Topic started by cosmician (@ on Tue Mar 26 01:26:00 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All,
Apologise for this sudden and unusual thread.
We have regular contributors and silent watchers in these forums, some new, some have been there since inception of the forums. Today we have a lot of new faces and there will be more.
I am just curious to know about which year/month did you join in the discussions here..
..I still remember chancing upon newtfmpage in Jan 2001 and sparking off a war in the 'IR's latest' thread unknowingly without realizing the ongoing IR-ARR fans blood feud ! A few of the DFers who were around (and are still)around were : kiru (the audiologist), bharath (a new generation fan), swami (sangeetha vidwan and once Bharath's nemesis!), common friend (a balanced fan), ambleen, eden(who got hurt when I said that he was still stuck in the 70s!), Karthik S (the music dealer who can make out a fake from an original!)...and a lot more interesting people that I have not mentioned !
Could you guys/gals tell us when and how you joined the discussions here and also narrate any funny incidents or discussions that had happened ?
- Old responses
- From: avr (@
on: Thu Apr 25 22:52:43 EDT 2002
Sorry I have caused some confusion. I meant to say that Naaz has studied music under the tutelage of JA. Also he i.e. Naaz has great command over English.
whynot about this:
>> Since then Naaz seemed quite pissed off <<
No Naaz was pissed off since quite a long time with many people who disagreed. That was true, anyways its a pity he isnt there at the DF now :(
- From: InterludesPreludes (@
on: Wed May 1 16:57:52 EDT 2002
Is Mr. arulaRacan still here? i have a cd to send to arulaRacan and i need email address to communicate. thanks.
- From: Ravi (@ )
on: Sat May 11 10:05:47 EDT 2002
s0 from UMass... if you want to get in touch with me, send mail to ravi@newtfmpage.com :-). (simple, isn't it?)
- From: aruvi (@
on: Sat May 11 14:32:38 EDT 2002
HI. This was done in a rush so please excuse all the errors. Glad to see ravi:-)
It was sometime in September of 1996, when most of the world was just getting used to words like internet, java and all those technical mumbo-jumbo. Tuning in with the times, I was toying around with the newcomer. newtfmpage was one of my earliest discovery and our friendship has kept in tact through some tough times. I believe I stumbled across this site when I was tirelessly searching for songs by a certain singer. This being a mainly male-dominated forum and my knowledge of music being very poor, I choose to keep my silence and spectate. My silence was finally brought to an end when some speciman of the majority boastfully claimed that females rarely visited this intelligent forum. So intelligent or not, to show numbers, I decided to introduce myself. The forums been quite an interesting place all these years. Confusion, frustration, irritation, anger, embarassment, annoyance, have played a key role in keeping this place alive:-) Really, who would be interested in a bland forum. But mutual respect was placed first in the pioneer days. Thinking about it all, prompts me to disclose some of my observations.
There are two things that Tamils brought to the world prior to the formation of rocks. One is Tamil (duh) and the other is a passion for the number 2. As you know about the former, let me inform you about the latter; although I am sure anyone from TN would require little explanation. This is for the lucky/unlucky exceptions. Division is our motto. We take everything in 2s. From religion; saivam and vaishnavam, to politics; DMK and ATMK, to filmstars; MGR and Sivagi. Really, the only thing that every Tamil is united about is curry powder. Some take it in high doses in their curry, others in smaller quantities, BUT none can live WITHOUT curry powder and call oneself a Tamil. It's just not possible. Otherwise, from aadhi to andham we have remained divided in pretty much everything. So it shouldn't suprise you to read that since its formation this forum was a victim of Tamil culture. From its birth, it has been the battle-space for hardcore ARR and IR fans. I must admit that there were some wierd mutants in here who claimed to be neutral. But I have always held that they were probably non-Tamil. There were many incidents in the past that have remained unsolved mysteries. Such as, certain ARR fans claiming never to come in here again and some holding to their words. Wonder what became of them. Such as, IR fans claiming that his unheard symphony was an unparalleled achievement from an Indian film composer. There were a lot of amusing incidents as well. In those days, the 'Indolink- Tamil Cinema Forum' was very active. That forum was compromised mainly of ARR fans or sympathisers who did not appreciate the severe manner in which he was denounced by IR fans. Someone in our forum started a thread that irked them and newtfmpage was shreaded to pieces there. It was singularly the most memorable thing for me simply because I still can't believe how silliness prevails even among the educated bunch.
