Topic started by SIVA (@ on Thu Oct 2 05:03:36 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Nane than (@
on: Wed Oct 29 00:57:01 EST 2003
"In all aspects a film should be analysed"
i'm also saying the same..thanks JK :)
- From: NagaS (@
on: Wed Oct 29 01:33:08 EST 2003
Nane than,
We are in TFM Page now - So nothing wrong in talking abt IR More than others !
Probably there is some TFA Page or TFD Page, where they will discuss Vikram / Surya / Bala more ? ;-)
- From: truth (@
on: Wed Oct 29 01:47:35 EST 2003
Pitha mahan is just a well made commercial film. And same stereo type music by IR.
- From: Osho (@
on: Wed Oct 29 03:18:39 EST 2003
Enaappa, truth "stereo" type, "mono" type , "dolby" type'nu criticize pannittu errukka.
Nalladha ensoy pannuma!!!
- From: Sakthivel (@
on: Wed Oct 29 04:00:46 EST 2003
Dear ALL :
The whole review on this page seems to from the GUYS world....hello magaleer anee...so called the world of girls where are u all......Im asking this bcoz for a film to go leaps n bounds....the girls or the ladies group n their taste has to go with the film. My major question after having seen the movie twice.....HAS PITHAMAGAN....really inspired the ladies....Yes or No. well my outward answer is NO. .....hence Pithamagan has to make a tuff swim against the tides of time to make it super dooper hit...................ladies u showup ur views plz.....thnx
- From: JK (@
on: Wed Oct 29 04:25:15 EST 2003
Hello.." everybody here are males only?"Who said?
I am a female..
Yeah... i have seen the movie. and it affects me a lot. Feelings are common for humanbeings..
- From: Jk (@
on: Wed Oct 29 05:33:27 EST 2003
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Oct 29 12:18:35 EST 2003
Mumbai Ramki,
1.The character of Vikram of why he is behaving like that is not clear ..If bala had shown i would have given 100/100 for this film ..!!!!!!!
why do u want to know everything in a movie. did anybody said why anthony hopkins behaves like that in 'the silence of the lambs'. only bcos Bala didnt explain that, the film has created curiosity within everyone, that people r discussing on that. we had healthy discussion after viewing the movie. everybody came up with their own story to tell. this is clearly a postmodern style of story telling where the readers [or viewers in case of movies] will hav their own ideas to include in the movie or everyone can interpret as they pls. FYI remember 'lavanthan'here kamal became the spoilsport when he tried to explain why he is behaving like that. or anbae sivam when they had very lengthy flashback sequence which.....
my own interpretation was that bala wanted to experiment with an fictional character of a stone age man who happens to meet civilization. one of my friends pointed out to the scen where rasika gives him food and sithan follows her and asked to observe stray dogs. and he added that as sithan lived in a graveyard where only he had to encounter with dogs and wolves he built up his own character behaving like them... and dogs wont leave anyone who harms its master. look this gets interesting as more and more interpretions will come,and leave us with a pondering nature. bala has proved himself as a master story teller.
5.Though everybody praise vikram's acting ,it would have bene great if vikram is given 3-4 dialogues adding punch to that dialogue ....
again u can find this interesting . if u pls can u suggest some places where the dialogues cud be included? i tbought even the dialogue 'en sakthi kodu' at the end was not necessary as that spoilt our curiosity in the whole movie viewing experience. the movie in multi layered and u can go on adding ur own ideas to experince the richness. and this is not a normal movie. i keep this movie in par with akira kurosawa's 'Rashomon'
i too had the same thought as of ADADAA was concerned.it cud ve been only as bgm piece.
we clearly understand ur principles :-)
Nane than,
when the movie CDs are out try watching the movie muted and again watch it with BGM, only then ull come to understand how IRs music has elevated that scene. especially the flute piece when he looks at laila was extrodinary. IR was the dubbing artiste for sithan at that moment. i wud giv 50-50 for both IR and Vikram. gr8 work by both of them.
- From: V (@
on: Wed Oct 29 16:54:19 EST 2003
great that you mentioned Kurosawa's Rashomon!
An all time classic. Have you watched Seven Samurai?
