Topic started by Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu) on Tue Apr 27 11:26:51 EDT 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Clarify (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 14:04:05 EDT 1999
" If ARR can give 'good music'[I have my reservations about that:)) ] , why cant Raja give good music for bad movies?"
(BTW, I went through the experience of listening to KD today .I must say I was least impressed. I heard them twice...on tape,btw not on the net. I cant remember a single tune now. The rest of it ,as someone mentioned somewhere else, is mere details. If I cannot remember the tune after two concerted efforts to hear it, then what do I call it?)
Raja has done this enough number of times."
I meant that Raja had done good music for bad movies many times. That phras qualifies the part before the parantheses:-))
- From: Srinath (@ ss01.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 14:09:47 EDT 1999
There is no point in both of us posting separately. Maybe we should adopt some shift system :-) Our posts are so similar that I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing between the two (ok, that's an exagerration, I can always identify mine by it's better punctuation ;-)). The problem with sensitive discussions in the other threads is that avasara-kudukkais (trnsltn: impatient people, for Geetha to understand) jump in and spoil the atmosphere with their thoughtless comments inciting each DFer against the other. Atleast here only regulars take part (till now !) :-)
- From: Srinath (@ ss01.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 14:11:42 EDT 1999
Be careful of what psuedonyms you use ;-) you are going to frighten Geetha away :-))))) NOM, Geetha !
- From: Raj (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 14:20:50 EDT 1999
Sri: :-))
You are mostly right. There is little to differentiate between our posts except for better innovation in grammar by me:-)))(Afterall, I am the qualified, certified Grammar Expert:-))) )
Thats true about impatient kudukkais.
Oh! I presume now that we have signed a truce, Geetha wont be frightened by mere pseudonyms;-)
Afterall, the reason this thread was created was to allay her fears?
- From: Raj (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 14:25:05 EDT 1999
BTW, Srinath:
Were you the prime mover behind this phrase IMO?
- From: Dorai (@ gateway7.ey.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 14:38:07 EDT 1999
Mike Testing 1, 2, 3
- From: Raj (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 14:43:28 EDT 1999
Dorai: Mike Tyson type testing illainu nambaraen:))
- From: Venkat (@
on: Tue Apr 27 14:53:43 EDT 1999
What?? Mere mortals are allowed to post here too? :-)
[As an aside..this thread reminds me of MTVs "Celebrity Death Match"..anyone know what I am talking about? 8-) ]
Frequent Surfer/ Rare Poster
- From: Kovai Thambi (@ sirrah.anonymizer.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 15:10:25 EDT 1999
I think you have "jaundiced" eyes through which you always see the world to be `yellowish'...That is precisely the reason behind your fresh diatribe against IR and his works.
You accuse him of giving very poor stuff to Tamizhians whereas he always gives good stuff to Malayalees. Do not talk like a MDMK politician or any other politician trying to read too much in between lines. You want to create a rift between Tamil and Malayalee Fans of this TFM page??
This is a mean argument of yours showing your narrow-mindedness. You flaunt your narrow-minded arguments by giving a `gold-coating' of Carnatic Raaga jargon, which I guess only you can understand.
Kindly refrain from posting such irresponsible arguments here. It shows all the Tamizhians (including you and me) in a very poor light.
Try to rise up above partisan lines.
- From: Srinath (@ ss01.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 15:14:58 EDT 1999
I didn't speak a moment too soon about "avasara kudukkais", did I ? :-))) We can pull all the avasara kudukkais here and then slip away unnoticed to the real DF ;-))))))
- From: rajaG (@ kcecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 15:32:20 EDT 1999
1. MSV kodi katti parakkiraar.
2. Ilayaraja enters the scene with a bang and takes flute, violins and guitar combo to a different dimension.
3. Initially IR's songs have a lot of graamiya vaadai and folk tamil in lyrics and tune. Simultaneous, is the advent of Bharathiraja type directors. "aaththaa, maaman poNNu, manja kuLikkiradhu"...etc become common words in songs, dialogues and situations.
4. Some (less informed) people, who are always quick to generalize, say that IR knows only graamiya style.
5. IR (with SPB and SJ) starts a new chapter (epic??) on Western Classical blends with many branches of Indian Music. IR is the new emperor of TFM.
