Topic started by rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com) on Wed Aug 18 17:12:52 EDT 1999.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Too many posters are using other topics to discuss/slam/comment/praise IR/ARR that I thought we could use this one thread as a catch all for all those posts. Welcome guys!!!
- Old responses
- From: eden (@
on: Fri Aug 20 01:17:05 EDT 1999
BTW, while I'm quite neutral in most of the `worldly' affairs, like, politics etc., But I don't claim a `nadunilamaiyalar' in TFM, heavily biased! That one is not 100% objective does not mean one should be indecent! (After all, when it comes to the question of TASTE, things can be very subjective!)
- From: eden (@
on: Fri Aug 20 01:19:31 EDT 1999
Sorry for the wrong positioning of `but', it should have been inserted before `heavily biased'
- From: lottu (@ global22.citicorp.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 09:04:39 EDT 1999
If everybody felt that way, atleast indha thread la namma nimmadhiyaa maththa topic discuss seiyyalaam:-)
rajaG, you got it accomplished!! :))
- From: rajaG (@ daecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 09:21:50 EDT 1999
First, I was hoping that there is only one thread to be catch all for discussions about relative merits and demerits of IR and ARR. This would include genuine (substantiated or biased) opinions as well as the IR sucks, IR is god, ARR sucks, ARR is god type of baits. Whether the former type of dicussion takes place here or not, my hope was that the latter type of posts are restricted to this thread only. One could start any thread and within 5 posts it turns out to be an IR vs. ARR fight. I do not know about others but I am tired of it and honestly do not have any respect for such post(er)s. Frankly, we should be proud that these great talents (together with MSV) have challenged themselves and on many occasions provided substantial listening pleasure to our ears at a minimum. While we might be fans of one to dispute the talents of the others is, IMO, silly. That silliness grows in proportion when it is based on wrong facts and concepts in the minds of the posters. And my bias towards logic steps in and wishes that somebody (sometimes myself) steps in and puts such a poster in his/her place.
- From: hari (@ hud04a01.ml.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 10:24:47 EDT 1999
I would doubt whether people will use this place for their ARR/IR fights. The only way, it will end here is, if some magical person pops up from no where and throw ARR out from the market, or IR decides to hang up his boots. There are so many good things to discuss about TFM, and may be, serious people here can come up some new unexplored topics and start discussing. I think, the old good days of good meaningful discussion is fast becoming part of past.
- From: bb (@ inehou-pxy04.compaq.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 10:40:46 EDT 1999
guys, ravi had had this idea about conducting a symposium on IR vs ARR on the lines of KD vs VM that udhaya conducted ( http://newtfmpage.com/forum/9256.17.59.15.html ). this will involve detailed discussions on various topics of interest and comparison in a decent manner. We can start this if enough people are interested. what say all?
- From: Gopi Santhanam (@ imcdasrly9.das-x.dec.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 14:48:49 EDT 1999
better than to have an opinion than be a mugwump.
- From: Gopi Santhanam (@ imcdasrly9.das-x.dec.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 14:50:19 EDT 1999
that should have read
better to have an opinion than being a mugwump
- From: SR (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 14:58:33 EDT 1999
still find it amusing to see ARR compared to IR. someone who is just trying to make his quick bucks before a thousand other of his calibre burgeons, how dare we all we even think of having the arguably one of the greatest composers of all time compared with a tricster musician. No offense meant, but this ARR is definitely riding his wave for an eye on megabucks.
- From: SR (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 14:59:44 EDT 1999
still find it amusing to see ARR compared to IR. someone who is just trying to make his quick bucks before a thousand other of his calibre burgeons, how dare we all we even think of having the arguably one of the greatest composers of all time compared with a trickster musician. No offense meant, but this ARR is definitely riding his wave for an eye on megabucks. It hurts me folks. very very much. and I know a lot of people that call him awesome r guys making a lot of money out of him than they would if they sang for IR or MSV.
- From: SR (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 15:00:46 EDT 1999
still find it amusing to see ARR compared to IR. someone who is just trying to make his quick bucks before a thousand other of his calibre burgeons, how dare we all we even think of having the arguably one of the greatest composers of all time compared with a trickster musician. No offense meant, but this ARR is definitely riding his wave for an eye on megabucks. It hurts me folks. very very much. and I know a lot of people that call him awesome r guys making a lot of money out of him than they would if they sang for IR or MSV. This thread is pure nonsense. (sorry, rajaG.)
- From: V. Balaji (@ webproxy04qfe0.sbi.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 15:51:38 EDT 1999
Year 1979: I was the lone person in the class who considered IR as the best. I had just arrived in Madras from a place near Tiruchi. Most of my friends called me 'Patti Kadu' and branded IR as a 'Duppanguthu' MD. Sure his BGM was not so great then, and he was called 'Thagara Dabba' MD and his BGM was made fun of. My class mates were not bullies but they strongly felt MSV is the greatest. As "Dharmayuddham' and "Kalyanaraman' (Stars KAMAL & RAJINI) came, soon his songs were accepted, but his BGm was still considered less tastier. Thanks to flops like 'Managala Vadhyam' (MSV 's own prodn starring Kamal & sripriya) soon MSV started fading and rest is History.
