Topic started by Karan, London (@ on Wed Nov 7 18:26:13 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
What a disappointment!
After the excellently sung songs of Duet I was expecting the collaboration of Rahman and SPbala in this album....but it was not to be!!!!
I feel Rahman is deliberately excluding SP bala from his projects to avoid sharing the success with him!
- Old responses
- From: fan (@
on: Sun Nov 11 00:40:04 EST 2001
mr raycas, hero worship is there everywhere throught out the world and not only to tamilians.kennedy,
reagon,clinton,thatcher,indira gandhi,ntr,mgr,borg,mcenroe,moradonna etc . it is a common phenomeno.
- From: fan (@
on: Sun Nov 11 00:40:09 EST 2001
mr raycas, hero worship is there everywhere throught out the world and not only to tamilians.kennedy,
reagon,clinton,thatcher,indira gandhi,ntr,mgr,borg,mcenroe,moradonna etc . it is a common phenomeno.
- From: fan (@
on: Sun Nov 11 00:40:58 EST 2001
joe, applicaton of mind is essentilal while surfing.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sun Nov 11 00:53:11 EST 2001
fan: kennedy, reagon,clinton,thatcher, did not commit daylight robbery, murder, vote fraud, bribery, etc and still become CM without getting elected. When any of these people die, u won't see dozens of their hero-worshippers burning themselves to death (thee kulli). So don't even BEGIN TO COMPARE!!!! Something's seriously warped in the minds of these people!
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sun Nov 11 00:54:19 EST 2001
And u won't see their political allies falling on their feet either! Hahahaha! What a joke!
- From: Raguvaran (@
on: Sun Nov 11 01:01:58 EST 2001
well said!!
- From: fan (@
on: Sun Nov 11 03:54:01 EST 2001
why not, i spoke about only hero worship. heroworship does not necessarily lead to thee kuliyal. regarding your other statements , i dont want to speak and belittle great stalwarts like kennedy, clinton etc.
- From: fan (@
on: Sun Nov 11 03:54:48 EST 2001
why not, i spoke about only hero worship. heroworship does not necessarily lead to thee kuliyal. regarding your other statements , i dont want to speak and belittle great stalwarts like kennedy, clinton etc.
- From: raycas (@
on: Sun Nov 11 05:24:32 EST 2001
it's not heroWORSHIP that u mean fan, it's just admiring, which is happening (almost) everywhere out of tamil nadu
again, there is a difference between admiring and worshipping...u admire a star, cause u think he is really great in one particular field (actor, politician, singer or whatever).
but u worship god. god is the only one who gets worshipped, no CM or no rajnikanth should deserve it do be worshipped like god...cause they are just human being (okay, perhaps they may have done great things), but still, they are only human...
see...mother theresa...well known to all of us i guess...she is someone who has done really, really, really, great things...the pope in vatican even intends to canonize her...but still no where in the world u'll find anyone sitting at home with a photo of mother theresa in front of him and worshipping her like god...
and this i have seen in tamil nadu...
how come?
p.s.: kennedy, clinton etc. are respected person, but no one worships them, so u can't compare it with that...
- From: The DON (@
on: Sun Nov 11 06:38:11 EST 2001
>>SPB's rendition of his song in "STAR" really spoilt the very catchy and infectious song. << &
>>His voice cannot do justice to the present age<<
hmm, when was the last time you visited your Audiologist, please do so quickly or use some ear wax to clean yours, SPB's voice is the best to date, some one had to be born to be better than SPB,
did you know, that ARR uses all crap tunes of his to SPB, so they become instant hit, ARR star tunes are a load of crap, "rasigha Rasigha", is reused from "vetri kodi kattu", from padaiyappa, Can you imagine, if Hari, Unni, Shanker, Udit, Sonu , Kumar sanu sung that song, how irritating it would have been??
or take the film "duet", who can sing "anjali anjali", "mettu poodu","en kadhale", or "kadhal rojave", "theendai mei theendai", "alzhana ratchasiye", "kadhal ennum ther","swasamee swasame", can you imagine the nasal crap ("Hari, Unni, Shanker, Udit, Sonu , Kumar ") singing it.
have some music sense, if not some common sense at least.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sun Nov 11 07:03:38 EST 2001
>>SPB's voice is the best to date<<
What is your measurement gauge for judging how good a voice is, The DON?
As far as I know, it is a personal opinion. If Joe feels SPB's voice is not good, then that's his personal opinion! Just becos he doesn't have the same taste as you doesn't mean he doesn't have common sense, music sense or he needs to clear his ears! I may think my mum's voice is the sweetest, X may think his wife's is the best and Y may feel it's his daughter's. Who on Earth are you to judge someone else for their taste?!
>>ARR star tunes are a load of crap, "rasigha Rasigha"<< Well, since SPB sang the song doesn't it sound good to u? No? Then you are wrong in arguing tat ARR uses SPB to make his songs a hit. You have just proven by your own statement tat the argument ARR gives SPB his crap tunes to make them sound good is flawed. Becos, it still sounds like 'a load of crap' to you despite SPB singing it. Please let us know if u think the song is good. I'd like to hear that.