I also recommend the movie Farewell My Concubine to everyboy here.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Wed Oct 29 17:57:10 EST 2003
Pithamagan in the US theaters and timings
- From: Ganesh (@
on: Wed Oct 29 18:51:11 EST 2003
Vikram acting was super no match for thirumalai and anjiniar.Just look at his acting the way he runs eats are all natural for an undertaker. Next superstar and megastar.
- From: roshaman (@
on: Wed Oct 29 23:25:56 EST 2003
comparing this commercial with ROSHAMAN...?
ONLY god can save these kind of fanatic fans.
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Wed Oct 29 23:26:43 EST 2003
Rajasaranam ,
1.It is a coincedence that i too thought about the 'silence of lambs ' ..i was comparing Pithamagan with alavandaan where i feel kamal has handled the subject a bit more efcciently ....what i felt was that things would have bene more emotional and more to the heart had he shown 2-3 minutes of Vikram's character being dis garded by public ,unlike in alavandan where it is shown for 15 -20 minutes !!!!!!
2.The dialogues could have been there when he comes in contact with surya and rasika ...It would have added punch ...Also the fact that Surya and Rasika love him is not very clearly depicted ..of course ,considering the fact it has to be told in an intresting way ,this is ok .....
3.Unfortunately i could not listen to BGM clearly as people were whistling for every movement of vikram here in mumbai ....!!!! I think teh film should be a greta success because even in mumbai teh black rates are 500 !!!!!!
- From: INSTINCT (@
on: Wed Oct 29 23:28:22 EST 2003
I recommend all to Watch INSTINCT before praising this much
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Wed Oct 29 23:28:42 EST 2003
There is on more point with regard to Vikram's character ...Iam not very much convinced about this character .......I have seen 'Vettiyaan's who are orphans but their life is quite normal .....what is ur opnion guys ???? Of course ,any film will have such mistakes ...and we find mistakes only in very good films ....
- From: 12bums (@
on: Thu Oct 30 00:27:53 EST 2003
pithamagan album review:
- From: contrarian (@
on: Thu Oct 30 00:30:32 EST 2003
If Vikram is a typical Vettiyaan then I am Mother Teresa:)
I remember the vettiyan of our area was nothing like this caricature. He was normal enough to haggle about his deepavali enaam.
Pithamagan is a geek show masquerading as serious cinema.
- From: SAthish Kumar (@
on: Thu Oct 30 00:38:31 EST 2003
I am from UK and haven;t watched the film yet. But U know what. Movies are about story telling.
The way each one perceives the story is completely subjective. Watching a movie is a higly subjective experience. There is a difference between good and bad movies. bad movies are those that are completely illogical and does not captivate the audience. Good ones are those that really leave an impact on the viewers. Whether you believe in the story or not. That is what is called Art. Art is that which makes you feel what you are feeling without realising that what you are feeling is not your real feeling.
Like in a movie like sethu we feel very very bad and sad when we walk out of the theater. But are we really sad?. No. It is the impact of that art that made us feel so. End of the day if U just look back at the movie it is just a film role. The same actor later did Saamy. If Pitamagan is having such an effect, it is a good art.
- From: paran (@
on: Thu Oct 30 01:28:30 EST 2003
Just a small mistake made by Bala was...
we never saw Vikram talking to Surya or even to Sangeetha..
then how did Surya came to know thet Vikram had burnt the dead body of the Police Officer who was killed by the villain?
Did he saw Vikram burning him, or Vikram told him?
and Laila is a college going girl, hwo come the parents allow her to hang out late at nite...where they went to watch Anbae Sivam?..
that's all....
- From: Maverick (@
on: Thu Oct 30 01:28:50 EST 2003
It is not really necessary for all films to portray their characters like real-life ones. The vettiyaan in your area might be a normal guy. But so what...Bala wanted to tell a story about this Vettiyaan in this movie. After all, it is just cinema.
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Thu Oct 30 01:58:32 EST 2003
paran ,
nice point ..I again reiterate that having just 3-4 punch dialogues for vikram would have made this movie much much better .......
I agree that you nee dnot have real life characters in cinema ,but when you are dscribing extreme characters like this one ,it is essential that you justify why he is like that ....That is slightly missing .........
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