Raja "upsets" Anu Malik and Lata sings her first Hindi song for Raja
Topic started by Fliflo (@ tnt1-161-95.cac.psu.edu) on Fri Jul 13 09:00:47 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: raja fan looking for the times of india (@ pppa35-resalerockford1-3r7238.dialinx.net)
on: Sat Jul 14 02:58:38 EDT 2001
re: rediff living by their very iffy name
i think rediff is rediffy, no doubt. or even redeaf. i stopped rediffing long back since they didn't read anything exciting into any Ilayaraaja article, least of all, care about south Indian film scores. they preffer to differ and go for the banal as Subhash Jha made a point on the difference IR's Lajja brought to our community here. rediff lost its crediffility with me long ago and hope with you all too. they are deffinitely not worth the diff.
- From: vc (@
on: Sat Jul 14 03:05:45 EDT 2001
"I read some where that he approached ARR first for Lajja, and since he didn't have time for that , he approached AM and IR for two different departments of FM."
common friend ,
from where did you get this info?
Even if it is true, what does RS really mean by
this?Does he think AM+IR=ARR?
please elaborate on this.
- From: A.A (@
on: Sat Jul 14 03:28:47 EDT 2001
Summa Bore Adikadhengappa....LAJJA...padam namma V.Sekar padam madhiri full Ladies subject...u...
Oru South Indian MD than BGM kku saripattu varum nnu....IR..i Pottuirkkanga...Avarum aasai ya othukkittaru....Ithoda...Vittdunga....A.A.
- From: xyz (@
on: Sat Jul 14 04:08:49 EDT 2001
soory guys - the music of Sadma, Hey Raam, Mahadev,Chhaila, Shiva ..... was VERY mediocre. Nothing great about it at all.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Sat Jul 14 07:01:20 EDT 2001
>>>>>From: LV (@ on: Sat Jul 14 05:04:02 EDT 2001
the sadma songs are pretty bad tunes - IMVHO<<<<
Mischief monger !
- From: Normal Man (@ 1cust134.tnt1.mel2.da.uu.net)
on: Sat Jul 14 07:03:32 EDT 2001
LV/xyz or whoever the coward is, have the basic sense to post something sensible, rather than trying to post something stupid and senseless like you. You don't have to prove that you are stupid in each & every thread.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Sat Jul 14 11:46:37 EDT 2001
>>>from where did you get this info?
I think I saw it in STAR TV Group or read it some where. I don't remember the source now.
>>>Even if it is true, what does RS really mean by
this?Does he think AM+IR=ARR?
please elaborate on this.
This is what I am asking. This is what pains me, when IR fans now talk high about AM and RS.
Every one of us conciously/unconciously very well know that to claim to be the best in India, one need to set his name firmly in north. That's the Vidhi of this country. ARR new this very well and realised it very soon. That's why he went to north. People all over this newtfmpage cried and shouted like anything over this. He was even termed as non tamilian. But, now when the term of IR comes , we talk about compromise, maslo's theory and what not. Did the NI guys realise IR's BGM skills only now. Where, were they when Anand Milind, AM and 10s of other MDs lifted IR's tunes and BGM.
Conquering NI minds means getting top of them and not playing a second feedle .
- From: Narayanan (@ adsl-21-128-222.mia.bellsouth.net)
on: Sat Jul 14 14:58:59 EDT 2001
Common Friend, I think I know where you got your info from -- indiainfo.com/musicurry.com. One of these sites had an article where they confused Lajja and Lagaan and claimed that since ARR could'nt do the BGM, IR was roped in. Adhai nambi inga vandhu post pannreengale?
- From: Bharath (@ c1226412-a.flrmnd1.tx.home.com)
on: Sat Jul 14 19:45:14 EDT 2001
//"I read some where that he approached ARR first for Lajja, and since he didn't have time for that , he approached AM and IR for two different departments of FM."
common friend ,
from where did you get this info?
Even if it is true, what does RS really mean by
this?Does he think AM+IR=ARR?
please elaborate on this"//
i think thats the question common frnd is posing to the public!
- From: vc (@
on: Sun Jul 15 07:49:35 EDT 2001
"Did the NI guys realise IR's BGM skills only now. Where, were they when Anand Milind, AM and 10s of other MDs lifted IR's tunes and BGM.
Conquering NI minds means getting top of them and not playing a second feedle ."
common friend,
a good point.sorry I misunderstood
your question as a statement.The fact is even I
don't know the answer.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Jul 16 07:42:41 EDT 2001
Again...I don't remember the Source. If it is from net, then I think I will get it . I am searching. I beleive that I saw it in STAR TV Group (STAR GOLD) - program Bollywood New..at 2230 hrs (daily).
Anyway, I am not happy with what IR has done with AM. I want to see how IR reacts when an oppertunity for him and ARR to work together comes.
- From: S T S (@ c1319060-a.stcla1.sfba.home.com)
on: Mon Jul 16 15:37:19 EDT 2001
Interesting point. I always think this and wish it comes true. how IR reacts when an oppertunity for him and ARR to work together comes. If I go with MSV-IR working together, it should be ARR to come forward to work with IR. Means junior MD to express his desire to work with senior MD. ARR can ask IR to sing a song atleast, if not to work together composing.
I wish YSR asked ARR to sing for Thulluvatho Ilamai. Some of the songs are apt for ARR too. Younger generation should have no ego clash in working together.
