Topic started by pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com) on Tue Mar 3 13:37:39 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-tk02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed Mar 4 17:07:04 EST 1998
I was hoping some knowledgeable person will talk about some of the people I mentioned so that we don't overlook key figures from yester-years; net net, I'm in the same corner of the court as you. :-)
But, let me go ahead and share whatever limited knowledge I have about some of these names I've heard from grandparents/ parents and currently exploring, and hope other knowledgeables will fill in the blanks and help us decide if these folks meet the HOF criteria.
Lyricist Marudhakasi:
pAvai viLakku with the CSJ classics kAviyamA nenjil OviyamA, Ayiram kaN pOdhAdhu vaNNakkiLiyE, vaNNathamizh peNNoruththi etc.;
sampoorNa rAmAyaNam with songs like veeNaikKodiyudaiya vEndhanE;
maNamagan thEvai (GRamanathan music) with veNNilA jyothiyai. and many more......
Lyricist T.N.Ramiahdoss:
maNaLanE managaiyin bhAgiyam with the classic thEsulAvuthE;
Jayasimhan with malarOdu madhuramEvum etc.;
guNasundhari with nAn seidha poojApalan;
manidhan mARavillai with inbamAna iravidhuvE, kAdhal yAththiraikku Brindavanamum. and many more.........
(Recently, Bones & Manisekaran discussed TNR in the "Puthampudhu PazhasugaL" thread.)
Lyricist Udumalai Narayana Kavi:
manjaL mahimai with AhAya veedhiyil azhagAna veNNilA, idhuvenna AnandhamO, kOdai maRaindhAl inbam varum, mARAdha sOhamthAnO (all great songs)
Some songs from "engaL veettu mahAlakshmi".
many more, I'm sure.......
MD T.G.Lingappa:
thangamalai rahasiyam with amudhaip pozhiyum nilavE
sabAsh meenA with kANA inbam kanindhadhEnO, chiththiram pEsidhadi
and, many more, I'm sure.......
MD T.Chalapathi Rao:
The only one I'm aware of is meeNda sorgam with classics such as thuyilAdha peNNondRu kaNdEn, kalaiyE en vAzhkkaiyin dhisai mAtRinAi, mana nAttiya mEdaiyil AdinEn, Adum aruL jyothi.
Any more in TFM...?
MD S.Venkatraman:
meerA with all those great MSSubbulakshmi songs.
Re singer Vasanthakokilam:
I'm drawing a complete blank right now, will come back later....
Re singers A.P.Komala & Balasaraswathi:
The ones I remember are malar thArA indRum sung by both and malarOdu madhuramEvum by Balasaraswathi & Ghantasala.
(unsure if they'll meet the HOF criteria.)
Re other female singers:
Did D.K.pattammAL sing yArO avar yArO enna pErO? What else has she sung? Will she meet the HOF criteria?
Will be back later.....
- From: RV (@ nat-20.avanticorp.com)
on: Wed Mar 4 18:13:30 EST 1998
Kanchana: Didnt DKP sing "Theeradha Vilayaattup Pillai" in Vedhala Ulagam ? I think she sung quite a few in AVM movies Vedhala Ulagam, Nam Iruvar etc.
- From: Rajaraman (@
on: Wed Mar 4 20:29:18 EST 1998
test pl ignore
- From: NOV (@
on: Wed Mar 4 20:39:26 EST 1998
pg - This is not my contribution, as I have not given extensive thought to this subject (which is a good one) yet. All I want to say is that I am deeply disappointed - nay, distressed, that you have forgotten the rich gambeera voice of Sirgaazhi. :-(( Or have all of you decided that he shouldn't be in it? :"+(---
- From: Gokul (@ p1.echostar.com)
on: Wed Mar 4 20:46:02 EST 1998
How about adding IR to the domain of singers?
IMO, He meets HOF Criteria 2,3 & 5.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-td02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed Mar 4 21:49:09 EST 1998
Seerkazhi is in PG's original list :-)
Any idea who sang eppadip pAdinarO?
