Topic started by Sankaran (@ webgate6.mot.com) on Sat May 9 04:32:50 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
After the high profile debut Karthik Raja had,has he really fulfilled the expectations from him?I feel that he has been brilliant in Ullasam and the Hindi movie Grahan,but not really earth-shattering as Rahman was in 92-93.What is his current status in TFM ? And what do our DF members think about his future ??
- Old responses
- From: Praveen Kumar (@ m32.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Fri Jun 26 11:17:11 EDT 1998
Karthik Raja is a nice music director.Some of his songs in "ULLASAM" are really good .He is a big challenger to Rahman.
May god bless him,So that he breaks his fathers record.
- From: Ramesh Siva (@ 171-132-107.ipt.aol.com)
on: Fri Jun 26 17:12:28 EDT 1998
KR, i personnaly think that he is talented. He uses same instruments as ARR, bu the music is a lot different from ARR. ARR acheived his popularity real soon with ROJA. KR might have some help from IR, who knows, but he has repeating the suit in evry movie he does i.e;1 rap song, 1 sad song, 1 romantic song etc;
He could be a nice competetor afterall for ARR. But never compare ARR with KR beause AR's melodies are totally different form KR's.
- From: Dharshan (@ ts18ip133.cadvision.com)
on: Sat Jul 18 01:31:05 EDT 1998
ARR is one of the most popular guys in the world.
Likewise KR is also a rising star and he has
produced great melodies over the past few years.
Even the White people in CALGARY (canada).
On the other hand, can't take anything away from
ARR as well. He has also done what KR has done
over the past years.
- From: UNNmai Vilimbi (@
on: Sat Jul 18 16:11:33 EDT 1998
Hi guys
KR probably is good. BUT FIRST, I repeat FIRST
Let him shake him of the jinx of flops.Ullasam, Manickkam, Alexandar,Kaadhala Kaadhala etc., etc., all were flops. As of now, not one single movie of his is a good hit, leave alone super hit.
If somebody is looking for a spark it should be like Annakilli of IR, Roja of ARR . A versatile great MD's first film is simply too great.
KR has to still grow a lot. Please do not compare him with ARR.
- From: karthik (@
on: Mon Jul 20 18:18:41 EDT 1998
When KR saya thahis dad is a classicist and doesnt like to deviate from the established scales, doesnt it contradict what IR himself says about his music as to how he doesnt have any fixed parameters of music..balh,blah.. Like even a dogs bark is music. Would KR fans like to clarify
- From: Dharshan (@ ts7ip226.cadvision.com)
on: Thu Jul 30 00:24:12 EDT 1998
Mr. unnmai vilimbi, whoever you are, What can a classic musician do for a film being a flop???? Didn't ARR have any flop films??
- From: Kalanjiyam (@ proxy.qatar.net.qa)
on: Thu Jul 30 04:55:20 EDT 1998
KR has not clicked. we will wait for Marudanayagam or Grahan where he will do some wonders. But I don't think he will be able to do something great like ARR or IR. He has restricted himself to rap style or pop style. Only classic he has done is "Unakkenna raasa" from Manickam. That piece is just superb, melodious, golden hit from this guy. especially the interludes are wonderful and also the counter music in the end.
- From: Hrishikesh (@
on: Thu Jul 30 12:23:30 EDT 1998
Karthik Raja has indeed not clicked.Even before he has given a super duper hit, he says that ARR is a sound engineer and nothing more.Rahman's great asset is his humility and he lets his work do the talking.KR has talent but he should deliver the goods soon else he will be forgotten.
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Fri Jul 31 04:34:43 EDT 1998
KR said ARR is a "good" sound engineer.This,i think is different from calling an MD a sound engineer!!!
- From: NaNbaN (@ barcache1.caribsurf.com)
on: Fri Jul 31 15:49:32 EDT 1998
KR is so far a Mega Flop. Some of his song indicate that he has talent. But he has a long way to go in the path of MD. He didn't get the pulse of 'Hit' music. May be he needs some study under DEVA.
He doesn't seem to have a unique style, little bit of IR, ARR, KR,.... He is trying too hard to give sucess too soon I guess. This decade belongs ARR. I guess he has to wait.
One more thing, IR should have brought him out as MD when got recognition for the song "pandiyanin rajiathil..." - Pandiyan. He would have flourished from there. But ARR wave did slump for KR. Now his is lost some where.
He is young,has lot of time. so, let wait....
Hoping for the "Right-click",
- From: Sankaran (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Aug 6 03:37:50 EDT 1998
Your observations were interesting.KR needs the right kind of movie and director to bring out the best in him.Though his style is not very distinct as yet(shades of both IR and ARR here and there),I think he would develop into his own sooner or later.He has to only wait.
- From: The Fan (@ spider-we084.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Nov 3 00:37:11 EST 1998
GRAHAN is releasing on Nov 6 along with Dhole Sajake Rakna of ARR. It will be interesting to watch the drama. I am told the rerecording is outstanding for GRAHAN. any further news? Also, why were the songs released over one year ago before the movie release itself?
