Topic started by Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu) on Tue Apr 27 11:26:51 EDT 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Kovai Thambi (@ sirrah.anonymizer.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:03:17 EDT 1999
Geetha -- TFM's Jayalalitha:
"it is none of your bloody business" -- Are you insane?? Your "bloody" argument shows that. Mind your words in this forum. This forum is neither TAMILNADU LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, you are neither J.JAYALALITHA, nor is "ragumanfan" a THAMARAIKANNI. Who are you to chase me out of this forum?
So you claim that you have a Ph.D in Carnatic Music?? Rubbish....just because you attended a few Carnatic classes does not give you the locus standi to talk that others have no knowledge about music....and you...and you alone have the right to speak about music.
Better go and take a shower. It should be too too hot in London, I suppose. Or else will you even try to split this TFM forum under partisan lines? Your narrow-mindedness and false calumny is severely abhorred!!I give two hoots to what you say.
I am sparing you for what you have said. Next time go and buy, "Rapidex- English Writing Course", rather than some Carnatic CDs, so that it will be helpful for you to write something by avoiding terms like --"Bloody".
- From: Fuming Fumigator ! (@ ss01.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:18:56 EDT 1999
Eaaaaagghhhh ! Why can't you people carry out such decent discussions in the real DF ? You are all confused.
This thread is the "Fights-only" thread that Udhaya has been asking for so long - yet, when all of you come in here, you decide to argue PEACEFULLY ???? Fight HERE and argue peacefully in the DF !
You do undermine my intelligence, don't you ? :-)
Maybe this is not such a bad idea ! You can slowly convert this into the "regular visitors DF" and let that be the fights-only DF :-)
You must stop quoting yourself ;-) For Heaven's sakes, please condense your points into one post - and number them for good measure ! Raj and I already answered your first set of Qs !
- From: Srinath (@ ss03.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:21:21 EDT 1999
Oooops ! Spoke too soon :-)
- From: bb (@ franck.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:33:44 EDT 1999
in fact, i now overestimate ur intelligence, to the extent that u need to prove that u recently didn't get a cyberspace.org connection:)))
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:34:29 EDT 1999
Mr Kovai: This is not part of the DF, so I can say what I wish - I'm sure Srinath will agree with this.
This is a PRIVATE thread that ravi created and YOU ARE NOT INVITED!!!!! You are welcome to post in the forum, but not here.
To second this, I NEVER CLAIMED TO HAVE A PhD in music. I have been learing it for the last 12 years of my life and have certificates and awards to prove it. I have also learned a fair amount of Western Classical, hence, I can tell that if you do not understand Ragas, you don't seem to want to and you don't want to see posts relating to them, hence, you music Illiterate.
I'm not even Indian to be a Jayalalitha, it is you who are trying to put me down as so. Please remember that. it is your 'useless' post that is un-wanted here.
No, I am not trying to split the forum, I have been here for over a year and have never tried to do so.
You obviously don't know about the weather in London, there is too much water here.
You don't need to spare me for speaking the truth, just GETTING OUT OF THIS THREAD WILL DO.
I don't need an English course to know what BLOODY means. THIS THREAD IS NOT PART OF THE FORUM!!!!!
Ravi, please block his domain from this page, he is just being plain horrible and has nothing to do with Srinath, Raj or me.....
- From: bb (@ franck.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:42:04 EDT 1999
please bookmark this URL and i will remove the link from the new albums thread soon.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:45:03 EDT 1999
Cool bb....Also, is it possible to e-mail my with a copy for that link, I'm having problems with my new NT build laptop and the bookmark files are getting over-written sporadically. Thanks in advance.
- From: Srinath (@ ss03.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 10:56:48 EDT 1999
beebs, remove it from the dhjks thread as well !
- From: Kovai Thambi (@ spica.anonymizer.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:19:19 EDT 1999
You need not be an Indian to be a JAYALALITHA. All women who sell their common-sense and yell practically at other hapless-creatures (???) like me can be likened to Jayalalitha.
You were brought up in the West. Great...So do you know that I was born and brought up in Sweden?? This is also FYI.
So did they teach you in the Western Countries to use pungent English with BOLD-CAPS while posting in DF? You better go and read about how to post responses here at DF, as even after being here for a year and a half at this forum, you don't seem to have learnt even an iota of `platform-decency'.
In my Mother-tongue, they used to say this:"kaathu adichaa ethu ethuvo gopuram mela poy amarumaam". Likewise, it is the height of your ego to claim that this thread was created only for you at your instance by Ravi. When did he give a `patta' to you for you to say that "This is my thread. Either tow my line, or better get out."
When I consider you to be a `highly provocative DF surfer' and as such consider YOU to be useless, do you even think that I will honor your argument that only "USEFUL MEMBERS REMAIN"?? According to you, a guy who does not even know the netiquette like "ragumanfan" might be useful.
Do not even dream that I will accede to your request. OK?
You show yourself to be an inane, prematured, flibbertigibbet, tergiversator -- by trying to split this honorable forum under linguistic lines.
I was seriously offended by your pugnacious attitude, thereby trying to cause a rift along the linguistic lines. I really think you can have a better fortune in Tamilnadu to practice the same kind of politics that you are doing here.
