Topic started by Vijay (@ on Thu Nov 16 16:58:22 EST 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I'd like to request amateur composers who visit this page to tell me if they've uploaded any of their work onto the internet and if they have, please tell me where I can listen to it. Thank You.
Some composers to check out (in no particular order): Jay, Srikanth, Ganesh, Eswar, Sridhar Seetharaman, Kumar, Rjay. Vishwesh Obla
- Old responses
- From: UV (@
on: Sun Sep 22 11:19:35 EDT 2002
Wonderful Aditya
Looking forward to it
keep it going :)
What happened to Swamiji,
Swamiji where are you ?...(echo fades)
- From: Aditya (@
on: Sun Sep 22 12:26:00 EDT 2002
Thanks for your comments. Can I know your sruthi? Which range is generally comfortable for you? I like your vocal arrangements.
Another thing, I never want any Amateur Composer to sound down. He must always look positive.
Remember the fact that you're doing music without
anyone pushing you, shows that you're passionate
about music. Make Mistakes, do silly things,
surprise people with extremely fresh music,
reproduce music with familiar style,
work on new concepts that will not be possible when roped with some serious project...Try out it's your passion and your world of music...we are here to enjoy everything.
I encourage all the musicians that I have been interacting with this page...to come out and give something once in a while...Don't have to wait till you get a minimum of 6 min song with all final grand score...Ofcourse it will be nice if
you have final score -> where you can finish it if you don't have a producer behind you:-))
JAY and Srikanth have always published something
as a final one -> Good Boys right:-))
If ever Swamiji publishes...be it short or long...
i guess there will be an innovative chords there..
RJAY, UV, hihi:-)), Sridhar, Kicha, Easwar,
Cosmician...come on guys...
Kiru, Kaumudi and Satsona thanks for keeping around with these musicians:-))
- From: Aditya (@
on: Sun Sep 22 13:33:58 EDT 2002
Hello Fello Musicians and Listeners of Music:
We should be proud of our Indian Music Origins and the people who contributed for it. I recommend
everyone to just go to the following site and listen to the clips...and read the works...Today we apply them so easily with the technology...Take a moment:-))
- From: Aditya (@
on: Sun Sep 22 13:36:41 EDT 2002
People who want to understand Nalinikanti Ragam...
go over to the site above...
- From: UV (@
on: Sun Sep 22 13:48:49 EDT 2002
I have visited that site several times.
since you seem to be known about carnatic.
I have observed these things when I sing their compositions.
Thyagaraja krithis are easy,melodious and the flow is smooth.
Whereas Dikshitar krithis are the toughest ones.
He composes with difficult stanzas and rthym cycles are way too complex for ordinary singers
I have sung just the starting pallavi of one of his navavarna kirthi like 20-25 times to get everything in sync and in timing uh
he is tough composer man,interesting he has used lot of western kind of song structure in our carnatic krithis are you aware of that ?
- From: bb (@
on: Sun Sep 22 18:26:42 EDT 2002
UV, Dikshitar had a good amount of exposure to western classical. His brother, Balaswami Dikshitar learnt western violin and adapted carnatic on violin. MD also was able to listen to western music played by the military bands during the raj. You can read more about the nottuswara sahithyam of MD here:
- From: Aditya (@
on: Sun Sep 22 20:28:01 EDT 2002
Thanks BB and UV:
I am aware of this great composer and complexity of his compositions. That was an interesting information. I wish newtfmpage discuss often about this kind of Immortal Composers and their great contributions.
How about the syamasastry and thyagarajaswamy - did they meet any western musicians?
- From: Kaumudi (@
on: Mon Sep 23 11:30:38 EDT 2002
Thanks for those links. That will give me a start. Thanks for taking the time.
- From: Kaumudi (@
on: Mon Sep 23 11:49:27 EDT 2002
I just read that article whose link you posted. Lovely article, thanks a lot for that. Some interesting pieces of info in there.
- From: haris (@
on: Mon Sep 23 17:16:21 EDT 2002
can someone comeup with a good interesting melody in the ragam gAnamUrthE. Thanks-
- From: Aditya (@
on: Mon Sep 23 18:32:13 EDT 2002
C C# D F G G# B C
C B G# G F D C# C
People who are comfortable with Mayamalavagowlai,
just change your Ga...I would like to see how
you can stay away from not using the notes C# and
D in succession and not fall into the trap of Maya(malavagowalai):-)) Chord Construction hmmm...
