Topic started by NagasubramaniaN (@ fw.baan.nl) on Fri Dec 4 01:26:45 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
today's dinakaran has this info.
IR gets Lathamankeshkar award given by MP state govt.
Any idea about this award & other persons who got this award ???
- Old responses
- From: Prabu Iyer (@
on: Fri Mar 30 15:03:10 EST 2001
i agree with you that lataji is great, and i agree with others too [and with you too] that IR is great too..
Now how can you give one award under one name to other who is equally[!!] good??
Thats where the whole problem arouse, not because some one is bad..
- From: LV (@
on: Sun Apr 1 22:59:01 EDT 2001
Dear Prabhu Iyer,
See - we are back to square one. Anyway, I'm tired of this debate now. I dont see anything wrong in this award, else IR himself would've turned it down. I think its a great way to honour the legendary MD's of India by giving an award in the name of one of the world's greatest singers, a person who was called Swar Saraswati. The basic thing is some people here consider IR the greatest- I think RDB,SDB,ARR,Salil C and some others are also as good. That's where the whole debate started. Anyway, we've had enough of a heated discussion on this.
- From: eden (@
on: Mon Apr 2 01:27:32 EDT 2001
LV, when you can write pages and pages of HFM's great songs, why you are not having a single song reference of TFM (let alone IR's, any TFM at all) is surprising...you're trying to evade by making some statement like IR's great contributions with Govindarajan:-)))(is it rajaG?:-))
I strongly feel your exposure to TFM is minimum. (less than 1% of your exposure to HFM). You have probably read the rediff's articles on IR and thus formed an opinion:-))This conclusion is purely based on your postings in this forum and hence as much as we do not qualify to comment on LM's greatness, it'd be appreciable if you please stop equating IR with all those MD's without even listening to much of TFM!
BTW some musings..
Though I had grown up hearing IR right from '77, & still I haven't heard all of his great contributions yet, since he has produced so much. It's got to be the case with most music lovers (except may be the recording shop people, light music troops and the like)...& I don't expect most DF'ers including yourself to have heard him complete either...after all it's impossible to listen to each and every great musical output in the country, let alone in the world, & it's not a sin not to listen to RDB,SDB, LM etc. given the limited time available to all of us...
Looks like this leads to a conclusion that unless one has heard at least 50% or greater of an artist's total output (by artist, I don't mean thieves), he/she can't make comparisons of the artist...
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Apr 2 12:18:13 EDT 2001
Do you think one has to listen to 50% if IR's output to appreciate him ? I am not sure..every song has his stamp..but then again variety/diversity is the strength of IR and that one would understand only with wider listening..My younger brother would say ..that a quite a number of movies would get released, say for diwAli, most of them, with IR's music. One movie's music would sound different from the other. But now you wait for a few months and then again it sounds almost the same as the previous one (Cant help taking that dig :) ).
- From: LV (@
on: Mon Apr 2 12:39:40 EDT 2001
Dear eden,
Okay - looks like its time to prove my credentials again.
I love almost all songs of in almost every movie. In the recent Barathi, I just love the KJY songs
and those by Madhu Balkrishnan.
As far as SJ, I find IR gave his best to her. That's a personal opinion. I cannot forget Katril endan geetam, Amma Nee Enge" (Doesnt SJ sound as a 3 year old girl???), Pon Meni Urugude , Sangeetame (Koil Pura),"Poda Poda" (Udirippookkal - as an old woman),.
As far as LM goes, I love her duet "Valaiosai kala kala kalavena" with SPB. From Aanand I suppose.
Then SPB - "poo pole" from kavariman. That's great. And nan pesa vanden. That's his first song for him??
As far as SG was concerned- that's my mistake. I mistook those to be IR songs, coz I was misinformed at home.
But I love VJ's songs in Ilamai Oonjalaadugirathu
very much. Of course, these are my choices.
I know I know - the songs that I havent heard are going to be greater than those I've heard. All right I'll ignore that.
And I will not forget KJY's songs in SindhuBhairavi, and also all those of Annakalli
Even his private album 'How to name it!' is a wonder. Its a miracle. You dont get publicly praised by Hariprasad Chaurasia otherwise.
Dear eden,subbu etc etc: I had a friend (a Tamil speaking person and an IR fan). Somehow he thought that VJ's songs like 'ezhu swarangalukkul', 'malligai mullai
poop pandhal','Naathamenum kovilile' had been composed by IR. And he rewound the tape n number of times. At the end of this, I showed him the cassette cover and he was shocked to see it was MSV. From then on, he has never mentioned about those songs again. I hope you dont fall into the same category!!
- From: Trend (@
on: Mon Apr 2 12:46:47 EDT 2001
"But now you wait for a few months and then again it sounds almost the same as the previous one"
That's true.Back in 1993,I was listening to two different songs from two different albums "Uzhaippali" and "chinna mappilai".
The beats used in both the songs were almost similar esp. the starting beats.
1993 is the earliest instance I know something has happened like this.I'm sure nothing would have happened like that before that time.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Apr 2 12:55:14 EDT 2001
You have answer for every thing.
Its nice to read your arguments.
eden and others:
don't leave him. Keep posting.
This is not to offend anybody. It is just my opinion.
