Topic started by : ) (@ on Sat Nov 22 05:10:31 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Just heard one of a song title Theeyee...
Excellent song...
- Old responses
- From: C~P (@
on: Tue Dec 9 11:32:12 EST 2003
sorry cudnt help this...
xml...link illama post pannara pazhakkam unda ungalukku??!! JFF! :-)
- From: C~P (@
on: Tue Dec 9 11:33:41 EST 2003
"Nobody in TFM is capable of conceptalising such out-of-tempo stuff to be synthesized into the song and produce an even better effect"
well said V....i soooo agree!
- From: Anbe sivam (@
on: Tue Dec 9 11:36:26 EST 2003
Too Bad,
I also share the same opinion. Think of Gentle Man times. ARR is no longer creating such trend setting albums and just sitting on the laurels of his past accomplishments.
And yet, his fans create lots of hype.
I feel the same about ARR as you feel about IR. His past record is really trendsetting. Somehow, I feel his present music is not that great. He has a good fan base, Journalist base to appreciate whatever he does. To say the true value, it is diminishing by leaps and bounces day by day.
- From: Anbe sivam (@
on: Tue Dec 9 11:39:14 EST 2003
I also agree this is true with IR fans. IR's song's quality has also degenerated by leaps and bounces.
But one thing still surprises me regarding IR, here and there he shows the glimpse of his class even after 850 movies. That is something genius. That apart, he is almost gone.
- From: V (@
on: Tue Dec 9 14:01:51 EST 2003
Mr Too Bad
if you are wondering how some fans could like the out-of-tempo chants which you so passionately hate, I urge you to reconcile your intolerance level by learning a lesson or two about how to respect the opinion of others in a democratic society where such diversity is most welcomed and beneficial.
If not, you may stick to your own composers dandanakka, intro-palavi-charanam contrite bullsshit!
As a music fan My personal criteria for judging music is how much it excites me and surprises me.
I am sorry to say that for me the style and elements of IR, VS and HJ do not even tingle my excitement. Their music do not "significantly" break conventions so as to "surprise" me. I hope you understand the emphasised connotations of the words in quotes!
- From: Jeeva (@
on: Tue Dec 9 16:08:53 EST 2003
I am with you V on this.
- From: maxi (@
on: Wed Dec 10 10:16:54 EST 2003
mee to V
ask TO BAD to go and wash his scratching a$$
- From: Thiru (@
on: Wed Dec 10 12:34:02 EST 2003
KKS is a very good album IMO... 'thee kuruviya' and 'en uyir thozhiye' are really good.. BR always gets good songs from ARR and this movie is no exception
- From: ashwin (@
on: Wed Dec 10 13:35:37 EST 2003
its a chilled out album byARR. its some of the freshest music which ARR is giving now. it will take sometime to adopt to this.
- From: pennathur (@
on: Thu Dec 11 11:58:56 EST 2003
We don't need 'trend-setting' stuff from ARR or IR. Just simple melodious stuff of the sort MDs used to turn out until the early 1990s. Songs that gave you a reflective break from the script that u could sit back and enjoy or hear by themselves on a radio or cassette. That is a lot more difficult. Maintaining a steady melodious output is a lot more difficult than churning out one or two goodies every now and then. Why do you think people are so gaga over the BEatles, R. Stones, Dylan. Because they churned out rock-solid melodies one after another. James Taylor today looks like a kezha baadu. But listen to him in concert - 20 songs one after another delightlfully melodic. Not some boy-band-bubblegum-bakwas
- From: curses (@
on: Thu Dec 11 12:07:49 EST 2003
If ARR or IR churned out melodies in the same time duration (i mean the time bet 2 albums) as any of the above mentioned stars, they cud kiss their careers goodbye!
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Thu Dec 11 12:56:09 EST 2003
Can you explain what conventions has ARR broken in music apart from giving a new dimension to sounds ?? You may not be excited by IR ,VS or HJ ....that is diferent ....
- From: V (@
on: Thu Dec 11 17:35:40 EST 2003
Can you explain what made you ignore the fact that a new dimension in sounds itself is so huge of a path-breaker?
