Topic started by SATHIYAVAGEESWARAN (@ client-151-200-126-20.bellatlantic.net) on Sat Jan 3 00:35:56 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: vijay (@
on: Tue Jan 19 18:51:39 EST 1999
pl. don't revive threads pointlessly. this is just a request. u might be sending another useful and active thread to the archives.
- From: vimal (@ atrium-pc131.inre.asu.edu)
on: Tue Jan 19 21:02:08 EST 1999
This is a very good discussion. But I JUST GET IRRITATED AND ANNOYED IF YOU CONTINUE POSTING IN ENGLISH-WRITTEN TAMIL. It takes a lot of time to read each posting if written that way. Your affinity to our mother tongue is appreciated very much, but I think this is a little too much. C'mon, not paragraphs in English-written tamil! A few comments is OK.
- From: Srikanth (@ slip-32-101-16-156.il.us.ibm.net)
on: Tue Jan 19 22:47:44 EST 1999
Raja is back in action , many producers are approching him - DEVA is being sidelined, as many have started to realise his nasty copying habit.
There will be atleast 20 new movies for raja in few months to come.
- From: Shanmugam Murugappan (@
on: Wed Jan 20 16:44:45 EST 1999
Really a great news!!! Are there any star producers (who left Raja sometimes back like AVM, Chandamama) among those who are approaching Raja? It is good to know that Deva is being sidelined. Now, he can try something original. It is high time he realizes people are aware of his plagiarism. Now some people can't claim that Deva is good because he does the maximum no. of films per year.
- From: Sangeetha (@ bluebird.state.mo.us)
on: Wed Jan 20 17:11:19 EST 1999
To me, this is the more interesting thread in this forum than anything else. New comers like me, shouldn't be overlooked this thread.
I liked the Sathya's words "Lion is defeated by 100 foxes". Not only foxes but one Penguin and a Street Dog.
Penguin is ARR. Penguin is not harmful and is not a threat to anybody, it has more attraction. Lion is still threat to everybody.
Don't want to mention who is the other category, people can make guess on their own.
- From: Shanmugam Murugappan (@
on: Wed Jan 20 19:03:15 EST 1999
The lion (IR) was not defeated by 100 foxes. But, it didn't mind the foxes at all. It was doing it's job perfectly. Since the lion didn't mind the foxes, the foxs thought that the lion is finished and spread the word. Aanal Thamizhnaattu rasigargalukku theriyum - indha singam thorkaadhendru. That being the case, I definitely won't accept that the lion was defeated by 100 foxes and a penguin and a street dog (yaarunga indha street dog?)
> Lion is still a threat to everybody
Isaignaniyin isai yaarukkumae threat illai. It is the bible of music and anyone who hears that gets 'purified' and are blessed. It is not even a threat to other MDs. Because since IR gives new tunes, some people like Deva will get more chances (to use these tunes in their films). So, they will also be happy if IR does more albums.
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 04:13:33 EST 1999
by "lion being a threat" ,i guess, sangeetha meant
he's a threat to those foxes and all the other creatures mentioned above.
- From: V (@ dixon.ge.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 06:18:01 EST 1999
Lion or not - nobody will survive in this
cut-throat world if he is not slick enough
to change with times.
Agreed IR was the master during his time,
but sorry to say, IMO he should retire now.
Sadly, IR reminds me of Kapil Dev, who inspite
of all his old time reputation, had to finally
give way to younger players. Even Kapil used
to produce flashes of brilliance even in his
final days, but that was just not enough for
his survival..
And referring to people as street dogs is
unacceptable to me - such language is cheap.
- From: maha (@
on: Thu Jan 21 10:26:54 EST 1999
mr v is absolutely right ,i too think ir should retire ,he gave such incomparable music but with so many young mds coming up i don't ir can compete with them,as his style of music has become obsolete,nor he is trying to change with the trend.
guys & gals please refrain from addressing a person by indecent names be it directly or indirectly,by doing so it only reflects on your lack of manners and courtesy.
- From: vijay (@
on: Thu Jan 21 10:27:09 EST 1999
as my friend murali sankar says this is the 'golden age of mediocrity' in TFM. Amidst copycats like deva and recyclers like ARR an IR is needed to bring back the glory. even if it be just glimpses of brilliance it does'nt matter. it would atleast serve to keep the hopes of TFM fans like me alive.
and for people who think IR is finished, srikanth has come up with the news that he has 20 films in hand. and both his latest films KK and housefull have been lauded in this forum.
lets not kill creativity in TFM!!
- From: V (@ mason.ge.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 11:02:53 EST 1999
It is the people's fault if mediocrity meets
with success - if people start becoming choosy
about originality, then the so called 'Copycats'
or 'Recyclers' would never have had a chance to make their mark.
People sometimes make remarks like - this song
by so and so MD has an IR touch to it. How are
they able to identify such a feature in a song,
unless IR himself has used some tunes over and
over again, making it his 'style'.