It takes time for transition. As a young boy, I really felt pain when IR's music was made fun of. However I now realize change though difficult is inevitable and the world accepted IR's music. He now remains the benchmark for any filmi music.
ARR is now popular and has given some good music. IR became great after his talent was fully exploited. Though I am still biased towards IR, I think writing of ARR as fade is too immature.
Folks, as of now IR is the greatest (1978/79 many wouldnt have believed that it would come true). But time may change and it may prove ARR or any one else surpassing him. Only time will tell.
Even as a boy I didn't like people branding IR's music as lacking depth or experience. I think the same kind of branding ARR's music is also not just and fair
- From: V. Balaji (@ webproxy04qfe0.sbi.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 16:07:16 EDT 1999
.... I think writing of ARR as fade...
Please read as
..... I think writing off ARR as fad...
Please forgive for other spelling errors.
- From: SR (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 17:35:39 EDT 1999
Balaji, it seems like you want to say that the most complicated and tallest buildings in the world have an edge over the magnificence and ethereal presence of the Taj. or maybe, the taj group of hotels versus the Taj Mahal. i too was there in the late 70s watching the way IR brushing aside any comparisons to MSV by the sheer variety, power and briliance of his songs. MSV's melodies had to take a backseat because IR was a complete composer, completely unique and established the fact that there was no one like him before and no one in the future could do what he was doing. does anyone with some musical sense ever say the same of any composers from RDB to ARR? right now there are a 100 new composers coming up everyday composing better the same ARR crap better than ARR but has anyone ever said that IR has been outdone in his own game? don't bring Deva here, he is only trying to find out the mystery of composing like IR. i feel this thread should not be treated with any respect anymore, i am personally feeling insulted with the ridiculous comparison still continuing. One thing is a fact that a default composition standard is what ARR has that anyone would automatically resort to. what IR and even MSV and the other stalwarts did was really what music is all about.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Aug 20 18:01:30 EDT 1999
A symposium takes a lot of patience and at least 4 steady contributors. The Kannadhaasan vs. VM symposium ran out of steam halfway and it took so much out of me to complete it. It taught me a lot about group projects, especially with Indians. Everyone pitches in initially then when things progressed people flaked out one after another. This was back when the average DQ(Decency Quotient)was much higher in this forum.
To conduct something like that now, and that too on IR vs. ARR seems nearly impossible. If you want to start one though, more power to you, keep it to 3 to 5 topics, no more. And be very committed to blowing the whistle whenever someone leads the thread astray.
I don't mean to be discouraging, just honest. Just look at the previous post. SR, who's probably a very articulate, non-violent, intelligent person who cannot hold back from saying "crap" and proclaiming that "this thread should not be treated with any respect anymore" so there's an inkling of what you can expect.
- From: kiru (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 19:19:07 EDT 1999
Actually, sometime back I had suggested that we classify songs or MDs as POP/Serious listening etc. IR would surely come under 'Serious Listening'. Whereas most of ARR's would come under Pop category. It is very easy to see the difference. Yesterday, I and my wife were listening to EjamAn and vIra. And my wife commented almost every song is 'symphonic' (specifically the interludes) in character. You could see the various instruments playing a variation of the same melody or complimentary melodies. (checkout the interludes in 'nilave mugam kattu, unai parth..' song).
So ARR and IR seem to be in two different categories, how do you go about comparing them ?
- From: RameshG (@
on: Fri Aug 20 20:36:50 EDT 1999
One of the things that always amazed me about IR was not only his variety and brilliance but the way his music was growing over years (until recently).
You could see a hell a lot of difference in the way he started in Annakili to his later days (his peak period). This was not acheived in a day or a year but over years. I would think he is a learner and had a very good grasp of all kind of music. There is a huge difference between anakili and Thalapathy (for example).
I dont find this in music by any another MD and if atall certainly not this much of difference. It would be premature to compare ARR in this aspect but ARR has been in the field for almost now 8 or 9 years. It is not apparent to me that his music has changed much over the years or improved.
- From: Srikanth (@ proxy2-external.moline1.il.home.com)
on: Fri Aug 20 21:38:28 EDT 1999
One of the things that always amazed me about IR was not only his variety and brilliance but the way his music was growing over years (until recently).
Can you list of 10+ new things Raja did musically new to TFM. I will prove it was already done by someone
ofcourse I am talking musically, (if you say stereo I am cannot say anything bcos, it is tech. development.
I dont find this in music by any another MD and if atall certainly not this much of difference
How much of music you have heard to come to this conclusion, I am just curious
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