Topic started by Vijay (@ on Thu Nov 16 16:58:22 EST 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I'd like to request amateur composers who visit this page to tell me if they've uploaded any of their work onto the internet and if they have, please tell me where I can listen to it. Thank You.
Some composers to check out (in no particular order): Jay, Srikanth, Ganesh, Eswar, Sridhar Seetharaman, Kumar, Rjay. Vishwesh Obla
- Old responses
- From: kiru (@
on: Thu Sep 19 19:22:00 EDT 2002
I think ARR is good, but not my style/taste. Same goes for YSR, Harris, Shankar et al etc.
UV, in another interview, YSR said, "I dont make music for serious listeners, it is targeted mainly towards the youth, it is mostly beat-oriented" ..hmm..dont you think he is smart ? :)
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@
on: Fri Sep 20 05:31:56 EDT 2002
Hey Guys,
I was not trying to promote Raja or Rahman. I was only using them as an example. As an amatuer composer, I look up to these guys only to learn. If they end up giving trash sometimes, I ignore those. Hey, it is their bread and butter. They have to do whatever it takes. Very similar to my profession. Sometimes I get to write some wonderful original code. At times, I would have to cut and paste some sample code to get things going. That is life.
Let us not bring our personal preferences here. I want this thread to be focused only music learning and nothing else.
- From: UV (@
on: Fri Sep 20 07:02:31 EDT 2002
Sridhar Anna
Point well taken.
Relax agungo. Sridhar anna pudusa edhavathu compose pannela?
- From: UV (@
on: Fri Sep 20 07:09:09 EDT 2002
Here is an interesting answers I got from Guitar Prasanna regarding the chord progression and film music
"Dear Ganesh,
Since Indian film music is a hotch potch of many different styles, harmony becomes an important part of it. Still many listeners and even musicians tend to hear 'melody' separated from harmony and this becomes an oil and water situation. Also 'melody' is also usually assumed to be only in an Indian sense (at the least very loosely raga based), so its easy to get away
with certain formulaic melodies (an example would be the raga sivaranjani which has been sentimentalized beyond description) but to enrich a meodic idea with the right harmony requires a more developed ear.
You are right that the chord progressions need not have only notes belonging to a raga (in which case mohanam is harmonically too dull). Harmony acts as a color and as long as it contributes (instead of detracting) to the overall texture, any chord progression can be valid. Hope this helps."- Prasanna
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@
on: Fri Sep 20 08:43:06 EDT 2002
New compositions? I took a break from composing due to some personal reasons. Should be getting back pretty soon.
- From: ADitya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 12:04:59 EDT 2002
Can you give link to your page?
- Aditya
- From: Aditya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 12:17:20 EDT 2002
When did you add vocal into your OLD WINE instrumental? I liked it.
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@
on: Fri Sep 20 12:25:59 EDT 2002
I am glad that you enjoyed it.
My friend's father had visited my place. We were talking about ragams etc. I played him the skeletal version of 'old wine'. He wanted to do a improvisation. So we recorded his improvisation. Later I finished the track by adding his vocals where appropriate. The whole track was done in a day. A major thing for me, considering I took over six months for "Why not?" and "Persistence". But ofcourse, those are complicated compositions. This is a lighter one.
- From: Aditya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 13:03:05 EDT 2002
After adding this vocal section, I felt it was enriched with a real vintage feel...First time when you introduce the vocal part, a short one not the full feel of ragalapana...i felt somebody is really drunk:-)) I liked it.
- From: UV (@
on: Fri Sep 20 13:18:12 EDT 2002
Aditya its above this forum
click on the link ganesh it should take to my site.
And click on premadona logo it will take to my website. If have any interesting articels or write up on muscic in general or spiritual or classical music,please pass on to me,I will be happy to upload it in my site
- From: Aditya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 13:56:27 EDT 2002
Digression from MUSIC...
What's the meaning of the logo in Sarvadharma Website? BTW I liked the quotation there...Is it
from Adharvana Veda? Is it one of the 4 vedas...
I am told that Adharvana Veda talked a lot of Occult Sciences -> is it true?
"We are birds of the same nest. Wearing different skins, speaking different languages, believing in different religions, and belonging to different cultures - yet we share the same home, our Earth. Born on the same planet, covered by the same skies, gazing at the same stars, breathing the same air, we must learn to happily progress together or miserably perish together. For humans can live individually but can survive only collectively."
-Atharva Veda
- From: UV (@
on: Fri Sep 20 14:37:57 EDT 2002
yes Aditya
logo Banyan tree ?
It represents harmony,1 root different branches
1 God different ways to achieve salvation as per individual choice - you liked it
Adarva Veda -yes does talk about lots of things related to Occult.
