Topic started by MS (@ on Thu Apr 17 01:02:28 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
In an effort to make dhool a li'l more comprehensive, we are adding a section "chords" for some songs. This table is presently hidden since we have chords only for a few songs. DFers can mail their own set of chords for the songs they have played / written in the format suggested in the Chords conventions page. Take a look at the way the page is arranged and send your chords to andholanam@hotmail.com. Try to make it as complete and accurate as possible including the interludes. This will help others who are searching for chords to use them. Appropriate credits shall be given to those who send the files.
(1) Paatu paadava
(2) Janani Janani
(3) Kuzaloodhum kaNNanukku
(4) nila adhu
(5) ponnondru kaNden
(6) vaseegara
and other chord files are available here - http://dhool.com/chords/chords.htm
some conventions:
BTW, all these files were created by me and pardon the errors if any.
- Old responses
- From: selva (@
on: Fri Apr 18 17:58:56 EDT 2003
A link for Music Scales.
One wishes for pictorial presentations on the instruments like in chordfind.com, but the presentation of scales and notes in 'Matrix' format is very interesting. Music reduced to arithmatic!! wow!
- From: kiru (@
on: Sun Apr 20 21:08:36 EDT 2003
I appreciate the reply, Swamiji. I think I understand what you are saying.
Like Selva, I too opine that this page will help increase the quality of newtfmpage. Before you buy a diamond, you learn the 4Cs - color, clarity, carat and cut..with wines people discriminate based on body, complexity, taste/flavor etc.. with music..we just go by the ear..not bad..but it is a good idea to know something more.. This page will help in that direction.
- From: MS (@
on: Mon Apr 21 09:30:08 EDT 2003
Some seemingly simple tunes like "en swaasak kaatre seem to have very unusual and beautiful chord progressions. Apart from the work we do for the troupe, these kind of songs will help hone our heaing ability.
does anybody have naveen jebaraj's e-mail id ?
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@
on: Tue Apr 22 08:11:42 EDT 2003
Great start!
I will work on some songs.
- From: MS (@
on: Wed Apr 23 20:28:14 EDT 2003
Have added one more song - mEgam karukkaiyilE from vaidhegi kaathirundhaaL.
- From: OISG (@
on: Thu Apr 24 03:16:58 EDT 2003
Thanks to the notes and links,I have started playing "Ponondu kanden" as a Western harmony.All these days i have been playing it as an Indian melody in Brindavana saranga.It sounds different and nice.
Looking forward to more songs.
- From: MS (@
on: Thu Apr 24 15:16:25 EDT 2003
As an attempt to explain how chords are formed based on carnatic notations, I have started off with a series of articles. The first article is here:
- From: bb (@
on: Thu Apr 24 16:18:40 EDT 2003
kalakku, MS!
- From: MS (@
on: Thu Apr 24 23:16:19 EDT 2003
More stuff:
chords for "anjali anjali anjali" - some superlative stuff from Kishmu. Try them !!
- From: selva (@
on: Fri Apr 25 10:17:59 EDT 2003
Revel in your journey!! Its my pleasure too.
Nicely written article. Looking forward to the rest.
- From: UV (@
on: Fri Apr 25 11:48:52 EDT 2003
MS wonderful article.
I have a silly question
considering the carnatic notes
lets say you playing a song like 'Janani Janani' we know its based on kalyani ragam
so playing it in a keyboard we will playing withing range of the scale 'sa ri2 ga2 ma2 pa da2 ni2 sa' know playing this song with chords on keyboard is there any difference ?
in your chords notes for this you have given it starts with D#, can you explain the chord notes with carnatic swaras in mind?
hope its not too much
- From: MS (@
on: Fri Apr 25 13:19:50 EDT 2003
Your question I guess could be rephrased like this:
"The song is in D# scale. The song is in Kalyani - I know for sure. So what are the corresponding kalyani notes in this scale ?"
well. you know D# = Sa. That means F = R2 (your notation) and u can find all notes similarly to get the kalyani raga in the scale of D#.
Really speaking, easiest job is to just write the corresponding sa ri ga ma notes for a song and not go into the chords. But that does not help us improve. With those s r g m u can probably sing or whistle the song. but without chords it will difficult to do the harmony. And yes, it will be twice the amount of work if I start notating the songs in S R G M fashion too. I strongly recommend VK's homepage for such stuff.
BTW, I have recieved a few comments that the first article I put up above is too overloaded with information. Hence we decided to break the sections into two - beginner and advanced. For a newbie, Srikanth's articles should provide a solid start. Here is the first article from him:
Appropriate cross references shall be made to get both the levels going.
- From: UV (@
on: Fri Apr 25 15:06:56 EDT 2003
thanks MS you pretty much answered my question.
now this brings in another question? oops
Chords enrich the song no doubt.
