Topic started by Vijay Venkatram J (@ on Mon Nov 11 11:08:23 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear Friends,
Let us vote for 'Adi Rakkamma' from THALAPATHI as our choice for the World's Top Ten Songs poll conducted by BBC!
I am suggesting this song because if in case the BBC people listen to the nominated songs, they will feel knocked out on hearing our Maestro's 150 Vioins' Strings Ensemble!
Let us all do it at:
Yours Always Musically,
Maestro Ilaiyaraaja Fans Club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ilaiyaraaja
RaajaNGAHM at http://www.raajangahm.com/members.html
- Old responses
- From: SR (@
on: Tue Dec 3 01:48:13 EST 2002
I think IR has started his Second Innings and if the rating is finalised with our mastro's song, then he will be unbeatable by anybody in this world. He is already like that only, but our producers will come running to him. As Kamal said in his interview that the commercial caste which has forgot his raja is cursed to get caught in the jam while raja's statue is inaugurated
- From: sd (@
on: Tue Dec 3 01:49:57 EST 2002
if BBC had given a link to hear the songs and then vote, even non - indians will also have voted for IR's RKT. am I correct?
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Tue Dec 3 02:10:37 EST 2002
>>>Releasing symphony is a real BIG thing ..I feel along or before that raaja sir can releas his BGMs
That won't be a bad idea too.
But the real thing is symphony....he promissed to the people of TN ...he is yet to deliver.
- From: Vel (@
on: Tue Dec 3 06:03:50 EST 2002
As an annexure to the dignified post above by one HCARRF, may i borrow some lines from earlier postings by someone?
"Despite this, ARR Fans here have been more or less decent and well behaved..."
CLAP CLAP CLAP...way to go...Are Yaar & clan & et all..do u have an answer to one-of-your-own, MR.SHANMUGAM..?
Atleast now will you see how stupid your "IR-FANS-R-USUALLY-LIKE-THIS" campaign is?
Is it not high time that you start "bristling wit moral indignation" or whatever...
Just my thoughts...NOM :-)
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 3 06:20:23 EST 2002
Shanmugam (@
U must have been mixing wit ambleen for too long, u sure sound jus like him and his pals.
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 3 06:29:08 EST 2002
"But after discovering how easy it is to rig this poll,I thought that it is a shame to vote here.
....If you have time then you can vote the all day long."
Well said Are Yaar. I wonder wat motivates people to vote so many times. I can understand if the poll leads to an award like people's choice awards. But wat exactly does the BBC poll stand for? Wat wud it mean to the artistes involves? Has something similar been done before? I heard AB won like this some time ago. Wat came out of it?
I guess it will also depend on the publicity the Indian media gives it.
But like something Suresh said, it'll be a nice thing wit which to wind down IR's career.
- From: Vel (@
on: Tue Dec 3 06:37:51 EST 2002
"But after discovering how easy it is to rig this poll,I thought that it is a shame to vote here.
....If you have time then you can vote the all day long."
Poorly said Are Yaar...chee chee indha palam pulikkum...
- From: sridhar (@
on: Tue Dec 3 07:10:01 EST 2002
" But after discovering how easy it is to rig this poll,I thought that it is a shame to vote here.
....If you have time then you can vote the all day long."
I am sure you would have voted all day had dil se or VM been in the first position
- From: Vel (@
on: Tue Dec 3 07:42:43 EST 2002
Good one Sridhar...
- From: sabesan (@
on: Tue Dec 3 07:43:06 EST 2002
i remember sometime back some other poll was conducted where people voted a hell lot for Advani (the poll was for some famous person)..... and the people who conducted finally said "enough" and removed ADVANI's name from it :-)..... just to let *everyone* KNOW :-).....
Vel - exactly..... i wonder how it would have been - on both IR and ARR camps if it had been the other way around..... man, there should be a parallel thread for this :-)..... will be more fun....
- From: AV (@
on: Tue Dec 3 07:50:33 EST 2002
Did you notice this in the BBC site
General comment:
I personally dislike this sort of poll since the original question ("best song in the world") is meaningless. And the results are odd. The three first ones so far give an idea of what I mean. If those are the three best songs in the world, then I might consider emigrating to a different galaxy.