There is no denying that some of his new songs
still sound like his earlier songs. Is that
not recycling ?
- From: W (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 12:19:42 EST 1999
Oh Wow!! Logic Saar! IR touch irukku ... means IR recycled. Man, this is the most ludicrous, ill-informed, inference that I have seen in this forum to date. Thanks Mr.V.
- From: Ganesh (@ solutioncube.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 12:22:16 EST 1999
It is some people's obsession with raja's style that makes them think creativity comes only from him, IMO.
Raja is not the first guy in TFM who has been extremely creative nor will he be the last.
- From: Shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 12:36:00 EST 1999
(BTW, I'm not that Mr.W), All i want to say is that nobody has ever been AS creative as Raja.
Mr V,
Man, u definition for "style" was terrific!! U had better peruse a good dictionary.
- From: Neels (@
on: Thu Jan 21 12:53:35 EST 1999
I think your comparison isn't right. Sports and Arts are two distinctly different fields. Sports requires one to have physical fitness, stamina among other things. But art is different. Will you expect Picasso to retire because he is too old to paint? Did the world ask Zubin Mehta to stop conducting music, because he isn't young any more? Did the United Nations expect M.S. Subbulakshmi to be a twenty-something to perform?
Were Akira Kurosawa and Bernado Bertolucci asked to pack their bags and quit film-making for good? Doesn't the artist MF Hussain continue to surprise people with his varied talents (including directing a movie), at the ripe age of 85?
For a creative person, age hasn't been / will never be a barrier. And this man, IR, being a composer (and not a performer, which may require fitness/stamina) should continue CREATING MUSIC for many years to come.
"The view is much better when you step outside the box."
- From: Ganesh (@ solutioncube.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 12:57:59 EST 1999
you are entitled to your opinion and I will not debate that though I dont accept it.
- From: vijay (@
on: Thu Jan 21 14:25:36 EST 1999
once again there is some communication gap here. no one said that IR is the ONLY creative person. But amongst the present MDs he is relatively MORE creative than anyone else,IMO.
so, i have made myself clear.
Mr. W,
i too dont support V's arguments but let's not resort to personal attacks, please.
well said.
Mr. V,
if it is the people's fault, let it be so. why do u want IR to quit? there are many like me amongst the TFM audience who want to hear more from him. if u just go by people's opinion then that means that u do not have individual opinions about IR or his music either. if arunachalam stays for 10 weeks at No. 1 in the Top 10 would u say deva is the most creative person?
it is not surprising to me that some of IR's songs sound repeitive. After all, as he says, there are only 7 swaras and he has made over 4000 permutataions and combinations with them over the last 24 years!!! whereas, the present 'recyclers' have not even done 400! and they already start sounding repetetive! now, who should quit?!!
the point is commercial success or failure should'nt be used to judge a person's creativity.
on the other hand, u should complement IR for coming up with scores like guru even after all these years. if u still care only about commercial success, even then raja is right there on top with KK!!
awaiting u'r opinions.
- From: Shamugam Murugappan (@
on: Thu Jan 21 17:30:59 EST 1999
V and Maha,
Why should IR retire? If at all he does, then, that will start a 'drought' in TFM. Already since IR is not doing so many films these days and ARR takes lot of time to compose, people like Deva are flourishing with their plagiarism. Some people say IR should quit TFM and produce non-filmy albums. Some people, like me, want both, since, I want to get more and more great re-recording and BGM stuff from Raja in the future (now, you cannot call me a 'peraasaikkaaran' for this, can you?) apart from his songs and non-filmy musical albums. Ok. Let us not call IR a lion since lions are mortal. But IR's music is immortal.
Mr.V said one cannot survive in this world if he does slick enough with the times. You mean to say that if IR does not change his way of composing, he cannot survive in the film world, Mr.V? There are still millions of fans for IR who don't want IR to change his style and give his 'golden' touch in all the films. Ok. Even if his albums don't become 'super hits', so it be. If some people can't accept him, it is their loss and definitely not IR's.
- From: Rameshb (@ spider-wi051.proxy.aol.com)
on: Thu Jan 21 22:37:08 EST 1999
For the 100th time I enjoyed listening to
"Manam virumbuthe unnai, unnai
Manam virumbuthe unnai
urangamale kannum kannum sandai poduthe
ninaithale sugamthanada nenjil un mugamthanada
ayyayo maranthenada un paere theniyathada..."
"Narumuaye Narumugaye neeyoru naligai nillai
sengani ooriya vai thirannthu neeyouru thirumozhi sollai
atraith thingaLan nilavil
netrith tharaLa neer vadiya
kotra poigaiyadi yaval neeya"
plagiarism? copy? NEVER MIND!
RAJA can not satisfy with his originals !
JUST enjoy the songs !
(mangai mAnvizhi ambugaL enmAr thuLaithenna?)
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