Topic started by Responsible_Critic (@ on Wed Feb 21 17:14:21 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi Guys:
Listen to this Telugu Song composed by IR ( I am not sure if this was dubbed in Tamil ) - it's from Surya IPS. This came in 1990
Listen to the Kadhalan Song by ARR ( I am giving the link to telugu version of it - check the tamil one if you want )
Let the song start, wait and relax to enjoy the similarities.
If there are any such inspirations - let's discuss.
BTW, this thread is not intended to prove that everybody copies from IR. But just curious...
Responsible Critic
- Old responses
- From: RC (@
on: Fri Mar 2 10:25:51 EST 2001
Thanks for giving good songs as an example for IR's songs in Simhendramadhyamam. Can you please give good example of IR's song in Latangi too?
- From: cram (@
on: Fri Mar 2 10:30:28 EST 2001
excellent discussion. pls keep the fire burning
- From: doubter (@
on: Fri Mar 2 11:50:22 EST 2001
'chinna raasaavae' (Walter Vetrivael) is Latangi.
How did you miss 'aanandha raagam (panneer pushpangkaL) in your list of simhaendramadhyamam?
- From: Dorai (@
on: Fri Mar 2 14:54:49 EST 2001
RC and Geetha,
I totally enjoyed reading your discussion. What ever said and done about ARR he still lacks the creativity of IR. Why should he use 4 or 5 ragas to create a song that was just remembered a few weeks. I have the CD, but I don't feel like listening to it any more.
That tells me that there is something basic thats missing in ARR's songs.
- From: Swamiji (@
on: Fri Mar 2 14:59:19 EST 2001
Good discussion! At the end, can you guys come up with group of songs having same raagam as the one in discussion? It would be very helpful to correlate. Please keep this going.
Dorai, IR-ARR please, not here again...
- From: :-) (@
on: Mon Mar 5 08:41:20 EST 2001
another sooooooppper number in simhEndra madhyamam
- madana mOga roopa sundari :-)
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Mar 5 11:50:25 EST 2001
"What ever said and done about ARR he still lacks the creativity of IR. "
Simple ridiculous. Why should one have the creativity of other person. Both are creative with their own form.
Has IR had the creativity to create atleast one lullaby as MSVs "Malarndum Malaradha" from Paasamalar or has he been able to give atleast one song like "Aval senthamizh then mozhiyal" (Maalai itta mangai), which is still a super hit even after 40 years or more . Go, in any suburban train in the morning/evening and you will hear this song being sung by some group at some corner.
Don't say that IR is the only one. Each one has got his own individuality. If everybody happens to have the creativity as IR then where will IR go.?
Try to expand your vision and see that wast world that lies green and fresh behind IR.
Previously SK
- From: Venki (@
on: Mon Mar 5 12:53:00 EST 2001
Common Friend
Your are right, I agree. But why do one need the same 'malarndum malarada' or 'Senthamizh then mozhiyal' etc. IR has the creativity of his own.
'Poongaathu thirumbuma','Poongatru Pudiranadu','KaNe kalaimaane' is one gem which could be equated to the emotions of 'Malarndum Malarada'. There as songs like that and a lot more where IR can be compared equal to or even better than anybody else.
What IR lacks totally is, a good lyricist like kannadasan.
IR is in no-way comparable with any other MD's.
- From: hihi:-) (@
on: Mon Mar 5 13:00:40 EST 2001
SK, the way you name yourself suggests that you are more a fan of prince (or the one who was known as prince or ... :) ) than anyone else. correct dhAnE?
- From: sats (@
on: Mon Mar 5 15:20:56 EST 2001
common friend
for ur information "senthamizh then mozhiyal " is not original tune by MSV ,its copied from some hindi song, kannadasan compelled MSV to do this
so the praise for this goes to the real composer not to MSV
- From: Trend (@
on: Mon Mar 5 15:28:05 EST 2001
Could you give the link to the earlier hindi version of "senthamizh then mozhiyal"?
Who is the "real composer"?
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Mar 5 15:48:56 EST 2001
senthamizh thEn mozhiyaal nilaavena sirikkum malarkodiyaal....
Hindi Version;
mohabbat jhoome jinke saath, jawaani chahe pade
din raat.... I will give the movie and MD soon
- From: Krishna (@
on: Mon Mar 5 19:04:08 EST 2001
Common Friend,
Please listen once again to these great lullaby's from IR,which are ever green...
1.Lali..Lali(Sipikal muttu).This one fecthed AP state governament award for P.Suseela as the best singer of the year.
2.Chukkale tochave...from Nireeskhana(Telugu/BaluMahendra)
3.Chukkalanti ammyi...from Abhinandan(Telugu)
I agree with you in one aspect with minor changes.
"Everybody has their own talent.." or "Everybody has got own individuality".These statements are true.But not as you think "Everybody is a creator(maestro) including ARR"
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Mar 5 21:46:18 EST 2001
Here are more details;
The song from which "senthamizh thenmozhiyaal" tune is lifted;
mohabbat jhoome jinke saath
jawaani chaahe pade din raath
jeevan bar... jeevan bar
kisi ki yaad mein hum gaate rahenge
from movie "AAN" Sung by Mohmd.Rafi & Shamshad Begum; Year 1952; MD Naushad;
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Mar 6 10:27:44 EST 2001
That is what I actually mean. Each one has their own color and flavour. To say that A can't become like B , I want to say is that A will be A till it does not become B.
