Topic started by karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net) on Sun Jan 31 04:05:48 EST 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I have found since I came into this forum that there are many IR lovers who, just would not pay heed to listen to great works of Viswanathan Ramamoorthy or the like who had done wonders to the Tamil Film Music, but only go about claiming him to be the best.
Similarly, the ones who do not treat IR as the best have not found an opportunity to compare his works or so called creations with the great works of other musicians.
I would like the arguments to confine only to the Tamil Film songs in their completeness, and please, don't bring in the Re-recording or the Back Ground Music of a film, or separate albums from the MDs if any. After all, when we hear songs we don't always think of the movies they came from!
- Old responses
- From: Raj (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Mon Feb 8 11:14:14 EST 1999
Shankar, Your points are quite valid. The perspective that you have placed is ,indeed, fresh. I just hope there are no more hard feelings and the discussion moves forward as to the merits/demerits of Raja(Shankar, atleast we should call him Raja rather than that bland "IR", right? Sounds like some variety of "Nellu"! The king deserves a better acronym than this, Ifeel!)and MSV. Our heads once again nod in unity when we say that "in case the discussion is taken to its logical end in the proper direction, we can easily prove Raja's all-time-greatness". Now, is that why people like HCMSVF(though I think he/she was parodying HCMSVF's) trying to move this direction into digressions? :).
Continue in the same vein, anyway..good luck!
- From: Thappu, thappu (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Mon Feb 8 12:07:31 EST 1999
") trying to move this direction into digressions"
") trying to move this thread into digressions
- From: Srinath (@ 202-81-73.ipt.aol.com)
on: Mon Feb 8 17:28:06 EST 1999
Hi Everybody !
This weekend I had been to NYC. I lost my way and ended up in Bronx and while "escaping" from there, I saw the car right in front of me crash into a wall at 50 mph after its tires burst - took a suicidal taxi-ride in Times Square and almost got mugged near the World Trade Center. After much honking and close shaves, I managed to drive out of NJ-NY and came home safely thinking I could relax finally :-) Guess what ? NYC suddenly seems a lot more friendly than this thread !!! And though there are some very good posts here, I'll have nothing more to do with this thread, sorry :-(
Thanks for the mail - will reply shortly :-)
- From: Madhusudan (@ ip212.pontiac7.mi.pub-ip.psi.net)
on: Mon Feb 8 19:23:59 EST 1999
Srinath: How do you almost get mugged?
Others: I know, I know, this is off-topic. (Ob. Slogan) Ohm Ilaiyarajaye Namaha!
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Mon Feb 8 22:38:15 EST 1999
Madhusudan! RombavE kindaldhaan!
- From: neruppu (@ daapmac08.daa.uc.edu)
on: Mon Feb 8 22:58:31 EST 1999
Going through these arguments i was just thinking of a situation: TEn years from now,ome new kid on the block bounces on the TFM scene with a bang and leads the ratpack pushing back ARR.(that might happen sooner than later!) i'm not sure if ARR fans can do as well as IR and MSV fans to defend their points. Coz, while fans of IR and MSV draw from a huge volume of songs that are part of a shared memory down the generartions, i'm not very sure ARR defendents will have the same luxury. For example,from past 7 years can we pick out a lot of all time greats from ARR?
- From: Srinath (@ ss03.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Tue Feb 9 11:47:23 EST 1999
Instructions for getting 'almost' mugged in NYC:
1. Go to the World Trade Center on a Sunday evening and spend a couple of hours there.
2. When it gets dark and most of the people get off the street, go into an ATM and withdraw cash. Make sure that the ATM is in a desolate area !
3. Walk back towards the garage where you've have parked your car.
4. Every once in a while, look around furtively as if you are afraid that somebody will mug you.
5. When you find someone stalking you, look back at him with terror in your eyes and start walking faster.
6. To ensure that he is really following you, stop occasionally and check to see that he stops too.
7. Run into the nearest builing that is well-lit and that has a security gaurd as well (we don't want to get 'fully mugged', only 'almost mugged', remember ?
8. Ask your New Yorker friend to go back and get the car while you wait with your wife in the afore-mentioned building. If you don't have a wife, substitute 'wife' with girlfriend. If you don't have a girlfriend either, you are automatically disqualified from getting 'almost mugged' !
9. When your friend gets the car around, rush into it and drive away like mad. Chances are that you will find yourself lost in Times Square by the time you feel confident enough to look back !
10. Go back home and relate the incident to your friends and if possible, in a Discussion Forum.
11. When the joker-in-the-pack comes up with a stupid question, copy this post and repost it as a reply to him.
Note: Please follow the instructions carefully otherwise you might get 'fully mugged' instead of only getting 'almost mugged'.
Ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer :-)
- From: Raj (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Tue Feb 9 13:18:20 EST 1999
Glad to see you back:)
But sad to see you walking away from this thread a la sriaknth:({
But then, you are right.This thread is meandering like a wild river. Proof: mugging and bugging above:)
Will anyone tell me in what respect Raja is inferior to MSV or any other MD and if so, why?
