Topic started by Nesanp (@ on Tue Jul 7 10:58:17 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All TFMers
I always think if is it possible to organize a meeting in a common place. We all discuss and argue but most of us dont know each others. Why dont we vote on a place to meet and date. Then we can see if see could really work this out. Your comments are welcome.
Nesan P
- Old responses
- From: S.Krishnan (@ m40.chn.vsnl.net.in)
on: Thu Jul 16 02:11:42 EDT 1998
Hi Madras TFM fans, I am in West Mambalam. Madras vote goes one up. Amma & Badri, now we are three. We can expect more soon.
- From: Amma (@
on: Thu Jul 16 23:28:18 EDT 1998
Anna nagar? Valasaravakkam? Guindy? Velachery?? ANyone?
Badri and Krishnan, I'd assume that there might genuine fans of tfm but not net-savvy. can you think of any way of getting in touch with those outside of the net?
Or would you rather restrict it to those that frequent newtfmpage?
- From: badri raghavan (@
on: Fri Jul 17 00:18:37 EDT 1998
amma and krishnan,
i was thinking on the same lines when i was riding back home from office. perhaps we can call some people we know for the initial get together and with word of mouth, it will get better. now, when do you want to start?
call me at 854 5327 (R) before 9 and after 7
bye for now
- From: Manjula (@
on: Mon Jul 20 07:15:17 EDT 1998
Hai Arvind & Suresh,
I too from Bangalore....I would like to join the stream...Why not we all guys in India meet in B'lore,the great garden city of India?
- From: Ranga (@
on: Wed Jul 22 18:11:35 EDT 1998
Hi Raja m, I am from Stamford CT making it to 2 members already.
Hi Ramki, I did not know you are the same ramki I know until I saw you mentioning kalamazoo. I am Rangarajan.
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Jul 23 00:02:55 EDT 1998
Dear Bangaloreans! Please add me to your list.When do we meet??
- From: rjay (@
on: Thu Jul 23 03:47:11 EDT 1998
Arvind, Suresh, Manjula, Shankar,
This is Rjay from Bangalore.
While guys meeting in their own cities is
a must, I think it would be a good idea to create
a TFM-page-fans page of photographs and
brief writeups. What do you think, Rajaraman,
Ravi, Pal?
- From: shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Jul 23 07:16:22 EDT 1998
If u r in MIEL please call 4003.
- From: Ramanan (@ faraday.bfsec.bt.co.uk)
on: Thu Jul 23 12:34:03 EDT 1998
Add one more vote to Uk.
This is Ramanan and i am writing this from Belfast.
My email is 'jramanan@bfsec.bt.co.uk'
phone 01232 ( 296546).
Nanbargale , Nanbigale, inda listing la enakku therinja peyar rendu irukkunnu ninaikirane.
So oru small intro.
I am from Lalgudi. Did my M.Sc in physics in Bishop Heber College Trichy. Now on deputation for BT.
Any Trichy guys and gals ?
hope to hear from you all.
- From: pal (@ c49088.ece.umn.edu)
on: Thu Jul 23 12:57:21 EDT 1998
I am in Minneapolis too... does that make three of us in minneapolis. I know a bunch of guys around here... c'mon lets meet!
- From: Prakash krishnamurthy (@ node1.allegiance.net)
on: Thu Jul 23 16:02:56 EDT 1998
HI Everyone,
This is Prakash from Chicago. Now that we have so many responses, it may be a good idea to take a head count. I was just scrolling though this page and I have lost count of all the places. I think all the people from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan can and should vote for Chicago.C'mon, lets us also spread the news by word of mouth or by electronic means to all the others in our friends circle etc.
- From: Kannan Srinivasan (@ q235.questis.com)
on: Thu Jul 23 19:25:36 EDT 1998
This is kannan from indianapolis, indiana.Hai prakash, yeah, i am voting for chicago. My native is madras and i would like to cast one additional vote(if permitted) for madras.
- From: Radha Sanjay (@ dwarpal.wipsys.soft.net)
on: Thu Jul 23 23:22:38 EDT 1998
This is Radha from Bangalore. Pl. include me in
the bangaloreans list.
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Fri Jul 24 00:31:33 EDT 1998
Idho naan irukkirEn trichy il irundhu!
But I'm in b'lore.
I did my schooling in ER and engineering at BITS , Pilani. Currently i'm working in MOTOROLA India Electronics Ltd ,B'lore.
I'm from Woriyur.
Which batch r u from ? Drop me a mail some time.
- From: vijay (@
on: Fri Jul 24 00:52:27 EDT 1998
hi, iam from srirangam, trichy. did my schooling in RSK, BHEL.currently in U.S.
- From: bull (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Fri Jul 24 05:23:49 EDT 1998
Hi Im Sundar @ bangalore,
Can't say Im working at Bangalore 'cos I actually work at Electronic City which is quite a distance away from the city and we have a daily picnic trip coming here and going back. Is there a bangalorians group getting formed. Id love to join it!
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Fri Jul 24 06:21:10 EDT 1998
Ramanan: I'm from the UK and proposed all over here to meet in London one Summer's day....
I'm not sure how many other DFfers are in the UK....Any others, please mail me.....
- From: Madhan (@
on: Fri Jul 24 10:47:23 EDT 1998
Though I am currently in Goa, I am kind of settled at Bangalore -
But I am likely to go to Germany for a three year period - so, is there anybody at Germany, near Munich ?
