Topic started by SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu) on Fri Aug 28 13:44:52 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Guys & gals, I have already put this stuff in one of the therads. But, owing to the poor response, I am starting it as a topic. I am sure if some of us get together, we can sponsor an album of say, IR's great BGM pieces or something like that. I really miss listening to them. I am sure we could raise the funds over a period of time.
Interested people, please respond in this thread. We will have to plan out the details also.
- Old responses
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Sat Nov 21 01:08:14 EST 1998
Lets get back to solid business, after bashing others and receiving bashing, too !! :-))
Well, I first of all want to know how much music (in terms of time) can we pack into a CD? My guess from CDs I have is about an hour's music.
In that case, we must split this time into songs and BGMs. I would go for a 50% split. What do you guys have to say?
Having decided this, I think we'll have to go over the listing Suresh has put up in the web page and decide by some scheme of voting on which pieces to finally work on. Is everyone fine with this or not?
Meanwhile, our group has increased in numbers with the main additions being (after the last time I wrote down this list):
1. Srikanth
2. JR
3. A Fan
4. shankar
5. Shibu
6. Sree
7. R.Ravi
8. Srimurugan Krishnan
Come on lets put some more enthu into this.
And after this, I think we must stop adding to the list (which seems to be never-ending, eh?) and get down to other (painful??) tasks of implementing our plan.
- From: Sree (@ viveka.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Sat Nov 21 02:29:24 EST 1998
I have a suggestion, why not we have the BGm as such without mixing it with the songs.It is my humble opinion. By the way i waiting for the next step towards achieving our goal.
Keep up your good work, i am really impressed by all you guys enthu.
- From: shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Sat Nov 21 03:30:00 EST 1998
I guess by "songs" u mean the instrumental version of those, right.
One more suggestion, it wud be helpful if u cud go thro the BGM thread.The first few pages contain great inputs from madhan, NOV and others.
- From: kiruba (@ surfec011.sybase.com)
on: Sat Nov 21 14:23:25 EST 1998
I haven't had an opportunity to contact Oriental records yet. Kinda busy with work and stuff. I should start working on this starting Dec. Meanwhile, like I said earlier, could you guys estimate the time duration of interesting BGM pieces ? SRK's idea of 50% songs and 50% BGM might be a practial approach. I am not sure how many people will buy just BGM alone. But I think we have to do instrumentals+BGM for the international market. Even this can have one or two songs, I think.
Its high time we did this. Already, the younger generation does not seem to have heard IRs great works at all.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Sat Nov 21 15:45:22 EST 1998
Kiruba: I think that several pieces in the list are quite small. What we should do is ask IR to make them a little more full fledged (around 5-6 mins) so as to be presentable as a proper piece.
- From: Nirupama (@ mut-53-0120.direct.ca)
on: Tue Nov 24 01:15:05 EST 1998
SR Kaushik:
When you mention 'songs', do you mean the instrumental versions of popular songs or the remastered versions of old songs? I think it's better to go with the instrumental versions for the first album. As one of our main objectives is to market it to the international audience, I feel that instrumental music is a better way to introduce IR's songs. What is the update on this project? Please make sure you include the "Mouna Ragam" theme pieces in the first CD. I think it's one of the very best BGM scores from IR.
- From: kiruba (@ surfec011.sybase.com)
on: Tue Nov 24 22:31:49 EST 1998
I am a bit busy here. Otherwise, I would have contacted Oriental Records by this time. (I hate saying this. Because my friend had this poster in his room while we were in Anna University Hostel which said - "only a busy man finds time to do everything".)
Yes, mouna rAgam, is really fantastic. But if you had noticed the Oriental records CD has this recording in mono !!!. Can you beleive it ?? Looks like we have to deal with these guys, even though I hold them for being unscrupulously irresponsible in releasing IR albums in bad quality CD transfers.
- From: Nirupama (@ mut-53-0561.direct.ca)
on: Wed Nov 25 13:05:40 EST 1998
Don't worry about the delay! As long as we accomplish what we intended to do in the first place, I don't think these short delays should matter. Hopefully, we'll release this album before IR releases his 'Symphony' himself:-)) Didn't know that Mouna Ragam pieces had already been released with the soundtrack before!! Maybe you can insist on better recording this time. Good luck to you!!
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Wed Nov 25 14:49:37 EST 1998
Nirupama: Actually, so long as commercial restrictions are not too prohibitive(since songs may be more popular than instrumental versions), I would go for instrumental versions of songs. Its for all of us to decide together which to go for.
- From: kiruba (@ surfec011.sybase.com)
on: Wed Nov 25 16:29:17 EST 1998
Thanks for your encouragement.
