Topic started by Saran (@ on Thu Apr 25 06:53:28 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Surprising! Even after 10years, ARR still a kid in BGM. Even in his latest KM, BGM lacks a lot. Especially in the scenes where the BGM need to lift the scene. Does his musical talent is LIMITED only to the songs or his CREATIVITY misses something whenever it comes to BGM or does he need MUCH MORE TIME to compose it? Yeah, i agree perceptions differ. Lets see how it goes.....
- Old responses
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri May 3 07:49:43 EDT 2002
Who's gonna listen to Baba and Boys. It will be Ramarajan's & Vijayakanth's latest flicks everyone is waiting for wit bated breath.
Yaaro is right in saying ARR is a has-been. While like everyone here has said, IR wit his Kaasi & Azhagi is the mass appeal isaipuyal.
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Fri May 3 08:39:06 EDT 2002
Neenga yaaro? Ennai pathi onnum theriyaathu aanaal jump to conclusions aagareenga. Athu mattumalla, you make careless remarks about people (saying things like we are posting all over the forum) and not bothering to make any remarks, after I gave you a civil reply.
After reading many of your posts, I came to the conclusion that neenga veluthathellaam paal endru nambubavar endru, but please do not push your luck and pass careless, personal remarks, otherwise I may not respond so civilly any more.
OK, now for responses:
WhyNot & ROTFL do not make up the entire fan base of TFM, I agree, but it is vastly reflective of the present state of TFM rasanai. You can call it mannangkatti rasanai, but it is the real thing. You certainly DO NOT represent popular TFM taste!
I keep on hearing that Kaasi and Azhagi were big hits. However the truth is Kaasi was a big hit and Azhagi was not.
Moreover Kaasi the movie was the big hit - basically because of Vikram - and the music enjoyed the returns from the success of the movie. I know that many people may find this hard to accept but what to do, truth is a bitter pill.
Talking about ignorance, it is you who find it so difficult to accept the fact. And who the hell are you to judge my qualifications on TFM? I know the qualifications that is needed by you - plain, simple jalra kottufying. Sorry, atharkku veru aalai paarungal.
You are assuming a lot of things about me, when you have no inkling about me, my background or my exposure. Ennai porutha varai neengal enakku yaaro. So, please...
And talking about missions, it is very clear that you are here on a blind mission to elevate IR at ANY costs. Don't come back to me about going for Bombay Dreams or such crap.
I respect every artiste and that includes IR and even Deva who seems to be so despised here. Talk about high noses!
And in closing, let me reiterate that my posting was made in response to Vj's highly provocative posting. Of course, you were not expected to condemn it. And naturally you will come after mine. Just pure typical!
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Fri May 3 08:43:13 EDT 2002
but you have to also accept the fact that there is no Rajas in TFM today ... It may be IR, ARR, HJ, YSR, Bharani or anybody else
WRONG! ARR is very much the king of TFM today. Anyone who has big dreams approach him first. He is the most expensive MD as well. We know abour rates, don't we?
As for your other list, kindly remove IR from that group. Except for this forum and a few die-hards, no one else is actaully going for IR.
Sad, but true.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri May 3 08:45:53 EDT 2002
Why are you crying WhyNot(sorry if crying is a wrong word -- i could not think of better term. I don't mean it in a mean way)? It seems you are also like those HCIRFs whom you blame of not accepting the reality.
Neither ARR's popularity went down due to lesser no. of listened-to films of him, nor IR regained the position numero uno MD of commerical success due to the hits of Azhagi and Kaasi. Had you picked any other recent movies of IR other than these two I would not have disagreed with your point. I understand that it was not u who picked these two movies, but i just want to convey my point.
Who's gonna listen to Baba and Boys. It will be Ramarajan's & Vijayakanth's latest flicks everyone is waiting for wit bated breath.
Infacts its where we and the southern district (ordinary mass) differ from. We wait for something to happen to our expectation (anticipation). That may turn out to be success (as expected) or not. But these "ordinary mass" don't do that. They watch the movies and they listen to the songs if they like them (it is their own way of deciding "chart busters"). They did not expect, rather they do not anticipate too much from the released or to-be released movies. Be it the period of Viswanathan Ramamoorthy & KVM (or) IR (or) ARR. This even after having so many copying cassette centers after IRs arrival. If they don't get good songs this time (not the likes of dappanguththu and sexy types; they are not the topic of discussion here) they just listen to aengae nimmadhi (or) pazham nee appa (or) maanguyilae (or) chikku bukku railae.
