Topic started by Ramki (@ cs101.cs.wmich.edu) on Fri Oct 30 21:41:00 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
They look like antonyms to me.THe forum,which had once been a playground of fun filled people,happniess,joy is now reduced to hatred,personal and verbal attacks.The attitude of certain people has literally driven some of our regulars here.Where are we heading to?If this trend continues i dont think this forum will be ever used for the main purpose it was created. We are here to talk about music,varieties of music,its creators,irrespective of who it is ,listeners.This forum is accessed and read throughout the world. SHouldnt we,people who come from prestigious universities,who are woring in respectable positions,show minimal politeness in
what we speak and what we write.But whats happening here is worse than 'kuzhaiyadi sandai'.I really feel ashamed and hurt to see this. SOme of us are really brutal.I dont want to cite examples,wait what the heck,once a srikanth had posted that he wanted to cut the throat of SUresh peters.I was shocked and was very sad to read that.You need not have to give respect for his talent but atleast he deserves some respect as a human being.WHat if suresh peter also reads the forum??Wouldnt he be hurt?If you dont like
an artist,keep it to yourself or say it diplomatically. We are not barbarians,we are all educated,talented human beings.Let us not slay each other with words.
Stop comparing people.Stop comapiring their works.
If you cant ,sorry to say,but stop coming here.
Ravi sorry for creating a melodramatic thread,but by the look of things here i guess you might even consider putting this thread in permanent section:)
- Old responses
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Sat Oct 31 14:38:27 EST 1998
the IR's new albums thread is taking a turn to the worse... controversies do exist, consensus cannot be possible easily, but one should not go overboard with it. another suggestion is that if one really wants to criticize a TFM personality that badly, do it in a humorous way in the "dlkjhdsdfshlhk" thread so that no one gets offended and your opinions are voiced.
vAzhaipazathil oosi ERRuvadhu pola, put your ideas across!!!!! any criticism will be looked upon well.
- From: Srikanth (@ proxy1.dpn.deere.com)
on: Sat Oct 31 14:45:36 EST 1998
MR. Suresh
You have put the name Srikanth twice, I have never told 80% of IR is crap ETC, I did not say it at all. You are talking about which Srikanth.
I agree we need to have some disicple here. I agree I come out of this at times but I do this when there is a personal attack on me.
Yes I told about Suresh Peters and ARR - their pronounciation is worse, Tamil is thier mother tounge, they should sing well.
Freedom of speech : This is a public discussion every one has freedom of speech. Suresh peters or ARR or Ir are all public figures they are bound the be Critizied. You cannot ask people to stop Critizing.
Seecondly I tried to start many technical threads there were not many who participated in that.
There was always a doubt on me, for example you have also raised a quesion on me. I dont care...
These kind of personal naming calling, doubting turns me off... I have told many good things than bad remarks, you have left all the good things and info I gave.
This Df is making me nuts for the past 2 months.
I have decided not to post - if you see there will not be many of so called bad Remarks
I have decided not to post anymore...I have better work to do.
good bye.
- From: karthik (@
on: Sat Oct 31 17:54:16 EST 1998
On a side note ARR's mother tongue is malayalam
- From: karthik (@
on: Sat Oct 31 18:05:26 EST 1998
Hello(NO name calling),
You were so mean(OOPS, a 4 letter word!) in criticising Mr.X who was criticising the accent of monsieurs Y and Z. I fail to understand what you feel so shocking about someone expressing their opinions. Anyway,you have succeeded in your attempt to escort a gentleman permanently out of this DF. Congrats and keep the good work!
- From: Murali Sankar (@
on: Sat Oct 31 18:36:31 EST 1998
Dear Srikanth,
I do not understand what should trigger you to get out of this thread. This is a place for discussion and not one for fights. Please understand that everybody is pleased to hear from you, but in a more polished way. Euphemistic expressions are necessities and please understand you must not get turned off by saying that others are trying to dunk you. Regarding your opinion about freedom of speech: I understand that it is a public venue and everyone has the right to express their views. But I like to remind you that traffic freedom is bound by traffic rules. You cannot simply be unruly on the roads saying that everyone has equal accessiblity and freedom to drive. Infact do you remember those responses the DFers about "Mella thiranthathu Kadhavu" ? Everybody was eager to see you writing. It is that type of postive attitude that is expected from all of us. Regarding your grief that "not many are technical": Please undestand many of us are good listeners and some are amateurs in that too. Hence you cannot complain that we are not participating in techie stuff because it is out of our reach.
Dear Karthik,
Please understand that you are trying to do the same by pointing your accusing finger on somebody else who had been a good contributor too. But please understand I am not pointing out that you are erring. I wish these types of personal abuses terminate here for DF's good
Murali Sankar
- From: vijay (@
on: Sat Oct 31 20:36:13 EST 1998
well said, murali sankar.
