Topic started by Madhav (@ on Thu May 24 06:16:48 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
It has been mentioned on more than one occasion that YSR is the MD who will take ARR's place. YSR has produced many hit albums lately using new, fresh and funky styles of music. I believe that this statement has been proved by Yuvan after Dheena, Rishi and Thulluvatho Ilamai. When compared to ARR's recent Thenali and Star we can see that YSR has taken the lead in this race to be the best. YSR has been signed for many new and exciting projects so I can see that he will be the block in ARR's attempt to regain his position as No.1 in TFM.
What are your thoughts on this?
- Old responses
- From: Athi (@
on: Sat Jun 9 23:36:36 EDT 2001
Looks like Cosmician has finally realized why IR is called Genius.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sun Jun 10 00:13:57 EDT 2001
Sorry Kiru..I know that you know a lot more about ARR's style of working and composition skills than me ! :)
Athi...hold your horses...I've always held IR as a Genius..but I've also brought in other arguements why ARR is also one in his own way ! Of course you are free to interpret it as you like...everybody has their own freedom :)
- From: arrfan (@
on: Sun Jun 10 05:28:26 EDT 2001
convincing enough!
- From: brightgal (@
on: Sun Jun 10 05:31:57 EDT 2001
agreed,but why is it that ONLY ARR recycles so much?(i'm not talking abt. cases where the rights are bought out by producers etc.)
why not other M.Ds?
what do u say for this?
or.......do others also do it as much as he does?
as far as i know they don't.....
- From: NagaS (@
on: Sun Jun 10 06:23:44 EDT 2001
cosmician and Comman Friend.,
Sorrry for the confusion about that (mis?)quote., I really don't remember who wrote that ... but it was a nice one and I will remember it forever :-)
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sun Jun 10 16:29:01 EDT 2001
ARR is the only MD who now faces the dilemma of balancing between North, South and now Internationally...his name sells in today's youth dominated market...so producers/directors/distributors are ready to even take recycled hits of ARR from whichever language as long as it bears his tag....market economics at play !
Right NagaS..that is a quote to be remembered !
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sun Jun 10 16:39:15 EDT 2001
And Brightgal...
As ARR himself states that his style of working is not fast...he really likes to tweak his sounds around a lot before he is satisfied...so this puts him in a position where he has to refuse a lot of offers or acede to their request of recycling his songs or maybe even suggest it !
- From: bright gal (@
on: Mon Jun 11 05:54:57 EDT 2001
that's fine,cosmician.
can anyone explain the actual process of "buying out the rights of an album"?i don't quite get it...
- From: cosmician (@
on: Mon Jun 11 06:10:11 EDT 2001
Bharath, Comment, Kiru, Common Friend or Swamiji can give the actual workings of the recording industry....what I can provide is from what I've gathered...something like this :
For eg. say ARR has created music for Lagaan, maybe Sony buys the rights for the music and does the actual distribution etc.
Say 2 years or even 6 months later...a Tamil producer or director looking to cash in on ARR's popularity decide to fit in Lagaan's soundtrack in their movie...may approach Panchathan Recording Inn and request for recycling the songs .PRI , if it agrees may recycle the songs in Tamil and pass on the distribution rights to some recording company
...I am also quite lost about the actual process....B, C,CF, K, S... help !
- From: bright gal (@
on: Mon Jun 11 13:08:45 EDT 2001
doesn't that look like ARR does it to make money?
and abt. the single-song-recycling asked by arrfan,why is this too only with ARR?
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Jun 11 18:25:17 EDT 2001
Well..everybody wants to make money off of their talents/skills. So I dont see anything wrong in ARR recycling hindi-to-tamil or vice versa. Also, since ARR's albums are finding very good welcome in the market, I am sure nobody is going to fault him for his talents/compositional abilities (though there are people who think so). My personal opinion is that we will be losing out on the subtleties of south indian music or for north indians vice-versa.
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Jun 11 18:36:32 EDT 2001
Well..everybody wants to make money off of their talents/skills. So I dont see anything wrong in ARR recycling hindi-to-tamil or vice versa. Also, since ARR's albums are finding very good welcome in the market, I am sure nobody is going to fault him for his talents/compositional abilities (though there are people who think so). My personal opinion is that we will be losing out on the subtleties of south indian music or for north indians vice-versa.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Jun 11 22:19:18 EDT 2001
bright gal :
I have few more things to say. More than money, I think it is the fame factor, that I feel is very important for a genuine artist. Now, wouldn't you be happy to see all corners of India praising you. Wouldn't you want your name to be in air for all the 24 hours in any one of the channels.
If you are a software developer, you will understand what I tell you. Say, you had developed a innovative component or logic in one company and you have received that month's salary also. Few months after , you go to some other company. IN that company, you feel that the perticular component or logic that you have developed in your previous company fits perfectly to a problem in your new company. You also know that if you solve that problem, you will reach a new height in your present company apart from receiving that month's salary in the new company also. What will you do? ARR is just doing what a human being will do in such hypothetical situation.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Mon Jun 11 23:53:30 EDT 2001
K, CF...thanks guys !
