Topic started by BeN (@ on Sat Apr 12 19:43:07 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
i just watch d show life on Astro yesterday.. i'm totally dissapointed with the judges.. wat is Deva up to?? first he choose the best among 4 finalists..which i though is THE final decision.. but i was shock that the singer Anuradha, who Deva chooses at 4th place..WON the first price, after the second judgement by the other judges.. she's not that good compared to the other 3 contestant...what do u ppl say?????
- Old responses
- From: Siva (@
on: Sat Apr 19 07:24:23 EDT 2003
Vaanavil is a Tamil Channel of the ASTRO TV Network in Malaysia.
Paadal Thiran Potthi is an annual competition which is held to unfold new local malaysian talents.
For the first year, the judge for the finals was Bharadwaj. HJ was for the second and this year it was Deva with ANuradha Sriram and others. Deva was the chief judge this year.
- From: siva (@
on: Sat Apr 19 07:30:00 EDT 2003
From what i heard from friends, it seems that even for the selection of Host MC, "someone" asked for undertable money..
my friend went to the audition to be a host mc, and "someone who is wielding influential power in padal thiran potthi, whose name appears on the credit titles on every show as produ___ " asked my him for RM5000.00 to be selected as host.
Now if you someone asks that for a host, what about the contestants?
and to overrule the chief judges decision LIVE on tv, its pretty ugly....
Somebody, let it be ASTRO, the Information Ministry, the police, or even the Badan Pencegah Rasuah (Anti Corruption Agency) should start a thorough inquiry in this matter.
- From: hanusha (@
on: Mon Apr 21 22:18:46 EDT 2003
i agree with u mike, saravanan just sang thats all! with all his charms.. oh god! he got in because he know people thats the point!!he sang for more than one song in more than one album!! he just sang like any other person nothin special at all..except for the talent part, that is a true talent..i have to agree.. valarmathi sang the kandekondain song well and i think jegathisan sang very well eventhough he almost imitated unikrishnans's voice for raile2,but he sang though songs all the way from heats to the finals!! it is a contest, so when a person sings a though song well and beautifully he/she sould be rewarded respectively!! like alinda, even she sang all the thoughs songs so well especially theenda theenda (not an easy song to sing) and rukku rukku, its still a feast to the ear if u hear her singing now!! that is what a true talent and singer is.. anybody can sing any usual song easily!!even sharmini's voice was a bit shaky, and her choices of songs were quite dull but she was ok for the 3rd place, peeple could accept that...and it was very obvious that even anuradha herself looked blur when she was announced the first price,i bet she would have thought " others did much much better then me!!" such a huge difference between anuradha and alinda.. because of this many of them are thinking twice to enter next year, as all their hard efforts will be gone to waste.. just image deva choosed her as per 4th place and now he himself has to give her a chance to sing for his owned composed song!! what a kodumai for him, i bet his annoyed, he has to work with her.. but maybe he can help her to improve her singing.. what the hell..
one moe thing.. my friend who went to genting, noticed one thing, as he was sitting behind the judges for the last round when the contestants were judged to sing old songs.. and when kavita sang deva looked at anuradha sriram and she showed with her hand that kavita is good and that deva should choose her among the four at that time (well they dont have a choice, but to choose one of them rite)and maybe thats why deva also would have equally thought of choosing her but what a dissappointment!!..anyway has this issue been out in the tamil papers? anyone knows??? malaysia tamil news paper???
- From: Mahendran (@
on: Tue Apr 22 02:16:44 EDT 2003
Please make a report to the BPR about Vaanavil Talent Quest 2003 at:
I had already made one. If you do too, they might check into the matter.
- From: Mike (@
on: Tue Apr 22 23:13:13 EDT 2003
Thank you much Ms. Anusha !!!for supporting my comment !!!Mr. Dell kindly take note !!!