- From: cinerasikan (@
on: Thu Dec 11 18:35:05 EST 2003
Mumbai Ramki,
I am no expert. But I understand that ARR was the first music director to break free from the antara mukhda pattern in film songs. Hope this helps
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Thu Dec 11 18:47:13 EST 2003
Mr .V
It is my personal opnion sounds consitute just 5% of music ..That is why mozart ,Bethoveen ,thiyagaraaja are still famous ..They are not famous for sounds ....They are famous for creating new dimensions in music ....Even if u take RD ,SD burman ,MSV they are still heard only for their music and not sounds :))..I think Ir got famous because of his extensive use of western classic in TFM .... I feel we are getting impatient to listening to songs carefully ..and when we mean 'new' we mean only new instruments and new combination of insturments and not new music ......
But BTW ,i defintely do not mean that ARR is not talented .......It is the tREND which is doin all this ...
- From: Piratheepan (@
on: Thu Dec 11 18:47:47 EST 2003
ARR also brought in 5.1 technology into tamil films back in the day and i believe it was IR who brought in stereo sound to tamil films.
- From: V (@
on: Thu Dec 11 20:49:07 EST 2003
Mumbai Ramki,
Here is an educated discussion which I propound:
Anatomy of a simple ARR interlude
Song: Ennuyir Thozhiyae
Film: Kangalal Kaithu Sei
Part: First Interlude
Instruments used: Piano, synth chords, synth bass
Voices used: Female vocals
Timelines and Substances:
1:48 : The interlude starts and the bass plays around and ends in a beautiful Avaroanam.
1:55 - 2:03 - Chinmayee's humming starts. Notice the "timbre" of her humming. The color of the sound if you like. Also notice the synth bass that adds timed punch to the ambient humming.
2:06 - 2:07 - The piano starts to fuse along wiith the humming and flows with the tune.
2:10-:2:11 - Notice the indistinguishable coiling of the notes chinmayee hums and the notes the piano plays. Isn't this genius?
2:15 - Magnificent Piano work starts and just look at ARR's genius later
2:18 - without a jarring effect he introduces a conclusive chord that accompany the last few notes of the piano lines which are repeated.
2:18-2:19 - Dont know what made the genius think that the heart-melting unique colored chord alone is not enough, he continues the "excitement" I am talking about by intoducing back Chinmayee's humming with a timbre that resembles his ambient horn-like tone chords.
2:21 - Chinmayee ceases to stay with the chord's note and starts humming the "gamakams" again.
2:23- With the regular piano notes the genius adds another layer of Piano for one second which just plays the note "dha ri sa" quickly. Another case of "excitement". This technique has been generously copied by HJ. HE does the same but only with similar instruments such as santoor guitar etc.
This is just one part of one song of one album which has completely enhanced my listening experience and quenched my thirst for "excitement" through surprising uses of sound hues and timbre.
TEll me . Is there anyone else in India who can move me so much. Honestly from my heart the only man who has come close but yet so distant is Sandeep Chowtha with his great use of ambience in Mast song.
- From: MusicIsLife (@
on: Thu Dec 11 21:42:29 EST 2003
Honestly there is nobody in the world who broke barriers like ARR. The only ONE to brake from TFM to International Scene effectively.. that is one barrier he broke!! who will dispute that!!
- From: V (@
on: Thu Dec 11 22:22:13 EST 2003
Thanks for the unsupressed recognition MIL
- From: vijay (@
on: Thu Dec 11 23:06:16 EST 2003
V, I am pinching myself. Its been ages since threads like these have seen analytic posts like yours :-) Keep it up. But since you seem to be a discerning listener I would suggest that you not dismiss other's works without giving it a honest shot. For synth bass& ambience amongst IRs works listen to "arumbum thalire"(chandralekha)/poongatrile(paattu paada va) and "vandhaal vandhaal"(oru oorla oru raajakumari) resply. if you havent already. See if you like them.
Also in "ennuyir thozhiye" if one listens carefully the song ends with a gentle humming by UnniMenon which can be easily missed as the vol level fades. A wonderful finishing touch.
- From: dinesh (@
on: Fri Dec 12 00:54:18 EST 2003
Also in "ennuyir thozhiye" if one listens carefully the song ends with a gentle humming by UnniMenon which can be easily missed as the vol level fades. A wonderful finishing touch.
