Topic started by Kumar (@ on Fri May 4 11:04:06 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The melodies of MSV are longlived and cherished even today as new. They sound fresh.
ARR, though young in age can be considered as a current day counterpart in composing songs intact with melody, well orchestrated to the mood, giving importance to the lyrical content, the same way MSV did then! I think there is a similarity between the two geniuses.
- Old responses
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sat May 12 01:40:43 EDT 2001
Comment :
Swamiji only said EQUIVALENT IN FEEL....
to become a national hit is another matter !
And do remember IR didn't have competition like this in those days like today even when a music illiterate like me can afford a synthesizer and hook it to my PC.get some free software and start making my own brand of music !
- From: comment (@
on: Sat May 12 01:56:16 EDT 2001
Cosmician ;) I just pulled swamiji's legs. ;)
nothing more.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sat May 12 04:24:07 EDT 2001
Then pls excuse my "comment" ;)
- From: kiru (@
on: Sun May 13 12:57:56 EDT 2001
"Almost all world music composers - Peter Gabriel, Deep Forest, Enigma, compose with the Rehman feel "
Just to put things in the proper perspective - Peter Gabriel is considered the father of World Music. He is the founder of WOrld of Music, ARts and Dance, and the label Real World. He has recorded NFAK, Sheila Chandra, Mandolin Srinivas among other artistes. His Passion album is a pioneering work. It demonstrated now Eastern melodies, African beats etc can be packged for the western audience. Peter released a subsequent album Sources of Passionto demonstrate. Peter Gabriels label is now doing good business by extending this formula to many many world music artistes.
Micheal Cretu is the epitome of a purely keyboard/synth musician. You can say he is like an idol for the keyboard generation (not using real instruments).
- From: talvin (@
on: Sun May 13 22:45:23 EDT 2001
Are you sure MSV & AR are composers?? Pls get your facts right before you start your discussion.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Mon May 14 08:07:46 EDT 2001
Then pls tell us the facts Mr. Talvin...before u post such replies !
- From: dfoekoekfofko (@
on: Mon May 14 09:11:10 EDT 2001
guys, there is ONE thing MSV beats IR hollow in - it is melody. And ARR beats IR hollow in rhthym and ARR has been able to become successful in Bollywood - which IR could............
- From: Talvin (@
on: Tue May 15 01:45:47 EDT 2001
No u tell us what did MSV or ARR COMPOSED, first?
Musical interludes? Non-plain music accompaniment for movies with feelings? Film scores? Non-programmed beats & rhythms? Music to enhance situations? Original music albums apart from movies? Non-albums in the footsteps of Michael Jackson?
you tell me what they COMPOSED first...plz?
- From: Talvin (@
on: Tue May 15 01:45:54 EDT 2001
No u tell us what did MSV or ARR COMPOSED, first?
Musical interludes? Non-plain music accompaniment for movies with feelings? Film scores? Non-programmed beats & rhythms? Music to enhance situations? Original music albums apart from movies? Non-albums in the footsteps of Michael Jackson?
you tell me what they COMPOSED first...plz?
- From: raatshashan (@
on: Tue May 15 03:45:24 EDT 2001
MSV is a very good music composer.
IR is a great music composer.
ARR is the best Sound Engineer India ever had.
Now a days, the word "music director" and sound Engineer" are used interchangeably. Hence sompe people call ARR as Music Composer.
Quite Right. When the cat has gone for an outing, all the rats have a field day.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Tue May 15 04:36:57 EDT 2001
All are good music directors.
- From: VYR (@
on: Tue May 15 06:17:01 EDT 2001
I love ARR than MSV in music.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue May 15 08:06:49 EDT 2001
Talvin and Raatshasan...r u all arguing for the sake of arguing or wot ?...fine let's get down to the brasstacks...what do you mean by composing ?
I don't waste to my time...but hey what the heck !
- From: mahabs (@
on: Tue May 15 09:42:03 EDT 2001
arr is definitely not a music composer. as someone in this forum said he is a good compiler.
there is a person sriram in his troup- a flutist and a singer as well. he narrated a story on chennai f.m. two months back. for a classical song (i forgot which one, may be sangamam) arr asked this fellow to hum a carnatic raga in flute. while listening, he got the inspiration for that song!
he is a hard worker, who always gets inspired. no originality or creativity in him!
to compare him with msv is highly insulting!
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue May 15 10:55:27 EDT 2001
Mahabs...you are confused between the difference between originality, creativity and inspiration...I think it's a waste of time discussing this further..