- From: bala (@
on: Tue Nov 3 05:52:14 EST 1998
I agree with Mr. NaNbaN in the fact that that KR doesnt have a unique style. when u listen to a song by MSV or IR or ARR or for that matter DEVA, u can identify the music director without being told beforehand. but KR - nope. i cant tell whether its a song by IR or some western group ?
his songs are good but it doesnt have a KR 'trademark' or a new style.
IR was an instant hit because he had a different style compared to his predecessor MSV. ARR was an instant hit 'coz he had a different style compared to IR.
- From: Srinivas (@ pup36.stanford.edu)
on: Tue Nov 3 14:27:36 EST 1998
The Fan : GRAHAN was completed long time back. But, people did not like the climax and suggested that the climax be reshot. Then the director went to Subhash Ghai for "suggestions". And the "Great Ghai" messed it up, causing further delays.
However, KR himself had told my friend SRK that the BGM was going to be good.
I think that KR has tried to be different and unique in Grahan-songs.
- From: shyamala (@ inet20.us.oracle.com)
on: Tue Nov 3 15:24:13 EST 1998
When you dont compare his music with Big names like ARR and his father, and just listen to his music it is good enof.
Some good tunes are:
Kehete jisko(Grahan)
Veesum katru(Ullasam)
Kasumela from (kadhala kadhala)
Atleast it definitely different and I guess they are not copied.
It should be his bad luck that none of them took off like ARRs. Probably you can say his songs are
dullened becos of ARR's vibrant music.
lets wish him good luck and I definitely see a budding MD...
Hope Puli 8 adi panja kutti 16 adi payumnu...
- From: ram (@
on: Wed Nov 4 08:08:55 EST 1998
I would like to add the following songs also to the list, as they are, IMO, exceptionally good,
1. NadhiyOrum from Alexander
2. Chum Chum from enakkoru magan pirappAn (re-produced in GRAHAN)
3. Sundaranae from mAnikkam
About, BGM, I think he is just unlucky as none of the movies had given any hope for good BGM. But he had done BGM for couple of IR movies(!) and it was really good. The movies he quoted in his own interview (once in SUN TV) are Amaidhippadai and chinna vAdhiyAr.
- From: UV (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Wed Nov 4 09:43:04 EST 1998
ShyamaLa and ram,
U 've forgot to add the BEST song of KR (IMO),
unakkenna rAsa from manickam.PS has done a great rendition in the song.
- From: Imtiaz (@
on: Thu Nov 5 02:51:42 EST 1998
KR still existing in the field only because of his father name, but not because of his own talent. I do not understand why the hell he said ARR is a good musician not a good MD while he is not both. He is only talent in teasing the real tallented people not in the music.
- From: Imtiaz (@
on: Thu Nov 5 02:51:56 EST 1998
KR still existing in the field only because of his father name, but not because of his own talent. I do not understand why the hell he said ARR is a good musician not a good MD while he is not both. He is only talent in teasing the real tallented people not in the music.
- From: Imtiaz (@
on: Thu Nov 5 02:52:11 EST 1998
KR still existing in the field only because of his father name, but not because of his own talent. I do not understand why the hell he said ARR is a good musician not a good MD while he is not both. He is only talent in teasing the real tallented people not in the music.
- From: Imtiaz (@
on: Thu Nov 5 02:52:38 EST 1998
KR still existing in the field only because of his father name, but not because of his own talent. I do not understand why the hell he said ARR is a good musician not a good MD while he is not both. He is only talent in teasing the real tallented people not in the music.
- From: Imtiaz (@
on: Thu Nov 5 02:52:59 EST 1998
KR still existing in the field only because of his father name, but not because of his own talent. I do not understand why the hell he said ARR is a good musician not a good MD while he is not both. He is only talent in teasing the real tallented people not in the music.
- From: Imtiaz (@
on: Thu Nov 5 02:53:12 EST 1998
KR still existing in the field only because of his father name, but not because of his own talent. I do not understand why the hell he said ARR is a good musician not a good MD while he is not both. He is only talent in teasing the real tallented people not in the music.
- From: P.Lankathas (@ spc-isp-stc-uas-01-25.sprint.ca)
on: Thu Nov 5 04:23:33 EST 1998
Lets be resonable. KR has a lot of talents, he just need to get a good break and a good movie project. Remember he is still young and that not everyone gets a chance like ARR and IR to get famour from their first movie. Whats wrong with the songs in ullasam, they were nice, but the movie didnt go as they would have liked it to and hence the flooed rating for the songs. I mean how many of us get a chance to make our father do a job under our supervision while our father is a master in that same job. (remember IR singing in ullasam, IMO that was a great piece). Kamal is usual know to get his nose into every aspect of a movie production and it's no secret that KR doing music for "kadala kadala" was oked by Kamal too. If he was as bad as you say then, how would have he got that chance to do music for Kamal. Kamal could have given it to IR if what you say is true, that KR is only around because of IR. On the other hand Kamal could have given it to any other MD, but he didnt hense his believe on KR's talent. Comment are always welcome
- From: UV (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Nov 5 10:25:13 EST 1998
I do not understand why the hell he said ARR is a
good musician not a good MD while he is not both. He is only talent in teasing the real tallented people not in the music.
What were u trying to say?? :-((
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