However, there is another way of looking at it - and that is : as a game. As a bit of harmless fun. Steve Wright's choice of the Birdy Song seems to indicate that this is the case. But some people seem to be taking this quite seriously.
Xavier, UK
But anyways I wish IR..good luck..to win this contest.
- From: OISG (@
on: Tue Dec 3 08:05:06 EST 2002
Just curious..with so many tech guys around can t you not unmask this "Shanmugham",his location etc to know the true intentions of this depravity-personified individual.
On the polls ..how skewed can it go!Hope BBC does not drop this poll before 21st Dec due to this type of voting.
- From: sridhar (@
on: Tue Dec 3 08:45:49 EST 2002
C'mon man.. i know u can't digest IR"s song at the top.Don't blame BBC
- From: C~P (@
on: Tue Dec 3 11:52:27 EST 2002
but the point is im an ARRF who voted for IRs song ... just with hopes of seein a tamil song on top!
- From: Sharma (@
on: Tue Dec 3 21:17:46 EST 2002
If ever it had been a ARR song on top, it is almost certain that HCIRFs will be shouting on top of tehir voice on how useless the whole thing and will be writing to BBC on "another" real MD of India besides complaining about the rigging.:)
I honestly cannot imagine IR fans being so magnamious and voting for an Indian song if it had been ARR.
So, I hope IR fans will at least acknowledege the fact that ARR fans are actually voting for Rakkamma song, to keep a Tamil song on top.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Tue Dec 3 21:29:21 EST 2002
Sharma - you left one more thing.... all ARR fans will keep saying "ARR has reached another EXTREME HEIGHT blah blah" and pulling down IR (in the name of pulling HCIR Fans, using tit-for-tat as an excuse)...... man, wonder when will the so called ARR fans stop pretending that *they* are only DECENT :-)
- From: WN (@
on: Tue Dec 3 23:04:02 EST 2002
Actually I was looking for indepth, intelligent and informative analysis into my questions, not dimwit dull-headed one-liners.
Speaking of indepth & intellectual, where is Naaz these days.
U dont have to strain ur head too much for wat wud happen in case ARR is at the top. Have a peek into the Lagaan for Oscars, BD, ARR for HW, Baba threads and look at the behaviour, multi-IP, mutli-ID, swear worded, posts by HCIRFs and tat'll be exactly wat'll be happening here.
But enuf of tat. Tis is getting boring.
OISG, I too was waiting for the pie chart to get more interesting over time. But it seems to have frozen. As for ur statement tat anyone not voting for RKT need to go to another galaxy, tat wont be needed as HCIRFs already live in a world of their own. :)
- From: Sharma (@
on: Tue Dec 3 23:14:29 EST 2002
Sabesan, there is nothing to pretend. Just like their idol, ARR fans are humble and very down to earth.
You don't have to go far to see this. Go to the various threads and see the evidence.
But it is natural that IR fans are upset with ARR for having toppled their idol. But isn't there a limit as to how far this can be carried?
Aren't you personally happy that ARR fans are voting for Rakamma kaiya thattu?
- From: Vel (@
on: Tue Dec 3 23:50:02 EST 2002
But IR Fans would find it tough to go to various threads & search for evidence..bcoz some of the recent posts by ur "humble-very down to earth" whatever fans who provide "indepth, intelligent and informative analysis" (e.g. IRAIVAN & now recently SHANMUGAM..yuk) have been found to be so much dignified & distinguished & loveable, that TFM ADMIN has promptly removed it and perhaps stored it in the RECYCLE BIN for reference purposes.
Think twice before you post yet another tiring statement in support of ur "holier than thou" campaign that is rapidly losing ground as ur own clan proves u that u might be very wrong in the stupid assumptions that you guys seem to carrying for quite sometime now in ur heads.
Ellor veetilum kuppai irukkum. HEAL THYSELF first, then u can go full fledged with ur campaign of finding out another's fault.
- From: Sharma (@
on: Wed Dec 4 00:12:31 EST 2002
Vel, are you sure that the people you have mentioned above are ARR fans? Do you have the evidence?
Learn to appreciate the difference between personal bashing, IR bashing and ARR fans. They are not all the same.
Also, please believe me when I say that ordinary music fans become IR bashers after coming to this forum.
Unfortunately, ALL ARR bashers are singularly IR fans and I have plenty of proof.
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