Topic started by JakkuBAI (@ on Sun May 2 16:21:48 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Who is the MD ?
- Old responses
- From: VM (@
on: Mon May 17 10:11:06 EDT 2004
A nice joke regarding popularity of Rajini :
There is a popular story saying that wherever you go, you will find
atleast one Rajinikanth fan
Here is an interesting new story...!
Rajinikanth was bragging to Jayalalitha one day, "You know, I know
everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone, and I know them."
Tired of his boasting, Jayalalitha called his bluff, "OK, Rajini how
about Tom Cruise?" "Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can
prove it" Rajini said.
So Rajini and Jayalalitha fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom
door, and sure enough, Tom Cruise shouts "Thalaiva! Great to see you!
You and your friend come right in and join me for lunch!".
impressed, Jayalalitha is still skeptical.
After they leave Cruise's house, she tells Rajini that she thinks
knowing Cruise was just lucky. "No, no, just name anyone else" Rajini
says. "President Bush", Jayalalitha quickly retorts. "Yes", Rajini
"I know him, let's fly out to Washington". And off they go. At the
House, Bush spots Rajini on the tour and motions him , saying, "Rajini,
what a surprise, I was just on my way to a meeting, but you and your
friend come on in and let's have a cup of coffee first and catch up".
Well, Jayalalitha is very shaken by now, but still not totally
After they leave the White House grounds, she expresses his doubts to
Rajini who again implores her to name anyone else. "The Pope",
Jayalalitha replies. "Sure!" says Rajini, "My folks are from Poland
I've known the Pope a long time". So off they fly to Rome.
Rajini and Jayalalitha are assembled with the masses in Vatican Square
when Rajini says, "This will never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye
among all these people. Tell you what, I know all the guards so let me
just go upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope." And
disappears into the crowd headed toward the Vatican. Sure enough, half
an hour later Rajini emerges with the Pope on the balcony. But by the
time Rajini returns, he finds that Jayalalitha had a Heart Attack and
is surrounded by paramedics.
Working his way to Jayalalitha's side, Rajini asks her, "What
Jayalalitha looks up and says, "I was doing fine until you and the Pope
came out on the balcony and the man next to me said, Who's that on the
balcony with Rajini?"
- From: dinesh (@
on: Mon May 17 10:51:14 EDT 2004
hi guys,what do u think of this : The greatness of a music director is calculated on the number of cassettes he has sold in this country. AR Rehman is such a fabulous composer but since his film ‘Kangalaal Kaidhu Sei’ didn’t do well, people are questioning his talent now.”
it was told by MD barathwaj ,as i know KKS is did a fabulous job in malaysia ( Audio ) as its still in the top 10 audio in M'sia, (no 5).....
- From: * (@
on: Mon May 17 11:22:32 EDT 2004
SK bhai, pls dont jump on the bandwagon in tearing apart the country's electorate. It wasnt that they sucked up to the Congress, they merely didnt approve of certain things the previous government or its allies did. When the contestants in the running are equally lousy, the people had no choice. Unless we have a dozen Seshans/APJs contesting elections, this see-saw nomination of incompetents will continue every time. The electorate did their job, the ones elected sucked. Period.
There are a few stupidities unprecedented in the past 50 years carried out in recent times:
1. Ethnic pogroms in Gujarat, for which nobody cared to raise a finger. You think the electorate want their kids to grow up in that atmosphere?
2. Bigoted intolerance against the press(When it comes to obnoxious acts, JJ never runs short of creativity)
3. Tadpoles poking their noses into the administration of intellectual pillars like NCERT, ICHR, IIMs - such demented things can happen only in India!
4. Gross and contemptuous acts against the judiciary.
5. Mindless pursuit of political vendetta and settling old scores.
These are simple facts which cannot be ignored.
And please dont thoughtless call us a 'slave country', Young India is waking up and will prove itself irregardless of the perennially rotten system.
- From: SK (@
on: Mon May 17 12:02:40 EDT 2004
I apologize for the digression. Pl. let's end it here and carry on with the JB topic . I am truly sorry. They were after all my opinions and i had no business of letting it out.
- From: SK (@
on: Mon May 17 12:06:44 EDT 2004
Actually this column I read this morning led me to write the earlier one.
Pl. dont attempt to comment on this again. Thanks.
- From: k (@
on: Mon May 17 17:17:04 EDT 2004
Nothing wrong in Sonia becoming PM. It does not mean that nobody else is capable of becoming a PM, it only means that our people consider her as indian. This shows the maturity and liberal nature of our people. Our people are not racists. In the US, there are not many women in high posts. It is a sexist society. Women have only economic power. Women are paid for their labor, because labor is in short supply. In our country, even though we tend to think of women in mother/housewife kind of rules, we do not think they are necessarily intellectually inferior to handle any high technology. There are so many women poets (one of the major intellectual jobs in those days) in the past. Even today, 60% of medical seats are taken by women. Ours is a much more healthier society.