6. Fast Forward - 20 years.
7. IR has pretty much shown it all (or atleast that's how the fans/audience feel).
8. Enter ARR with digital sound and electronic sampled instruments + wide experimentation in percussion sounds.
9. ARR takes the TFM by storm, and the success also spills over nationally because of a simultaneous advent of multilingual movie making culture of Mani Ratnam. The positive effect is ARR is now a national phenom; but the curse is ARR has to keep in mind the lesser tastes and awareness level of the national (Hindi??) audience. Foot tapping is more important, than eyes-closed head swaying.
10. Scavengers and parasites like Anu Malik, Anand Milind, Deva, Nadeem Shravan are living off the spoils from the degeneration.
11. IR does not have the same playing ground in TFM which he had say 10, 15 years back. Strangely, Malayalam Film Music is not influenced by ARR as the rest of India is. IR finds greener pastures to explore in MFM.
12. It is not easy to give up the 'kingdom' you ruled in the past. IR is playing 'at the level' in TFM and has added weak support cast in the form of KR, YSK, and some definite liabilities like Bava. Plus, he is not using his one time Dhalapathi SPB in his efforts, so his melodies sound even more flat.
- From: Marumaan of RajaG (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 16:00:52 EDT 1999
rajaG: That was a simple but effective answer to Getha's queries. I am amazed!!!
"IR does not have the same playing ground in TFM which he had say 10, 15 years back. Strangely, Malayalam Film Music is not influenced by ARR as the rest of India is. IR finds greener pastures to explore in MFM. "
By ARR influence you mean pop culture, right?
Hmm... chummava sonnanga old is goldnu. Uncle, ungal vayasukketha wisdom :-)))
Plus the standard: He has not yet discovered the talent of one rajaG:-)))
- From: Chinna Marumaan of RajaG (@ ss05.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 16:11:32 EDT 1999
Naan dhaan appave sollitaenne ! Maama sonna thappa poguma enna ? Raj, ivarukku "Maamadhi Maama"nnu per vechudalamunnu irukkaen ! Nee enna ninaikira ? Eppadi oru 12-ey points-la TFM-in (actually, DF-in) sarithirathaye puttu-puttu vachchutaar paathiya ! :-)))
- From: maamaadhi maaman indha maamaa (@ kcecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 16:32:12 EDT 1999
yE Chinna Marumavappaiyaa,
MaamaavukkEy pEr vaikkaNumaa? ellaam kaalam nEram pOla irukku!! naanum 'greener pastures' thEdinaa thaan madhippu irukkumO??
Thanks for the compliments!! Edho ennaalaanathu, surukkamaa (ragumanfan style la) oru analysis paNNalaamnu muyarchchi senjEn. avvaLavu thaan!!!
- From: Srinath (@ 98a96cdd.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 22:33:07 EDT 1999
Your stupid, pathetic, idiotic, senseless, brain-dead, moronic, retarted tastes can be satisfied only by ARR and T.Rajender. Wait ! not all ARR fans are idiots - some are nincompoops too. But by default ALL TR fans are moronic ! And you are their leader ! Welcome to the REAL world !
Ragumanfan may get in a few words sideways (literally !) But don't despair ! I shall return to fumigate this thread once in a while !
And for the meek - go and inherit the world, please ! The purpose of this thread is to trap and @#$@#crush@#$#@$@ pests who disturb the peace in the DF. This thread is not part of the DF !
- From: you know who (@ bernstein.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Tue Apr 27 22:37:17 EDT 1999
srinath and others: i am surprised at ur reaction.. i guess the best conclusion that one can come to is that RF is masquerading, just to cause flare-ups in DF. if u seriously believe that he is a real person, please wake up:))))))
- From: Kovai Thambi (@ sirrah.anonymizer.com)
on: Tue Apr 27 23:28:42 EDT 1999
you know who:
I can fully appreciate your argument.But I tell you one thing. If you are going to keep mum over such masqueraders, then they will join hands with some `geethas and ragaas' of this forum and the attack against will become more virulent. As one of the fans had opined...IR is not here to defend himself. So a vilification campaign has been launched against a person who has done a lot to TFM and is continuing to give us a lot.
Certain forces are bent upon derecognizing the works of this music genius.
