Topic started by Saran (@ on Thu Apr 25 06:53:28 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Surprising! Even after 10years, ARR still a kid in BGM. Even in his latest KM, BGM lacks a lot. Especially in the scenes where the BGM need to lift the scene. Does his musical talent is LIMITED only to the songs or his CREATIVITY misses something whenever it comes to BGM or does he need MUCH MORE TIME to compose it? Yeah, i agree perceptions differ. Lets see how it goes.....
- Old responses
- From: magix (@
on: Fri Apr 26 05:32:28 EDT 2002
ARR, bgm bad!!??? i dont think so!
His BGMs r deadly, i loved that funky music when Amudha goes to Rameswaram by bus, and so r the "BGMless" portions..
He is one of the best exponents of silence!
- From: Pradeep (@
on: Fri Apr 26 06:00:13 EDT 2002
ARR's BGM is one of the best in indian music scene...........better than most others..........
Very enjoyable and hearable.particularly in hte "sogam" (SAD) scenes wheh he does not overkill hte nagaswaram like IR
PRadeep R
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Fri Apr 26 07:34:14 EDT 2002
You and I think Hey Ram BGM is spectacular. But there are some musically-trained people who felt it was "cartoonish."
As for example of over-BGMing, I've already given the example in that post.
Quoting Jim Carrey, the king of exaggerations is funny, to say the least. :)
If you have meesai, then the mann proverb applies to you. NOM :)
Kiru & Saran
I firmly believe that BGM should play a complementing role in a movie. If it stands out, then it is not living to its name.
A Star Wars and a Hey Ram needs rich BGM to lift up the grandness of the scene. However, most movies need subtler BGM to enrich, not overshadow the scene.
In this context KM's BGM was more than sufficient. I have not seen both Kaasi & Azhagi to comment on them.
By bursting-the-bubble, I mean the myth, not a person. :)
Most of us have been "brain-washed" to think that BGM must follow a certain style. What I am saying is try breaking out of that pattern.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri Apr 26 07:53:02 EDT 2002
You and I think Hey Ram BGM is spectacular. But there are some musically-trained people who felt it was "cartoonish."
Interesting. Can you quote who are they? What do they mean by cartoonish?
- From: peeps (@
on: Fri Apr 26 08:14:07 EDT 2002
If you say that Hey Ram BGM is cartoonish then i can only say "Hey Ram"..:-))
For which cartoon film do they use full fledged Orchestra?huh?
- From: MPR (@
on: Fri Apr 26 08:23:43 EDT 2002
You and I think Hey Ram BGM is spectacular. But there are some musically-trained people who felt it was "cartoonish."
If 'hEy rAm' BGM is cartoonish, then it is not even worth talking about BGM scores of *any* Indian Movies.
- From: Karthik S (@
on: Fri Apr 26 08:27:18 EDT 2002
I was one of them...I felt (immediate reaction) that it was very similar to the BGMs in Tom and Jerry series that we all love watching. I'm not commenting about the quality of orchestra et all, just felt that the tone and mood was similar, in many places in Hey Ram, most notably the scene where Kamal gets drunk and acts funny with his scared wife, Vasundhara (IIRR).
Yes, it might sound very appropriate to others who see it differently.
Its all a matter of perception. The reviewer of Midday had recently reviewed Kannathil Muthamittal which has been released in Mumbai with subtitles in English. For the picturisation of the title song in the second half (in Sri Lanka) this is what he says...
"Most avoidable was a wet-dress song picturised on Keerthana which, rather than sending across a message of peace, transmutes into a voyeur’s delectation."
And to think every Tamil mag appreciated Ravi for his cinematography particularly in this song...! My immediate reaction was 'what a pervert?'. But then its his opinion and just because he thinks this way, it's not gonna change my opinion. To him, it looked like that. To me it didnt. I dont have a problem anywhere, since there's no intrusion into my opinion!
The reason why I'm getting into such extra lenghty explanation is that I know that my 'cartoon' thing will cause quite a flurry among IR fans, moreso cos we are talking about Hey Ram...a film for IR garnered so much acclaim for the BGM.
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Fri Apr 26 08:27:28 EDT 2002
I can't say who they are - you don't know them. :)
Cartoonish as in funny.
Don't Hey Ram me yet. IMO the entire movie was lifted by the BGM. Read my posting again please. :)
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Fri Apr 26 08:34:51 EDT 2002
Don't get too upset. Nothing's gonna change for you as far as someone else's opinion is concerned.
I too didn't want to discuss further with them (the people who passed the comment) when they said such a thing. Our differences were too wide to even discuss each other's opinions.
Incidentally Karthik S who has posted at about the same time as I, has correctly said that it is all about individual perceptions.
- From: MPR (@
on: Fri Apr 26 10:29:55 EDT 2002
I am not upset about your remark because I know the quality of HR BGM. When comes to public discussion forum, one should voice his opinion, or else whatever the other say will be taken for granted. I have been a silent reader for a while but saying HR BGM cartoonish is too much. Anyway as you said that's your opinion. But it would be great if you keep it yourself instead of saying it in public. I am out of here and have fun :)
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Fri Apr 26 10:49:04 EDT 2002
Ayyo MPR!
It will be good if you could read more carefully.
I LIKED HeyRam BGM, for heaven's sake.