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-td02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed Mar 4 22:38:19 EST 1998
Contd from my previous posting after re-reading our discussions in the Puthampudhu PazhasugaL thread.........
MD T.G.Lingappa has given some unforgettable classics like the ones named above, and satisfies HOF criteria 2,3,5.
Lyricist Marudhakasi has penned impactful songs, some of which are named above, and satisfies HOF criteria 2,3,5.
Lyricist T.N. Ramiahdoss's style varies across songs (sanskritized verses to jollylo gymkhana), satisfies HOF criteria 2,3,5 and sounds like an interesting personality too on top of it, judging by Bones's and Manisekaran's responses to my question in the "Pudhu PazhasugaL" thread.
Need to research the others further. Back later....
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Thu Mar 5 10:47:00 EST 1998
I am sorry I missed out Seerkazhi Govindarajan. Just on oversight; how can anyone leave out 'veNkalak kural' seerkAzhi !
- From: Satish (@ caesar-224.cs.umn.edu)
on: Thu Mar 5 11:38:28 EST 1998
U Narayanakavi seems to be a big contributor in 40s. Even in 50s he wrote for "Devadas" (CRSubbaraman). He has written for MKT and PUChinnappa. One song for PUC "nadai alangaaram kanden" (Kuchela Kubera) is evergreen. He also wrote in "Rathak Kanneer" (Vish-Ram) I guess.
DKPattammaal's songs in Naam Iruvar are a) vetri ettu thikkum b) aduvome pallpaduvome aananda sudandiram c) bharatha samudayam vaazhgave. All Bharathiyar songs.
There would virtually be no TFM in 30s and 40s without the input of Paapanasan Sivan . He contributed both as a lyricist and music director. His classical compositions outside TFM need no introduction. Again several of his songs have been sung by MKT and PUC.
If awards were the "automatic inclusion" criteria, Unnikrishnan (Kadhalan, Pavithra) and Swarnalatha (Karuthamma) should have no problem getting into the list.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-tf02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Thu Mar 5 12:28:57 EST 1998
Thank you for providing specific substantiating information on Lyricist Udumalai Narayana Kavi, and Singer D.K. Pattammal.
To Topic:
In my sample list of Lyricist T.N.Ramiahdoss's works, I forgot to include this noteworthy movie: missiammA with songs like vArAyO veNNilAvE kELAyO engaL kadhaiyE, brindhAvanamum nandhakumAranum.
Artistes to research further......
MD T.Chalapathi Rao: other TFM besides meeNda sorgam?
MD S.Venkatraman: other TFM besides meerA?
Singer Vasanthakokilam: ????
Singer K.R.Ramaswamy: ????
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Thu Mar 5 13:52:17 EST 1998
Kanchana :
Vasantha Kokilam used to sing duets with MKT right ?
Who were the female voices who used to sing duets with MKT ? I think in the MKT classic 'vasantha rudhu mana mohanamE' Vasantha Kolilam is the frmale voice. Unfortunalely in my MKT collections there are no credits. Did Vasantha Kokilam also act in movies ?
Two classics of PUC I can remember - 'namakkini bayamEthu' and 'sArasam vaseegara'. PUC was a great singer, a shade lower than MKT maybe but great in his own right. I don't have any recordings by PUC (my father has a lot - he is a ardent fan of MKT/PUC/MMDD).
One great movie of MMDD I remember is nandhanar - a successful and controversial film. I have heard songs from this fil and they are good. MMDD was also a carnatic singer and he used o sing regularly in 'thamizhisai sangam'.
- From: Gokul (@ p1.echostar.com)
on: Thu Mar 5 14:59:37 EST 1998
Enna Bathiley KaaNom?
- From: Gokul (@
on: Tue Mar 10 19:33:36 EST 1998
Since There is no Response From Anybody,
I assume nobody's got a problem with including
IR into the domain of Male Singers.
Hence I am redrawing the list of Male Singers in HOF.