BTW, slightly touching the dappanguththu types here. Have we ever wondered why deva is churning out so many ghaanas? It has a following, right. Similarly (NOT SAME following) we have followings for PoP or Kaasi or Azhagi.
Hope I was clear. I did not offend you or anybody.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri May 3 08:49:26 EDT 2002
Last line should have been
Hope I was clear and I did not mean to offend you or anybody.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Fri May 3 08:56:12 EDT 2002
ROTFL - enna bayangaraa vaytherichalla post panna madhiri irukku.... hmm... let me think - i think many Director's, especially the one's with good storyline - why in the universe do they goto IR.... hey that's because ARR is costly and IR is very very cheap, right..... ada ammambaaa.... edhu koodu endha maraa mandaikku (me) therialaiyee...... hmmm..... why do i see lots of "vayatherichal" comments from ARR fans..... hmm.... NagaS, i think "it does convey something" :-)......
(aiaaa neriaaaa perodaaa vayatherichalla enaikku naan sambidhichutaeeen).....
- From: NagaS (@
on: Fri May 3 09:05:26 EDT 2002
>>>> ARR is very much the king of TFM today. Anyone who has big dreams approach him first. He is the most expensive MD as well. We know abour rates, don't we?
I agree that he is expensive, But that will only make him a costly MD, not a raja,
A Raja is somebody who is unique and has no alternatives (atleast in his rajjiyam), When IR was on his peak, he was doing more than 70% of the tamil movies released EACH year, more than 90% of the HIT tamil songs EVERY year were IR's ... no alternatives, nobody could even come near IR ... please compare it with today's TFM ... tell me is there somebody who could even be called as a 'Ilavarasan' ? If ARR rejects my movie or is too costly for me, I am sure I have atleast couple of MDs who will give me same kind of music, Isn't it ? if that is the case how ARR can be called as Raja of TFM ?
>>>> As for your other list, kindly remove IR from that group. Except for this forum and a few die-hards, no one else is actaully going for IR.
World is not just Mani Rathnams and Shankars, there are a few talents who very much believe in Raja and his music ... For example take R. Parthiban, just think WHY he choose ARR for his 'Eleelo' and IR for 'Ivan' ? When the objective is not just selling music, But something more than that ... IR is always there in a Director's choice list !
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri May 3 09:11:11 EDT 2002
NagaS, ARR does more than TFM. He also does HFM and even a broadway musical, so he doesnt have all the time in the world to do every single movie for every Tom Di*k and Harry in Tamil Movie industry.
Just like how u cant expect a King to be there for evryone all the time. When he is too busy wit other things, u have to settle for his ministers.
That is the sign of a Real King.
- From: NagaS (@
on: Fri May 3 09:45:44 EDT 2002
I thought we were talking about King of *** TFM *** ...
You mean to say all the other MDs here are Ministers of King ARR, thats a funny comment :-)
ARR may be doing Hindhi movies, musicals or he may be playing cricket for India or climb mount everest ... my argument is jus that he is NOT the king of TFM !
(Pls. understand, I am not telling he lacks talent or doing HFM / Bombay dreams is not a big deal ... )
- From: S (@
on: Fri May 3 09:51:16 EDT 2002
yeah...when raja is approached by adoor then our folks wud say adoor can't afford arr or arr doesn't have dates for so-so directors like adoor but busy doing intellectually stimulating movies like 1-2ka-4s and dauds...When parthiban has comfortably shelved elElo and is doing ivan in full swing, he's waiting for arr to come back from london...
U wud never want to believe the tamil magazines info that raja was appraoched for baba, wud u ??
i know ur answer....all these are just rumors or u'll throw in ur going-to-a-movie-with-mom-and-friend story ;-)
- From: peeps (@
on: Fri May 3 09:54:24 EDT 2002
If a King takes three months to make a simple pipe connection in a street then no one can expect HIM to be there always for their service..u r right WhyNot..
