Topic started by Kumar (@ on Fri May 4 11:04:06 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The melodies of MSV are longlived and cherished even today as new. They sound fresh.
ARR, though young in age can be considered as a current day counterpart in composing songs intact with melody, well orchestrated to the mood, giving importance to the lyrical content, the same way MSV did then! I think there is a similarity between the two geniuses.
- Old responses
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue Jun 5 02:03:32 EDT 2001
MSV is LEGENDARY COMPOSERS FOR TFM TO CHERISH - Agreed. But ARR??? At this point I would say NO.
Wait..wait. I'm not saying it because of any prejudice. Think!! how many different kind of Music ARR gave. In other words there were not many chances for ARR to give different kinds of music in TFM. Present days films are having story(?!) of M&B form called as LOVE. Around 80% of the movies ARR got is like this except a few like Roja, Iruvar, Bombay(to some extent) and rhythm.
Almost all films of Shankar are fancy-high budgeted-masala movies. Again you have a "murali" in a director called kadhir who knows nothing other than "pathetic" sad+love. Alaipayuthae is a gimmick. One cannot expect any different music from ARR for such movies.
I would say, Deva, chandrabose, SG got more "different films" than ARR.
In such a situation how can we claim ARR is a Legendary Composer for TFM to cherish. We can say that he has the potential to become so but we cannot, at present, conclude that. Its almost equivalent to say that HJ will overthrow ARR after listening to his one and only album Minnalae.
Or, if this thread is to attempt to single out HCIRFans like what Amma did in this election then I dont want to be P.Chidambaram. I wish to stay out. Let you (HCARRFs and HCIRFs) take the stage and wage your kurukshetra. I just want to add one thing...adding MSV to this attempt by an HCARRF(if so), is like making TMC to join with ADMK. This is really a good approach of consolidation ;-)
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Tue Jun 5 03:11:01 EDT 2001
kupps. that is right. nobody doubts ARR's potential. But he has to do so much. that is true. he can do that. let us hope the best.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jun 5 05:07:32 EDT 2001
Kupps...ARR has attained legendary status for two reasons :
1) Successfully pioneering digital and synthesized music in IFM
2) Making a powerful impact in both North and South.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Tue Jun 5 05:53:13 EDT 2001
...... and also out side India.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue Jun 5 06:11:47 EDT 2001
Successfully pioneering digital is a job of Sound Engineer(i think) but yes! Synthesized Music in IFM is a good point.
Making powerful impact in both North and South, IMHO, should not be a vital criteria for becoming a Legendary Composer For TFM to cherish. It is based on his popularity and does not show he is a legend. Anu Malick is more popular in HFM but i cannot say he is a legend. A legend could be a popular person not the viceversa. But this point cannot be set aside. This is one of the main points that made us (all of us) to say him a legend for TFM to cherish.
MSV(TKR), KVM, IR etc have got umpteen number of chances to score for different situations. But ARR...not even many chances.
I would like to judge a MD for being a Legend for TFM to cherish purely based on their output for different situations. If it happens that ARR does not get anymore such chances then I would say that ARR was a person who had the potential for TFM to cherish and would stop there.
Because a kokku maakkan like me, in future would argue against this like how can you say that, he is legend for TFM to cherish he did not give music for many kind of films like ... etc, in such a situation if i say that had he been given the chance then he would have spoilt it altogether. aattu suraikkai karrikku udhavaadhu argument. In such a situation we cannot concretly say the he is totally wrong because eventhough know that ARR is a potential person he did not worked on such area.
So, let us wait and see. is my answer and it is too early to decide like this.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue Jun 5 06:15:53 EDT 2001
This is one of the main points that made us (all of us) to say him a legend for TFM to cherish.
Should have been
This is one of the main points that will make us (all of us) to say him a potential candidate to make him a legend for TFM to cherish.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Jun 5 21:07:03 EDT 2001
Yes, you have a point.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Wed Jun 6 02:11:49 EDT 2001
CF which point are you talking about??
saying myself as kokku ma(i)kkan???
PS: kokku ma(i)kkan in my vattaara thamizh means edakku madakka keLvi ketpavan a.k.a edakkan. If you want to know what does edakku madakku mean then get a good dictionary for "vattaara thamizh so(t)RkkaL".