(Hope this doesnt start the usual symphony, "NO BGM please", "interludes? what price?" kind of debate".)
- From: HCMSV-Fan (@ client-151-198-136-20.bellatlantic.net)
on: Tue Feb 9 20:03:32 EST 1999
Raj :
You are the only perceptive person in this thread !
No one else realized that my posting was just a parody !
- From: Suresh (@ bluebird.qut.edu.au)
on: Tue Feb 9 22:44:16 EST 1999
Hi HCMSVF_in_drag:
I know I was supremely dumb, not being perceptive enough to spot ur drag & instead taking the collective rage out on dear Srikkanth, who's been our perennial opposite. Well, atleast Raj has taken the middle ground & tried to restore some sanity to the proceedings, proof that there are atleast few intelligent guys out here under the HCIRF banner.
Anyhow, I feel that I was unnecessarily getting dragged into the heat of the conflict, when folks like you see it worth only for an occasional parody. No clearer indication of the (non)- seriousness in this thread is reqd. & I think I'll hold myself responsible for falling like a sucker for your prank & creating my own two-bit of illwill in this thread.
I guess that leaves me with no choice but to follow the illustrious footsteps of Srinath & Srikkanth. It's kind of a good timing really as I'm going back to India soon, & wouldn't really know if I can visit this as frequently as now. So chalk that one for another IRF gone, and that leaves only the saner elements in the picture.
It was nice chatting, anyhow! Have fun folks!
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Tue Feb 9 22:45:52 EST 1999
I don't think Madhu's question was stupid! (please, idhukkaaga inga innoru posting vEndaam, if you please, you can mail me!).
- From: Srinath (@ 206-73-158.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Feb 9 23:30:27 EST 1999
Don't post an opinion and expect to get away with it! I do think Madhu's Q was stupid. Your turn to explain why it isn't stupid. And yes, it is a terrible shame wasting the forum like this - Madhu's stupid Q, your response to his stupid Q, my stupid answer to Madhu's stupid Q, your opinion on Madhu's stupid Q and my opinion on your opinion !
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Wed Feb 10 02:12:12 EST 1999
And our stupid opinions! Here's my explanation: When it comes to mugging either you get mugged (completely) or or not at all (no 'almost' business)! Your explanation only details the fear or the feeling that one gets when he thinks what if he gets mugged and obviously feelings cannot be counted for real experiences! (BTW, did you go with your wife or girl friend?)
- From: Raj (@ hydrec2.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Wed Feb 10 02:50:26 EST 1999
Hmm...Is there any hope for this thread? Karthi, as the starter of this thread, shouldnt you, at the least, try to stick to the topic? Or, are you afraid a logical, stick-to-the-topic discussion will lead to a manifestation of the truth of our claim? :)
(Is that provoking enough?:)). I am too lazy to continue my summing up act: I think the summing up I did two, three days back still holds. Lets continue, never mind the muggers and buggers :)
- From: Srinath (@ s02.austin.ibm.com)
on: Wed Feb 10 11:53:31 EST 1999
I am not letting this go. I was almost mugged because the mugger was for real, the opportunity was for real (for the would-be, or more specifically, would-have-been mugger) and my escape was for real. Obviously you have not read my instructions completely (which incidentally was a wise-crack at myself !).
Madhu's question was stupid plainly because it was totally out of context, w.r.t mugging as well as this thread. I took it in its lighter sense and retorted with what I presumed to be a post as funny (or 'unfunny') as Madhu's. Unfortunately, you've decided to designate one as less silly than the other - which was what I referred to as 'your opinion' and which you further classified as 'stupid' ! Happy ? Now let's get back to business - whatever happened to MSV ? Is he still the best MD or has he taken a back seat to mugging ? Of course, I am willing to take this mugging issue further to prove my point about 'almost mugging' - on one condition - that you admit defeat in your attempt to prove that IR is not the best MD ! Like Raj suggested, you are probably out of ideas to defend MSV :-)
Note: With all the SPM's and Juniors and 'Reasonings' around, I get picked out for a minor slip up ! Come on guys ! Is that the ONLY hole you could poke in my arguments ? 'Almost mugged' ? Is this the issue ? Ok ! so I made a mistake, and a very minor one at that ! You've got to come up with something better to counter my arguments !!!
- From: eden (@
on: Wed Feb 10 11:56:03 EST 1999
The simple reason why IR is the greatest so far in TFM is that he has made MD an icon. An icon that even star directors will have to come, wait - for hours- and beg for his MD. The same cannot be said of anyone before -including MSV , who, though a good composer of melodies, for the most part was just a sidekick in the film field (to MGR, Sivaji, Kannadasan, TMS, PS et al). IR came and conquered -first fans, then artistes and then the whole field.
That's just one reason to crown him the greatest in TFM. All MSV die-hards, please understand the definition of `greatest' first and then argue please! (Suggest read history books that talk about Alexander the Great)
- From: Concerned for srinath (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Wed Feb 10 11:59:26 EST 1999
Sri, It appears to me as if you are losing your famed cool. Watch out!
(Ofcourse I might be wrong:))
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