Topic started by Raju (@ on Thu Nov 1 12:43:49 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
SP bala never sings in hindi...he is not in demand!
By the way I am being devils advocate here, I myself am a great fan of SP bala but i would like the listeners reaction to this statement
- Old responses
- From: Raghu (@
on: Wed Feb 19 04:59:13 EST 2003
Are Yaar;
Yes, the song u were refering to is "Sirpi irrukuthu muthum irrukuthu" was remarkablke song,all the credit goes to SPB + SJ, as MSV has done virtually nothing for this song .
>>Hariharan has done a far better job, and there is really no point in making that comparison, for Hariharan is far, far better in his Hindi, urdu diction. <<
Of course u r right, to sing in Hindi, u have to have NASAL voice hence Hari, Udit, Kumar, Sonu are indeed no match for the great SPB, haha :))
- From: st (@
on: Wed Feb 19 08:03:00 EST 2003
I am amazed that someone thinks MSV did nothing in "Sippi iruukuthu" and that all the
great job was done by the singers.
Its more difficult to compose simple songs that directly touch ur heart than to create
a pure/semi classsical based number.
Its like a great batsman batting. It looks simple only because he makes it look simple.
Sanu is a nasal singer... but cant include every northy singer in that list.
Udit is definitely not a nasal singer. Its the accent that makes you feel that he is nasal. Why, lot of northy audience find SPB nasal even though he is not. Again its bcos of the accent and more importantly its bcos of the voices that people have been used to in their part of the world. Probably rafi would be the only guy who people would not find nasal whether in north or south. This isnt a comparison but that is one among the several characteristics of rafi's voice. Play "kya hua tera waada" to a guy who doesnt understand hindi and he will love it the first time. I bet he/she will love the voice too.
Its a uninhibited natural voice with no make up.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Wed Feb 19 08:24:31 EST 2003
well, basicaly, SPB+SJ voices dominate the song, rather than MSV's music, they are only couple of thabla beats and couple of violin intreludes in the song.
Coming to SPB being nasal, haha, first time I have heard this, I do not this so, I have many Northie friends , who loves SPB voice, but moan about his accent, this is the first time, I am hearing some one calling SPB nasal :))
BTW, I agree with u abot Rafi :-)
- From: Naaz (@
on: Wed Feb 19 09:38:40 EST 2003
The song from Zara Si Zindagi (remake of Varumayin...) - Sargam Ke Ph**lon Se Geeton Ki Bane Mala - is by SPB and AB, not SPB and LM.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Wed Feb 19 10:17:49 EST 2003
AB meaning asha bonsle? :)
- From: Naaz (@
on: Wed Feb 19 10:22:35 EST 2003
Yes, Raghu. Not Amitabh Bachchan :-)
- From: Kaumudi (@
on: Wed Feb 19 11:01:52 EST 2003
"Of course u r right, to sing in Hindi, u have to have NASAL voice hence Hari, Udit, Kumar, Sonu are indeed no match for the great SPB, haha :))"
Such irritating comments!! And so immature at that. This guy needs to take a break. Reasoning and logical thinking have become foreign words to Raghu. He is simply not going to listen to anyone, ha ha:)) (empowering laughter - courtesy Raghu)
- From: Raghu (@
on: Wed Feb 19 11:26:17 EST 2003
u r right, firstly I thought of Amitabh Bachachan, then came asha bonsle, hehe :))
have u heard of the song "Mounamae" from anbe sivam by SPB, great song, sadly missed out in the film, Vidysaagar has done great job, did u know Vidyasaagar worked under SPB in the early 80's ?
- From: Raghu (@
on: Wed Feb 19 11:27:54 EST 2003
>>This guy needs to take a break<<
yeh, I know, I took out all my holidays for thr christmas vacation :-)
Kaumudi, what a comedy, huh :-))
- From: av (@
on: Wed Feb 19 12:16:30 EST 2003
In the Hindi film world, AB has three meanings:
1)Asha Bhosle
2)Amitabh Bachhan
3)Anil Biswas
- From: av (@
on: Wed Feb 19 12:19:07 EST 2003
I was referring to Hariharan's command over Hindi and Urdu. You unnecessarily brought in the issue of nasality in tone! My God! I agree that Kumar Sanu has a nasal twang, but Udit and Sonu most definitely don't. And nasality of tone is and never was a criterion for success in HFM.
- From: Karan (@
on: Wed Feb 19 14:33:30 EST 2003
Naaz u are right!
AB and SPB were the singers of Gama pa pa ma ga ...sargam ke poolon se geeton ki bane maala!
how is it going man. It is good to hear from you !
Mounamae..decent song but are u sure it is SPB's voice?
