Topic started by Dorai (@ on Mon Sep 25 10:01:44 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I had been to ARR's Live concert in Long Island, NY. Apart from 2 or 3 songs out of a total of around 25 to 30 songs all the Music was DEFINETLY played from tracks. ARR had hired musicians locally (ie., in the US) to make such a drama or what???.
Its totally a pity to see a established MD to trick and fool people with track music played in live shows. He should have tried to bring the real live music from his troop whether it comes out good or bad.
I saw most of the foreign musicians idle most of the time and the good part about it is that they did not pretend to play music as opposed to their Indian counterparts who were pretending all thro the show.
Any more obervations are welcome.
- Old responses
- From: Kutty (@
on: Sun Oct 8 12:01:46 EDT 2000
As Mr.Sasi has correctly identified, it is the same person who has written the comment in the name of friend as well.Mr.Kannaries,from your posting, it can be identified that it has come from your own computer.
Anyway, the intention of Mr.Kannaries is clear. He is trying to express his personal prejudice or dislike for Chithra's song, under a community name or taking a complete society's name.A totally biased approach of this nature , in my personal opinion, do not even deserve a reply.In any case, I do not wish to comment anything more and cease my comments on this issue.
- From: Kutty (@
on: Sun Oct 8 12:03:39 EDT 2000
As Mr.Sasi has correctly identified, it is the same person who has written the comment in the name of friend as well.Mr.Kannaries,from your posting, it can be identified that it has come from your own computer.
Anyway, the intention of Mr.Kannaries is clear. He is trying to express his personal prejudice or dislike for Chithra's song, under a community name or taking a complete society's name.A totally biased approach of this nature , in my personal opinion, do not even deserve a reply.In any case, I do not wish to comment anything more and cease my comments on this issue.
- From: Deen (@
on: Sun Oct 8 12:15:45 EDT 2000
Stop all those things
A.R.Rahman is simply great
- From: Kutty (@
on: Sun Oct 8 13:46:53 EDT 2000
You are right. I have done that. Thanks
- From: chandy (@
on: Sun Oct 8 23:50:10 EDT 2000
ARR's interview at
ARR says that many of his artists had heavy visa problems to come to USA - some of them reached just hour before the NY concert and thats one of the reasons for dismal performance at NY show!
- From: sabesan (@
on: Mon Oct 9 04:50:38 EDT 2000
oh yeah, i wonder who is the *so powerful person* who can influence and make the *AMERICAN CONSULATE* to reject a VISA :-)...... chandy do u really believe that story? i can't.... man, iam 100% sure the *AMERICAN Consulate* has got its own set of rules.... and till now i thought no one from outside can influence anyone in this.... i somehow feel, either it was not said by ARR, or if said, its just a *chappaikattu* for the *lip synch* done on the stage..... good story....
- From: Ganesh (@
on: Mon Oct 9 05:18:41 EDT 2000
Just back from Rahmans SFO concert.
It was just brilliant. The music was completely live and it is reiterated by Jafrey.
It was truly a wonderful experience seeing some of the best talents from India performing. Rahman was just amazing on the piano during the unplugged section.
A LOT of tamil songs were played. Margazhi thingal from sangamam was amazingly reproduced.
I went in for $150 ticket and the show was worth all the money.
Rahman is sheer magic!!
- From: ARR-FAN (@
on: Mon Oct 9 12:27:38 EDT 2000
The SFO Concert was the best concert I've been too. For Tamil fans, it was a god-send. There were as many Tamil songs as Hindi ones. The unplugged session was mostly Tamil. In fact just after the unplugged session, there were three consecutive Tamil songs - which made the Hindi guys restless. They (Unsuccessfully) tried to clap and end Uyire (from Bombay) sung by Hariharan. Rahmaan satisfied them with Chaiya Chaiya in Hindi and the crowd exploded.
Another nice thing was the song from Bombay Dreams by Karen Shahnaz David. Sounded a lot like A Whole new World from Disney's Alladin. Very Disney Animation-esque song. This concert was well worth the $75 ticket
- From: dhan (@
on: Mon Oct 9 12:33:52 EDT 2000
I agree with Ganesh...The show was absolutely spectacular. You had the real 'LIVE' feeling throughout...with few misses here and there. Rahman's rendition of "Mustafa Mustafa..." brought the roof down. SM's "sandhana thendralai..." from KK was surprisingly more refreshing than the original. The only sour point to me was 'booing' of HH when he did too much of his trade mark alapanas for "Uyirae Uyirae" (bombay) song...when chitra went with diction she drew max applause, the song was dumped in the middle.
- From: Sridhar (@
on: Mon Oct 9 13:49:50 EDT 2000
As rightly pointed out by Ganesh,ARRFAN,Dhan, the show at SFO was simply amazing. I'm really to happy to make it for this. it was worth $75 or even more.
SPB was simply great. so as Chitra,HH,SM and SUjatha and UN.
It's really hard to believe that they are cheating with pre recorded music. even if it's, it's an absolute hard work. but all of the artistes looked to be too tired by the end of the show. (may be because of a hectice schedule).
Though i'm a IR fan, if i say this show isn't good, i would be fooling myself and my interest for music.
