Topic started by vyaas (@ bellatrix.anonymizer.com) on Mon May 10 22:44:14 EDT 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I see many people praise neethyashree but how much shes better compared to pavathaarini?Pavathaarini has the most innocent,fresh voice among the newsingers today, whereas neethyashree know only to shout. Listen to 'kadal meethu' or 'kanmaneekku vaaltu chollum', pavathaarini is excellent.
Please let me know your opinions
- Old responses
- From: Mr.K (@
on: Fri Aug 13 16:10:51 EDT 1999
"I don't like to bring ARR in this discussion. But he is one the main culprit is breaking the basic rules of the music, i.e, Tallam and Shruthi. "
---- Greatest joke!....Lol
Disucussion turns around ARR, and this is a big claim that he spoilt tallam and shruthi.
Come on give us a break. He places more bridges in drum patterns than anyone else.
He was great enough to stop the mono-tabla and dokku dokku of IR, "I don't like to bring IR in this discussion" but since it is needed I bought it in.
- From: Dorai (@ gateway7.ey.com)
on: Fri Aug 13 16:50:30 EDT 1999
Mr K.
What ever ARR brough to TFM is all copied directly from some western songs.
Good Music in Essence is simplicity and does not
have to be necessarily "more bridges in drum patterns". All of his drum patterns lacks creativity.
BTW, Have you ever listened Ninnukori Varnam ... from Agni Natshathiram... If not please listen before bringing out any outrageous comments on IR like "Mono Table Dokku Dokku"
I can give plenty of eg. on his brilliant performance with Mono Tabla
1. Andhi Mazhai Pozhigirathu
2. Aayiram Thamairai Mottukale
IR is lot more creative in Drums as well as Tabla than ARR.
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Fri Aug 13 17:37:35 EDT 1999
ha ha ...
bhavadhAriNi vs nithyashrI finally became IR vs ARR.
endharO mahAnubhAvulu ...
- From: gatekeeper (@ spider-tj082.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Aug 13 19:53:31 EDT 1999
Row A Seat 22
- From: Shyam (@ spica.anonymizer.com)
on: Fri Aug 13 21:47:33 EDT 1999
> What ever ARR brough to TFM is all copied directly from some western songs.
I have never seen such an enlightened soul.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Sat Aug 14 04:51:56 EDT 1999
Dorai: Please read some carnatic music or any musical primers, they will say that in SINGING, PITCH BLENDING, AKA SHRUTHI is the most important part. IR and his daughter have no concept of this, full stop. IR is by no means tone deaf, he couldn't be the genius he is otherwise, but on the other hand, his singing is atrocious, I haven't heard a single song of his that he has kept shruthi, without it dropping on and off, his daughter follows the same.
On the whole, this discussion is really quite irelavant, Nithyashree and Bhavadharini cannot be compared(if you see the back postings, please do try and read mine). One is a Fantastic and well acclaimed Classical singer, who happens to have dabbled in TFM(Many have done this in the past, to name but a few greats, MS, MLV, DKP - apparently she's going to perform in Hey Ram e.t.c), while Bhavadharini is only here because of her Famous and Brilliant Father.
- From: Subbudu (@ 98cbcc22.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Aug 14 19:19:11 EDT 1999
Though Nithyashree is bit over shouting in Kannodu Kanbadellammmmmmmmm...., ARR+Nithyashree combination was setting some trend in fusion lately, all the three songs(Kannodu Kanbadellam,Minsara Poove and Sowkiyama) are some of the good songs that has come in TFM lately(though one of them is copied).
As geetha said Bhava is hanging around in the industry just becaz of her father. Nithyashree also comes from a classical Music background and well trained in music.
- From: Anand Mahadevan (@ freedum.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Sat Aug 14 20:58:22 EDT 1999
"Janani Janani" would be an example of IR not dropping shruthi.I guess there are a lot of well sung IR numbers the latest being "Paadi thirntha"(I thought IR's version had a deeper impact than SPB's) from "Kaakai Chiraginely".
Please refrain from making such sweeping statements.I do agree that IR's voice is'nt the most pleasant thing in this planet but thats his natural "koral".
In the case of "Sorgame endrallum" the initial humming is slightly off key but I was told that he he did it wantedly at the last moment.
- From: Srikanth (@ c707066-a.moline1.il.home.com)
on: Sat Aug 14 21:56:32 EDT 1999
Hi Guys,
Anand:Please do not give childish examples, majority of song sung by Raja are off scale.
I feel Reason Mr.K put about IR was to reply to Mr.Dorai. What Mr.Dorai told is not a small thing, just calling ARR dum is no more a marketable commodity. Might be here in the dam discussion forum. the world thinks differently.
ARR has become a cultured musician. His scores are more perfect than before and has been improving.
As as fellow musician I am able to see lot of variations that ARR gives in his scores.
His drum parts are placed pretty well, they are not the same pattern.
Lets us pull every one back to the topic, talking about shruthi, for Bhava -- is how much a Kilo or rather a mg.
Nithayashree is well tranined musician, she did not grow up bcos of DKP or DKJ, she grew up bcos of her talents, and only her talent.
Whereus our sweet! bhava just grew up bcos of IR,KR,YSR.
What Geetha asks his pretty straigt forward, is IR and other R's are deaf, they are just supporting she happens to the dauther and sister.
Full stop.
I Welcome it, as a father and brother they have every right, but as a fan we cannot downgrade a good singer like Nithyashree clearly knowing Bhava is not so good at singing.
She is trying to be singer. Many people support Bhava just for the reason she is from IR's family.
And Mr.Dorai , Please do not make such remarks. Things have been proved with facts before.