It is a pity that Gurumoorthy should mention about emails from Indians in America. It is indians in America who go after white american CEOs, and jewish CFOs for their startup companies.
Contrast this with a poor peasant in India, when confronted with the question of Sonia being of italian origin, saying - "she is married into our family, she is part of our family". I am really, really proud of the cultural strength of our society.
Sonia or for that matter Rajiv entered politics due to destiny. I dont think they ever planned for it. People like Gurumoorthy, the right wing racists are the ones who are messing up our society,
- From: Proud Indian (@
on: Mon May 17 23:43:28 EDT 2004
Nobody is opposing a women becoming a PM. There wont be any noise if sheela dixit or ambika soni is sworn in as a pm. They are all born in this soil. However good or bad they are they all have "India Roots" in their blood & breath.
Tell me which indian (born in india) has become the president of the United Stated?
It is pity that u r bringing feminism into this topic!!
my 2 cents
- From: Madhu (@
on: Tue May 18 00:30:03 EDT 2004
I agree with ProudIndian
- From: Raz (@
on: Tue May 18 01:33:50 EDT 2004
"it only means that our people consider her as indian. This shows the maturity and liberal nature of our people. Our people are not racists..."
Great :)
Then why did not Indian National Congress under great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi accept British Viceroys as Indians ? Atleast they spent more years in India ( 200 years ) than Soniaji..Also they were not corrupt like our politicians..
"I am really, really proud of the cultural strength of our society"
According to our culture, Father is considered as the Leader of our household..So will anyone be ready to accept his neighbour to take this place, even if his own father is a drunkard ...? :)
- From: rs (@
on: Tue May 18 02:01:07 EDT 2004
yes k, you are meaning to divert the topic by bringin in feminism...and ur unnecessary criticism on Mr.Gurumurthy and our NRIs
NRIs are more patriotic than the pseudo secular indians..they are responsible for boosting our forex reserves, influencing the general mindset of foriegn people........ how many of we Resident indians here take pride in talking our own mother language, NRIs talk way better mother language, preserve culture (dont start quoting examples.here..exceptions are a part of life...i am talking about majority of NRIs)
so u mean to say leftist lead nation to development is it? in ur dreams........ leftist portray negative image about our country...they say india is casteist, poor, rotten and what all they can about our country.....
you ppl are buying the pseudo-secular politician's views...if a party which chased and killed sikh community ppl and a party which directly and indirectly responsible for several hundred riots from 1947-1997 can be called secular, then one can only feel excited about ur partiality
what is wrong in being religious? if every man regardless of his religion is devoted to his religion there will be no problem anywhere..only half-baked religious ppl and psuedo secularists are thriving who is to be blamed neither u nor me...
- From: * (@
on: Tue May 18 08:10:39 EDT 2004
Why dont you folks demolish CMC Vellore, India's 2nd best hospital since it was not started by an Indian?
Why didnt you send Mother Teresa out of the country when she helped lakhs of homeless and also got a Nobel Prize?
All our railway networks were constructed by the British. Why not replace it totally and bring in JJ Railway Transport Corp, Periyar Railway Transport Corp, etc?
Live and let live. Its a small world now, grow up. US Tennis would have gone to the dogs without McEnroe(German born), Sampras(Greek dad), Chang(Chinese), Agassi(Iranian)? HG Khorana, Kalp Chawla, Chandrasekhar would have achieved nothing if they had stayed in India.
If you are talking about having a foreigner becoming India's hockey captain, that is understable - We won 7 successive Olympics from 1928-1956, there was some heritage there. 99% of Indian politicians have been corrupt rascals - so what difference will one's place of origin or color of skin make?? We pride ourself on being the world's largest democracy - and this was a triumph for democracy that she got elected. It will be a triumph for democracy if her non-performance causes the masses to pull her down. That is the greatness of our democratic system.
And please dont go by the portals - Indian media is not what it used to be. Note that there are now half a dozen portals, dozen news channels, even more newspapers and newsmagazines competing to catch reader attention - they resort to all kinds of bombastic attacks and project extreme ideas just to get some mileage. Just compare Gurumoorthy's article with balanced articles(that see both sides of the coin) like
The difference in class and calibre will be evident.
- From: Raja (@
on: Tue May 18 08:25:59 EDT 2004
Please cool down..
Actually you should ask these questions to the same old Congress who claim to have driven out the British before 50 years and now licking the dust of a Italian lady ( for the reason that their leader Rajiv fell in love with that lady :)
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