Topic started by rajaG (@ on Tue Sep 26 15:43:14 EDT 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I have checked the archives and for some reason a topic with a similar heading is gone!
So here's is some food for thought.
1. Actors like Ajith, Vijay, etc commanding MDs to copy from "English CDs" and set them to Indian lyrics.
2. MDs like Deva, Sirpi copying left, right and center, in situations excluding item 1 above.
3. Bad pronunciation of singers.
4. MDs like SAR repeating the same tune over and over and over......you get the point (and many times in the same film)
5. ARR not putting any effort in re-recording at all- merely playing the songs in the movie with slower/faster versions.
6. ARR, Srikanth (Deva's son), etc blatantly indulging in lip-synch activities. Other lesser known artists, engaged in karaoke singing. While this does not directly affect TFM it speaks for the lack of confidence in the talents of the artists.
7. Many occurences of really stupid lyrics - though most of them may be blamed on the director/producers adamant insistence or same boring situations.
8. Absence of thespians who could inspire Kannadasan, TMS, SPB, PS etc to give their best.
- Old responses
- From: SL (@
on: Fri Sep 29 16:33:11 EDT 2000
thambee, rajaG oru team-um illa except kizhattu team (according to Udhaya) :)). rajaG, oru thread start paNNi intha maathiri adi vaanga vENdaam :))
- From: rajaG (@
on: Fri Sep 29 17:05:49 EDT 2000
SL: naa Rajini in Padaiyappaa style la "appdingarEy" appdinnu moraichchundu kEppEn. adhukkappuram indha podisunga ellaam Abbaas (his name should have been bamblimaas) maadhiri "Oh What a Man!" appdunnu sollum!:-)
- From: SiNdu mudi (@
on: Fri Sep 29 17:13:33 EDT 2000
Udhaya, rajaG ungaLa podisu-nnu sollaraar :))))
- From: sin-du2 (@
on: Fri Sep 29 17:22:08 EDT 2000
his name should have been bamblimaas -
ore doubt..RajaG, Namba UdaiyaVa sollaleYe...:)
- From: Velaiyaththavan (@
on: Fri Sep 29 17:30:15 EDT 2000
"Well maybe Myself and RajaG are aging, but when u get older mostly u get wiser;))"
ippO ennanreenga U ? veLippadaiyaa pEsinaa nallathu thaanE ? :-)
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Sep 29 17:48:09 EDT 2000
If we are just counting the number of years, I'm older than all the people so far in this thread. Perspective-wise, I seem to be the youngest and most cheerful, maththathellam udhattap pidhukku kaiya pesayira musudugal.
- From: SL (@
on: Fri Sep 29 18:10:06 EDT 2000
Udhaya, I am older than you :)). Why dont you listen to Hindi songs ? :)))
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Sep 29 18:13:46 EDT 2000
- From: SL (@
on: Fri Sep 29 18:26:34 EDT 2000
Now who is hassly and conservative ?:)))) NOM. Yennayya pride music-la ?:))
- From: fan (@
on: Fri Sep 29 18:30:11 EDT 2000
youngest and most cheerful perisuGala....hava a good weekend.
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Sep 29 18:38:48 EDT 2000
Hindi kaekkaatti conservative-aa? There's nothing being done in Hindi that's new, different, challenging or unique. All that's going on in Indiam music I get from TFM. I listen to heavy metal and jazz, do you? Come on. The whole herd listens to Hindi, because it's fashionable. I don't. I'm separating from the herd. Musiclayum pride irukku, mozhiyilayum pride irukku. Good weekend all.
- From: fan (@
on: Fri Sep 29 18:50:49 EDT 2000
"Golden words U"
The whole herd listens to Hindi, because it's fashionable ,
many school/collage going folks in chennai are filled with this idea. but some say heavy metal and jazz is also fashionable :)
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Sep 29 18:55:41 EDT 2000
I've been listening to heavy metal and jazz along with other genres for 15 years, long before it was fashionable and will be listening to them long after it's fashionable. Anyway, I don't want to digress on this thread, we'll take this discussion elsewhere.
- From: SL (@
on: Fri Sep 29 19:12:46 EDT 2000
Udhaya, cool down , you are not in an anti-Hindi campaign now :))) I do not listen to post-75 Hindi songs either. I was just pulling your leg. Another jab, you probably forgot to add a smiley after the penultimate sentence. You cant be serious :)))
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Fri Sep 29 19:18:59 EDT 2000
My smileys are implied. Irony won't come with smileys. But all I said in that post was serious!
- From: SL (@
on: Fri Sep 29 19:22:32 EDT 2000
Udhaya ANNa..jooot.....AaLa vudunga....
- From: NOV (@
on: Fri Sep 29 21:22:36 EDT 2000
If we are just counting the number of years, I'm older than all the people so far in this thread. Perspective-wise, I seem to be the youngest and most cheerful, maththathellam udhattap pidhukku kaiya pesayira musudugal.
Count me in as your competition! :)
- From: Srinath (@
on: Fri Sep 29 23:05:17 EDT 2000
Eththana naal virathatha udacheenga by posting here ? :-)
- From: karthi (@
on: Fri Sep 29 23:11:22 EDT 2000
Irony-na enna?