As today goes ARR is doing great, As yesterday went Raja did well. thats it period.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Sun Aug 15 08:04:42 EDT 1999
Anand: I would ask you the same thing as Dorai, please read some primers on Shruthi, listen to some Hindustani Classical(Shruthi is the most important thing there) and some good Carnatic music, e.g. just listen to MLV sing. See how the Shruthi doesn't drop? Please try and notice this and then say to me that IR sings in Shruthi. In the Janani song, he does drop Shruthi, he does it on and off and a trained ear can definitely hear this. Please do try to train yourselves to spot such mistakes.
Mine is by no means a sweeping statement, it is factual, anyone in the know, in the film industry, in the Carnatic world will conclude the same about IR's singing, he and Bhava just cannot keep Shruthi!!!!!
Subbudu : Which one of those songs was a Copy? Please let me remind you, using a Ragam that has been used before DOES NOT imply a copy! Kannodu is in Abheri(A Raga even used by Michael Jackson in Thriller, by the Trinities of Carnatic music, numerous times). Minsaara Kanna is in Basanth(mainly in Vasantha, but does take some of the extras of the Hindustani Baasanth!), again a Raga that has been used a lot in Carnatic and Film. Sowkyamaa is in Maand, used last in ARR's Anjali from Duet, but not in pure form. Last used in pure form, in Oru Naal Poduma(I believe). Again, used in many a Carnatic number, but ARR's Classical version cannot be called a copy.
Please understand that PARYOGAMS are the core of Carnatic Ragas and these have every right to be re-used. This may occur in a similar sounding part in a song, but that's life! Listen to Katpaga Valli Nin in Anandha Bairavhi Raga, then take a listen to Singaaraveavan Vandhan in the same Raga, there is such a similarity, but one cannot say that one of those is copied from the other, it is just the nature of the Ragam.
Srikanth: Welcome back & Well said.
- From: Dorairaj Pichaiyan (@ gateway7.ey.com)
on: Mon Aug 16 11:56:02 EDT 1999
I never said Bhava is better than NithyaShree.
Nithayashree is definetly a better singer than Bhava. The point I am trying to make here is that ARR introduces Mediocre Singers like NithayaShree just for the heck of it. I completely appreciate Nithaya's Carnatic knowledge and rendering. But as a Play Back singer she is definetly below average and can be only placed some where in the bottom of the list of best playback singers.
IR very rarely encouraged mediocre singers. He had always encouraged only talented singers to come up in TFM. Can you name one single singer of the class of Chitra who is introduced by ARR?. I don't think that Harini, Anupama, Sujatha, Subha are even 50% close to Chitra's Caliber.
Honestly, even I don't like IR promoting Bhava. Just because it his daughter this is going on. Let's wait and watch what ARR does when he is old and has a son/daughter entering into TFM. He will
probably do the same thing.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Mon Aug 16 13:07:03 EDT 1999
Dorai: ARR introduced Unni K and Hariharan, that says it all, doesn't it? I believe he introduced Anuradha Sriram too - at least, if not introduces, he gave her Career a real boost and has really brought her talents into the industry. Harini has a lot of potential, apparently she's not so good live, but sounds great on CD! ARR also has made extremely good singers like Sujatha sparkle in the lime-light, after being a child singer. Another great find was Minmini, who had to stop singing because of a disease that hit her vocal chords and she may be back with a bang as she is not regaining her voice.
IR has introduced Bhavadharini, as far as mediocre goes, she is definitely the one, along with himself. I feel for him, as he is a genius, who doesn't realise the snging talent that is his limitation.
Nithyashree is by no means a mediocre singer, did you actually listen to Kannodu and Sowkyama? Even for Minsara Kanna, in order to fit the picturisation, no-one could have done it better than Nithya. Nithya has a voice that is very Carnatic oriented, I even know some Carnatic Lovers that avoid her CD's as they don't like her voice, but that cannot de-grade her talent. I don't see anything wrong in bringing Carnatic voices back to the cini-field, e.g., in the old days, MKTB, MLV e.t.c., were given songs that suited their voices, which were quite different to people like Jayalakshmi!
My point is that, why compare an awful Bhavadharini, with one of the best talents in Carnatic Music, who happens to lend her voice to film music once in a while?
- From: Srikanth (@ proxy2-external.moline1.il.home.com)
on: Mon Aug 16 13:14:12 EDT 1999
Dorai : It is not right to compare singer.
We all know Sachin is the best, then why do we have all other 10 players in the team. 11 players make a team, some, this is somewhat similar when a album is made. MD looks for various combination and variations.
Frankly Sujtha comes somewhat near to chitra,
Anu and Harini are good, they have hits behind them. There are songs which are popluar based on the singers, to give a vocal hit is it not easy, any mistake (like bhava) will identified and kizichivied by the fans.
"I don't think that Harini, Anupama, Sujatha, Subha are even 50% close to Chitra's Caliber"
"Mediocre Singers like NithayaShree just for the heck of it"
I feel this shows a very poor taste, I wish you listen more of these singers, as a singer they are all good, they come up to the professinoal std. Have you Nityashree's carnatic albums, if not hear it. What is the mistake you see in kanodu kambathelam, the scale and pitching is very very good. (She touches Kb.Sundarambal's scale level)
"IR very rarely encouraged mediocre singers!", this is not a point at all,
I have listed few here,
1,. He sings - which is blunder,
2. Gangai amarn - bigger bluder
3. Lets her daugther to sing--- ????
4. Arul Mozi (lot of Pitch Problem)
Even Mano had picth problem, but he improved drastically. He use to be a clone of SPB.
Since this discussion is not about IR, let us leave him aside.
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