Now janani is based on kalyani we all know the carnati notes of that ragam.
now when you do the right chords for this song how do you go abou it Assuming you figure out it comes close to Dmajor.
is every note of the chord should fall under the carnatic notes of kalyani ? kind of sticking to the scales of kalyani? need not right?
- From: UV (@
on: Fri Apr 25 15:07:44 EDT 2003
forgot to mention
srikanth thats a pretty nice article
looking forward for more ;)
- From: MS (@
on: Sat Apr 26 18:01:30 EDT 2003
Your question shall be addressed jointly by Kishmu, Srikanth and me in the articles to follow soon :-). In fact that is indeed one of the biggest sections that we would like to discuss. I assure you that it will give you clear details of how we may "write" chords every raga and song (that we know). We will also provide an idea of how we may be justified in using some chords which involve keys (or notes) other than the ones which are present in the raga.
- From: selva (@
on: Sat Apr 26 18:20:28 EDT 2003
Links to Carnatic music, refer to the raaga page and other theory pages on Carnatic music. Seems encyclopaedic. People who are familiar with Carnatic music, please comment.
- From: MS (@
on: Sun Apr 27 00:46:20 EDT 2003
yes that is beautiful website. We will be regularly borrwing stuff from these inda sites to illustrate.
- From: OISG (@
on: Sun Apr 27 02:21:45 EDT 2003
Good one.The lisitng of ragas is indeed exhaustive.But some of the Cine rags seem a bit off.for eg Manaivi amaivadellam in Varali.AFAIK the song does not have a Vivadi swara (Varali being the 39 th is a vivadi one)and it looks Tilang in most of the places.
Since you have taken up this great job i suggest more Sankarabarnam ,Karaharapriya,Hanuma thodi,Kalyani,Harikambodhi,Natabahiravi based songs .The advantage would be the eq western scales,the ragas being Sampoorna Melakarthas.Kirvani can follow.I think many DFers have the same maths structure for picking up Carnatic music.So the journey would be easier.This is a suggestion.
- From: UV (@
on: Sun Apr 27 09:38:42 EDT 2003
selva thats a great site.
MS thanks looking forward to it.
usually when a music dir. is interviewed one consistent question comes across is the lyric set/written for tune or lyric first right?
in the same way the question here is tune first or chords prog first then the actual tune which one comes first ? :)
Based on hearsay i understand both IR&ARR work out the chords progression first ?
- From: MS (@
on: Tue Apr 29 15:05:14 EDT 2003
The next article by srikanth is avaialble at:
All his articles can be accessed from:
- From: MS (@
on: Tue Apr 29 16:26:38 EDT 2003
The answer for your question could best come only after we explain chords. Anyway a quick answer is:
The songs could be composed either way. I don't believe that songs are composed by IR and ARR "predominantly" from chords progression. This logic does not work mainly when the songs are richly raga based. (other than shankarabaranam or natabhairavi or kheervani). I would presume that these composers mainly work the melody first and then the chords later for these types of songs.
- From: kiru (@
on: Tue Apr 29 21:30:16 EDT 2003
MS..you are a doing a great service..I really appreciate you, srikanth, kishmu and others for putting up so much material. This will go a long way in song appreciation (just like the program on film appreciation doordarshan used to run long back ).
Re: chords first/tune first. I remember ARR saying in an interview that he decides on a rhythm and goes about creating the melody for it. Srikanth once told me that ARR just plays on his bass guitar and slowly spins a tune with it. Can we say then that he starts out with the chords first ?
IR, from very many accounts, I have read/heards plays out the tunes on the harmonium and goes about writing the orchestration for the tune selected by director et. al after that. For eg. in un kuthama en kuthama - IR says that the tune and the words just came out..(appadiyE varthaigalum vanthu vizunthiruchchu). Ofcourse, the song has good guitar chords backing it. The orchestration of this song is quintessential IR in my opinion - tune + tabla + guitar backing.
Anuradha Sriram and her husband started out with the chords they got from a CD (as told in an interview) for one of their songs in their debut film.
- From: MS (@
on: Wed Apr 30 18:12:13 EDT 2003
thanx kiru. Kishmu recently performed a concert with his friends and some all time great songs were performed. He has shared his notes with us. They are:
(1) appadi paakradhunna vENaa - http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/AppadiPakr.txt
(2) engeyum eppodhum - http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/Yengeyum_eppodhum.txt
(3) endhap poovilum - http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/Yentha_Poovilum.txt
(4) maya maya - http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/maya_maya.txt
(5) mudhal mudhalaaga kaadhal duet - http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/Mudhal_Mudhalaga.txt
(6) poovaasam - http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/Poovaasam.txt
(7) sandhanak kaatrE - http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/Sandana_Katre.txt
and the best of them all
(8) poomaalaiye thOLsErava- http://dhool.com/chords/tamil/PooMalaye.txt
Enjoy playing them !
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