ARR is simply superb. At times, i felt that it was prerecorded music with live singing. i could feel it more when ARR was singing Musthafa. because, the music for this one wasn't exactly the same.(i mean i could feel the live flavour without digital effect.) but most of the other songs did not have this.
but anycase, i'm amazed.
People who thought of coming for the show, but did not make it up, guys, you all have missed a great show. that's all i can say.
SPB has proved time and again, even now, only he can produce such gems. flawless rendition.
Shanker was better than in the original.
There are couple of negative points:
The Event was badly organized. When the show is supposed to start at 7.30, they should've allowed us inside by 6.30. what do they loose if sit inside instead of standing out in the cold?
(had this been an american show, would have they done the same thing?)
also, objecting to people dancing inside the stadium is ridiculous. i've seen live performances by western stars where people mingle with the performers.
And no clue about why the show was started one hour behind schedule? that made many people leave the show at about 11.00 pm.
ALso, had they planned this for a satuday, i think, it would 've been more successful.
(even after one hour, it was only 3/4 th filled.).
but of course, all these were on the part of the organizers.
more later,
- From: rajaG (@
on: Mon Oct 9 13:59:47 EDT 2000
On a personal note: I have been vociferous in my criticism of 'non-live' shows and probably more so when it came to ARR - only because I have always believed in the talents of these artists. While I did not attend any of these shows ( atleast 1,200 miles away:-)), I am delighted that the shows were wonderfully live.
Kudos to ARR!
- From: SL (@
on: Mon Oct 9 15:51:27 EDT 2000
I agree with Sridhar. The show was very good except that some of the northies did feel that there was an overdose of Tamil songs...at times 5 in a row, ofcourse I lapped it all up. The show was really live as one could easily note the minor deviations from the original. Sivamani was amazing as usual and so were the rest.All the singers except Kavita gave a nearly flawless performance. The show started off with 'oruvan oruvan muthalaali' and it was clear SPB did not require a 'warm-up' song. His singing was right on the spot with his impros. Shankar Mahadevan's 'santhana thendralai..' was brilliant. Kavita was conspicuously off-key in 'Uppu karuvaadu' and in the unplugged piece. There were a few slips like the ending violin piece (as pointed out by a friend) in Chayya Chayya never came up. 'Konjum nilavu' started off in a scale slightly lower than the original and could probably be the reason why Anupama was slightly off-key. The performance of the orchestra was very good and all in all, a very satisfying show.
- From: fan (@
on: Mon Oct 9 15:58:45 EDT 2000
Sabesan, what arr tells is 100% true.
I travelled from India to LA on 21st sep, same night arr' s group left madras for NY in an air india flight.
Many musicians/singers were left behind due to visa problems, visas were delayed for most of them, Visas did not reach many due to postal and other delays.
Many of them flew next day and arrived just 1 hr before the concert in long island, I heard few of were forced to dress in the airport and rush to the show. btw;My cousin was one among them.
What arr told is 100% true. Secondly you can see how good he did in the next 3 concerts.
Please dont say 'chapakatufying' etc without knowing whats happening.
Your argument on powerful person...etc does not help in getting a US visa.
I am ashamed to say this but - US consulate is not shastri bhavan..
- From: vijay (@
on: Mon Oct 9 17:25:23 EDT 2000
U might be a tad mistaken here. What Sabesan quoted was reorted to have been said by ARR in an interview with Junior Vikatan. He said that he felt some powerful person with harmful intentions was causing all this trouble and that he was going to find out who this was once he returns to Madras.
- From: Radhai (@
on: Mon Oct 9 17:35:10 EDT 2000
The SFO show was very good. Did you guys notice this, In the first song, 'Oruvan Oruvan..' from Muthu, SPB did not sing the line 'Mudhumai enakku vaarathu...'.Wonder if it was intentional....
- From: sabesan (@
on: Mon Oct 9 17:48:06 EDT 2000
u r right Vijay..... srikanth, kindly kindly read what is said in JVikatan and do comment please.... my point was this - upto date i think (and will think unless proven), that no *powerful person* can influence on other's VISA status, and iam under the impression that if we do not provide correct/proper information to the consulate, then for sure they are going to question everyone.... and don't tell *postal* as a reason, whoever it is, can stay and get the VISA, rather than depending upon *postal*....
sorry, i really don't know how he did on the other 3 concerts (except for SFO, wherein i read in this forum that he did great)..... even otherwise i stick to my point - if ARR had said what is written in Junior Vikatan, its just a *chaapikattu* only..... i thought everyone would expect a *jet lag*, in that case why blame it on the delayed VISA?
and i still don't get who is the *powerful man or woman* behind this as said by ARR.... Srikanth, if u have any idea can u please enlighten all here.... of if anyone else knows that can u let me know please :-)
- From: kk (@
on: Mon Oct 9 17:49:57 EDT 2000
its his and organisers problem if he didnt get the visa in time. why blame it on some mr. X ?.
who would want to stop him? we all know what is it like to get a US visa. That too for for big orchestra, how can US consulate can beleive each one, just because they are coming with rahman?.
Last year hussaini's gang came with fake passports and got caught. We know about rahman, but for us consulate, hussaini and rahman are same.
There were instances where tendulkars luggage was made to open, he never uttered a word about it.
This is just part of treatment devoloping nations get, why blame some unknown people?.
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