- From: kiru (@
on: Wed Jun 6 03:16:52 EDT 2001
Re: Digital music.It is just not sound engineers job. I am taking about recording techniques like delay/echo/reverb etc. There are many cases where IR has used these to a good musical effect. ARR relies on these much more. For eg. kAdhal rOjAve song would not be as effective if it is not for the reverb..actually many songs of ARR fall under this category. Reverb as a sound engineering technique has been exploited for musical effects in the 'New Age' genre. ARR has followed this genre and has used this technique to considerable advantage. It enhances the singing and provides a very nice effect.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Wed Jun 6 03:47:49 EDT 2001
"MSV(TKR), KVM, IR etc have got umpteen number of chances to score for different situations. But ARR...not even many chances...."
Kupps..going by your standard...Deva and SAR, Sirpi will become living legend !
IR is a living legend...agreed...ARR has also attained legendary status bcos of changing the whole trend of IFM...both in Hindi and South...I think there is no point in arguiing over this as it is obvious and evident...
- From: Kupps (@
on: Wed Jun 6 04:12:44 EDT 2001
no cosmician, that is not my point...had that been then except HJ, PM(Praveen Mani) all will qualify to become living legend. I just wanted to use names of "actual", "accepted" legends of TFM and use their chances and output as touch-stone for ARR (imo, legend-aspirant) and his output thats all.
You quote a point and say that ARR has attained that status and I quote the same point ask for some more output and hence could not say that. I think then it will be difficult to convince either of us, you too have told that.
Anyway, if ARR attains[ ;-) ] that fete then that is great, u see he has lot of potential ;-))
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Wed Jun 6 21:12:56 EDT 2001
I appriciate your opinion on ARR's status as legend. He has got a long way to go. But, is it his fault not getting enough challenging projects like what MSV and IR got in their peak times. Now, the trend has changed. 20, 30 years ago, people used to cry and observe grief for several days over their beloved's death. Now a days it's not so. They just don't have time. Not, that they don't love any more. Those emotional and sentimental feelings are becomming far less now a days. So is the case of films. Every thing in films are becoming standard procedure oriented. You don't have much to explore in these sort of standardised filmi-formula.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Thu Jun 7 01:09:51 EDT 2001
yes. your points are valid. but i'm not saying whose fault is there in 'ARR is not getting such varied chances'.
you say that present days people have no time for having same amount of emotions and sentiment. It is true in urban area. Still i think it is the same old rural area. Over the years we(urbans!) distanced ourselves from the rurals and think that all has changed a lot. But the rural has not changed so drastically as we think. So I think if ARR gets a chance to tune for a rural sentiment film then we can count on that and see how is his output. This is one area.
Agreed, we need producers and directors to come up with such things. What I am saying is if they don't come-up then we cannot CONCLUDE ARR as a legend for TFM to cherish, thats all. This is nothing to belittle ARR. If ARR is of such calibre then it is infact the loss to TFM not to him.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Thu Jun 7 17:36:41 EDT 2001
How do you measure a legend ?
1) Is a legend a specialist ?
For eg. Bruce Lee is considered a legend bcos of his martial arts films..but then as an actor does he compare with the world's greats ? But still he is a legend bcos of the impact he made with his films though it was only a handful of films.
Then definitely ARR is a legend in IFM !
2) Is a legend popular and consistent scorer ?
Don Bradman or Pele are considered legends..the latter still living...even Mohammed Ali..then IR is definitely a living legend...
ARR's name is still popular and his music is awaited and it sells.
3) Is a Legend a Revolutionary ?
IR is definitely a revolutionary..there was an innate creativity and originality in his compositions...ARR has proved no less in the digital era..
4) Is a Legend the one who is remembered when a subject is being discussed from the legend's field of contribution ?
Eg. If the subject of discussion is "Major Trends in TFM" 50 years from now..what are the names that will come up ? MSV, IR, ARR....etc.
Then the above 3 are legends.
- From: SAITAN (@ ce1.time.net.my)
on: Wed Jul 25 12:51:46 EDT 2001
- From: poosari (@
on: Wed Jul 25 13:18:00 EDT 2001
dai loosu paitheeyam - nee thapa inge vandute.....nalla murnga marama pathu eruda...iilai vepilai adipom jagarathai.
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Thu Jul 26 00:44:55 EDT 2001
Not only MSV and ARR, KVM, VK, IR, SG and CB are also legendary composers.
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