- From: NOV (@
on: Sat Sep 30 00:30:42 EDT 2000
Srinath - Viratham ellaam onnumille. Sometimes, some good folks point out an interesting discussion (a rare phenomenon I must say). Usually I don't have anything new to add.
In this case, I felt it neccessary to say that Udhaya is not alone in his views. :)
Karthi - Irony is RajaG coming to the rescue of HCIRFs. :)
Meaning, "isn't it amazing?" :)
- From: eden (@
on: Sat Sep 30 01:05:04 EDT 2000
NOV : Competition edhula, vayasulayA?:-)
In any case, while 1999 had been a `not so good' year for TFM, 2000 seems to be relatively better with some good scores from IR:-))) & a good IR'ish score from ARR (KKKK):-))))
- From: :):):) (@
on: Sat Sep 30 02:48:19 EDT 2000
Isn't IR (at leat post 90s) and good scores, an oxymoron?
- From: :):):) (@
on: Sat Sep 30 02:49:18 EDT 2000
Isn't IR (at leat post 90s) and good scores, an oxymoron?
- From: cram (@
on: Sat Sep 30 05:54:38 EDT 2000
hmmm...lot of energy here. i made a point earlier that tamil cinema itself is in danger of extinction. how come no one has commented on the state of cinema having a bearing on quality and quantity of musical output? earlier, i.e, thru the 80s, 100-120 films were being made every year. we had 2 superstar actors, one superstar music composer, more than one superstar director. lots of fresh blood in every sphere.
look at the current scenario. hardly 50 films a year, no superstars-in-the-making, one superstar music composer who is not prolific. we are in a phase where there's little that provides hope. i know this sounds like a doom'n'gloom statement, but i can't close my eyes to reality.
- From: cram (@
on: Sat Sep 30 06:06:40 EDT 2000
you listen to heavy metal and jazz. i'm sure you know more about the evolution of jazz, which is a continuous process, than I do. from the classic louis and ella to the acid jazz of the 60s to the jazz fusion of mclaughlin to harry connick, jr, jazz has been changing all through the decades.
yes, TFM has also been changing over the years, but it has been marked by a single or a few people leading the way, and the rest following. MSV, IR, ARR, and several second-rung players. is that a healthy sign? we have one guy dominating and everyone trying to follow in his footsteps. unlike jazz, TFM has always driven by the health of cinema as a medium of the people. the future of jazz may not be in any danger, but don't you think TFM will continue to suffer and eventually be relegated to a minor art form?
- From: MS (@
on: Sat Sep 30 14:17:47 EDT 2000
"The whole herd listens to Hindi, because it's fashionable"
Absolutely inane reply for SL's suggestion. SL, to my knowledge is not a promoter of the present hindi "b flat major - C minor " songs. I don't listen to old hindi songs, because it is fashinable to do so, but because they have good musical content. In fact I rarely would be bothered about the language. I listen to songs in all languages, not to present myself as a plain connoisseur of music, but because I derive pleasure listening to them.
going by your arguements, I may be compelled to think that spearating from the crowd could be, by itself fashionable, udhaya ? It may give a distinction. Claiming that you are different, just calls for attention and that is in no way different from being "fashionable".
But I agree on one point. You seem to have "got" everything from TFM - a statement which is quite true and is possibly a good expresion of the respect you have for the geniuses in TFM (especially GR,MSV,IR,ARR and KVM). After all, these greats have left no stone unturned.
- From: fan (@
on: Sat Sep 30 14:46:40 EDT 2000
Ms, i think Udhaya's statement was just a general one, nothing against SL, I am sure this is what SL also feels.
btw: for new hindi songs 2 chords jasthiPa...:)
- From: MS (@
on: Sat Sep 30 16:20:25 EDT 2000
My statements were not in support of SL . I know SL and Udhaya are good buddies and I share a good rapport with both too :-)
I was rather questioning what is fashionable.
- From: SL (@
on: Sat Sep 30 20:40:57 EDT 2000
MS, it's fashionable to consider yourself different from those who think they are fashionable.
- From: SL (@
on: Sat Sep 30 20:43:40 EDT 2000
...or what they think is fashionable.
- From: fan (@
on: Sat Sep 30 20:56:01 EDT 2000
SL, to my knowledge is not a promoter of the present hindi "b flat major - C minor " songs.
this statement made me think the other way.
Anyway, let it go.
what is fashionable , since i was chennai recently, i witnessed this,
many buy hindi music just for the sake of fashion. I dont see any other reason to get hindi stuff. Inspite of quality of music very much below par, all the music shops have a bigger section to hindi than tamil, ellam fate.
one reason I think might be this:
Nama tamil filmla sollikum padi there are no actors as smart as hindi (RajaG, okya:), so collage going females go after this hindi hero'etc,they go to hindi movies, since the entire crowed is there, males also go and watch the movie for the sake! of watching (something else)
this slowly makes them buy the stupid hindi songs.
How is this ? :)
- From: vijay (@
on: Sat Sep 30 21:36:22 EDT 2000
u might be partially right. it doesnt apply for hindi songs between 1950 and 70, they can be listened to any time. the trend has been growing stronger over the past decade.
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