"Adharmam nadakkum pothu ellam naan avathaaram eduppen" -- Krishna Paramaathmaa. Athu pola neengal IR pathi kevalamaaga pesum pothu ellam...angu intha Kovai Thambi iruppan.
I will not relent until, you come to terms at this forum.
- From: bb (@ bernstein.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Apr 28 00:34:17 EDT 1999
So, this bit about IR owing to Tamils is mere jingoism as far as I can see(I would like to hear BB's views on this issue..but BB being a moderator perhaps cannot involve himelf this way or that?)
i don't think an issue of language is involved. the main reason is this:
1.IR is a TFM MD.
2.why would anyone want to call IR for a mallu movie?
3.the reason is that they feel that the movie is too good and only IR can do justice to it. will IR be thought of for a rubbish mallu movie? no. he is required only for good movies in mallu.
4.invariably, IR does justice:)
so, it is wrong to compare IR's staple diet of tamil movies with his special diet of mallu movies.
i feel that it is wrong for anyone to expect too much from a MD. as udhaya puts it, an artist is not a jukebox. u cannot keep expecting mouna raagams, sindhu bhairavis from him.. his perception in this might be totally different. he might have put in more creative effort for kavalaippadaadhe brother than for , say,udhayageedham!
as raghav said, it is just that we like some stuff and don't like some.. he keeps churning out his own:)))))
finally, we shouldn't forget, that afterall, IR is now way past his youth, vigor and prime.. very few people can shine in old age (thakazhi or michaelangelo), we have seen many who couldn't (MSV, TKR, naushad to name a few).
- From: SRK (@ netcache.doit.wisc.edu)
on: Wed Apr 28 00:54:23 EDT 1999
bb: Exactly. Whenever IR is called for composing outside Tamil, it is for special movies - not necessarily good but always with a great starcast, big budgets, etc - its a special diet. It should not be compared with his TFM. Of course, all this is only about the current IR because he has given tonloads of his best in TFM in the past. One can spend a lifetime discovering and rediscovering Maestro in TFM itself.
But my view point on his current output is different: as Srikanth once said ( I strongly disputed it then, but see the wisdom of it now albeit in a slightly different way), his approach nowadays is much more intellectual. In his best recent albums, you find superb and intricate orchestration with not necessarily the best tunes.
Its another approach to music, you know, not necessarily better or worse. Its more on the lines of WCM nowadays which is fine.
- From: Raj (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 06:14:51 EDT 1999
Also, Why dont the mallu directors call IR for a carnatic-based film? There are sufficient qualtiy MD's who can manage that in MFM. So.
OTOH, when it takes a diverse range of styles -kaalapani or Guru- they invariably turn to IR. I think that is a tribute to IR's genius...because Mallus generally are fiercely proud and take time, like Bengalis, appreciating outside talent.
Here, we have P.Vasus and Rajkirans...hmmm(PERUMOOCHU)...idhukku mela sonna thamizh drohinu pattam kidaikkumo ennavo...Ingeye niruthikkaraen;-))
- From: Bird_watcher (@
on: Wed Apr 28 06:31:16 EDT 1999
IR's nilamai is like this :
"Kuyilappudicchi koondil adaicchu koovacchollugira ulagam ;
Mayila pudichhi kaalai odichhi aadachollugira ulagam;
adhu yeppadi paadumaiyya , adhu yeppadi aadumaiyyaa"
The "ulagam" here is TF Industry and the "adaicchu"fiers and the "oduchhi"fiers are those running the show....
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Wed Apr 28 08:05:46 EDT 1999
Kovai Thambi: If you don't understand Ragas, then stay away from this PRIVATE argument, it is none of your bloody business, you degrade the Carnatic Music system, the best in the world, you degrade me, you have no knowledge of music. I think that some of the others do understand it and you are the sort of person that brings all IR fans down.
Srinath: It's a shame that bb didn't bring all the deleted stuff into this thread, as I had a lot of other points that you had not replied to.
"last dying vestiges of creativity in this great musician" - So, even you are of this opinion? You say that no Tamil Film Director can bring out the best in IR, whereas the MFM ones can? Again, what is that? Are the TF Directors so stupid or music illetrate or what is the excuse?
If IR can compose a symphony, why has he only got "last dying vestiges of creativity" in him? Surely he has a lot of creativity, that he himself must realise.