Waiting to see if somebody is attempting this rare
melakartha ragam...Cool Idea to tease:-))
- you could try to do a happiest number in
this raga:-)))))))))))))))))
- Revolutionary music in NewAge genre...
- Demonstrate Innovative Chords...
- Make a Blues/Jazz Score...
Just try out friends...it will be an interesting
- From: satsona (@
on: Tue Sep 24 00:38:42 EDT 2002
Thanks a ton for those links. they will really be helpful. got lot to learn in WCM:-)
tnx for the good article. So many great stalwarts, and so much to learn from them.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Sep 24 01:48:59 EDT 2002
>>>>Another thing, I never want any Amateur Composer to sound down. He must always look positive.
Remember the fact that you're doing music without
anyone pushing you, shows that you're passionate
about music. Make Mistakes, do silly things,
surprise people with extremely fresh music,
reproduce music with familiar style,
work on new concepts that will not be possible when roped with some serious project...Try out it's your passion and your world of music...we are here to enjoy everything. <<<<<<
Thanks for those encouraging words Aditya !
I had almost forgotten that one should have fun composing. I had suddenly got into this groove of trying to make a composition sound perfect or more like other hit numbers that finally it all ends up with nothing being done. Thank you for the timely reminder !!!
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@
on: Tue Sep 24 07:40:30 EDT 2002
Well said Aditya!
Let me share my views and experiences. Hope it is useful.
Music is probably only art where it is very difficult to satisfy listeners. How many people appreciate perfect MIDI transcriptions of Swamiji? If somebody did a potrait of Gandhi and said that he/she reproduced it from a picture, people go 'WOW'. But if you produced a melody similar to Raja/Rahman, people go "Hey this sounds like Rahman". They don't realize that "sounding like Rahman", whatever it means, is a big deal for an upcoming composer. That is why, when somebody tells me that this composition sounds like Raja, I take it as a compliment.
Without any formal musical training, if I can bring back memories of Raja for a listener, it is a big deal. This does not mean I am going to stop with that. I have to keep learning and move on.
People forget that any art grows only with imitation. If you don't imitate you would not know what is out there.
As RJAY used to tell me, 'Keep churning out composition'. It is important that you churn out compositions as they occur.
This does not mean that you have to publish every music you do. My composition "Persistence" is an assortment of ideas gathered over a period. I spend about an hour everyday, churning out ideas. I just record them as midi, name them with the date and put them in a folder. Some days, I go blank. No interesting ideas. That is alright. Thoughts are transient. It is important to capture them.
At some point, I get this urge to work on a composition like "Persistence". I go back re-visit these ideas, use the patterns (I might change the notes completely just retaining the pattern) which might be appropriate for the theme.
Cosmician: I went through that experience once. Trying to sound perfect. It is part of the learning. I do not care anymore. It does help when our fellow composers give us constructive feedback. Every comment is a view point. It is up to the composer to take them/ dump them.
Lot of my training/coaching came from this thread. Srikanth, RJAY were my gurus. Now I learn from Aditya, Jay, Easwar, etc.
- From: Aditya (@
on: Tue Sep 24 10:32:58 EDT 2002
I tried a simple melody on GanaMurthi -> Let me tell you that it raised hell of a fear...Bhayanak...I was in the basement working until midnight...Just felt conscious:-)) I will post it by today evening...just for your curiosity:-)) Musicians must try this out to see why there aren't many compositions made in this raga since it's discovery...
- From: Aditya (@
on: Tue Sep 24 13:15:50 EDT 2002
Here you go...Theme Music based on GanaMurthi Raagam...Let me know how does it sound:-))
- From: haris (@
on: Tue Sep 24 14:25:49 EDT 2002
Aditya- Thanks for taking my request serious. The theme music sounds really good. Ofcourse, as u said, konjam bayamA irundhadhu. ravikiran once said in an interview - that - its because of r1 g1 combination. And since this r1 g1 is very dominant, its very difficult to come up with a different sounding melody ( let alone happy. ). Same is the case with chalanattai ( because of its r3 g3 combo. ) That's exactly why 'pani vizhum malar vanam' is a song of its kind.
Again, thanks Aditya - a lot for that wonderful piece.
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