>>the nasal crap ("Hari, Unni, Shanker, Udit, Sonu , Kumar ") singing it. <<
If ALL these singers sound like crap to you, then it's your problem. Don't expect others to feel the same as they are entitled to their own opinions.
And there are alot of ARR hits which were not sung by SPB and alot of insignificant SPB songs which were not composed by ARR. So stop this silly argument, for heavens' sake!
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Sun Nov 11 07:35:52 EST 2001
Guys, don't talk too much about Rasika..Rasika..The original tune belongs to Michael Douglas's "The Game' movie...It is just ditto..
- From: eu (@
on: Sun Nov 11 10:18:47 EST 2001
- From: raycas (@
on: Sun Nov 11 13:21:31 EST 2001
when will u guys stop insulting others? it's just so sad...
so rasika rasika is not original, the original comes from michael douglas's 'the game'? i see...and who told u that michael douglas's 'the game' is the original? how do u know that, that composer also didn't 'copy' it from somewhere else?
i said this already once: if u go that way, then if u try you can relate each and every new song that comes out now with some old song!
there's no use in argumenting like this without clear and evident prooves...
not every small similiarity is 'copying'!
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Nov 12 00:26:48 EST 2001
i did not insult the MD..i just mentioned rasika..rasika was an utter copy...is it an insult or what??
- From: Raghuvaran (@
on: Mon Nov 12 04:54:54 EST 2001
Fliflo ;
well said, if some states fact, in this thread it is regarded as fact, if some one says Hariharan has a nasasl & unni krishnan has a feminine voice, it is regarded as an insult.
Oh well
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Mon Nov 12 05:43:15 EST 2001
Michael Douglas is an actor, not a singer. And The Game is a movie not a album. Do you mean that a song from the soudntrack of the movie was the source of the rasika song? DO let us know which song from the soundtrack.
- From: Raghuvaran (@
on: Mon Nov 12 06:18:04 EST 2001
I think this thread is taking a new dimension, by visiting hollywood, why don't you guys stick to the topic.
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Mon Nov 12 06:21:01 EST 2001
Lemme help you further. To substantiate your claim that the song 'rasika rasika' from star (or its original from Thakshak, again by rahman...'rang de' is an utter copy of 'The Game' by Michel Douglas.
As I said in my previous mail 'The Game' is the name of a movie. Michel Douglas is an actor. However if your claim is that one of the tracks in the soundtrack of the movie was the source of the Rahman song....here's a place where you can listen to the soudn clips of all the tracks from The Game...
Check out the link 'Listen to soundclips' under More Information, in a small box towards your right in the center of the page.
Now tell me which song was the source of Rasika? If you cant, I think you owe an apology! So now do you accept the fact that you mindlessly insulted an MD? Whoever the MD is, if the accusation is without proof and worse still proved to be false by someone else....it'd only make you a cheat!
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Mon Nov 12 06:24:14 EST 2001
Sorry for the irrelevant message above.
- From: Raghuvaran (@
on: Mon Nov 12 06:32:42 EST 2001
: Karthik S (@ ;
Cool down man, Flifo did not insult ARR, he probably made a mistake, take it easy.
why don't you guys stick to the topic.
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Mon Nov 12 07:16:33 EST 2001
You're right. I over-reacted! Sorry.
Sorry Flifo.
Yes, I'm also worried as to how ARR didnt use people like SPB, Chitra and so on considering this is KB's 100th (its a landmark for sure) movie.
He should've in my opinion. But again, its he who decides the kind of voices he needs!
- From: Raghuvaran (@
on: Mon Nov 12 09:33:10 EST 2001
Karthik S (@ ;
No probs, bro, we are all worried about the fact that ARR did not use SPB in PP,but he mainly uses for all his songs in Telugu, He used SPB as the main singer in telugu version of PP, ARR used SPB & his children (pallavi & charan) for the entire songs in the telugu version of "thenali", he Used SPB in his hindi versions of "Muthu", "Indian", "Roja", "Gentlemen", but he never used SPB in the hindi version(Nayak) of "Mudhalvan".
Of course you are right in saying that as MD, ARR has the right to chose singers, but he should also consider the enormous no of people who are dying to Listen to SPB' voice.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Nov 12 09:41:55 EST 2001
Karthik, u did not over-react at all. You've only stated some facts. You were not the one who digressed. You were just clarifying that Rasika could not possibly have been copied from the track of The Game.
Raghuvaran (@ If u were so genuinely interested in sticking to the topic, u should have told this to fliflo the moment he mentioned 'The Game' instead of praising his postings with 'well said'.
When u state a musician's composition had its original tune taken from another song, how can it not be an insult? The worst insult to a creative artiste is to suggest that their creation is not original, but copied from elsewhere. Fliflo did insult, whether he meant it or not.
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