need to do is to get hold of the scores.
I spoke to my cousin and he kinda showed some interest but guess we did'nt go thru the technicalities.I will give it a try.
Somebody will have to contact production companies and get hold of the scores.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ nova18.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Fri Jan 22 12:45:41 EST 1999
I'm back and so is this thread.
- From: suresh (@ bluebird.qut.edu.au)
on: Sat Jan 23 08:06:23 EST 1999
Wow! back in the new year. I've been a bit busy working with my final projects, but hope to wrap up everything & be back @ Chennai by early March. With some (a big slice of) luck, I hope to be based at Chennai for the future. I'm willing to commit reasonable time to this project, work together with whoever is available & interested at Chennai/ India & see how it goes. Could we draw a realistic time frame and plan of action, & maybe then attempt a feasibility study?
- From: kiru (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Mon Jan 25 02:22:13 EST 1999
I will be in India till Feb 20th. Its a pity you or I cannot meet at that time.
I think its high time we got this project off ground. First, we need to setup an interview with IR. He has a very good studio now and we have to see what interests him. I basically want to get him interested in doing an instrumental album with good Indian and western musical instruments.
Recently I found a recording label in California (WaterlilyAcoustics.com) which does high quality audio recordings. We could engage them as consultants or something. This company is run by a tamil person (Kavichandran Alexander).
I am also thinking we should consider buying the rights to songs/BGM of a new movie before hand. We should pick and choose this movie. We should try releasing just this movie alone in a single CD. We should have theme music, some BGM pieces, songs and instrumental version of these songs. We could also make sure that the album is recorded well (and especially not with crappy synthesizers etc).
I think this would be cheaper to produce than an album from scratch.
For an album, I think we should try some opera/drama concepts like rAmAyanam, mahAbhAratham, silappadhikAram etc. (I thought about this yesterday while I was enjoying a musical performance by the San Francisco Women Philharmonic Orchestra) But a movie will make more business sense.
Let me know what you guys think. This whole operation can be started as a NRI venture with good tax benefits etc.
- From: One Suggestion Maker ! (@ dixon.ge.com)
on: Mon Jan 25 11:10:46 EST 1999
Why dont you guys try to get hold of the rights
of 'Nothing but Wind' and 'How to name it'..
I think it would do well internationally if
promoted well.
- From: Madhan,Goa (@
on: Wed Feb 10 00:25:35 EST 1999
Recently I was in Chennai and I made some elaborate queries for DFers Dream venture /album of Raja..
This is what I learnt about the rights of audio soundtracks and the BGM tracks - you must all be aware of Richy Street in Anna Saalai - behind and around Richy Street, one can find a number of film distributors, with film rolls in their possession - they may charge from Rs.10,000 -Rs.15,000 per day as hriing charges for the rolls
But I was told that it would be very difficult to separate the dialogues from the BGM scores - both come fused and the only option I was told is to hire the film rolls screen them and take down the notes for the BGM pieces or if possible have Raja with us while the screeing goes on and take his suggestions etc..
So, nanbargalae, anybody going to Chennai next time, should make it to Ritchy Street and get more info. on this - I have done a preliminary - in fact, I was in Chennai for hardly 8 hours !! So, I could mange only the above -
I was also told that once we strike a deal with the distributors, we will not be having problems with the audio rights et al.. !!
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Feb 19 15:42:33 EST 1999
Revived as a response to IR's call for his fans to spread the word. Maybe TFMDF can actually contribute something positive to music. Here's hoping to it.
- From: Nithin (@ spider-tr084.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Feb 19 20:17:50 EST 1999
We have to got to have a resolution and make this happen. Let us start by making the plan simpler to execute and get the required publicity.
All we need is to assemble really talented music technicians. That is the first and most important task. If that is ready, we can all standy by and guide.
We need input from Kaushik.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ ntws308.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Sat Feb 20 11:55:06 EST 1999
Nithin: I need guidance from all of you on this project. I don't have any big ideas as to how to go about it. All I know is: if we show sufficeint enthusiasm, we'll surely make it.
So the inputs ought to come from more experienced people who know better how albums are made.
- From: Neels (@
on: Mon Feb 22 01:07:57 EST 1999
Good NEws Guys!
Check out the thread on IR's Cover Story in the latest Vikatan. He really has something to get us going!
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