Being a veteran(!) here doesn't entitle me with any sense of (?). You know what I mean:-) The quantity of threads started by yours truly has nothing to do with their quality. I will not claim to have attained a deeper knowledge of music either. Still am an amauteur on the issue, and will probably remain so. My personal contributions were primarily aimed at retorting to those characters making uncharitable remarks towards Chithra. I was easily baited in those days, young and foolish, but have grown up nowadays and refrain from answering back. Why, just today I read some uncharitable remark made about Chithra and yet I controlled my initial desire to pounce on the commentor with an essay on 'The Remarkable Career of K.S.Chithra":-) And moreover, the issue on female singers in TFM was brought to exhaustion two years ago. So nothing more to say about it. That was one issue beaten to death in this forum. Yet, they were fun while they lasted:-) It can't be discussed without repeating the same old 'ramayanam'. Anyhow, I can tell you about the contributions of some fellow forumers. My favourite thread was "The advantages of being a fan" started by Srikanth. Check it out sometime. He was one of those people who had a fine knowledge of music and a well-defined character. Not one to beat around the bush when conversing, Srikanth had gotten into his shares of, shall we say arguments. But I found even them informative! His threads were to my knowledge, knowledgeable. A fan of ARR and one willing to accept the virtues of IR's music, the man was treated with utmost hostility by most IR fans. Just imagine how Stalin would look at Sasikala if they met accidently. To be honest, I have forgotten quite a lot of the people who used to come earlier. There was Sathya Keerthi (SIR), who knew a lot about old songs. And a number of people who have been mentioned in most of the earlier postings. Of the females, Kanchana and Geetha contributed quite a lot. I haven't seen either one of them for a long time. Kanchana was here from early days. A music-lover, who shared some nice thoughts in threads. Geetha was a self-claimed fan of ARR. I used to look foward to her review whenever a new CD of ARR's released. I last remember her posting a long mail about her encounter with ARR. She was one fan that had her dream come true. I wonder when these two are going to come out of their hiatus. There was Eden-anna and BB-not an anna, Nov-uncle etc. I was, as am still, more interested in reading their postings than putting my own. Really, some of them had an opinion of pretty much everything. I used to wonder if I should start reading the newspaper to increase my general knowledge. Well, ok, to get some general knowledge. I must not forget my few, yet precious allies. There was Thomas Philip...who was also a fan of Chithra. He was here for a season and left. I believe he has become a teacher by now. Must be teaching somewhere in Philidelphia. He was my first ally, and then came Mr.Kutty. The latter seems to have vanished as well. Wow...this is getting pretty sad.
Well, I think I have come to an end. Writers' block. I just typed this up in a rush b/c I know that I had mentioned of it a long time back and have not worked on it. It's long enough as it is anyhow. I haven't really participated frequently in the forum for the last couple of years. I visit it often though, just to see how everything is going. There are some interesting threads and conversations that go on in here. I think it's a valuable place for anyone into Tamil and Indian music. I know there is detoriation in quality and that there are a lot of junk threads, but all that put aside, this place is still interesting. I just think that a lot of people who contributed a lot initially are busy with their work. These days, my only problem is the lack of good music in TFM. Not one person can argue with that:-) Be it stalwarts like IR and ARR or newcomers, everything is boring. Really, when we come to accept an average album like "Minnalae" being held as great, where do we go from there? So, I have become careless about listen to the new stuff. I prefer to listen to older albums of IR and ARR. But hopefully, we will get some really good music in the future. I guess we'll just have to wait. BYE!
- From: isaiosai (@
on: Sat May 11 15:07:07 EDT 2002
aruvi, that was an interesting write-up. thanks.
- From: MS (@
on: Sat May 11 15:25:18 EDT 2002
kadhai kELu..kadhia kELu..nesamaana kaadhai kELu..
suvaiyOdu sugamaaga..uruvaan kadha kELu :-)
- From: Sriram Lakshman (@
on: Sat May 11 16:43:54 EDT 2002
Aruvi, ha! Thomas....I remember your exchanges with him on what you do with your left hand while typing with your right hand and the subsequent 'punch' delivered by rajaG :).
- From: aruvi (@
on: Sun May 12 00:13:20 EDT 2002
SL, that's were the irritation and annoyance come in to play:-) Was that RajaG? I had forgotten entirely. Anyhow, it really is sad that Thomas doesn't come in here. The guy has kept to his word. He wanted to concentrate on his studies and decided to stop using the net and stuff. Haven't heard anything after that. I wish I could have his perseverence:-).
- From: Sriram Lakshman (@
on: Sun May 12 04:37:31 EDT 2002
I wish I could have his perseverence:-). . You do, only that it is misdirected, towards Chitra fanhood. :)
- From: WN (@
on: Sun May 12 09:36:53 EDT 2002
Nice post aruvi. Good to read the female's perspective.
- From: rajaG (@
on: Sun May 12 22:47:00 EDT 2002
Sriram: enna paththi konja nanjam irukkira nalla opinion aiyum (avaaLukku enna paththi gnyaabagam ootti) keduththuduvELE :-)
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