- From: Jeya Padmanathan (@
on: Fri Apr 25 12:09:26 EDT 2003
Happy to see that so many like-minded people with same sentiments as myself on the outcome of Astro's Vaanavil Paadal Thiran Potti. The New Straits Times has featured an article on the "surprising" results, quoting disappointment on the part of some of the judges (who spoke on condition of anonymity), and three letters from viewers who were equally disappointed. Subsquently, they published a letter from Astro's representative, one Tengku Anuar, explaining how the selection was done. The letter does not make sense (I checked with my friends who feel the same!), because he ends his letter by saying that "the SMS contest did not have any impact on the winner..." while earlier on in the same letter, he says that the "SMS contest was the 8th judge"???!!! The press is willing to highlight this matter further, but is wondering why more viewers did not come out and make their views heard. I am writing an indepth letter to them on this matter. Meanwhile, to every one of you who has posted your message here expressing your dissatisfaction on the final result (as well as all of you who have not done so yet), I have a request: PLEASE SEND IN, EITHER A LETTER (EVEN A SHORT ONE WILL DO) OR A POSTCARD TO THE NEW STRAITS TIMES EXPRESSING YOUR VIEW SO THAT SOMETHING WILL COME OUT OF THIS. When TV3's Juara Lagu 2002 results were suspect, the newspapers highlighted the matter, and TV3 bosses were forced to call a press conference to explain the matter!! If TV3 can do that, why are Vaanavil, its head Dr. Rajamani and VTQ 2003 producer, R.S. Parthiban keeping mum on this matter. Folks, I appeal to you, if there is substantial objection, they will have to submit to an inquiry and who knows, maybe even reverse the decision, and give the prize to the REAL WINNER. For a much publicised and much anticipated event, the final was clearly a sham. Anuradha Murugesu did not even deserve to be among the finalists, let alone win! That girl Helen, who sang "Machaan Meesai Veecharuva" had much more talent and potential that Anuradha. Another contestant by the name of Vickneswaran had great music sense, and the best part, he did not imitate any famous singer, he sang in his own voice. I feel really sorry by people like Amutha (beautiful voice, voice control, music sense, and great acting -- her rendition of "Kutram Purinthavan..." for her sketch still rings clear in my ears!), Kavitha and Sharmini who put such hilarious performances, Jegathesan and Saravanan: all these people put their heart and soul into their preparations that it is SO UNFAIR for a low ranked-nothing-so-great-wannabe win. It is not the RM79,000+ car, nor the cash, it is the recognition of real talent that is ultimately so dear to the good candidates. So people, even governments and presidents can be brought down through PEOPLE POWER -- we have seen so many this century alone! So, LET US GET TOGETHER AS PRIME MOVERS TO BRING ABOUT JUSTICE IN AN UNFAIR "EYEWASH" OF A CONTEST AND ALSO, TEACH THE PEOPLE AT VAANAVIL A LESSON THEY WILL NEVER EVER FORGET. Do it guys, please. NST's address is: Balai Berita, 31 Jalan Rion, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. To all fellow music lovers, THANK YOU so very much.
- From: hanusha (@
on: Sun Apr 27 22:39:42 EDT 2003
exactly, thats the best thing to do, its still not to late..something can be done to reveal the true winner.
but jeya, do u know whether we can send a report or letter througt nst's email add or something like that, is it possible and if so can i know the add
- From: Jeya Padmanathan (@
on: Mon Apr 28 22:58:03 EDT 2003
Tks for your reply, Hanusha. Yes, U may e-mail your letter to NST. The address is: letters@nstp.com.my
Yesterday, I tried talking to the Tamil newspapers: the editor of Malaysia Nanban, Mr. Rajan, was downright rude and flatly refused to print any letters from readers/viewers. Mr Malayandy of Tamil Nesan was not rude, but explained their side of the story, that it's over, don't complain about what Indians are doing, Astro Vaanavil is their client, and, they will not print any viewers/readers letters!!! However, NST is more receptive. And so is The Star. Their Assistant Editor confirmed they've recd some letters but because it contains allegations, they want to check out the facts first b4 publishing the letters. Even though they are of other race, they were very polite and understanding, unlike the Tamil papers: even their staff are downright rude! I was really hopping mad! Perhaps ALL the people who have voiced their opinion here could please write to either NST or The Star, or both. No use talking to the Tamil papers: they are corrupt! They asked me why I'm upset. Simple: I am a music lover and a viewer who has followed faithfully the whole show for the past three years. I think this is a good contest. This year, some really good talent has emerged, and it was obvious that the participants put up a sincerely spirited performace, and most importantly, when an obviously not-so-good performer wins at the expense of some really good talent, and in such a questionable manner, naturally I feel very angry. And I'm not the only one: there are thousands of others who feel this way. Even the Tamil Nesan editor admitted that numerous people have called/sent in their letters!
Please folks, don't just post your message here. Send it to NST or The Star. One person can make a world of difference. Do it. Now. Thks.
- From: kootaady (@
on: Tue Apr 29 23:16:56 EDT 2003
I expected Mathan Raj, Shamini, Saravana, Vigneswaran and Amutha but when the result announced...I KNOW ADA KIRA-KIRA. I am sad that the result had dissappointed our people, the honourable judges and even my 8 year old son. But one thing is noticeable...the music band...well own local guys has done a wonderful job. Astro should highlight their talent along with other talents. Even Deva appreciated the music from the guys who don't even know what is 'sanggetham'.
- From: siva (@
on: Wed Apr 30 00:41:34 EDT 2003
Guys and Gals,
the best way to bring this issue into spotlight is to report it to The Malay Mail... they will really investigate and report what is happening.. they have successfully reported and able to bring culprits to justice .....reports feverishly..
their contact is as follows ..
email : - mmnews@nstp.com.my
Fax : 03 - 2284 9133
or call them directly at 03 2282 2829 ext 3371
they will guarantee anonymity if requested...
i have mailed one report.... hope others will follow suit for them to take it seriously...
- From: siva (@
on: Wed Apr 30 00:47:55 EDT 2003
Jeya ,
well, i agree with you on the attitude of tamil newspapers in malaysia... they are a bunch of unprofessional craps.... they supply such thin paper with merely "peanut" news.
their choices of headlines sometimes puzzles me.. there was once a few years back when Tamil Nesan carried the Headline : "Datin Donates 50 Chairs and Tables to Tamil School" (translated)
now, i think it is utter pointless to talk to ppl like them regarding any issues, merely because they are just tissue papers ..... if you get what i mean
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