Music wise we might interested in Samaveda- all the vedic chantings have music tone and meter to it ,if you read Ravi Shankar(sitar) he talks lot about the indian origin of music.
feel free to access our website and also let me know if you have any interesting articles on music.
We are planning to post interviews of jazz and few european musicians
- From: Aditya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 14:41:17 EDT 2002
I asked about lotus logo in sarvadharma...
- From: Sam (@
on: Fri Sep 20 15:31:46 EDT 2002
Satsona, Kaumudi, I donno too many specific sites, but there is decent info u can get from the web. Thats what I did in the beginning. Just do a google search on "Species counterpoint', it may be of some help.
Here are some helpful links:
http://www.schenkerguide.com (another approach for analysis)
http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~tas3/mus303/contrinv.html (for what is invertible counterpoint)
If u want all of them at one place (and u can read the staff notation), there are two books
One is "Study of counterpoint" by Alfred Mann, for ABCs of counterpoint, then u can follow it up with "COunterpoint in composition" by Felix Salzer for a more advanced study.
Aditya, by the end of the first set (4 times)of Sakthi Kodu's, u must have noticed that the G#7 chord is established (in the scale of F#), and by the end of second set (another 4 times), the chord establised seems to be B major with the 4th added, (in fact as that ends, u can feel the notes B and E gradully fading, before Niraiva starts). The use of G#7 cud have been to give the listener a hint that the song wud be using the C note (which is not the usual Pa in F# scale). But I donno the significance of using the E note in the second set, may be that note was used somewhere in the song which I might have missed.
- From: Aditya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 15:51:17 EDT 2002
Thanks Sam. Let me check Kalyani notes in F# Scale, then apply harmony using these chords to comment further.
- From: Aditya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 16:19:00 EDT 2002
A quick Question...are you studying Music as a bachelors or masters? Or is it just your interest?
- Aditya
- From: Aditya (@
on: Fri Sep 20 22:32:10 EDT 2002
Hello Guys:
Here's an interesting score - Indian Classical Rock Music...enjoy and let me know your feedback...
- From: UV (@
on: Sat Sep 21 21:26:06 EDT 2002
very nice one.
It had shades of natai/jog/thilang all of them here and there nice effort.
But i have complaint man almost all of your compositions are short,you should upload the full version of it.
It would be nice if you could use flute or violin for the lead,interludes along with veena since you are veena player
- From: kicha (@
on: Sun Sep 22 10:28:06 EDT 2002
Dear Aditya/Freinds...This is a great thread..very happy that u all listen to the tracks so carefully and give such mind blowing reviews..thanx..The composition's IR'ISH TREATMENT was very much complimented by the use of the flanger guitar..It was just a track that happened very quickly..so not much thinking process was involved..yet to finalise the song..Just thought of having the initial comments from u all..thank u all..
aditya..great track out there..lot of stress on nattai notes....The backing Piano notes are too good..The rythm has also been done very well..Do you intend to add more this track..go ahead...it is a very melodious track..especially where the rythm stops:again starts and u start playing the notes..(i could not guess the raagam on this part,a foreign(none nattai note) is included)GR8 fusing..very good indeed..looking forward to more from you..
hey guys..Sugam is on the below mentioned link also from now..www.mp3.com/krishmusic
- From: kicha (@
on: Sun Sep 22 10:29:17 EDT 2002
- From: Aditya (@
on: Sun Sep 22 10:32:59 EDT 2002
Thanks for your comments. Vagadeeswari is a nice raagam with celestial mood. You're right it has all those shades - don't miss the shades of our Jaganmohini Ragam in south indian classical music.
Demo score will show all that there's in a score but not the final one yet.
Imagining the whole Virtual theme when making demos isn't my way of
composing. I somehow avoid imagining the whole theme as it will make my demo
rigid and restrict me to play with music nuances. Hence I leave it at a
stage where I can use the demo to build or use in a final score later -
so the length of my compositions published here varies in time - plus or
minus 3 min:-)) People like you review it and give some feedback which I
might have missed. When I compile meaningful things and ready for making an album
( not in commercial sense )...I guess I will be able to make bigger
and better compositions. Also I fear that I might push myself/anybody to
use the demo as it's because I had already worked in full version.
I am not sure if it helps because demo making time I can hardly imagine
In July, I recorded 2 songs in a studio to use it for an Inaugaral function of
of Art Gallery. Painter is trying to depict Indian Ragas and
Talam Structures. Painter is planning launch a website where these songs
will be available as a background for the art gallery shockwave movie.
I will let you know once it launches.
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