"Sentamizh thEn mozhiyal" has a hindi insp. is anews to me. Yes, I have also heard MSV admitting many times that Naushad had a big impact on him. But man , still that song simply rules even today. People who travel in Metre gauge suburb train from chengalpattu to beach will definitely agree want I am saying. I am not exagerating. It is a fact.
By the way. I was SK previously, but to void confusion with sk, I changed to Common Friend. I love IR and ARR equally based on how they please me thru their music. I do not entertain any prejudice or bais when I hear their songs.
You can see from the forum that I have equally praised and critised both. I see a lot of IR veriars here and mine is just a natural inclination towards the weaker side of ARR fans(in numbers only). Krishnaparamatma madhiri...hi..hi..hi
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Mar 6 10:35:20 EST 2001
Common friend;
"I love IR and ARR equally based on how they please me thru their music."
Don't justify yourself. I am yet to see one posting of yours supporting IR. Rather, almost every posting of yours go against IR. So avoid that line, please. I can name a lot who are really unbiased here.
"I see a lot of IR veriars here and mine is just a natural inclination towards the weaker side of ARR fans(in numbers only)"
Are you some kind of lawyer or what? You ought to see many IR veriars (who are emotionally and mentally influenced by his music) as that is natural.
- From: Common Friend (@ on: Tue Mar 6 12:07:58 EST 2001
My God. I have in my several postings supported IR. I have always held him high and I will do so.
But, do you mean to say that I should say anything that supports IR. There are 10s of people here who just write every thing about IR and are fanatic about him.
I am not like that. You need little bit of a salt not just sweet.
All IR fans bash ARR and ARR fans say all ridiculous things about IR. I can't understand. One sees only the others negative side. I see both and enjoy the positive one.
Many of you are in US and you might not know whats happening here. I travel by train from Chengalpattu to egmore (to and fro) daily. On some other day I would like to share my exp. with you about the enjoyment that we get when singing songs all thru our journey. We too have fights over this ARR-IR issue. But the mood will be completely different because, many are the labourers for whom music is not grammer but the one that touches the heart.
FYI - for many Deva and his Gaanas are the favourites
- From: font (@ on: Tue Mar 6 12:47:58 EST 2001
- From: Common Friend (@ on: Tue Mar 6 12:07:58 EST 2001
- From: (^!^) (@
on: Tue Mar 6 12:54:30 EST 2001
Common Friend: Pray tell us, when did the Chengalpet to Egmore train crowd become the official Nielsen rating for TFM?:-)
- From: Trend (@
on: Tue Mar 6 13:11:37 EST 2001
Just got into the "vetti" mode.Thanks for the info on "S.T.M"
- From: trainman (@
on: Tue Mar 6 13:30:12 EST 2001
(^|^), the same day when subudu became a western classical expert to evaluate a symphony :)
- From: kk (@
on: Tue Mar 6 15:26:18 EST 2001
Common friend,
You are ALSO a IR fan?. You mean when you use this particular alais 'comman friend'. What about your other names like nchari, mani, etc. etc?.
- From: (@
on: Wed Mar 7 07:36:43 EST 2001
OH DEAR! - This is why people have stopped visiting this forum!
- From: Coomon Friend (@
on: Wed Mar 7 09:33:41 EST 2001
You consider you self too smart. Is it? For SK and Common Friend I have used the same email ID. Check Out. I am not like others who hide their email ID. Who's nChari, mani and others?
What do you mean by fan? Is he a fool to take on any garbage the person ,for whom he is a fan, gives. I listen to both and have my own opinion as you people have. Many here are either baised to IR or ARR. Okay.. that is the reason why these threads are lasting till now.
Now a days I listen to ARR more as I have already mentioned in my earlier posting that I have heard him almost 99%. Why, even 12ka4 and Love U hamesha are my daily routine songs now. One reason is my brother buys the cassettes of ARR with out fail. I record selected songs of IR from old movies and relish them (mostly based on carnatic music and folk) . What's wrong? Both of you (ARR - IR fans) shed your hatred and forget the number 1 , 2 business and just enjoy the songs.
People away from India might not know the reality. Its not ARR, because of whom IR lost his major share in the market. This poor man makes 3 to 4 movies a year. It is because of thiruttu Deva and SAR, who have got the unique talent to give music of other MDs other than themselves.
For the common man here, music doesn't mean grammer or neither is he worried about copying. What he wants is worth of the money that he spends.
One example is the "Saiyoni" song had two copied versions in tamil released at almost the same time by these two great MDs and both were hits.
Whether you call this a plight or boon, it's reality.
- From: kk (@
on: Wed Mar 7 11:33:22 EST 2001
Common friend,
You have the same IP address like mani, nchari etc a famous imposter. Just wanted to see your reaction if its you or some one differnt. May be your use the same ISP. Sorry if you are a differnt person.
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