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue May 15 11:16:58 EDT 2001
And further...you constitute those kind of people who think that originality is putting down notes first on sheet music or think that something can be got from nothing..even IR himself has said that music is nothing but 7 notes and their combination (Ref : 1991 Deepavali Doordarshan interview)...
IR's very strong grounding in Carnatic and Tamil Folk helped him compose by hearing about the situation and the emotions associated and he uses the particular raaga...and he does numerous permutations-combinations with the folk tune and the raaga...maybe a whole doctorate thesis and textbook can be written on IR's versatility in this area...I was lucky enough to get a pass and attend the ceremony at the Kamaraj Auditorium in Chennai where IR was given the Maestro Title...there a video interview of IR was played where he demonstrated through singing a short piece that tamil folk was nothing but a derivative of Carnatic classical..it was amazing and the audience went into a thunderous applause...he demonstrated by first singing the raaga and the deriving the folk tune from it...as simple as if they were mathematical equations ! That's his strong founding, genius and he uses this for his compositions.
To understand ARR's method of composing, you have to understand that his exposure has been different from that of IR, ARR has travelled extensively with Zakir Hussain accompanying him as a keyboardist, played fusion music, jazz where creating is more spontaneous, on the spur and also being a urban...ARR was more into 80s pop and rock...and there stems his love for the digital world of sound...this technology does break the traditional ways of composing...imagine he had spent more than a crore to import digital equipment and set up his studio...which I think was the most sophisticated of its kind in India I think ! Maybe you can say that he was business savvy but I also feel that he wouldn't have been able to pull it off without his love for the technology...and this requires a more open mind to use...more creativity because sound now takes on a new meaning...you are entering a world of sound effects and new possibilities....so composing takes on a different dimension...ARR does also an advertising kind of spadework when composing for the situation - he visits the set or the location and tries to imbibe the atmosphere he feels there and adds it to his compositions...
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue May 15 12:01:22 EDT 2001
>>>arr asked this fellow to hum a carnatic raga in flute. while listening, he got the inspiration for that song!
he is a hard worker, who always gets inspired. no originality or creativity in him! <<<
How often do you get inspired for a song by listening to a classical raaga, Mahabs ?
- From: satsona (@
on: Wed May 16 01:31:57 EDT 2001
hi cosmician (@
i am a new entry to this site and forum. it was good to see ur reply to our other friends in this forum.I agree with u fully. AS for others' comments that ARR is a compiler, not original etc.,I wish to say that everyone in the history of music gets inspired by something or the other, mostly thru the existing music.
that doesnt mean that it is a copy, unless it is directly lifted from the music being heard.
MSV, IR , ARR are all good MDs in their respective times, each has his style.
Mr. TALVIN, was happy to see that u gave the list of what these great MDs had been doing till now.
Musical interludes? Non-plain music accompaniment for movies with feelings? Film scores? Non-programmed beats & rhythms? Music to enhance situations? Original music albums apart from movies? Non-albums in the footsteps of Michael Jackson?
All these are part of what MSV, IR and ARR had been already doing or have done till now. But after categorising, I fail to understand that u ask -- Are MSV and ARR Composers?
Should i take this as a joke:-)(Please tell us, so that we can prepare ourselves to laugh), or ur naivity?Please enlighten us.
OR , do u want to know which of these was composed for the FIRST TIME by MSV and ARR. Since ur question is not clear, not able to reply to u exactly.Please get back.
MR. MAHABS, my question to u is same as what cosmician has already asked u. And what i want is the answer to that from u.How exactly to start a composition without inspiration?Can u teach me that? It will be very useful.
And Let's keep the discussions lively as it is now.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Wed May 16 02:08:16 EDT 2001
Welcome to the discussion, Satsona, I myself am quite new here... many are regulars and comprises of excellent music-rasikas and music literates...I have been learning a lot here within the 4-5 month span that I've been spending here....appreciate newtfmpage.com for giving us this excellent forum to exchange our views :)
- From: cosmician (@
on: Wed May 16 02:09:56 EDT 2001
Satsona...browse through all the threads that are active and you will get a hang of the way discussions go on..and hope to see a lot more of your postings here :)
- From: mahabs (@
on: Wed May 16 12:32:04 EDT 2001
i am happy that my post has such nice responses. it is true that nothing in the world is new in a sense. but, creativity and originality - they renew all the thinking.
if you are a poet, try to write a poem. if you are a painter try to draw something. if you are a sculptor, try to ....
well, spontaneity has a lot to do with originality and creativity. one appreciate always a hardworking person. but, a genius has no such handicaps.
he is also inspired. he may even copy other's ideas. but, as his mark there will be a novelty always.
we admire such people. like ramanujan, einstein, ilayaraja, picasso, bharathi and so on
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