Topic started by sureshkumar (@ on Mon Dec 8 11:28:56 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The most awaited sandiyar album is released .I heard all the songs.It has totally ten songs out of which 6 songs are sung by kamal himself and two are sung by illayaraja and 2 numbers by shreyaghosal.All the songs are perfect folk and 100% traditional tamil folk songs and the lyrics are excellent in the madurai slang and all are situational songs.I will meet u again with a detailed review.buy the album immediately for die-hard fans of IR
- Old responses
- From: mnt (@
on: Sun Jan 18 03:19:20 EST 2004
I agree Kannaththil Muththamitaal is a classic. If this looser from Dinamani gave it a bad review, that says a lot about his pencahnt for 'good cinema'.
I suppose he would be a Vijaykanth fan
- From: Sandiyar (@
on: Sun Jan 18 12:01:17 EST 2004
Virumaandi is a must see movie.
- From: Kali (@
on: Mon Jan 19 01:58:51 EST 2004
Virumaandila ellaam super dhaan.. aana kamaluku thevai vegath thadai illai.. oru brave and good editor.. jail seq. is too much.
- From: Jacky (@
on: Mon Jan 19 02:21:17 EST 2004
This article is baloney, Hindu reports PKS was sold for 11 crores, and in the top ten list based on revenues
TT was 2nd with 11 crores and KK was 5th or 6th by simple math they wouldn't have grossed 27 crores.
- From: jacky (@
on: Mon Jan 19 02:32:19 EST 2004
I wrote a mail to Kuzalini about my views on her Article towards Kamal.
She did reply back and i found her she's ignorant little bit.
She says she's isn't against any Brahmin but against Brahminism that promotes certain things by birth, i wrote her back that its not by birth its just a pure state of mind.
She also cites IR as brahminical and his camaraderie with Kamal isn't a valid instance of his friendship with someone from downtrodden community.
- From: Speaker (@
on: Mon Jan 19 06:07:27 EST 2004
What is Brahminism ??? Is there any subcategory things like Vadamalisim, vadagalaism?
- From: Mythila (@
on: Mon Jan 19 06:49:13 EST 2004
Kalki gives a sensible review most of the times.
So, what does Kalki feel about Virumandi?
- From: jacky (@
on: Mon Jan 19 10:36:12 EST 2004
kuzalini might give you a better answer about Brahminism!
- From: jacky (@
on: Mon Jan 19 10:56:49 EST 2004
After following all the hype in various channels during the pongal holidays, i went in with lot of expectations.
fortunately, Virumaandi didn't dissapoint too much but i should mention it not as good as Thevar magan. I felt a gripping screenplay was missing, probably by the level of violence which becomes Mundane after some time.
This hype and hoopla definetly doesn't help, guess Kamal could be submissive during promos so that people don't come in with a notion like me.
Kamal has underplayed in certain parts of the film otherwise it'd have been overdone.
He's also brilliant in some scenes, no wonder he is the best living actor in India today.
This is the film you dunn wanna watch with your Kids thats for sure.
Kamal said on Star Vijay that this movie is a "Nadipu thiruviza" and it really was.
Pasupathy and the inspector paikaman were really venomous.
Napolean has underplayed and the dignity is portrayed beautifully by his gestures, though a cameo role.
Rohini is fantastically convincing as a Anjela kachamuttu.
Sync sound is really superb, i guess after Laagan this is the 2nd movie with sync sound and this is more real than Laagan.
You feel so real during the jail scenes with sync sound.
Art director has recreated Theni in Madras, he deserves an award for his work.
Overall - don't get into the movie hall with any notions - you may appreciate the hard work when you come out :)
- From: mnt (@
on: Mon Jan 19 12:05:10 EST 2004
>This is the film you dunn wanna watch with your >Kids thats for sure.
That's why the censors gave it an A certificate.
>Sync sound is really superb, i guess after >Laagan this is the 2nd movie with sync sound and >this is more real than Laagan.
Hey Ram came before Lagaan and it was the first Indian film with sync sound - atleast that's what they said at the time.
- From: magix (@
on: Mon Jan 19 12:12:28 EST 2004
"Dil Chahtha Hai"... u missed DCH!
- From: jacky (@
on: Mon Jan 19 12:49:02 EST 2004
oops yes DCH had sync sound, i am not sure about Hey ram.
People don't give a damn to these censor ratings, i watched the movie at Mayajal - chennai today and there were families with Kids, they were grudging about the violence during intermission.
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Mon Jan 19 14:27:06 EST 2004
Brahminism doesnt have any subcategories and it is a synonym to fascism/nazism. any person who believes in caste system is a brahmin.
how many of u oppossing being branded as brahmins have come out of caste system and hav gone in for an intercaste marriage. endogamy is the root cause for caste system to be still prevalent in India and if it is undone no caste will be prevalent anymore - this was pointed out rightly by DR.Ambedkar, Thanthai Periyaar, Mahatma Gandhi and Kaviyarasan Bharathiyaar.
Let ur conscience ponder over this question while we carry on with Viru Viru Virumaandi....
- From: jacky (@
on: Mon Jan 19 15:06:44 EST 2004
When it comes to caste system its deep routed in tamilnadu - followed by all sects, see the matrimonial ads in any newspaper before posting your self made doctrines.
Sorry for digressing.
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Jan 20 01:41:06 EST 2004
so if anything is deep routed in TN, then there is no point in debating over that whether its right or wrong isnt it?...
ive gone thro the newspapers and ive got a self made doctrine that for a marriage the requirement is a man and a woman not caste...
- From: jacky (@
on: Tue Jan 20 02:19:09 EST 2004
"Brahminism doesnt have any subcategories and it is a synonym to fascism/nazism. any person who believes in caste system is a brahmin"
this is typical baloney, that is what i mentioned in my post that its not practised by just one community.
Added to that Brahminism isn't anything by birth, as a hobby i dug into the literature deeper and there are clear answers for it,Brahminism is a state like meditation and its not a caste.
Exogamy is needed for the day, at the same time spreading self-made doctrines are going to create only hatred.
- From: x (@
on: Tue Jan 20 02:42:54 EST 2004
Kannaththil Muththamitaal is a classic FLOP for all.
- From: kamalfan (@
on: Tue Jan 20 06:49:24 EST 2004
viru viru maandi VIRUMAANDI - Total Reviews
No one is not fully perfect but one should always try for it, like kamal. Yes, if udont belive this,
(and blame kamal for his 'plays' with heroine abhiraami, and his self-promoting intellectual aspirations)then
read the following links. there are surely down pits in the film, as pointed by them there are many good things
in virumaandi
1. all roles played well
2.music camera, art direction and direction is well
3.different way of storytelling in screenplay.
and more.
dont blame kamal and be in a small group, b'cos all big brothers below are saying aloud in one voice that
hype and hoopla
virumaandi runs packed house
review - teakada.com
review - rediff.com
virumaandi sify review
review - thatstamil.com
review - thamizan.com
review - newstoday.net
Rajini's comment on Virumandi
rajni praises virumaandi
The writer who wrote this
after seeing the movie says this :)
go to the bottom of the page
- From: Ferrari (@
on: Tue Jan 20 07:52:15 EST 2004
Read the book enge brahmanan if you want to know about what brahminism is. Excellent one.
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