Topic started by vimal (@ on Thu Mar 21 19:06:57 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I am an ardent Hard Core, I mean really Hard Core fan of the great (sorry, the greatest), the one and only Ilayaraja. He is the only composer I listen to (sometimes I listen to his kids' works) and I almost worship him. Tears of ecstasy have flown from eyes many times, sometimes, I do "Namaskarams" thinking of him, and most of the times, it is spontaneous, involuntary.
I mean, come on, he is the greatest genius ever, even if you consider the geniuses from all the fields.
The purpose of this thread is, I am interested in knowing about the other HCIRFs visiting the forum. I know for sure, there are fans like SPM, NagaS, Jag, Athi..to name a few. There used to be guys like Srinath, MPR, Shanmugam Murugappan, eden, and the likes..but I don't get to see much of them these days.
Are you an HCIRF?? How is IR's music affecting you...can you tell me about the feeligns that you get and the actions that you do when you listen to his songs??
And yeah, ROTFL, Whynot, Bharath and the likes, I would take it to be a nice act of decency if you don't show up in this thread. I am not interested in any of your "objective" or "neutral" views, as I said, this is just for HCIRFs.
- Old responses
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Mar 22 09:00:14 EST 2002
I am an IR fan, but not maniac!
- From: sabesan (@
on: Fri Mar 22 09:01:47 EST 2002
Raghu, edhu lollu :-)...
anyway, someone out there, can u pls tell me the difference between IR Fan and a HC IR Fan pls..... well, in general what is that, that differentiates a FAN and a HC FAN ????
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Mar 22 09:42:36 EST 2002
well HC Fans are people who worship their idol,
Fans are who appreciate real talents, Okya.
idhu eppadi irruku
- From: tigger (@
on: Fri Mar 22 09:57:37 EST 2002
when you think of it HC is a term that was introduced when people were debating in other threads. If someone says something that you disagreed with, you brush it off by saying that he/she is a HC fan.
When I was a teenager/preteens I might have been a HC fan of someone but now I am 32 and I I would think it ridiculous if someone called me a HC fan of any person.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Fri Mar 22 10:01:59 EST 2002
Raghu :-) (may be true)....
tigger, exactly my feelings (especially the firt part)....
anyway, iam an IR Fan, and am very proud of it...
- From: vimal (@
on: Fri Mar 22 10:03:31 EST 2002
Raghu is right... we HCIRFs worship our Master IR, and listen just to his music most of the time, and talk about the glories of his musi even to the musically challenged people!!
Then you have the rest.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Mar 22 10:06:18 EST 2002
me too, :-0,
BTW, IR's sedhu is dubbed in Telugu as "seshu", but in telegu the music is scored by YSR, guess what SPB proves he is the DON when it comes to playback singing, listen to the tamil version & telgu version & judge for your self,
the link is www.raaga.com/telugu
- From: hihi:-) (@
on: Fri Mar 22 13:28:33 EST 2002
i am a fan of hardcore softcore and s&m too :-))))
- From: vimal (@
on: Fri Mar 22 13:49:09 EST 2002
Please don't deviate from the topic...
- From: vimal (@
on: Fri Mar 22 13:49:15 EST 2002
Please don't deviate from the topic...
- From: Mohan (@
on: Fri Mar 22 14:27:23 EST 2002
Hi Guys
You would not have noticed me much in this forum..But, I do visit this website atleast twice in a day...
To put my point : I just love music...To me, (pls. others do not mistake) only Raaja's music is MUSIC. His is the only ...which invokes ....something into me...His music has life...Vimal, Hope u can understand my expressions...His music is apt...it speaks....
I just love his music..
I have knowingly or unknowingly stopped hearing to other MD's songs....I hear good lively songs...To me its only Raaja's...
Only sad aspect here is that he deserves more...he should be recognized in a better way...I am not jelous about anyone...But, *** gets popular by synthezized sounds..recording...etc...but..noone cares for Real music...Raaja, I salute u...and ur music..
- From: Venki (@
on: Fri Mar 22 15:03:27 EST 2002
You would have seen me here now and then. Whenever I come to TFM Page I look for Raaja related threads.
I'm am one among the numerous HCIRFs. I have made my Non-Tamil friends to hear Raaja's music and make them aware he is one of the best Composers.
Raaja is the Best. I was hearing 'Kanmani Anbodu ...' from Guna this morning. What a Wonderful music he had given to the song. His music sounds fresh everytime. Sometimes brings emotions and tears. I'm an Adimai for his music.
'Isaiyil KaLLH kalandhu koduppavar Raaja'.
My very recent desire is to visit his native Village and be on the soil where he was born atleast once in my life.
- From: vimal (@
on: Fri Mar 22 15:12:10 EST 2002
I know that you are a HCIRF, sorry thati I forgot to mention your name!! Also, how can we forget the great Madhan Raghavan, Arularacan.. all diehard IR fans.
Mohan, thanks for the input. I am sure there are lots of people like us, proud HCIRFss!! :-)
And yeah, the "gounds_rasigan" character is my very close buddy... he holds IR as one of the most important persons in his life!!
