Topic started by Ravi (@ on Mon Jun 30 22:39:10 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
...titled "Thendral" starring Karthik, produced by Oscar Films V.Ravichandran. Is it Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar? Please let me know. Also, provide a link, if you guys can, where it confirms that Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar is doing the music for Thangar's next film.
- Old responses
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 14:29:43 EDT 2003
Hi Jag,
My worry about ARR composition lately (after maybe Kannathil Muthamittal) is that it lacks individuality and creativity. Apart from that I dont see any problems with ARR's songs. Maybe this is because of ARR clones who make similar music. No offense meant to HJ, his music has a subtle difference compare to ARR's style.
I accept ARR music should even reach rural folk.
Music has to go to the roots even for guys with lungi, everyone should contribute to appreciate good music, but no one should compromise on the sound quality of the music. Only then, our music making will improve to world standards. There is no problem with our music form, except the way we present it. There was a nice article by Guitar Prasanna, about improving sound systems in carnatic music concert in chennaionline, which talks about our lack of interest in this regard.
There was a mention that IR makes music only for people with lungi and trouser. As South Indians we should thank IR, who actually transformed us to a different zone of music. No one has contributed to Carnatic music (which to me is one of the greatest music forms in the world) than him. He actually gave music for everyone, right from someone who knows carnatic and 80s IR had wonderful interludes which range from Indian to Western to African music. It should also be said ARR is transforming us to another zone.
- From: k (@
on: Wed Jul 9 14:47:09 EDT 2003
Lots of IR movies had very good recording, but they all had real instruments. Real instruments when recorded the way IR does - vocal front and instruments behind, do not sound good in ordinary stereo/boom boxes. You need high resolution systems for this. Whereas drum machine sounds can be altered to stay above 70 or 80 Hz and will sound good in normal/consumer stereos.
ARR records instruments up front (and which are closely miked) and the vocals behind them. Because of the close miking and instruments being in the front, even in normal stereos, people can make out the various instruments. This is how it is done in popular music, also, the volume level is maintained at a high level throughout the song.
So there are fundamental differences between IR and ARR, even in recording. It is a matter of style and taste. IR's style is good for melodies/lyrics (I was listening to rock station this morning and the recording was in this style). ARR's style is good for rhythm oriented songs and very catchy. Even otherwise, ARR's recording sounds very good consistently and he should be appreciated for this attention to detail.
IR records large ensembles and he likes everybody to perform at the same time. This is a recording challenge. Listen to the BGM of Lajja on raajangahm.com, how I wish we had this kind of recording say for eg. the enna solli paaduvathO song.
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 14:54:49 EDT 2003
Nice to read your post.
I think as an IR-ARR fan I agree with most of it.
The problem with most of us here (especially rajasaranam) is that we adopt a certain criteria in judging music and we hail MDs that use that criteria and bash MDs that do not use that criteria.
For example, rajasaranam frequently says IR's music is so Indian and this is his "criteria". HE complains ARR's music is not uniquely Indian.
His arguments are reasonable but not sound. Because the criteria he adopted (i.e : giving indian music) itself is his own wish and he believs every Indian should be like him yearning for Indian songs and not western compositions.
Rajasaranam, please go hear Vidiya Vidiya song from Idhayathai Thirudathe. IR has attempted a wstern song here and the results are so cheesy with some lousy female chorus howling "whoaaahhh".
- From: MADDY (@
on: Wed Jul 9 14:55:08 EDT 2003
Very good to see ur postings V.. there are sensible people in the forum.. i'm happy....
i'll tell u wat IR and ARR did to TFM... in 1974 ,TFM was at its' lowest( just like now) and people started listening to Hindi where R.D.Burman was creating riot , then came "Annakili" and "Machana parthingala" and TFM has not looked back since.... so IR gave identity to this TFM and saved TN from becoming R.D.Burman zone... but in 1992 ARR came and whole definition of music changed and he being a Tamil revived Hindi industry with Roja and Rangeela...... so IR revived a dying Tamil industry while ARR improved Tamil sounds and revived a dying Hindi industry...
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 14:57:29 EDT 2003
I also agree that after Kannathil Muthamittal ARR has been utterly disappointing!
But I really feel that for Boys he has given what the "yuppy youngsters" want and this is a film for "yuppy youngsters" and not for mega-serial watching and cribbing middle-aged people.
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 15:02:36 EDT 2003
IR is the best whatsoever when it comes to composing BGM.
His effective uses of silence to create spatial tension in the screenplay is a skill no other MD in the world can master.
However there is no reason to bash ARR's BGM skills. I have loved his work in Dil Se, Bombay, May Maadham, Thiruda Thiruda, Lagaan, Roja, Gentleman and Indian.
IR is miles ahead of anyone in music when it comes to BGM. But he has his own share of noisy irritating BGMs in plenty of movies!!!!!!!!
ambleen painstakingly points out a bad BGM movie of ARR and repeatedly asks MADDY to reply to it.
How childish!
Maddy everytime you watch an IR movie and find the BGM inadequate please dont come to this thread and ask ambleen "WHy was the BGM for this movie bad/?"
and again ask him to reply specifically to such immatured and childish queries.
- From: Jag (@
on: Wed Jul 9 15:32:31 EDT 2003
V (129)
vidiya vidiya cheap? I beg to differ totally.