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Apr 2 13:25:51 EDT 2001
It is very difficult to tell between MSV and IR if it is a classical type of song. To some extent you can based on things like an occasional triangle sound, some even have guitar/bass and some have innovations like, no percussion at all like mahaganapathin in Sindhu Bhairavi. For all other songs, the contrapuntal strings and the bass lines should give away IR easily. I can pick 2 or 3 IR songs from a cassette full of Kannada songs (which only my wife speaks).
(Trend, I will pick that argument with you some other day :))
- From: LV (@
on: Mon Apr 2 13:35:49 EDT 2001
Dear trend:
What I meant to say is any music lover's FIRST priority is to enjoy music. Good music. If one loves the songs of Apoorva Raagangal thinking they were IR's, and he came to know it was MSV, that definitely does not mean he should stop liking them!! In this way, he is no true music lover. That's why I say lets praise IR, but still I think there are many MD's from North and South who are as good.
- From: Trend (@
on: Mon Apr 2 14:46:13 EDT 2001
I pretty much agree with what you say. I'm surprised by your friend's attitude."ezhu swarangalukkul" is a great song even if it was composed by MSV/IR/ARR or even me(just kidding to illustrate the other extreme).
Similarly,"Andhi Maalai koyil vandhen" from "Andhi Maalai" is a great song(according to me)whether it was composed by ARR or not.
- From: suresh (@
on: Mon Apr 2 14:51:55 EDT 2001
To mistake MSVs Apoorva Ragangal songs for IR...
I'm yet to know a moderate TFM listener who can't make out a MSV song from IRs. They sound as different as IR-ARR. Such lack of judgement goes to show the overall shallowness of exposure. I would fight shy to pronounce sweeping judgements on the subject of relative merit from such a position.
- From: Srinath (@
on: Mon Apr 2 14:55:26 EDT 2001
If the only criterion for any MD to be as good as IR is to please you (as in "you, LV, the individual") as much, then your claims as an individual cannot be contested. However, if the same yard stick is applied to LM, personally, I think LM is only one of dozens of singers who have impressed me equally. But, IR is someone unique and the best MD in the world as far as I am concerned.
That's why it is irritating to us HCIRFs when you keep insisting that IR is only as good as the MDs that you've mentioned (which is what is implied when you say that the other MDs are as good as IR). Now, is it any surprise that I find it abominable that IR be offered an LM award? You need a serious reality check mister. Your opinions are just that and not some hard and fast rule etched in stone. If I can reconcile to the fact that in your opinion LM is the greatest singer on planet Earth, you are OBLIGED to offer me (and other HCIRFs) the same understanding, else you are just being biased and unreasonable.
- From: Layman (@
on: Mon Apr 2 17:26:30 EDT 2001
Srinath :
Sounds logical to me, eh, what? Very well put. It is all the more impressive because nowadays it seems to be life-threatening to call oneself an IR fan, let alone HCIRF. The trend is to try and put down IR at every available opportunity, which is fine, but not if, in the bargain, other MDs are always projected as 'equally good' or better. That is indeed a load of manure and best ingnored.
- From: Meera Krishna (@
on: Mon Apr 2 21:21:49 EDT 2001
I think the song Kanna Nee Yenge is sung by SJ.Which song is this Amma Nee Yenge.Please correct me if I am wrong.
- From: LV LV (@
on: Mon Apr 2 22:41:45 EDT 2001
Dear srinath,
Of course all of us here are citing OUR opinions. None of us are 'ETCHING THEM ONTO STONE' or 'DOCUMENTING THEM FORMALLY SO THAT THEY GO DOWN INTO HISTORY'.
Let me tell you - without any malice against IR at all - I have heard several comp. by Salil C,RDB,SDB,Roshan, a few others and even ARR/MSV. Today there are just hoardes who feel ARR is as good as IR, and by hoardes I mean Tamil speakers.
As far as LM is concerned, I have said enough in all my previous posts. But I feel LM's qualities are unique to her - mainly her ephemeral sweetness besides many others. I dont know whether she is the WORLD'S BEST or anything like that. But definitely Indias best along with Asha and Susheela. If maestro after maestro whether from North or South says so, its true.
Anyway, what I like is GOOD music. It may be an LM song or an Asha song, a Salil song, an MSV song or an IR song. I like LM the most, but when I heard Asha's ghazals in Umrao Jaan, I enjoyed them thoroughly.
I dont know how much HFM you've heard, maybe you have heard a lot. The only point I wish to stress:
And one must not say that IR is the greatest if one is oblivious of works of other MD's around him who are as good. (Maybe this is NOT applicable to YOU).
- From: LV (@
on: Mon Apr 2 22:47:10 EDT 2001
Dear srinath,
I never mean that IR is ONLY as good as some others. I mean the opposite - other MD's are as good as the mighty and legendary IR. Saying this, does not reduce the high status of IR at all.
Also the claim to fame of no other MD was that he is as good as IR. Many MDs like Salil C started working much before IR and gave us a treasurehouse of gems in Bengali,Hindi,Marathi and all 4 southern languages. IR had worked as an assisstant to Salil C, as far as I know.
ARR's tremendous achievements today in such short time are not be under-estimated. I never meant to say : 'arr the greatest'.
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