Male Singers :
M.M.Dhandapani Desikar
M.K.Thyagaraja Bhagavathar
Tiruchi Loganathan
J.P.Chandrababu - for his unique, unimitated style of singing
Malaysia Vasudevan
IlaiyaRaja - For his unique style and rustic
vocal element
- From: Suresh Kumar (@ 174-151-199.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Nov 21 03:14:27 EST 1998
I saw this posting only now.
What do you mean "I assume nobody's got a problem with including IR into the domain of Male Singers"? What's wrong with his voice? It is much better that many of the singers already included in the list.
- From: dhan (@ dajal.legato.com)
on: Mon Nov 23 13:31:30 EST 1998
Suresh Kumar,
tell me whose voices listed above is worst than IR???
- From: bb (@ compq1.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Thu May 20 09:58:12 EDT 1999
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com) on Wed May 19 17:52:36 EDT 1999.
One of the fantastic things which Americans excel in is the area of Marketing and Promotion. Due recognition goes hand in hand with this concept. When it comes to die-hard fans, I am sure TFM fans are second to none. If the participation and passion in the DF is of any indication of average TFM fan, then I am convinced that I am correct in my assesment.
What I am proposing now is combining the Marketing/Recognition concept to the passion of the TFM fans to create something like a Hall of Fame for past and present legends of TFM.'I have a dream'- and my dream is that there is a place in Chennai where one can go to obtain, chronological history, compilation of lifetime works, achievements, audio samples of works, pictures etc. etc. which will be a great nostalgia trip for anybody. Obviously, eventually the project should pay for itself through revenue, sponsorships, etc. The annual entry into Hall of Fame could be a marketed event. These are just ideas. I am inviting the DFers to discuss and follow up.
Just imagine! In one section of the facility, you may find an actual handwritten draft with all the scratches and stets of IR's original score, or Kannadasan's lyrics. Udambu pullarikkiradhu!!!
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Wed May 19 18:25:29 EDT 1999
rAjAji :-)
what you are proposing is similar to the "let's sponsor an IR album" project. no sarcasm intended. a project of such a magnitude needs a lot of groundwork and a good financial base. before poeple start jumping in with lots of ideas, we have to be realistic and do a feasability study. why don't you give a complete writeup of what your dream is, what options do have have in mind to realize them ... . maybe we can go from there.
- From: SitaRam (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Wed May 19 18:49:20 EDT 1999
This requires philanthrophy, Rajaji. It is an institutional effort or some trust funds. imagine that someone raja fan in a decade or so decides to leave and bequeath the entire 100 crore savings in US dollars as money to set up an IR foundation or TFM Hall of Fame... that will work. but, we have to wait..
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Wed May 19 18:51:36 EDT 1999
Sure Oh King of Grace!
Here are some preliminary steps not necessarily in a PERT/CPM order.
1. Seek opinions on who belong in the Hall of Fame. Obviously these are undisputed legends like say TMS, MKT, MSV, IR, G Ramanathan, etc. etc, say about 50/60 people.
2. You would note that I am not proposing 'retirement' as a necessary condition for entry into Hall of Fame. Criteria - We may inadvertently miss some people but the people selected would have definite legitimate claims. Poll and ballot of fans, media, peers, musicians etc may be the best method.
3. Collect materials/statistics about the Hall of Fame entrants. Family, friends, studios, publishers, other contacts may be good initial point of contact.
4. Seek possible venues for setting up hall of fame.
Part of AVM studio complex, Vijaya-vahini, or corporate granted like say SPIC for example.
5. Develop infrastructure at the facility - for example audio facilities at certain locations for sound clips or even video clips.
6. Decide about personnel resources required - is it just maintenance or like tourist guide with batch processing of tourists.
7. Work with a target date for inaugural function at Chennai. Invited patrons, HOF entrants,etc. etc.
8. Try to rope in influential TFM lovers for contacts and $$s.
innum soppanaththula irukkEnaa, illa yaaraavadhu 'aruL' seidhu ennai kiLLi vittargaLaa?
- From: bb (@ compq1.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Thu May 20 10:13:59 EDT 1999
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