So, you say that ARR has done rubbish music for rubbish movies and that for all my questions, he does not pass the test? hhhhmmmmm, this is coming from the person who hasn't heard Pavithra song Uyirum Neeye as the film was not a hit....This is what worries me. I cannot ascertain from your posts exactly how many of ARR's songs you have heard, but I do know that Raj hasn't heard very many. In fact, as I pointed out yesterday, Raj says that he's not really interested in TFM and will not listen to or buy TFM albums.
How can you or Raj comment, when I put a statement of my frustration with IR's music, when Raj(I'm not sure about you) do not listen to the music?
OK, as for ARR's Rubbish films, Mr Romeo(Good song, Mellisaiye - Anandhabairavhi mix), Lovebirds(Wonderful song, Malargale-Saraswathi/Hameer Kalyan, Good song Naalai Ullagam - Keeravani), Vandicholai Chinnarasu(good song, Chitthirai Nizlavu, Senthamil naatu, sugham sugham - Dharmavathi), Ratchagan(good song, Chandirannai, Nenje Nenje, Kayil Midhakkum)......These films were rubbish, but have you listened to the songs in this list? Please take a listen before commenting to me.....
RajaG, your comments are very well said. I'm almost convinced, however, is MFM really not influenced by ARR? I know that most of his albums are dubbed into Malayalam, in fact I have a few. An example to quote, Asokan was dubbed into Tamil from Malayalam.
bb: Yes, I do not expect a Mouna Ragam from IR all the time, but at least 1 in 20 new movies perhaps? One complains if ARR doesn't produce movies, but IR does plenty of them, so why not one good movie in so many? If they are personal favours, why does he not give his best? You and I know what he's capable of, but why is he degenerating his value these days? WHY WHY WHY? Why is his staple diet TFM? If he cannot do justice to it, then why do it at all? Why does he not take up albums, symphonies? Why does he feel that the tamil people do not deserve to listen to the symphony? WHY WHY WHY?
Read the reviews in the newtfmpage of IR's music, dear God, every song is a wonder as far as his fans are concerned. When someone like me chooses to speak the truth, it upsets people.....OK, it's only a review, but it irks me that this is published for the world to see, and if people do listen with an un-biased ear, they will laugh at those reviews.
I'm sorry I have to stop now, as I have too much to do for the next few days. Awaiting your replies.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.ora
on: Tue Apr 27 07:12:24 EDT 1999
Raj: I'm still awaiting IR fans to respond to my set of questions, spanning from our discussion. Kindly answer them, please. By the way, I think BB was condesce nding my post, as being poor, as opposed to shreading tears on my behalf.^M
How is it that "What IR needs is a good movie. Not a miracle" - Your quote? Plea se feel free to go ahead and give me GOOD REASONS AS TO WHY: ^M
1) he does not stop doing 'rubbish' movies? And so many of them.....And I don't want to hear that he's too poor and that he needs to do all types of 'rubbish' b ecause it's his bread and butter.
2) he cannot give good music to these 'rubbish' movies?
3) he doesn't respect the TAMILS enought to give them the quality of music he gi ves the Malayalees? Isn't he a Tamilian, who owes his best work to the Tamils an d not to others?
4) he re-cycles his own tunes in movies, like one song in Poonthottam, which I h 5) he has used the similar Beat pattern and Raga of Mustafa Mustafa in Ilavernik aalapanchami in MVU? Is that not trying to be ARRish?
6) When you guys call any Carnatic song(not specifically you, Raj) by ARR(e.g. M insaara Kanna, Narumughaye), IRRish and get so upset when I quote that 'Sorgathi lle' sounds ARRish? Would you have preferred me to say Vidhyasaagarish(he's done lots of Mayamalavagowla Musilim sounding songs) or Devaish, he tries to put a n umber like that in most of his films?
VIMAL: Firstly, I type fast, I don't need to type all night....a lot of the stuf f was copied and pasted, if you didn't notice.^M
Secondly, why did I say that you're a mere student? It's because you called me j obless/stupid and branded all ARR fans as childish.....Don't forget that, as I h aven't.