But, so far as I am here,in India, you can include me in the Bangalore list.
- From: Ravi (@ greed.cs.umass.edu)
on: Fri Jul 24 16:39:42 EDT 1998
I live in Amherst, MA. Any takers for a meeting in Massachusetts, say in Boston? (atleast any takers for any venue in New England? :-)
- From: Gokul (@
on: Fri Jul 24 18:16:22 EDT 1998
2 Months back I was in Denver,Colorado,
Right now I'm in Greensboro, NC
who knows where I will be tomorrow:-)
ippodhaikku, I vote for Atlanta, DC and ofcourse Greensboro:-)
- From: Kannan Srinivasan (@ q235.questis.com)
on: Fri Jul 24 18:57:50 EDT 1998
hai ravi,
if u have asked last month, i could have voted for new england, but i now i have to vote for chicago, b'cos i am in indianapolis.previously i was in worcester.
- From: Madhu (@ spider-tl023.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Jul 24 23:50:11 EDT 1998
Hai I am Madhu ! I live in Stamford hailing from Madras. It would be a great experience if we could meet somewhere together discuss on TFM, sing and share our malarum ninaivugal
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Sat Jul 25 12:02:51 EDT 1998
Madhu: ha. one more vote for New England. neenga Stamford, CT thaanE sollareenga?
- From: raja m (@ spider-wa014.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat Jul 25 12:37:12 EDT 1998
NJ,CT and MA DFers:
East Coast has a good crowd now. We should all meet say in NY City on a weekend, NY city because it is approachable by train, bus and car from all these states. We should all meet during this summer.
Raja M
- From: Madhu (@ spider-tp013.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat Jul 25 20:46:27 EDT 1998
Raja you are right NY or NJ would be the place were we can gather as many people as possible . In fact Stamford looks like a kutti south India. The apartment complex wher I live has so many indian families , in case we happen to come across any localites - americans, we intend to think how come these are people are also here. To that extent is the indian population here
- From: shyam (@
on: Sun Jul 26 07:59:45 EDT 1998
I live in Vienna, VA. I travel in Metro to reach office thru WDC.
I hope we can meet soon. Please send me a mail.
- From: PeeSoo (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Mon Jul 27 04:24:19 EDT 1998
Here we go with the consolidated list:
nickname - email - place
1. Washington DC
Srinath; jsrinath@hotmail.com; Atlanta
Gokul; -not known-; Atlanta
Shyam, oblashyam@hotmail.com; Vienna, VA, WDC
2. Stamford
Raja.M; rajamahadevan@hotmail.com; Stamford, CT
Ramki; -not known-; ditto
Madhu; mmohan5027@aol.com, Stamford, CT
3. California
Udhaya; udhayak@yahoo.com; San Jose
Mannaru; -not known-; ditto
4. Chicago
Mohan; rcmohan@gateway.net, Chicago, IL
Anban; -not known-; Chicago, IL
Veera Akoor; hiranmayi@email.msn.com; Detroit
Srikanth; jsri@worldnet.att.net; Chicago
Prakash Krishnamoorthi; kprakash@yahoo.com; Chicago
Kannan Srinivasan; sricann@hotmail.com: Indianapolis
5. New Jersy
ChandraMouli; cmouli@m-net.arborner.org, Edison, NJ
Pg; -not known-; Eidson
6. Others
Nesanp; nesanp@hotmail.com; Dallas
Dhan; dhan@postpone.com; Santa Clara
Krishna; gkrishna@uswest.com; Denver, Colorado
Laks; -not known-; Minneapolis
Pal; -not known-; Minneapolis
KC Gunasekaran; kugs@hotmail.com; Boston, MA
Ravi; -not known-; Amhest, Boston/MA
Vijay; -not known-; from Trichy, in US
1. Bangalore
Madhan; tmr@unigoa.ernet.in; Goa/Bangalore
Arvind; -not known-; Bangalore
Suresh; sureshs@wipsys.soft.net; Bangalore
Manjula; manjula_pjt@inf.com; Bangalore
Shankar; shankar@miel.mot.com; Bangalore
Radha Sanjay; sradha@wipsys.soft.net; Bangalore
Sundar: bull@blr.sni.de
PeeSoo: PeeSoo@rocketmail.com
2. Chennai
Amma; vadumangai@hotmail.com; Mylapore
Badri Raghavan; badrirag@yahoo.com; ditto
S. Krishnan; ravikri@hotmail.com; West Mambalam
Shree; shree_ram@hotmail.com; Montreal
Sam; samco@nortel.ca, Ottawa
Mano; -not known-; Toronto
Geetha; ygeetha@hotmail.com; London
Ramanan; jramanan@bfsec.bt.co.uk; Belfast
anandaum; -not known-; malasiya
Nov: N_O_V@yahoo.com; malasiya
Please update this if there are any errors.
- From: Prakash Krishnamurthy (@ node1.allegiance.net)
on: Mon Jul 27 11:10:20 EDT 1998
HI, I think the People from Minneapolis can also vote for Chicago, That means a couple more from the 'Others' list will now move into the Chicago List.
So the head count is like this:
Washington DC: 3
Stamford, CT : 3
California : 2
Chicago : 8
New Jersey : 2
Others (USA) : 6
Bangalore : 8
Chennai : 3
Canada : 3
London (UK) : 2
Malaysia : 2
OK!!! The vote seems to be going strong for Chicago. Lets gear up some more support.
Anbudan, Prakash Krishnamurthy
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