V (160)
I would say that besides ARR there are some really talented people who are doing this kind of thing. Especially if you have heard of the telugu MD Sri, who has exceptional talent and has created novel music in all his movies. If you were to listen to songs from Sindhooram, Gayam, Little Soldiers, Money (all telugu) you would see what I am talking about. I am surprised at the number of ARR clones in Tamil. In Telugu, people have not succumbed to this kind of thing and that's the reason people like Sri, Dev Sri Prasad, Mahesh have given good and different music. HJ and Deva are probably the few people who have similar effects in their music like ARR.
Telugu MD's are also quite good at BGM, even in the time of IR. People like Raj-Koti, Keeravani, Manisharma have given good BGM's to many movies.
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 15:42:23 EDT 2003
V (129)
I dont complain about ARR not giving a good album. I am against something where an album is overrated. My feeling when I heard boys is that it lacks individuality and creativity. I dont see it as a trend setting album. Its just one of those albums from ARR.
IR has produced great songs with many music genres. I dont think you can stick him into the tamil zone category. There are few songs which are embarassing too like the one you pointed out.
There are alot of sensible persons in this forum. There are some crazy guys who make it look as if there is no decent people around. I see some ARR fans talking just derogatory stuff. Fans are decent, fanatics or not. Its just these fanatics who listen to heart than brain. If you grow with some music, you get used to it. That maybe the reason with fanatics.
I accept your observation about TFM history. Though TFM was down just before IR's arrival, MSV should also be complimented for great songs of yesteryears.
I dont think IR is incapable of producing "Indian music" (this is for whole India). IR didnt know the pulse of Hindi audience. There should be someone who will polish IR songs and present it in a way Hindi audience like. There was a sterling job done by Anand Milind, Kalyanji Anandji, Bappi Lahiri, Annu Malik and others, copied his music and polished it in a way Hindi audience like. To me, IR is someone who North India missed (atleast in the title cards where his name should have been present). Infact one of the biggest hindi hits dhak dhak (atleast many programmes on TV said it was a hit then) was direct lift from IR's telegu hit. There are many of those.
ARR said in an interview, when he composed taal, he added some punjabi element to it which is popular, which was one reason for the great success. IR is little too classical for majority of the hindi audience seeking popular music (This is just after hearing most of his hindi songs). Same thing is happening with IR in TFM now. His style is totally different from popular music style. Though nowadays, he comes up with mediocre tunes sometimes he gives some great stuff which get unnoticed. IR is a treat to listen to anytime.
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 15:55:34 EDT 2003
I havent come across those MDs. I hardly listen to TeFM because of the language barrier (lyrics though garbage nowadays in TFM somehow matters to me). Infact I dont listen to most TFM nowadays, unless I hear it somewhere and get hooked to it or read some reviews. Its sounding similar nowadays. The problem with most of TeFM MDs is that they seem to follow a trend set by someone (no offence meant to their talent). The worst thing is I heard someone named Chakri? copies IR tunes left and right. So, TeFM has their Deva as well. And V(129), Deva is the one who is known for agmark dappanguthu song.
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Jul 9 16:34:48 EDT 2003
oopsss i missed out a lot,it really took me long time to read all those posts. i dunno where shud i start answering to u people.
in many of my earlier postings. ive certainely established the fact that iam not against ARR. aim only against his style .
moreover iam answering to the questions ur posing to me as 2 why IR is not international or why ARR is popular etc.,
definitely i dont term ARR as non indian.iam jus posing u a question as to if he is adopting western style of composition wat is there to giv such a hype to a person who is not an innovator.and ive clearly stated in a previous post that any western style shud be digested into our style so that it becomes indian.[ like the acceptance of violin or usage of pants].and we r not here to take all the crap that is being forced on us jus bcos they r western.
if we r not going to stand against this and we r so democratic to say - hey cmon this is his style try to accept this then i dunno where we r going to land up. not only in music but in life,sociatial relations, family relations etc.,may be u people wud argue for all that r western to be good. r we going to silently watch all our culture and everything that r indian to go into shambles. or r we going to find a way to restore our own things [including music] to its glory.
previously when the britishers started ruling this place they said indians r uneducated brutes who cant govern themselves.now this[globalization] is another form of imperialism creeping over india where we r losing everything that we had.
its high time we take a stand on these issues [including music scene where western music is projected to be gr8 over indian music].
- From: Jag (@
on: Wed Jul 9 18:22:42 EDT 2003
That's true, Chakri does copy parts of stuff here and there especially from IR (one more is RP but he sucks anyways). But he is far better than Deva in terms of quality of output. However most other telugu MD's have a style of their own even if it may not be popular (eg. Raj, Koti, Ramana Gogula, even Vidyasagar before he went to malluwood). Sri has been in the field before ARR and has his own innovative style of compositions and orchestrization (Devi Sri Prasad is one more whiz kid in orchestrization and recording, though some tunes are similar to IR's). They are just waiting for more chances just like
late. Mahesh did for a long time. ARR got a good break in a big banner, good director and I do believe these people also deserve such breaks (It's like giving chances to the younger cricketers). They may or may not work out but they will still need to be tested. After all ARR succeeded, didn't he?
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