- From: kiru (@
on: Tue Jun 12 00:46:37 EDT 2001
RE: reusing logic used in some other company. A very bad example. Mr Common Friend, dont do ever do this. You will get into trouble. Whatever you code you write in one company is the sole property of that company. (Even for music, people have to buy the rights from the producers to do this porting to other languages). You can reuse some simple logic, but not the whole idea.
- From: Athi (@
on: Tue Jun 12 01:14:42 EDT 2001
Looks like people are going to whatever abysmal levels that they can, to defend ARR and
on the top of it praise him for recycling his
songs. And the same people in other threads are
trying their best to find out what recycling IR
has done in his songs and how much ever they
can think of, they can't come out with nothing meaningful ofcourse.
- From: Athi (@
on: Tue Jun 12 01:16:15 EDT 2001
A correction, Read my last sentence as "they can't come out with anything meaningful ofcourse"
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jun 12 02:54:49 EDT 2001
Pls talk sense...we are not trying to start a ARR-IR bash..
- From: :-) (@
on: Tue Jun 12 04:48:22 EDT 2001
common friend,
did u graduate recently ?? idhellAm 'opice' la try paNNAdheengappA...apram udhaya geetham mohan mAdhiri uLLEndhu post paNNa vENdirukkum :-)
- From: bright gal (@
on: Tue Jun 12 05:12:20 EDT 2001
Thank you friends,thank you!When I first entered this site - may be a year ago,I thought almost all people in these forums are anti-ARR-but here, I see that there are sooooo many supporters of the great M.D!
My 1st question has been answered very well-but I don't see a single response to my 2nd question....
well,let me repeat it-why is it that repeating songs happens only with ARR(I'm not talking abt. the cases where rights are bought out)?As Common Friend said -does only ARR "want his fame to spread" and no other M.D?
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Jun 12 05:41:50 EDT 2001
I think you misunderstood a little bit. Yes, I agree that what ever you develop in one company, it belongs to that company only. But, we are humans. If you have to solve a same kind of problems in two different companies and if you have the solution, which of-course is not a patented stuff and all, then definitely you will use your intelligence to make it look as new and instant one. It is happening and I don't think there is any thing wrong in it. Don't mistake it with a product (software), which has been already sold or for which the company hold exclusive rights. In that case you can't do much. What I am saying is some simple but innovative one that comes to one's mind often.
>>>does only ARR "want his fame to spread" and no other M.D?<<<
People should also accept you. In art world, only people's recognition is supreme.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jun 12 06:50:16 EDT 2001
Goodness...Brightgal....pls be a bit more brighter..I thought I had answered your 2nd query with this :
>>ARR is the only MD who now faces the dilemma of balancing between North, South and now Internationally...his name sells in today's youth dominated market...so producers/directors/distributors are ready to even take recycled hits of ARR from whichever language as long as it bears his tag....market economics at play ! <<
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jun 12 06:56:29 EDT 2001
Kiru, :-)
If I was in your place...I would boldly use what I'd developed for another company...of course as long as it is not copyrighted or under any legal bindings...we do it all the time in the Ad industry..your best ideas get rejected due to your superiors insecurity or client's stupidity...so the best thing is to reuse it for more deserving causes
- From: bright gal (@
on: Tue Jun 12 07:03:04 EDT 2001
Common Friend,cosmician,
I'm not at all saying that one should not want fame.I'm just stressing on the point that ARR recycles more than other M.D's-why,why?
I thought I'd made it very,very clear that I'm not talking abt. the cases where it's the producers' or directors' choice,but in cases where it is ARR's choice itself!i.e,in situations where he thinks a song suits the situation and so recycles(or repeats)it.ON HIS OWN DECISION.
Doesn't THIS happen with other M.Ds?
I hope cosmician understood that I'm bright enough and its HE who's not getting my point!
I hope u got it now atleast!
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jun 12 17:39:46 EDT 2001
Okay BG...
1. ARR feels that his composition can get a wider exposure by recycling it in Tamil or Hindi..I would do it too..if I had a fantastic idea that was made into an ad in English...I wouldn't mind using that idea for an ad in Tamil or Hindi...mainly bcos it is my creation and you tend to fall in love with your creations if they are truly inspired and appreciated by all...so ARR being an artist feels the same way about his compositions....and if he is the only MD doing it - it is obvious that he is the only MD with a huge demand in North as well as South...this brings in the point of CF :
"More than money, I think it is the fame factor, that I feel is very important for a genuine artist. Now, wouldn't you be happy to see all corners of India praising you. Wouldn't you want your name to be in air for all the 24 hours in any one of the channels. "
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