IR is building a studio maybe we can co-produce these things with him. Looks like for Instrumentals and BGM we may have to deal with him (IR said in an interview, the composer owns the rights of the BGM). We have to find out whether making instrumental versions of songs requires some royalty payments to those own the rights to the songs.
Looks like if it is new recording we can do these really well in India itself.
I just got a CD by Ravi Shankar-Phillip Glass (Passages) during lunch time. It was recorded in Digital format in Kodhandapani Audio Lab in Madras in 1990. It sounds good to me with my headphone and the CD players in my PC. Even SPB has sung a vedic hymn in this album.
- From: Raju (@ macril073.lgu.ac.uk)
on: Thu Nov 26 11:47:00 EST 1998
I'll be a dead man before that symphony is released. I knew a LSO player who said he'll track the composer down & get info but I lost the name.
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Thu Nov 26 14:12:41 EST 1998
Digression: Kodhandapani audio lab is owned by SPB. Probably that explains the quality. :-).
- From: Swaminathan S Iyer (@ p21.dialup.mks.com)
on: Sat Nov 28 22:30:51 EST 1998
Hi All,
I got introduced to this discussion forum recently through kiruba.
Technology is changing and the future is MP3. If we are recommending or planning to release great songs of IR I would recommend MP3 format. It can bring out the depth in the maestro's music.
- From: kiruba (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Mon Nov 30 20:11:35 EST 1998
Welcome to TFM (why dont we call you Anand ?)
MP3 is a good idea. But it is a very controversial format because of the copyright laws and everything. It is a lossless compression of the 16bit/44.1 Hz CD standard. I think once have good masters we can do MP3 anytime (especially after the copyright laws are sorted out).
So now the question is how do we master 96KHz/24bit or SBM. But before this we guys have not solved non-technological issues (like dealing with IR, Oriental Records for copyrights, call sheets etc).
I hope to work this from now on.
- From: How about?? (@ pup36.stanford.edu)
on: Wed Dec 9 14:06:17 EST 1998
Another idea to add to this collection of ideas.
I was watching a film called "Amadeus". It is based on the life and times of Mozart, the great Austrian composer from the romantic age. The film reportedly had a great impact in popularising Mozart's music and in general increasing awareness about him.
Thinking along similar lines, if one were to popularise the works of the greatest Indian composer, making a movie on the life and times of this great genius would be a sure-fire way of achieving the needed impact.
Once we have awareness among the public, we can proceed with the release of monumental works like great BGM compilations, great songs, instrumental pieces, instrumentals, private albums etc.
But this is a venture that requires much more input (in cash/kind), but the returns on the project, if it has the needed impact are much much more.
Any thoughts?
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Mon Dec 21 06:14:59 EST 1998
I had been to trichy yesterday.There in one of the cassette shops ,I saw one interesting cassette claiming to have the instrumental version of good IR numbers.It's by one Mr.T A Selvakumar.
I got interested and asked that guy to play it.
The album taught me how NOT to reproduce the great works of our maestro .
It was a third rate album!!!
What he has done is that, he's played the whole song in the keyboard.ie., synth flute, synth guitar, synth drums etc all for songs of iLaya nilA, iLamai enum , en iniya pon nilAvE kinds :-((.
This might as well create a -ve impact on people.
If at all we r making the instrumental version of great songs,they shud be redone, properly orchestrated and there shud absolutely be no difference betn the original and the ones we r making ,apart from the vocals which shud be replaced by appropriate instrument(s).
if u listen to the album I saw a few times, u'll start hating those original songs.So pathetically made!! yuck!!!!
Please make sure that we don't end up producing such album.
One good thing is that ,the album is doing decently in the market. If we r able to produce an album of good quality, sure it'll create an impact on TFM listeners.
- From: PS (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Mon Dec 21 08:21:36 EST 1998
Shankar : are u mentioning abt the album released under HMV banner with the title 'iLamai enum poongaatru' with thalaivar on the cover? If, so, I agree tht its very amateur, but I felt tht he has preserved the melod of the songs. [sendhoorap poovE senthoorap poovE - flute version is really haunting]. He must have opted for synth verison for almost all instruments, bcos of the money constraints, I guess. Given money and time, he would have definitely given a better instrumental version, I believe.. ofcourse, its my opinion only
- From: PS (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Mon Dec 21 08:27:28 EST 1998
btw, I came across a instrumental version of 'iLa manathu thudikkarathE' [film: selvi] It was exising at the end after all songs in LP record of the same film. All orchestrations were as it is including the chorus, only male & female voice tracks have been replaced with trumphet/clarinet, flute respectively. Its sounds terrific in instrumental version!! but unfortunately, the LP record had only 80% of the song, just as a filler.
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