- From: Juan Pablo Montoya (@
on: Fri May 3 09:54:34 EDT 2002
First, even the notion that Harris Jeyaraj, Yuvan Shankar and the rest have somehow manged to give the feel of Rahman, IMHO, is fundamentally flawed. Get a good music system, and listen to even rahman's stuff from the past.. say Muthu, Karuthamma, Kizhakku Cheemaiyile, May Madham.. choose your pick. Mind you, these are like 7-8 years old. Then Get any of the new ones. right from Minnale to 'as u please'..Listen to the quality of recording to start with.. You can surely notice something is wrong with the best hits of 2002 of other MDs who assuming have newer technologies to their avail. something is lacking in the new ones. No one has ever truly mastered or even came close this 'feel' in rahman's music, IMHO.
Then comes the music, while objective listening is impossible, I feel no one has even made it close. Sure, people have tried. and everytime someone even attempts to come closer, rahman's only further's the line. He is one Sergei Bubka.IMHO
Second, he is too expensive and takes too much time. I have earlier mentioned elsewhere, and only want to repeat it. All this is irrelevant to the point, which is he gives quality music and as long as the producers dont complain and boycott him, he can afford to do that. With no disrespect to raja, I also wish to quote the oft-quoted example that he composed chinna thambi in 25 minutes. Its good that he did, yes. And it became a super-hit, no doubt. But does this fact, in anyway, reflect on the quality of the songs? I dont think so.
Why is it that a particular bunch of df-ers think, raja is somehow above the yardstick of commercial success.. whereas rahman has to be compared to other directors with malai malai and the likes? If you want to do so, get raja in the playing field and we will be more than happy to show who has had a more successful commercial career. not in terms of hits, which raja will win hands down coz he was a steam-roller, but purely economic point of view.
One more thing is that rahman doesnt dominate the industry like raja did in his peak, so that makes him a lesser king than raja was. Well well.. before 1984, ambassador was king. Whether it was the preferred car of indians, out of choice or the lack of it, is for all of us to see. So the market isnt as simple as it was. Each music director has a niche. What a lot in this forum are trying to imply is that, since ambassador had the lion's share of the market and sold in India in 1980-s more than say, a mondeo does now, it somehow is superior to the ford. it sounds stupid. Now Now, before the Rapid Abuse Council jumps on me, i wud like to clarify, that i am not personifying raja as a useless ambassador. I am only replying to the countless illogical assumptions that go around this forum.
Ducking now..;-)
- From: yaaro (@
on: Fri May 3 09:55:29 EDT 2002
whynot,as usual you are confusing sarcastic statements for valid arguments .Forget about that disenchanted fans thread will you-you are beginning to sound a bit stale quoting that to reply to whatever posts of mine you wish to reply to.Just because you go on quoting that if you thinjk I will be browbeaten to not to reply to you-well, you have another post coming your way!
Kasi and azhaghi were commercial hits according to magazines -just because you did not like them,they are not commercial failures.
ROTFL and whynot-I asked you both a simple question.are you both second generation of wherever you live or have you lived in TN when IR was at his peak.If you go on making these sort of silly statements,I will have to assume that either you have never lived in TN(NagaS has mentioned most of the points I wanted to raise-thanx naga!).If you have lived in TN when IR was at his peak, and then still go typing silly statemnts then you were probably too young then.
nayak songs were flops as were the songs of KM.There you go for ARR's contribution to the latest MR and shankar movies(incidentally,nayak was all recycled from mudhalvan -so nothing new there as well).
ROTFL,what do you mean jalra kottufying-is IR going to give me a chance to sing or write lyrics?It seems it is you who claim not to be an ARR fan that is doing that!
//I respect every artiste and that includes IR and even Deva who seems to be so despised here. Talk about high noses!// -funny way of showing it too.decide what you want to be-whether a neutral fan who 'repects'every artiste or a confirmed fan of ARR -that will atleast give you the license to write what you want.you cannot have the cake and eat it too,you know!in this forum that is an imposiibility-neutral fans are the ones who just observe or type something benign.you cannot go on statements in this vein and expect us to beleive you 'respect'artistes and are unbiased.get my point?
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