- From: eden (@ dialpool-210-214-5-222.maa.sify.net)
on: Tue Jul 17 01:46:44 EDT 2001
Some possibilities:
-Raja may be in real financial trouble and this could have been a good offer
-Raja might have been told of the various postings in TFM-DF on his `arrogance' `ego' etc. and decided to prove against it:-))
- From: IMF (@
on: Tue Jul 17 06:31:50 EDT 2001
normal man,
u will of course post everywhere because u are a proven idiot.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Jul 17 07:56:53 EDT 2001
>>>Means junior MD to express his desire to work with senior MD. ARR can ask IR to sing a song atleast, if not to work together composing.
Logically right. I too wish the same. But, do you mean to say that AM asked IR to work with him. ?Even if had asked, I don't think it was right on IR's part to work with somebody like AM ,about who's incredibility as MD is even known to his own mom.
- From: yaaro (@ acbe8706.ipt.aol.com)
on: Tue Jul 17 13:06:46 EDT 2001
about who's incredibility as MD is even known to his own mom
cf,you mean credibility?
- From: S T S (@ c1319060-a.stcla1.sfba.home.com)
on: Tue Jul 17 16:00:19 EDT 2001
I am not sure why IR should not work with AM. AM might be inferior but IR did not differentiate between good/bad producers/directors. It is generuos on his part to work with AM. Also after going to Bombay, if someone requests you to compose (obviously AM seems to be there), can we reject that? It is not respectful IMO.
When IR worked with MSV it was IR who proposed to work with MSV. It is something proud for him to work with a man he values very high about. Basically it is all how you think about a person.
ARR can ask IR to sing a song atleast, if not to work together composing. Any specific reasons for this?
- From: Trend (@ dev.hrchally.com)
on: Tue Jul 17 16:22:51 EDT 2001
"ARR can ask IR to sing a song atleast, if not to work together composing"
These are things that happen naturally.ARR wouldn't do it just to make a point to you and me.
ARR not working with IR doesn't mean ARR has less regard for IR or vice-versa.
A silly reason I can think of is:IR is not a nocturnal bird (un)like ARR,I think.IR sleeps with the majority of the Indians whereas ARR works in American Standard Time.-)
- From: Trend (@ dev.hrchally.com)
on: Tue Jul 17 16:28:41 EDT 2001
A rephrase:
Last sentence should be:
IR works in IST and ARR probably works in American Standard time.
- From: Fliflo (@ host254.mrl.psu.edu)
on: Tue Jul 17 16:39:54 EDT 2001
LAJJA IR's song is available at www.raaga.com, hindi section...ENjoy
- From: night owl (@ pppa3-resalerockford1-3r7238.dialinx.net)
on: Tue Jul 17 18:18:02 EDT 2001
Trend: what does arr do during day time, any idea? do u think he is proba bly listening all the radio stations for new sounds and ordering CD on the net
- From: y not ?? (@ inet-netcache1-o.oracle.com)
on: Tue Jul 17 19:21:27 EDT 2001
owl man, ( what is this night owl ? there's only one type btw),
In the day time, ARR will have to listen to indian radio, right ? no new sounds there ... also isnt internet connection slow during day time . he might as well do it at night .. now composing, waiting for new sounds, ordering new CDs, worrying about people who think he is nuthin but a copy cat, etc etc. how many things can he do, dude .. he is after all human .. so, let's not think too much ...
take it ez ..
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Wed Jul 18 07:13:57 EDT 2001
STS & Dear DFers:
>>>I am not sure why IR should not work with AM. AM might be inferior but IR did not differentiate between good/bad producers/directors. It is generuos on his part to work with AM. Also after going to Bombay, if someone requests you to compose (obviously AM seems to be there), can we reject that? It is not respectful IMO.
I might use the same statement again, in some apt place. You know what I mean.
- From: eden (@ dialpool-210-214-5-212.maa.sify.net)
on: Thu Jul 19 05:54:27 EDT 2001
CF, what bad did IR do to you, personally? It's a serious question. Looks like you're out to attack him personally rather than his music:-(
- From: LV (@
on: Thu Jul 19 06:33:57 EDT 2001
just as HCFIRs are ever willing to slander ARR on everything??? And in fact HCFIRs also love slandering MS Subbalaxmi (i'll show u that thread)
and KVM,MSV,.....??????
- From: eden (@ dialpool-210-214-5-229.maa.sify.net)
on: Thu Jul 19 08:50:22 EDT 2001
LV, I'll condemn personal attack on any artist! There's simply no bias here. Just that there are some slanderers in one camp does not mean the same way another individual should react. After all each should hold on to his own values and decency levels:-)
- From: Kupps (@ atlwebproxy1.core.hp.com)
on: Thu Jul 19 09:05:59 EDT 2001
LV, so are you saying "just like HCIRFs slander others CF is slandering IR"?
i think CFs intension is not that.
CF, why eden and others including me(he..hee) feel that IR should not work with AM is that - AM is a hype and would not give due place for IR if IR is to do music along with him. Also one should work with other only if there is a synch. I believe AM is not(and cannot be) at synch with IR.
Now tell me how do you want IR to work for AM? an arranger? an instrumentalist? a sound engineer(!)? something of that sort? will it be justifyable to IR's calibre?
or, do you wish AM to work for one of the above to IR? I think AM's super-ego will never allow him and above all IR is not at a want of such person into his troup.
IR-AM's assoication is not going to happen based on the respect like MSV-IR happening. Also it is not going to happen for synergy like "VR", "SJ" etc.
Given such a situation if IR is asked to purposefully associate with AM when either of them are not comfortable with this, just to satisfy some people's wish/interest then the outcome will be poorer; worthless, above all it will bring a degradable name to IR(and if u want me to say then degradable name for AM also).
Now, don't ask me -- "how do you know this?". Based on IR and AM's outlook and output and the way they work I am guessing this. It is a guess; right but i believe its almost right.
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