- From: Raghu (@
on: Thu Feb 20 05:36:22 EST 2003
>>Mounamae..decent song but are u sure it is SPB's voice?<<
is that a joke, buddy, :)), I have been listening to SPB's voice for the last 20 yaers,I can easily spot it, I will provide the link, u can easily spot it too :))
Thanks for the elaboration :))
- From: Raghu (@
on: Thu Feb 20 06:46:38 EST 2003
here u dude,
- From: Ali (@
on: Thu Feb 20 09:15:42 EST 2003
If you don't mind, can you please give me your email address as I would like to discuss music with you.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Thu Feb 20 10:55:58 EST 2003
Ali ;
hmm after a long time :)
- From: Ali (@
on: Thu Feb 20 11:55:17 EST 2003
Hey Raghu,
Yes I know, its been quite a long time. I have been really busy lately and had no time to come on this forum. Nice to see plenty of interesting discussion going on and really surprising to see you agree with ST regarding his views on Rafi's voice probably being the only voice that both north and south can accept without any criticism.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Fri Feb 21 03:13:12 EST 2003
>>>probably being the only voice that both north and south can accept without any criticism.
The mejority of the credit should go to the open minded nature of SI people who also adore Rafi some times to the same breadth of SPB.
- From: st (@
on: Fri Feb 21 04:32:46 EST 2003
"Open minded nature of SI that we adore rafi">> ??
Sometimes i think we (i mean people in general and not SI/NI) give undue credit to ourselves.Leave rafi for a moment and ask urself why we listen to any song of any singer/md? For god's sake u r not doing a charity to them or the music company. Its because u like the song and thats all there is to it.
Anything good is automatically appriciated.Janaki had once appeared as a guest in a music program that has a hindi audience. At the end she sang a mallu song. It just required a couple of lines and the whole audience was on feet and applauding. It was so spontaneos and the look on the faces showed that they were awestruck.
Ali, before i give u my id let me first just go
into this forum and check some of ur postings. Just want to check whether u like to really discuss or argue.Thanks for the invitation though
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Feb 21 04:46:18 EST 2003
welcome back, I never questioned or underestimate the abilities of Rafi, nor will do that, but we feel SPB is beyound rafi, several steps :-))
we SI have complex problem, the NI take advantage out of this, like for example, NI regard SI as madrase, meaning, dark, ugly, stupid, ..etc, in other words NI has all ways been ignorant of south, they never given due respect to the SI nor it's culture, but the SI regard the Ni as fair baeutiful and angels, hence they watch all the crap, no good holly wood movies, which has no story, no acting, no talents, just pretty girls dancing with their navel, hence SI imports most of these NI girls, this became a tren, SI started to imports clowns like kuamr,udit, even sonu into SI to spoil every thing.
In other words, I AGREE with what Are Yaar, said, SI would accept any crap from the north!
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Feb 21 04:47:34 EST 2003
oops, it should be read as;
>> hence they watch all the crap, no good bolly wood movies<<
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Fri Feb 21 05:12:33 EST 2003
>>>MSV has done virtually nothing for this song .
You have misunderstood me here and for God's dake others...please don't assume any distorted meaning of this.
What I meant when I said "KD& MSV has done virtually nothing for this song extrodinary" is composing in such a way is nothing new to them. Infact I have mentioned that in the same post latter. I mean that KD & MSV would not take any special pain to compose a song for such a situation because actually in real life their composing style is similar to the scene in the film. If it had been some other MD and lyricist then I am sure they would have done research into how to bring about a tune of such a situation.
So , understand me clearly on this issue. Over and above its true that SPB and SJ did a wonderful job in the songs. With out SPB's expression and gimicks in the songs, it would not have appealed extrodinary to any average listener.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri Feb 21 06:31:10 EST 2003
Are Yaar;
>> With out SPB's expression and gimicks in the songs, it would not have appealed extrodinary to any average listener. >The mejority of the credit should go to the open minded nature of SI people who also adore Rafi some times to the same breadth of SPB<<
- From: av (@
on: Fri Feb 21 17:55:41 EST 2003
"Sometimes i think we (i mean people in general and not SI/NI) give undue credit to ourselves.Leave rafi for a moment and ask urself why we listen to any song of any
singer/md? For god's sake u r not doing a charity to them or the music company. Its because u like the song and thats all there is to it.
Absolutely true! If Rafi is popular in the south, it is a function of his undeniable talent! Nobody listens to any singer or any form of music as an act of charity, but for their own personal pleasure.
- From: Sahil (@ )
on: Thu Aug 19 16:50:15 EDT 2004
I want to know spb's gazal song. I just want spb should sing a gazal that's all.
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