Thirdly, when have I said that all of ARR's music is a marvel? I will and have t he right to commend him on a good piece of music, if I remember rightly, you lov e his song, Parkadhe from Gentleman, which I really didn't think was fantastic(I appreciated Ganesh's violin interludes, though), but when I commend a song like Nenjinile or Uyirum Neeye from Pavithra, I HAVE BAD TASTE? Have I ever said tha t Chikku Bukku Railu or Humma are good?^M
Fourthly, as for the Reggae beat in Musthafa or Ilavernikaala, if ARR buys a Dr Alban beat loop, he's classed as a copier, but if IR uses the same, he's a geniu s? I have never brought Carnatic Talam into this, I have always said that using the same Raga or Tala can be done, it's the way in which it's done. RajaG, about the Mohanam/potato issue, please listen to the way Madhyamavathi has been used by IR twice in Chinnadurai.^M
Vimal, you're the guy who's so obsessed with IR that you want Kamal dead because he took one of IR's jobs away? Your mentality doesn't really deserve the explan ation I have given, we're going in loops.^M
So, VIMAL, you're a Carnatic Guru are you? You know what an Audava Raga is and t hat's enough to brand me as one not qualified to critizise IR's music? So, you'v e now done an MSc in the US, with a theses on Carnatic/Jazz/Western Classical ha ve you, to be qualified to critizise IR's music - That would mean that Anuradha Sriram is one of the few who can do so? You still haven't given an explanation, let alone a convincing one for why ARR's songs are not complete! ^M
Vimal, IR has not changed? So, is IR coming up with music like Agni Natchithiram nowadays? Have you heard any of his new music? ^M
EDEN: Please, I've said it before and I will say it now, why bring MFM into this ? This is a TFM forum. If IR does not respect the Tamil community enough to give them quality suff, but respects the Malayaalees more, I wonder why that is. It' s one of the questions that Dear Raj will answer for me. Why does IR need a Fazi l to do good work? Why blame bad song on a director? Did you see ESK? What a God awful film it was, the direction was terrible. ARR still produced good music fo r it, IMO. Why is IR not doing that? If he's not interested in film music, why i s he not releasing the symphony or doing other albums like NBW, HTNI, to satisfy us?
Madhan: As for your comments, you mis-interpret me saying booohooo as being wron g(why would I waste time contacting the RPH, if I didn't care? why was that topi c allowed in the forum when it had nothing to do with TFM?), you single me out w hen I, like others point out your mistake and even after I painstakingly e-maile d you and have reproduced the post and explained myself, come up with that?^M
Kiru: Why would IR make trashy songs to make me(or people like me) happy? What g ives you the impression that I like trashy songs? What makes you think that if h e gives trash that I will be happy? If you bother reading my posting, I said tha t I buy his albums with expectation, but I have to torture my ears. Did you hear the song in Rajasthan which might as well have bee Deva's work - It was a typic al copy-from-Pushpavanam-Kuppuswamy-Sindhubairavhi-Ragam-Gaana-Pattu? We critizi se ARR's Padayappa Title song for being Deavish, but if IR does it and it's poin ted out, people scream and shout.^M
Raj has made all those comments to my post about Kummi Paatu and Rajasthan, but not listened to a single song from those films. How is he qualified to refute my statements, when he doesn't have an interest in TFM or that he doesn't listen to new music? I'm sorry to keep going at you Raj, but just like you see my style of writing as ilogical or annoying, I see your as extremely condescending of any post that is not Pro IR. On top of that, if someone writes about his new music, you should listen to it before you come back with comments, just accepting that you are sticking up for/making excuses for IR even though you haven't heard it is un-fair to those of us who do make an effort to listen, who use IR as our ben chmark(If ARR suddenly does a song in Nalinakanhti Raga, what will I immediately compare it with? - you guessed it!). Just as I compare it with one of IR's work s, you should be tolerant of IR's work being compared with other's work too. I a m not trying to make you an ARR lover, I am commenting on his work. I use IR as a benchmark, as it's his music that I initially learned Raga skill from. If you think of the amount of Ragas he has used and the depth to which he has done so, you will see why his new work does not touch his old work. That's the message th at I was trying to get across, but you are not accepting his fall, at the same t ime, you do not bother to listen to his stuff, unless it's given a 'glowing' rev iew here by certain persons. When I praised Alaimeedhu, I did so because of all the albums he's done of late, that song stood out. Similarly, in Chinnadurai, th ere was the song in madhymavathi by UnniK and Devi which was stunning. My questi on is why is he not consistent? So, ARR is predictable, he does a certain set ty pe of song for each film, but IR doesn't? Yes he does, all MD's do, an Indian mo vie is made up of situations like sad/happy/wedding/dance round tree - foreign location dances with white people/lovey dovey/dancey/Gaana.....These are the boun dries to which all MD's have to work to. I saw Guna again recently and the song Unnai Naan Ariven stunned me from hearing it on Rex's page and in accordence wit h the situation, it was wonderful. IR blended Carnatic Keeravani with Hindustaan i Keer and WOW, how stunning it was. If he does stuff like that now, contrary to popular belief here in this forum, I will be the happiest person. Please believ e me.
