Topic started by Bored_raja_fan (@ 1cust13.tnt26.sfo3.da.uu.net) on Thu Apr 16 19:35:08 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: buddy (@ panorama.nus.edu.sg)
on: Sun Apr 19 06:42:16 EDT 1998
Hi srikanth,
Why do producers approach Raja even now?
Is raja begging to the producers for films????
Not at all.
Producers and directors are not fool to invest money for some damm junk stuff.
Just see what is happening in 98,
Vijaykanth, prabu, sathyaraj, rajini(hopefully), kamal, cheran, bharathiraja, K.B banner, vijay, vasanth, sarath kumar, vikraman, K.viswanath, krishna Vamsee(telegu), fazil
the list goes on... are working with mottai!!!!
I am sure mottai will not dissappoint the star brigade as well as his fans.
I am sure he his having a very big year ahead.
I wish that he can break the boundaries of music in 1998.
Raja's well wisher
- From: Srikath (@ 75.minneapolis-07.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sun Apr 19 09:12:59 EDT 1998
Hi buddy,
I wish he comes back to form.
It looks likes in Kizakum mearkum, One song is really different. But it sounds nice only to Raja fans. To be frank the score does not catch up like "Columbus Columbus" --- in Jeans.
My main concern here is why should we discuss or compare Raja with every one...
The only reason people pull Raja's legs is currently he is not in form.
And AR is doing well (every one has ups and downs...Ar will have a down as Raja is having now)
hence I feel best for him to take rest for while and come back with fire.....
Kamal/Vijaykanth etc... I agree all them of moving these are all just news ---
We need to wait for the reality.
I feel Raja can give way to Karthick, he matches AR in all the levels of music, KADALA KADALA is an alarm for AR.
- From: sree (@ orchid.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Sun Apr 19 15:27:31 EDT 1998
Hi Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com),
It was nice to see youur comments.Well I also feel the same.It was nice to see a good reply.
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Mon Apr 20 00:39:11 EDT 1998
Glad you too feel the same way as I do
- From: Himanshu (@ cranach.cs.berkeley.edu)
on: Thu Apr 23 13:47:22 EDT 1998
To Nithin:
Please do not even think of comparing Mozart to Raja. RAJA is not even one millionth of Mozart's genius. Mozart's one masterpiece is enogth for all the accomplishments of RAJA and ARR put together.
- From: raja m (@ draco.eisi.com)
on: Thu Apr 23 16:10:07 EDT 1998
How did ARR come into this thread :)) Poor guy is getting battered in other threads, give him some breathing time before he goes into some thread to get the next round of battering
- From: Nithin (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Thu Apr 23 20:36:22 EDT 1998
Buddy, Himanshu
You are wrong. Raja is all that music can be. All Raja needs is to convert his prosaic form of his compositions to Mozart's poetic forms and vice versa. It does not make sense to compare between these two geniuses.
Three thousand and over songs versus 20 or 30 Mozart symphonies, 20 or 30 Operas, 50 or 60 concertos. I do not think you can tell that Raja cannot be compared to Mozart. Raja is above all that and beyond comparison. Believe me.
- From: Senthil (@
on: Fri Apr 24 03:17:35 EDT 1998
Well, that's the way IR should be compared. In TFM forum, the first ever genuine comparison for IR composer Vs composer rather than with Sound Engineers & Sythesizer Users ;-)
- From: Viswa (@ webgate7.mot.com)
on: Fri Apr 24 06:55:42 EDT 1998
Of late, I find that IR is also using a lot of synth in his orchestration. Acc. to me, they end up spoiling the song on many occasions. For instance, in the song "Ennai thAlatta varuvALO" in KM, the use of synth actually spoilt the flow in the orchestration. So, going by many of the songs of IR these days, I fear that he is also going the way the others are, by succumbing to the "demand" for synthetic music.
IR sounds best in his compositions with natural instruments.
- From: Swami (@ gamma2.uta.edu)
on: Fri Apr 24 15:30:57 EDT 1998
In my opinion Karthik Raja has spoilt the orchestration style of IR. If look back starting from say Kanmani, IR's style has radically changed. His mesmerizing flute interlude's, violin pieces are no more. Its pretty sad to note this.