Kuduos to your `realpolitik' views.
I finally challenge Ravi to do that to me. If he does, I also claim the right to post the same request to Ravi: "Please do not allow `Oracles' here".
- From: Kovai Thambi (@ spica.anonymizer.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:26:55 EDT 1999
Since my job always involves travel, you should consider asking Ravi to block all these domains.
Finally you will not have anyone in this forum...except you and me.
Go ahead. I challenge you to do that to me. I will only re-germinate. I can never be cast out forever if that is what you are desiring for.
If you find my comments to be rude and pugnacious, then you better come down a little bit in your vociferous arguments. You can see a softening of my attitude.
It is simple 'Newton's third law' which I hope they would have taught you in the 'West'.
I thought that you are brave! This only shows that you are a coward to face my arguments. Leave alone whether they are relevant or not.
If your arguments to divide this forum under linguistic lines (Tamil Vs Malayalam)is valid, then my counter arguments are even more valid. This is my humble opinion.
- From: GRE gnaabagam (@ franck.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:34:06 EDT 1999
flibbertigibbet, tergiversator, what about equivocator?
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:34:22 EDT 1999
THIS THREAD IS NOT PART OF THE FORUM!!!!! Have you seen my other postings? They are as polite as can get, but when I see attacks like yours, why should I be polite?
Ravi: I have nothing more to say to him. Please do something about this. Even Srinath and I are having a polite discussion, but this Kovai guy comes on, PERSONALLY ATTACKS me and is allowed to do it?
Raj, Now do you see what a Personal attack is? It's when someone's name is slaughtered! This guy is not invited here, if he doesn't understand my English, when I ask about IR in TFM/MFM, he has a personal quib with my carnatic knowledge.
Ravi, please do something about this guy. I;m trying to get my arguments answered by Srinath and Raj, and who is Kovai to get in the way and attack me?
- From: bb (@ franck.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:35:50 EDT 1999
geetha, banning the domain? u must be kidding:)
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:38:17 EDT 1999
bb: In case you're wondering why I'm upset, here's what he said about me....
"I think you have "jaundiced" eyes through which you always see the world to be `yellowish'...That is precisely the reason behind your fresh diatribe against IR and his works.
You accuse him of giving very poor stuff to Tamizhians whereas he always gives good stuff to Malayalees. Do not talk like a MDMK politician or any other politician trying to read too much in between lines. You want to create a rift between Tamil and Malayalee Fans of this TFM page??
This is a mean argument of yours showing your narrow-mindedness. You flaunt your narrow-minded arguments by giving a `gold-coating' of Carnatic Raaga jargon, which I guess only you can understand. "
When did I try and cause a rift? I was pointing out what people in this forum say time in time again, IR's MFM is tone better that IR's TFM...That's what I was talking about. What can I do if he doesn't understand me?
- From: Kovai Thambi (@ spica.anonymizer.com)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:44:20 EDT 1999
One more relevant information. In the West, they would have taught you: "Empty Vessels Make More NOISE." I always looked for a practical example and here you go. I got one from this forum.
Being a frequent visitor to this forum with a M.A in Music from University of Madras (I stayed in India for 3 years with my grandparents), I can easily say who is a music `literate' and a music `illiterate'. Definitely you are not a music `literate'. Neither you are a music `illiterate'. You are just a music megalomaniac. That is it.
I do not know whether they taught you this is the `West'.
"oliyAArmun olliyar AAthal veliyAArmun
vAAnsuthai vannam kolal" -- KURAL
I know for sure that you will not even understand a bit of what the aforementioned Kural means. That does not mean that you do not know Tamil or that you are an illiterate. It is just that you do not know the technical intricacies of Tamil language. Because it is not a common form of language spoken at fora like this.
So can I call you an ILLITERATE now??
Likewise, I do not bother to discuss about Carnatic music technicalities because I know the level of the participants participating in this forum. They are not illiterates. Just because you know one thing and others don't, it cannot give you the right to brand others as 'ILLITERATES'.
The KURAL quoted is just for you....and was written without any blemish by Valluvar some centuries ago. Do not get a Tirukural Thelivurai to interpret the meaning and then get back to me saying, "Haan..I know how to read and interpret Kurals".
I hope you can see the reason. Next time you do not call me, Raj or others as `ILLITERATES'. Better try to remove the `huge logs' out of your own eyes rather than to remove the `tiny speck' from our eyes. I think, at least this they would have taught you in the WEST.
- From: Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk)
on: Wed Apr 28 11:45:03 EDT 1999
bb: Here's his other very offending comment....
"I can fully appreciate your argument.But I tell you one thing. If you are going to keep mum over such masqueraders, then they will join hands with some `geethas and ragaas' of this forum and the attack against will become more virulent. As one of the fans had opined...IR is not here to defend himself. So a vilification campaign has been launched against a person who has done a lot to TFM and is continuing to give us a lot.
Certain forces are bent upon derecognizing the works of this music genius. "
Whay would I have a vested interest in derecognizing the works of this music genius?
Everything here is my view. Neither ARR nor IR pays my way, or contributes to my bread and butter.
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