- From: raja (@
on: Fri Mar 22 16:04:02 EST 2002
anyone who has crossed the teen-age and still call themself HC Fan of someone needs to grow-up and get a life !!
- From: MCF (@
on: Fri Mar 22 16:06:35 EST 2002
Is this some kind of HCIRF census ? And whats next ? The top 10 and the award for the hardest of the hardcore fan , huh ? Will there be any speeches..? "i want to thank my internet cafe owner, my parents for providing me the computer,blah blah blah.." :)
- From: pAmaran (@
on: Fri Mar 22 16:13:07 EST 2002
There you go... finally Vimal has counted you in..:))
I know that you are a HCIRF, sorry thati I forgot to mention your name!! Also, how can we forget the great Madhan Raghavan, Arularacan.. all diehard IR fans.
- From: hihi:-) (@
on: Fri Mar 22 16:18:20 EST 2002
pAmarana: Ah! finally get in to the groups of elites :-)))).
vimal: you forgot gp, cp, gk, raj, msk, gtr, and many more such alphabet soups :-))).
- From: hihi:-) (@
on: Fri Mar 22 16:18:33 EST 2002
pAmarana: Ah! finally got in to the groups of elites :-)))).
vimal: you forgot gp, cp, gk, raj, msk, gtr, and many more such alphabet soups :-))).
- From: oosai (@
on: Fri Mar 22 16:45:21 EST 2002
naan kooda HCIRF :)
- From: vimal (@
on: Fri Mar 22 18:07:36 EST 2002
so alularacan is hihi:-), !!! Thats interesting... thanks Pamaran! oosai.. sorry to forget your name!
MCF, thats exactly my point, this is some kind of a censor.
I remember, "anbudan" Mahabs used to be an HCIRF. Are you still Mahabs?? And I also forgot, "pi"Visiri, whose presentation used to be a delight!!
- From: peeps (@
on: Sat Mar 23 08:20:31 EST 2002
"present sir !!"--from one more HCIRFan ..
Though i visit this site atleast once in a day i avoid posting due to my Zero knowledge in music..:-(
I directly go to the archives and take threads realted to IR and read it..for hours..
Its very paining to see the TFM DF has gone down from it old quality..fights and personal attacks and forming group to defend one MD or themselves..these are the hot things now in DF..and the wonder is admin(Rajaraman or Ravi or others) is not participating in discussion as they used to be long back..may be they are busy and they might think that the DF is not as worth as they used to be..:-(
The musical mandai guys mentioned by vimal and other new mundais are not participating in informative discussions..one odd thread in the near past was something like "MD's:their recording techniques "..that was very informative and i think many usual DF visitors wud have followed that thread closely inspite of not participating.
newtfmpage has evolved a lot and its one of the best sites dealing with TFM..lets assume that the old "good" TFMDF'ers are busy with their private lifes..but still other new guys who know music technically are not coming into this forum and participating in discussions..i dont know why..
TFMDF has become just a place for mud slinging and personal attacks ..i never say that only a particular MD's fans are doing that..i have seen HCIRFans doing the same..:-(
why not everyone make this place as beautiful as it looked some years back?why not everyone stop abusing others and treat others as your family member?..mm..nadakuma?
if not then good threads can only be found in archives..:-(
accept the fact that everyone have their own likings and tastes..and u CANT change it..no one agrees that HIS ideas and beleifs are wrong..no one wants to change their maps they have created from childhood(thanks:M.Scott Peck)..
Its a waste of time if you think u can make a IR fan become a ARR or vice versa..lets enjoy the music in our own way as kiru rightly said..instead of wasting time in useless fights which never gave any results..
lets discuss abt music and not individuals..
guys like me(passive DF'ers) follow threads which are informative and sit and relax your fav music..
very happy that still old DFers like kiru and aruL are still around..u people have to contribute more here and make others like Srikanth,Shashi,Srinath,cp,pal,pg,Sathaykeerthi,kanchana,viswa,arvind,rajesh,vijay,Nithin(never seen any HCIRfan like him in DF),Swami,Madan,Udhaya etc come again and participate here..
Coming back to topic there are songs which attracts me now and then..but always Raaja's songs have a special place in my heart..as some one said it talks with us..remmeber one of the post in some old thread some one said ther is a haunting flute peice , a great guitar peice , a great key board counterpoint,a match less silence,
a bubling veena , everthing in a IR song..its a place for everyone to cherish..
i have felt many times that how can anyone like other MD's songs when there is soo much to ecxplore in IR's..but later recognized that each MD produces beauties..but the most beautiful being preoduced by IR(Strictly IMHO)....
Meeting him and just looking him work lively is my greatest wish..
hope all the IR fans have the feeling that he has not got the due recognition he truly deserved..but lets feel happy that we are immensely lucky to live in the same time as that GENIUS lived..
- From: vimal (@
on: Sat Mar 23 10:47:07 EST 2002
Thanks for tne input... it will be really nice if the DF gets back in shape like the old times. It was such a pleasure to visit the TFM forum those days!! Thanks for mentioning the names that recollect... also, there used to be Dev Mannamela, Suji, echo... what happened to them??
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