Its all because KR got associated with IR.
- From: Dev Mannemela (@ tide14.microsoft.com)
on: Fri Apr 24 16:10:16 EDT 1998
That is one of the complaints I had about IR's orchestration in 90s. Awful, harsh synth sounds..
end up spoiling good tunes (ex: songs from Sati Leelavathi and plenty of others..).. Same thing with "Ennai Thalattu". Lousy orchestration spoiling
a wonderful tune.. I heard the same sounds in some Kartick Raja songs (Grahan for example)..
But I don't think KR should get all the blame, bcos the MD should have the final authority on the music..
- From: Nithin (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Fri Apr 24 17:52:28 EDT 1998
Thanks. It is time we started lifting up our music and our geniuses rather than claiming that Ramanujam cannot be a genius mathematician since he happens to be an Indian.
Again, it is my firm belief, Raja is what Ramanujam is for mathematics. Raja is truly a genius and maybe beyond the levels of Mozart, Bach or Beethoven. There are some complicated orchestrations achieved in western classical music, I accept, but there are equally complex song arrangements and melodies which Raja has pulled off from thin air several hundred times!
- From: gOpAl (@ 1cust48.tnt1.sarasota.fl.gt.uu.net)
on: Fri Apr 24 23:53:35 EDT 1998
Good shot Nithin.
- From: Madhan (@
on: Sat Apr 25 09:25:21 EDT 1998
Tamizhanai azhippadharkku thamizhanaey podhum -
Don' t even try to compare IR with anybody else.
Pannaipurathhil pirandha paavathhirkku,
engal Raasaiyyaavai, mel naattu medhaigaludan oppittu paarppadhu periyya kuttram -\
Try doing this - go and tell a Bengali that Shakespeare is(was) a greater poet than Tagore , or, Gandhi was a better leader than Netaji - see how he or she reacts - probably you would get a sound firing if not thrashing.
Try the same with anybody from Maharashtra about Harbanshrai Bachhan and you would get the same reaction.
Please note I am not trying to bring regionalistic biases to the fore - my question is very simple -
WHY do we have to belittle ourselves ?
MICROSOFT WINDOWS , I was told was deigned by a team comprising many Indians, i don't know how far this is true .
The movie TITANIC has many elements which we have already seen in many MGR's movies and also many of our older movies - especially the scene where the hero is handcuffed in the lower deck and the heroine Winslet rescues him and instead of running from that part of the sinking ship, both spend a few minutes talking romance to each other - true Indian movie style.The point is evrything melai naattu sarakku need not be great.
Raaja's fame may never reach the Music galleries of the West - Subramanya Bharatiyar's "Nalladhor veenai seidhaen " never reached Oxford or Cambridge , J.C.Bose's wireless invention never got the recognition it deserved - I can list HAZAAR things similarly.
the bottomline is this : LET Indians not speak low of ourselves.
- From: pg (@ client-116-28.bellatlantic.net)
on: Sat Apr 25 12:19:58 EDT 1998
A LOT of Indians worked on Windows 95 as is evident from the easter egg for Windows 95. I have forgotten how to reach the easter egg but you can find that out probably in www.zdnet.com
- From: sree (@ viveka.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Sat Apr 25 14:14:53 EDT 1998
Hi Madhan,
Seriyakka sonnerkal.Hope Himanshu is satisfied with all these replies.
- From: Swami (@
on: Sat Apr 25 17:39:30 EDT 1998
Its has been a fsahion to praise to aliens even if they do things which is not really worthwile rather than appreciating important indelible things done by Indians, more precisely south Indians. Its obvious even in this forum. Come on people lets salute and appreciate a man who has gone to the extent of composing a symphony to the RPH, rather than telling he is not worthy.
- From: Swami (@
on: Sat Apr 25 17:40:00 EDT 1998
Its has been a fsahion to praise the aliens even if they do things which is not really worthwile ,rather than appreciating important, indelible things done by Indians, more precisely south Indians. Its obvious even in this forum. Come on people lets salute and appreciate a man who has gone to the extent of composing a symphony to the RPH, rather than telling he is not worthy.
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