God, what is with these guys?! :)
Reproducing in bold some of things I have said about HeyRam:
You and I think Hey Ram BGM is spectacular.
A Star Wars and a Hey Ram needs rich BGM to lift up the grandness of the scene.
Don't Hey Ram me yet. IMO the entire movie was lifted by the BGM.
Why don't you guys (including peeps) READ before jumping into conclusions?
p/s: The reason we have a discussion forum is so that we can voice our opinions, not to keep it to ourselves. :)
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Fri Apr 26 10:50:59 EDT 2002
Why is the bold not working? Unschduled leave! :)
You and I think Hey Ram BGM is spectacular.
A Star Wars and a Hey Ram needs rich BGM to lift up the grandness of the scene.
Don't Hey Ram me yet. IMO the entire movie was lifted by the BGM.
- From: kiru (@
on: Fri Apr 26 22:12:35 EDT 2002
Maybe I was not clear..but Kupps seems to have got my point. It is the focus on WCM which puts IR in a better position to do BGM..The idea of a WCM movement lends itself well to be played over a vocal track. You have to think without a rhythm track to lean on. Somebody here mentioned about silence ..I have not seen many new movies so I miss out on ARR's BGM..but IR is surely into this concept. He mentioned once, 'I use music to create silence'. (gnani'na summaavaa :)).
About muthal mariyAthai..I dont remember the BGM..those days I was busy working on my math/phy/chem skills :) but the songs..man they are not just folk music..they are fusion music..listen to the chords the bass guitar plays in vetti vEru vasam..the interludes have 2 or 3 part counterpoints (2 or 3 melodies played at the same time in different instruments). This is the beauty of IRs music ..he gives you music done using WCM techniques but to you it is a typical tamil folk song..there is no fanfare ..no fuss..If you really want to get into it ..you have to look for it. The counterpoint/complexity is what I use to identify an IR song (but you should be able to identify the fakes like dEva :))
And as a suggestion..this is how you appreciate IR's song..it is just not rhythm or tune..you need to listen to each track/instrument and see what they are playing..you'll discover lots enjoyable nuances..(you can eat some Haagen Daz ice-cream while listening because I dont advise alcoholic drinks :))
BTW, people should listen to lajja BGM tracks in www.raajangahm.com.
- From: Sam (@
on: Fri Apr 26 23:31:13 EDT 2002
"chords the bass guitar plays"
Kiru, I dont think the bass guitar plays chords in that song. In all the film music I have heard nobody used bass guitar to play chords, except for one instance (which again I think is not a chord). Listen to the bass guitar following the 4th line of 1st charanam in Snehithane. Seems like two notes have been played together on the bass guitar, but I am not 100% sure. (thats one reason why people avoid more than one note at a time on bass, it wont be clear). Yea, people do use two notes together on the bass, but thats mostly would be the same note on the next octave. But of course, u can certainly use the bass guitar to play chords.
Let me know if theres such an instance (in our film music).
- From: kiru (@
on: Sat Apr 27 01:20:08 EDT 2002
Sam..Thanks for the correction ..I meant the notes played by the bass guitar ..the bassline ..which provides the harmony.
- From: LOL (@
on: Sat Apr 27 03:25:55 EDT 2002
ARR's bgm is still bad after 10 years because...
- From: Couldn't Resist (@
on: Sat Apr 27 07:55:57 EDT 2002
If he was, it would have been worse.
- From: curses (@
on: Sat Apr 27 21:59:35 EDT 2002
ROTFL, LOL, what next?? ;)
- From: ambleen (@
on: Sun Apr 28 10:24:07 EDT 2002
One or two movies' medicore BGM vs a life long output of the BEST Indian Film BGM!?
Pls don't make an MD look pathetic. Don't.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Apr 29 06:55:20 EDT 2002
On Friday, I was goin to Thiruchendoor by a Video coach bus.
They played Kadhalukku M film.
Know what, I was just laughing. Many complain thet ARR just uses song tunes as BGm.
In whole of Ka M, IR mostly has used only thalatta varuvalu with diff instrument. Frankly speaking, I support this concept of song as BGm. It only has to to be supportive, but this film, IR fans have a look.
BGM is what that plays along with the film, it should not stand out as a separate one.
By the how many of you saw "Pudhiya mannargal" in KTV yesterday.
Excellent BGM. ARR was the MD but , I am not sure whether some one else or ARR did BGM. You know in PP ARR didn't do BGM.
But the PM had excellent BGM. But vikraman (dir) sodhappified the whole film.
- From: Venkatesh (@
on: Mon Apr 29 07:19:13 EDT 2002
Common Friend,
Appreciate your comments on Raja using the theme song in lot of places in K.Mariyadhai.
But I hope you have experienced the BGMs in the following places also .
1) Theme used on Srividya / Lalitha (Shalini's mother) - an eerie tune
2) There is another theme during the early stages of Vijay's love - it comes in various
places esp. when he drops Shalini at the bus stand when her chain gets stuck
in Vijay's shirt
3) when Shalini and Vijay meet in the garden (chasing around butterflies)
4) Manivannan's emotional speech in Andal kuppam (a theme from the song 'ayya voodu')
5) Manivannan arranges for their marriage (its a lengthy piece)
6) Notably, the last 1/2 an hour of the movie - the very essence of the movie
There are some more also. I could not get them off hand. So, use of song tunes would be
about 40% only.
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