- From: MJ (@ knox.pace.edu)
on: Sat Oct 31 22:29:44 EST 1998
Hi everyone,
- From: suresh (@ bellbird.qut.edu.au)
on: Sun Nov 1 01:36:18 EST 1998
Hey guys (no names again!!)
Can I scream SORRY and FORGET IT?
Well, we all get carried away sometimes (atleast I did, i guess). I didn't mean personal offence to anyone, not least to Srikkanth, whose many postings I've read with great interest. Probably it is our middle-class mindset that compels us to be conservative in expression, not regarding the dynamics of the net freeway. And Karthik, that was a good attempt at sarcasm(:-)
Being a relative newcomer to newtfmpage, I probably don't appreciate enough, some of the contributions here. So pls. excuse me & continue ur good work..
- From: muthax (@ user-38ld8dt.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Sun Nov 1 02:22:08 EST 1998
I came to know about the existence of newtfmpage.com thru a friend of mine who refered me a link to the lyrics page.
I frequented to the lyrics page and refered to lots of lyrics posted there.
Soon i went to the Listening pleasures section and started to listen to Singapore Oli.
Found a link for the online quiz page and immediately fell in love with it. Veterans like Rajaram, Udhaya and few others explained to me the rules of the quiz. One of my first arimugangal at newtfmpage.com
Found the link for this Forum and i sthambithufied with the amount of discussion going on here. Became an active reader sometimes actively participated in the discussions too. Believe it or not guys, the second most frequented site by me is newtfmpage.com (first obviously being hotmail).
My homepage on launch is hotmail.com and if i open another browser, it cud be as intelligent as to reach on its own to this site. :))))
Any regular reader/contributor cannot deny the fact that they have learnt some x amount about TFM thru this DF.
Criticism is part of any DF. One should not get offended by this. When we post something on the interner it is bound to be read by everyone who access it. So the person posting it should be extra carefull in expressing his/her views. At the sametime, the readers, knowing the fact that this is uncensorable media, should *not* get offended. Ramki did raise the question what if Suresh Peters reads the posting. Quite a point. In that case we would not be able to criticise at all. Iam not saying anything agains this topic started by you.
My only request is that this forum has thought many things to people like me. The regulars have done quite a lot for this DF. Ajar thanks to the continuing efforts to improve this DF taken by Ravi and Rajaram and otherDF members.
This forum should not loose any regulars however small their contribution is or however big their contribution is. After all, most of us have not even seen each other and still we are good friends and share lots of thoughts. It was all possible becos of this DF and lets forget the mistakes done by us and cherish the knowledge learnt here, the fun we had here.
Esply this shud be considered seriously becos, once when Rajaram and Ravi go for the forumhub registration and start a separate domain, more and more people will be there to comment personally. One shud be in a mind frame to accept all such stuff.
- From: Srinath (@ spider-tf064.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Nov 1 02:54:32 EST 1998
I am saying pretty much the same things as you are albeit in a fashion that is disagreeable with some high-priests here.
Murali Sankar and other traffic policemen of the DF:
When personal feelings terminate in the DF, it will also signal the end of personalities in the DF. By God ! I don't believe the gall of you guys asking someone to be something !!! Who gave you the bloody right ? Sometimes things take a turn for the worse in the DF and then consensus dictates how the matter is settled - more often than not, peacefully. But never before have I seen people so openly proclaiming their superiority over others ! You guys are greater perpetrators of the same crime that you are accusing others of. You have given a name and parenthood to what was hitherto an aberration in the DF. You have officialized the existence of hatred in the DF. No one took the fights seriously till you self-righteous protectors of DF came along. But now it is going to be viewed more seriously.
Hey, Murali Sankar, don't we all wish that war and crime in the world came to an end ? How about all misunderstandings ? How about Utopia ?
I am bad, man ! I curse and I shout and I fight. But I also love as intensely as I hate. You cannot ask me to be one and not the other. For, they are both needed in me to become me. I refuse to drug myself into oblivion just so it will keep someone's Sunday afternoon calm. Sleep if you want, but I shall party !
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.pdx.intel.com)
on: Sun Nov 1 03:43:35 EST 1998
I don't think Murali Sankar's posting was laying
out any guidelines and does not deserve such a harsh responses. Anyway, this is just my opinion and I am not trying to take anyone's bloody right.
- From: Srinath (@ spider-tf033.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Nov 1 04:17:28 EST 1998
You don't think so, but I do. But your thinking differently from me should not prevent me from posting my feelings - just as my opinionated posting did not prevent you from countering it. Your opinions do not have anything to do with anybody's rights. So I have no idea what you are talking about. Looks like you just re-used that phrase to show your displeasure at my strong, negative reaction to Murali Sankar's posting. I don't expect you to be a different person just because you are in a public forum. If anything, that is where you are supposed to be honest and candid or so I thought till now...
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