Hope to see you answers to my questions.^M
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.
on: Tue Apr 27 08:58:45 EDT 1999
bb: Yes, :))))) No offence, but please please tell me why he sings so many good songs then? Isn't it because of Peraasai? Maybe Raj and other IR Rasigars can co me up with a good explanation for that too? Just like him giving songs to Bhava too, why, when there are so many excellent female singers.^M
Have you heard the song Kannamma? Listen to the way he goes off Shruthi and imag ine how it would sound if sung by someone like Jayachandran or even someone with an Azluthamaana voice like Unnikrishnan? He truely(as a friend of mine woruld s ay, Right Royally) Kills the Chandrakauns Ragam. He has the talent to create a w onderful song like that, but then chooses to sing it and spoils it. Take a liste n to Konji Pesu Kobam Enna Kannamma from Kadhal Kavithai or Enga Maharaani in Th alaimurai. These were very very good songs, but again, he chose to sing them and absolutely upset the balance of them. Have you heard his version of the song Ga anakuyile from Pooncholai? The same song by Unni and SPB were a thrill to listen to, but IR's version was appalling, to say the least, don't you think?
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.
on: Tue Apr 27 09:19:02 EDT 1999
Eden: I'll try and get hild of Chinnamani again and take notice. Thanks hi-light ing it.^M
I'm afraid I still cannot appreciate the others in MVU, but will listen a few ti mes more.^M
IMO, Guru was great, but it doesn't come near Salangai ozli, Alaigal Oyvadhillai , Kadhal Ovyam, Sindhubairavhi for example. The song that really impressed me wa s the Seedhai song, by Chithra, in Hamsanadham - Any comments on this song in co mparison on his Hamsanadham Masterpiece Thendral Vandhu Ennai Thodum? Actually, Raga Guys, in a TV programme I saw on video, Sowmya said that it was Saaranga Th arangini....Any comments?
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.
on: Tue Apr 27 11:12:18 EDT 1999
Srinath: When did I not accept truce? Did you read the posting I made or are you mis-interpreting it too? I'm just waiting for Raj to answer the questions. He t alks about logic and I finally come up with logical questions, but I get no answ ers. I look at Eden's post and am able to reason with him, but you now turn roun d, after all my postings towards the end of yesterday and today and say that I c an't accept a truce? I can't believe that you're calling me un-intelligent, just because you are unable to answer the questions I've asked. I noticed that raj h imself replied to everything I wrote, except for those questions....Why?^M
Why can't even you answer my questions? If IR loves the Tamils so much, why is h e doing albums like Rajasthan? If you say that ARR is trying to satisfy the Hind i audience, did you listen to Bombay? How about Nenjinile in Uyire? Is that not satisfactory to you, as a multi-lingual album? Why won't IR release the symphony , which he would have never done if not for the Tamils? Please tell me. Many of the IR fans in this DF seem to not be Tamil. This is not a problem with me, but when they constantly say that IR is doing great music for MFM, why should not qu estion his intent? ^M
MS: Yes, Guru has a lot of Western Classical, but I would have to say that none of it's songs can beat Pookadhave or Vedham Nee, or as I said, Thendral Vandhu E nnai Thodum.^M
- From: bb (@ bernstein.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Apr 28 08:57:33 EDT 1999
geetha, i thought ur "questions" were posted by u, and didn't bother to put the other things.. now, i have... hope u don't mind the control-Ms:)))
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Wed Apr 28 09:26:21 EDT 1999
bb: Thanks for this, I appreciate it.
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