-so true,i only heard it at my discman,wonderufll by ARR,if u didint noticed,Jogiya Jogiya - TLOBS too had a beautiful finishing,but this time by a flute,listen propaly...a great piece,which rahman lowered it as the song ending...
- From: To Ramki (@
on: Fri Dec 12 02:35:07 EST 2003
The underlying aspect of any music wud be "Sound". For me a piece of music is composed of two broad attributes, the 'sound' of it and 'the compositional attributes' of it. By 'sound' I mean how different instruments are used, the timbre or the color of it etc and by compositionla attributes I mean how the notes interact with each other. If it weren't for this 'Sound' factor we shud be satisfied with one instrument, say a violin, and one singer for all the music we hear. Leaving our classical music apart to an extent, most of western music composers/performers/bands try to distinguish themselves by their 'sound', the color of their instruments, and yea, apart from their compositional attributes. If our classical music were polyphonic, I wudnt be surprised if our ancestors had had indulged in such expertiments.
I quote these lines from the "Treatise on Instrumentation" by Berlioz and Strauss: "An example by Mozart to be mentioned is where he employs the bassoon with the oboe, two octaves below the later, to express an affected coyness: in the scene in 'Cosi fan tutte' where Fiordiligi .....". The authors are talking about how Mozart acheived a particular atmosphere with a combination of two sounds. There are several more examples of this sort from this book. I suggest you to read this book, along with "Orchestration" by Cecil Forsyth. There is another example on how Tchaikovsky wrote a particular passage for a harp and the harpist says it is 'absolutely unplayable' to which Tchaikovsky replies "You cannot expect me to be able to play the harp: you see what effects I want to acheive; now arrange the parts as you like". People have always been trying to explore beyond the natural timbre of an instrument, be it by playing it in different ways or combining it with someother sounds.
And modern day musicians started using technology to their advantage, along with the natural instruments. Musical forms like rock etc heavily rely upon characteristic sounds to define themselves. If it werent for these pedals and other effects processors (of course the creative people behind them), so much of the rock music wudnt be called as rock. You can find, for example, how a particular guitarist acheives his particular sound with details on what guitars, picks, amplifiers and pedals he uses, to what values he sets the parameters on his pedals, and to the gain, mid treble, bass etc values on his amplifier.
Or consider the variety of synths, both hard and soft,which help a person to tweak a particular sound to his taster or a desired effect.
While its easy to dismiss some music as nothing more than assortment(s) of different sounds, it is rather not as easy as it seems when u want to replicate it. IR is not famous just becos he used WCM extensively, but also becos he fused it with our Indian sound to achieve his own charateristic sound (Poove Sem poove is a worthy example). In one way, the sound also influences the composition. A 7th chord has its own characteristic color as does a 9th chord. And to an extent, the same 7th chord sounds different when played on different instruments or played differently. Also theory/experience forbids using certain notes in certain registers for certain instruments for variety of reasons, the simplest being clarity of sound. One needs to have the right combination of sounds and right volumes so that one sound doesnt overlap the other, or create a distorted sound and most of all a good sense of how they wud work. For example, listen to the interludes in Maya maya from Baba. The various glissandos, tablas, violins, wind instruments, basses, female voices and different synth sounds create a dreamy effect. Apart from the various 'sounds' in it, listen to how a female voice fused with a synth sounding like a bagpipe sounds. Also, the effect is only enhanced when u have a different sound or u hear a musician indulging in things other than just playing plainly. Two examples of guitar, again from ARRs music: The second interlude in Udhaya Udhaya, when the guitarist mutes some of the notes in the lead he is playing, and the guitar in Sundari from KM. The percussion kinda sound u hear in the intro in Sundari is from the guitar; listen to the same strumming pattern that comes on later when the strings are not muted. Or Thendral Vanthu intro or Enna Thalato varuvayo intro. Efforts like these tell me that the composer is trying to be different, whether it succeds or not. True, compositional qualities definitely are worth consideration, but I think that the "sound" aspect of music shud also be considered. In my view in some of the best compositions these two atrributes complemetn each other. Of course while some lazy efforts are to be condemned, I dont think it is fair to dismiss some worthy efforts.
- From: paran (@
on: Fri Dec 12 03:38:28 EST 2003
When will the result of this Story Writing competition will be announced?
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